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Moonology Guidance

Discover How To Use The Moon Phase Energy To Your Benefit

30 min
66 Canadian dollars

Service Description

Each Phase Of The Moon Emits An Energy Which Can Be Harmonized With & Used To Benefit Your Daily Life In Connection To The 28 Day Cycle Of The Moon | Luna. As The Moon Rules Over The Element Of Water In Humans & On The Planet It Is Important To Understand How To Work With this Energy To Maintain Balance. To Also Understand The Messages Within Connecting To The Energy Emitted from The Moon As It Shifts In Cycle. You Can Learn More About This Under The Moonology Section On The Courses Page Or Through The Podcast | Higher Education Kxo Now Available On Spotify. This 1 On 1 Session Will Be For Any Questions You May Have In Regards To Using Moonology & Working With The Energy In Harmony Based On The Information I've Studied & Experienced Within My Journey & Human Experience. This Will Be A Session That Is Available To All That Wish To Receive Energy Shifting & Transformation Using Moonology. For Womb Work & Understanding Your Own Rhythm & Cycles In Connection To This Beautiful Luminary | Divine Feminine Celestial Essence Within You & In The Stellar | Universal | Galactic Gateway Connected To The Divine Source Gateway.

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