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47 items found for "Moon"

  • Quartz Crystals

    a-quick-guide-what-crystals-cannot-go-in-water Putting Your Crystals Out In The Earth Element To Bathe Under The Sun & Moon Chakra Crown Chakra Soul Star Chakra- Oversoul Stellar Gateway Universal - Galactic Gateway (Coming Soon ) Divine Gateway (Coming Soon) Learn About The Other Crystals, Minerals & Gemstones Available Within

  • The 12 Laws Of Karma

    To Self Discovery | Development Scroll To The Astrology | Moonology From The Sun & The Moon, The Way It Affects Us, Our Emotions. The Moon Phases Connect To The Stock Market| Crypto Currency | The Trillion Dollar Financial Exchange Use The Element Of Fire Or Water To Release What You Wrote Down Under The Last Quarter Moon Or The Full Moon.

  • My Creative Process; Clear. Charge. Amplify. Gemjewellerykxo - Sacred Practice

    Crystals Used For Creation Are Cleared As Needed; With Sacred Herbs, The Sun- The Fire Element Or The Moon

  • 15 + Chakras - Brief Overview - My Experience

    Peach Moonstone. The Causal Chakra-Rainbow Bridge-The In Between-A#-Moon Black Moonstone- Larvikite. Rainbow Moonstone. Clear Quartz. Selenite. post/astronomy-vs-astrology The Luminaries Moonology 88 Constellations -

  • The Chakra's - Prana - Life Force Energy

    The Sun Is A Luminary Planet, Like The Moon. You Can Learn More About This In The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Sun & Moon. The Geometric Form Representing The Ether Is The Crescent Moon. The Colour Moon White Activate This Chakra By Playing The Note A Sharp On The Keyboard. All Of The Planets Including The Luminaries - The Sun & The Moon.

  • Spiritual Journeying - A Path To Self Discovery

    I Was Studying More, Learning More About The Goddess Energy, The Moon Cycles, The Universal Elements While I Was In Dominican Republic During A Super Full Moon. Calculate Your Numbers Or You Can Learn To Calculate Your Own Numbers In my Numerology Course Coming Soon What Constellation Paired Up With The Moon? This Is Considered Your Moon Sign.

  • The Sacral Chakra

    Peach Moonstone. Sirshasana - Single Legged Forward Bend Badha-kosasana - Bound Angle Pose Chandrasana - Kneeling Crescent Moon

  • The Crown Chakra

    Moonstone. White Howlite. Blue Goldstone. Clear Quartz. Rutilated Quartz. Rainbow Fluorite. si=OiOICM3wSJ6bqvqKHwN8bA Sahasrara Yoga Poses High Namaskar Ardha-chandrasana - Half Moon Pose Vrischikasana Ardha-chandrasana - Half moon pose Stand erect with your feet 2-4in (5-10cm) apart.

  • H20 Vs H302 - Living Water

    challenges H20 The Human Body Is Made Up Of Water The Element Of Water Is Ruled By The Luminary; The Moon The Moon & The Water Element Are Connected To The Sacral Chakra; Our Creative Centre. The Food Industry Which I Get Into In The Conscious Consumption Blog Post Coming Soon. Note: Transfer Your Food Out Of Plastic & Into Glass As Soon As You Wash It, The Food Will Last Longer

  • Brain Wave States

    This Brainwave State Lowers Stress & Anxiety Levels Improves Mood. Sleep Cycles. Memory. Full Blog Posts On The Other Chakras Coming Soon Subscribe To The Blog For Updates . Its Associated With The 13 Cycles Of The Moon A Day Of Enlightenment. 1 - Independence. Cycles Of The Moon - Menstruation. Perfect Timing As It Is The Solar Eclipse - The New Moon In Libra A Time Of Release & Balance.

  • Fuel The Vessel Based On Frequency & The Chakras

    They Also Harmonize With All Of The Elements | The Sun - Fire The Moon - Water. It Impacts Our Energy Levels, Our Moods, Our Feelings, Our Physical Vessel Etc. Challenges In Mind, In Body | All Layers, In Soul | Decoding For Evolution With Numerology | Astrology | Moonology The Moon. The Constellations. The Numbers. Everything Emits Frequency.

  • The Throat Chakra

    The Geometric Form Representing The Ether Is The Crescent Moon.

  • Gemjewellerykxo Jewelry Material Disclosure

    With Sacred Herbs, The Sun & Moon Or The Elements Learn More About Cleansing & Clearing Your Crystals As Soon As The Energy Comes Into Your Auric Field; If You Are Wearing Metals; Like Gold, Copper, Steel

  • The Elements

    Time Of The Year: Summer Time Of The Day: Noon Direction: South Tarot: Wands Energy: Protective Moonstone. Amethyst Geodes- Icosahedron Formation Chakra Sacral - Swadhisthana Colours Blue. Aqua. Walks By The Lake, Oceans, River, Pond.Aligning With The Moon Phases.

  • The Universal Laws

    Our Consciousness Levels During The Eclipses

  • Tigers Eye

    A Chatoyant Mineral To Find Out More About What This Means Click Here ---> chatoyant Learn More About Tigers Eye SiO

  • The Third Eye Chakra

    Star Gazing - Moon Gazing - Sun Gazing This Will Flush The Channel Of Energy & Will Force Entrainment To Learn About The Universal Laws Take A Peak At The Blog Post Titled; The Universal Laws COMING SOON

  • The Auric Field

    Similar To Our Moon Sign In Astrology. The Anandamaya Kosha Carries A Subtle Presence.

  • Transmute Energy Using Crystal Frequency. Sacred Herbs. Sound. The Power Of The Spoken Word.

    Allowed It To Clear With The Moon & The Sun The Next Morning. 2nd Instance With The Crystal Labradorite

  • Peach Moonstone

    Feldspar Made Of Potassium Aluminum Silicate It Fosters Creativity & Intuition. Great For Gemini Zodiac Signs Connected To Activating & Bringing Balance To The Sacral Chakra

  • The Power Of Colour

    Coming Soon. Sign Up As A Member On The Website To Receive Notifications On Blog Posts. Coming Soon. Certain Colours Are An Instant Mood Booster. Many People Have Experienced This When They Have An Instant Shift In Mood After Seeing The Beautiful It Improves Mood, Promotes Lightness, Stimulates Sexuality, But Can Also Stimulate Superficiality.

  • Crystal Placement; Giving & Receiving Energy

    Our Mood. For The Entire Design Of Our Life. Habits Can Be Changed As Soon As We Become Aware Of Them. Changes Always Require Time. Improving Mood. Crystals Like: Moonstone. Peach Moonstone. Sunstone. Bronzite. Carnelian. Orange Calcite.

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