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Embody Your Divine Essence With Crystal Frequency

Citrine Quartz; The Positivity Stone. A Stone For Joy.

Manifestation. Abundance. Wealth. Prosperity. 


A Quartz Crystal That Brings High Virational Energies To The Auric Field The Layers Of The Aura, The Chakras; The Energy Centres Within. 


Learn More AboutThe Auric Field & The Chakras With HigherEducationKxo


High Vibrational Cleared. Charged. Amplified Citrine Quartz

Adjustable Ring & Stud Earrings Set


Learn More About The Creative Process With Higher Education Kxo

Learn More About Quartz Crystals & Citrine Quartz With

Higher Education Kxo


Stainless Steel Stud Earring Posts

Silver Color Band

Authentic Citrine Quartz

Citrine Quartz Ring/Stud Earring Set

C$144.44 Regular Price
C$115.56Sale Price
Excluding GST/HST

Autumnal Equinox

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