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69 items found for "Chakra"

  • Copper

    -Connected To The Sacral Chakra. Taurus & Sagittarius In The Zodiac.

  • Prehnite

    Ca 2 Al(AlSi 3 O 10 )(OH) 2 Learn More About Prehnite - Geology

  • Blue Tourmaline - Indicolite (Limited)

    Ca,K,Na,)(Al,Fe,Li,Mg,Mn)3(Al,Cr,Fe,V)6 (BO3)3(Si,Al,B)6O18(OH,F)4[1][2] Repeating Formula Of Tourmaline Learn More About Indicolite -Brazilian Sapphire

  • Black Tourmaline

    Ca,K,Na, ▢)(Al,Fe,Li,Mg,Mn)3(Al,Cr,Fe,V)6 (BO3)3(Si,Al,B)6O18(OH,F)4[1][2] Repeating Formula Of Tourmaline Elemental Information - Composition Learn More About Black Tourmaline

  • Peach Moonstone

    Great For Gemini Zodiac Signs Connected To Activating & Bringing Balance To The Sacral Chakra

  • Peruvian Pink Opal (Rare)

    SiO2·nH2O Learn More About Pink Peruvian Opal,deposits%20of%20the%20Andean%20mountain%20range%2C%20in%20Peru.

  • Hematite

    Learn More About Hematite Rhombohedral Structure Fe2O3

  • Smoky Quartz

    SiO2 Learn More About Smoky Quartz To Order A Jewelry Piece With Smoky Quartz That Isn't Available In The Inventory Start The Custom Design Process By Looking At The Options Available

  • Mahogany Obsidian

    Volcanic Glass. Silicon Dioxide. Iron. Magnesium. Hematite. Magnetite Learn More About Mahogany Obsidian To Order A Jewelry Piece With Mahogany Obsidian That Isn't Available In The Inventory Start The Custom Design Process By Looking At The Options Available Contact Directly

  • Crystal Placement; Giving & Receiving Energy

    Zeal Point & Third Eye Chakras Head Pieces Will Connect Closely With Your Crown Chakra. Solar Plexus Chakra. Mars. Index: Air. Heart Chakra. Jupiter. Middle: Ether. Throat Chakra. Saturn. Root Chakra. The Sun. Pinky: Water. Sacral Chakra. Mercury. /post/chakra-basis Chakra - Prana - Life Force Energy Chakra Quizzes To Determine Which Chakras Need Balancing.

  • The Power Of Colour

    The Throat Chakra. The Higher Heart - Thymus Chakra. The Throat Chakra. Just Like The Root Chakra & The Crown Chakra & All Of The Other Chakras In Between. The Colour Red & The Root Chakra Vibrates Slower Than The Rest Of The Chakras. It Is Connected To The Sacral Chakra. The Chakra Of Pleasure & Creation. The Colour White Is Connected To The Crown Chakra & The Causal Chakra.

  • Quartz Crystals

    The Tetrahedron; Connected To The Element Of Fire, The Colour Yellow; Connected To The Solar Plexus Chakra Transmute Energy Learn About The Chakras The Auric Field 15 Chakras - Brief Overview The Chakras - Prana Life Force Energy Root Chakra Sacral Chakra Hara Line Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra Heart Chakra Higher Heart - Thymus Chakra Throat Chakra Zeal Point Chakra Causal Chakra Third Eye Chakra Crown Chakra Soul Star Chakra- Oversoul Stellar Gateway

  • The Auric Field

    The Heart Chakra & The Sacral Chakra The Astral Plane. Connected To Our Third Eye Chakra. The Ajna Chakra. The Celestial Body. Chakra The Ketheric Template. Chakra -528hz Anahata - Heart Chakra - 639hz Vishuddha - Throat Chakra - 741hz Ajna - Third Eye Chakra q=Chakra&type=blogs

  • The Elements

    Index Finger - Air Element - Heart Chakra Middle Finger - Spirit -Ether Element - Throat Chakra Ring Finger - Earth Element - Root Chakra Pinky Finger - Water Element - Sacral Chakra Learn More About The Chakras On The Blog. Learn About Each Chakra Individually Or Learn About All Of The Chakra Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Course Is Now Available. https : The Throat - The 3rd Eye - The Crown Chakra The Zeal Point Chakra - The Causal Chakra The Transpersonal

  • Manifestation Techniques

    Manifest With Affirmations & The Chakras: The Root Chakra - I Am.. The Sacral Chakra - I Feel.. . I Speak With Calm & Clear Communication With Connection From My Sahasrara Chakra, My Ajna Chakra & Vishuddha Chakra. The Heart Chakra - Anahata - 639Hz - Green 5.

  • The Clair Senses - Beyond The 5 Senses

    Connected To The Third Eye Chakra. Clairaudience - Clear Hearing Connected To The Throat Chakra. .  Vibrations Occurring In Between The Third Eye Chakra, The Zeal Point Chakra, Causal Chakra & Throat Chakra Connected To The Solar Plexus Chakra.   Claircogniance - Clear Knowing Connected To The Crown Chakra This is when we have knowledge of people

  • Crystal Selection Properties - Available With Gemjewellerykxo

    Learn About The Auric Field Below The Auric Field ( ) Crystals That Fuel The Chakras Below I Showcase How To Choose Crystals Based On The Chakras Within The Energy Centres Of The Body Choose A Crystal Based On The Colour Spectrum In Connection To The Chakras Learn More About The Chakras Brief Overview 15 + Chakras - Brief Overview - My Experience ( ) In Depth The Chakra's Section | Chakras Browse The Blog Post Within This Section To Learn More Courses | GEMJEWELLERYKXO Chakra

  • Spiritual Journeying - A Path To Self Discovery

    /post/chakra-basis Browse The Blog & Read About The Chakras That "Call To You". The Soul Star Chakra & Your Oversoul Chakra. Includes A Chakra Test. Chakra - 528Hz Anahata - Heart Chakra -639Hz Vishuddha - Throat Chakra - 741Hz Ajna - Third Eye Chakra Whether Its From Root Chakra To Crown Chakra Or Crown To Root.

  • The Map Of Consciousness

    Learn More About The Chakras Through Our Program ; Chakra Education | Activation | Balancing Techniques Working With Your Root Chakra | The Foundation To Our Being. Root Chakra Education | Balancing Techniques During All Chakras Will Be Affected As When One Goes Out Of Alignment They All Do. My Experience.   For A Full

  • Conscious Consumption

    Learn bout Your Chakras, In Specific;\The Solar Plexus Chakra. Learn More About The Chakras In The Courses Page Read The Blog Post Titled; 15+ Chakras - Brief Overview - Brief Overview .   Chakra Education & Techniques Program Learn In Depth About The Main Chakras Within The Body Determine Which Chakras Are Open, Overactive Based On My Experience With The Chakras

  • Harness The Energy Of The Moon Phases

    Third Eye Chakra. Crown Chakra. Rainbow Moonstone Adualescence. Rainbow BodyOf Light. Activation Of All Chakras. Vitality. Optimism. Inner Peace. Life force. Exuberant Joy. Emitting All Of The Same Energies As Moonstone Does But; It Works Closely With The Sacral Chakra. Earth Star Chakra. Root Chakra. Third Eye Chakra. White Moonstone The Stone Of Love & Fertility. A Crown Chakra Crystal Harness The Power Of The Moon Phases With Pure Intention. Inner Knowing.

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