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The Earth Star Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Also Known As Vasundhara In Sanskrit

"Daughter Of The Earth"

Listen To The Sound Frequency 68.05 Hz & Earth; Ground Yourself Barefoot

To Activate The Vasundhara Chakra Beneath The Feet

The Colour Connection To This Chakra Is Muddy Brown

Once Activated It Becomes Magenta In The Centre

Connected To The Mineral Kingdom.

The Earth Star Chakra Sits Below The Feet,

We Receive Energy From Earth Through The Soles Of Our Feet.

Your Foot Pads Create An Energy Bridge That Connect The Electromagnetic Frequencies Of Earth Directly To Your Body. Your Soles Act As Regulators That Allow Energy In And Out As They Plug Earth's Energy Directly Into The Nerve Endings On The Underside Of The Feet. Like An Umbilical Cord Carrying Nutrients To A Fetus, This Energy Moves Through Your Body's Circuitry, Carrying Nutrient-Rich Earth Energy To All Your Limbs, Organs, Muscles, Bones, Joints, And Systems.

If You Follow The Cord From This Chakra Into The Body, You'll Find That It Connects All The Way Up To The Hara Line & The Microcosmic Orbit.

The Earth Star, Running Down The Sushumna Into The Ground, Is A Link Between The Hara, Which Is Identified With Identity, Grounding & Umbilical Functions.

Since The Soles Of The Feet Have Nerve Endings That Connect To The Entire Body And All Of Its Organs And Systems, The Grounding Earth Star Chakra Plays A Crucial Role In Linking Earth's Energy To All Of The Body's Senses;

Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Touch & Extrasensory Perception.

Illness and Disease Are Not Directly Correlated With The Earth Star Chakra, However, Since This Vortex Is Under Your Feet, It's Important To Note That Some Of The Elements That Contribute To Your Health Exist Right Beneath You.

The Soil From The Earth Contains Dense Micro And Macronutrients That Are Filtered Into The Human Body.

This Is Through Foods That Come Directly From The Earth Source Through Consumption Or Direct Absorption From The Earth Star Chakra. General Awareness And Mindfulness Of What You Consume And Where It Comes From (Organic Food Instead Of Chemically Sprayed Or Genetically Modified Food, For Example, As Well As Processed Foods Or Foods Made By Man Created In A Lab For Profit; Consisting Of Chemicals Harmful To The Mental, emotional & Physical Bodies.

Eating Food Directly From The Source Will Benefit Your Immune System And Have Great Long Term Impacts On Your Health.

About 60 Percent Of The Human Body Is Made Up Of Microbes; Bacteria, Fungi And Single-Celled Organisms, Which Comprise Your Microbiome-A Critical Player In Every Human Beings Health. These Microbes Affect Your Metabolism, Immune System, And Emotional Well-Being, So It's Essential They Get The Nutrients They Need, For Optimal Health.

Earthing Is A Technique To Connect With The Earth Star Chakra

Planting Your Hands & Soles On The Ground As The Receptors In Our Hands & Feet Will Neutralize With The Earth. We Can Also Release Negative Energies Back Into The Earth & The Earth will Neutralize This Energy As Energy Never Dies It Only Transforms.

When We Do This We Are Reconnecting The Human Body To The Earth Surface Electrons;

This Also Helps Us To Connect To The Earth; Mother Gaia & The Akasha.

The Akashic Records Within The Earth Star.

It Also Brings Healing From The Ground Up With The Earth Through The Soles Of The Feet.

It Brings Life Force Energy To Us From All Of The Minerals Within The Earth Star.

A Vast Amount Of Electrons Within The Earth Star

As Electromagnetic Earth Beings We Need To Connect With The 5 Elements

To Live An Optimal Life.

2 Of The Elements; Earth & Fire

The Earth Is Magnetic

The Sun Is Electric

Making Us Electromagnetic Beings Of The Earth.

Learn About The Other Elements Were Connected With;

The Earth Star Chakra Is Connected With The Akashic Records Of Mother Gaia.

This Chakra Is Connected To Information From The Past.

The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors & Collective Consciousness.

The Gateway To Inner Earth.

Our Connection To Mother Gaia & Her Crystalline Iron Core.

The Ground Spirits. The Gem Microbial.

A Greater Awareness Within The Harmonics Of The Natural World, Including The Entire Earth.

Earth Itself Is A Crystal Grid.

With Its Own Chakra System.

The Particles Of The Earth Star Chakra Connect Us To The Many Layers Of Earth, And The Chakras Purpose Is To Connect Us To The Wisdom Of Mother Earth As A Whole

Most People Are Disconnected To Nature In Our Society Today;

As We Are Surrounded By Buildings & Spend Most Of Our Time Inside Of Them.

Everyone Is Wearing Shoes That Disconnect Us From These Minerals Within The Earth.

We No Longer Walk Barefoot As Our Ancestors Once Did.

The Materials Used In Our Everyday Shoes Create A Disconnection.

They Do Not Allow The Soles Of Our Feet To Receive The Energy From The Earth;

To Provide A Direct Connection Allowing Us To Access The Benefits Of The Mineral Kingdom,

The Information That We Were Once Able To Receive & Connect To Just By Walking On The Land.

Our Ancestors Could Walk On The Land & Receive Information Intuitively Through A Direct Connection

From Source Energy; Beneath The Feet & Above Through The Ether - The Quantum Field In Connection To

The Over Soul, Soul Star, Crown & Third Eye Chakra.

These Days The Majority Of People Are Disconnected.

People Are Not Well Because They Aren't Getting Enough Of The Major Elements.

Conscious Consumption Of The Elements Is Crucial For Optimal Health

Energetically Which Translates To The Physical Experience

Learn More About The Energy Body In Connection To The Physical Body In The Blog Post Titled; The Auric Field.

The Information Showcasing The Connection Or Disconnection

With The Earth Can Now Be Measured Through Technology.

Where You Can Measure The Energy Being Passed Through The Body When Walking Barefoot On The Earth Vs When Wearing The Shoes That Disconnect Us.

Within Katelynn Samuels Designs

I Aim To Create Beautiful Sustainable Shoes That Not Only Help Us To Reconnect With This Chakra But That Amplify The Energy Through Crystal Frequency Based On My Wisdom & Knowledge Of The Energy Centres & The Stable Energies Within Crystals.

Learn More About The Energy We Receive & Transmit Through The Feet & Hands

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Bronzite. Snowflake Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Black Tourmaline. Hematite.

Smoky Quartz. Dalmatian Jasper. Picture Jasper.

The Earth Is Not Only A Beautiful Crystal Grid In Itself, Alot Of The Earth Is Undiscovered.

Here Is A Picture Of Land & Oceans Beyond What Is Known To Most.

Open. Activate. Balance. Align. The Chakras Within The Body

Shop The Chakra Collection

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