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The Throat Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Also Known As Vishuddha In Sanskrit

In Sanskrit : Vishuddha Means Purity

Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra

Vibrates at 741Hz.

Activates To The Tone HAM.

Listening To The Sound Frequency 741 Hz Will Help You To Connect With Your Throat Chakra.

It Will Activate This Chakra & Help To Keep It Open & Moving Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

When You Add In Visualization Techniques; While Listening To The Resonance Of The Correlating

Sound Frequency The Activation & Balancing Enhances.

The Throat Chakra Is Connected To The Colour Blue.

Visualizing In The Minds Eye An Energy Ball Of Blue Light; Circulating In Flow

Attuned To The Sound Frequency 741 Hz Will Help To Open, Balance & Activate Your Throat Chakra.

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Easily Be Able To See

The State Of The Chakras Through Visualization Techniques.

Something I Have Experienced.

When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize How

To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake.

Through Conscious Consumption In Mind & In Body.

Conscious Consumption Of The Colour Blue Will Help To Bring This Chakra Into Balance.

Wearing The Colour Blue.

Eating The Colour Blue; As Long As Its A Natural Resource Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With This Colour Will Help You To Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance.

Organic & Unsprayed Non Toxic Foods.

Throat Chakra Balancing Foods; Blueberries. Blue Raspberries.

Red Cabbage. Black Berries. Passion Fruit.

Honey. Herbal Teas. Kelp.

All Foods That Are Blue - Naturally Derived From The Earth Or Foods That Help With Soothing The Throat.

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Using Crystals In Another Way To Activate & Bring The Chakras Into Balance.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Throat Chakra :

Aquamarine. Amazonite. Turquoise. Blue Peruvian Opal. Labradorite.

Indicolite- Blue Tourmaline. Blue Tigers Eye. Sodalite.

Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra

This Chakra Gives You The Energy To Hear & Speak.

Is All About Speaking Our Authentic Truth.

The Goal Of The Throat Chakra Is Deep Communication, Artistic Development & Self Expression.

The Vishuddha Chakra Is Associated With The Element Ether.

Depicted With A Sixteen Petal Lotus Flower.

The Geometric Form Representing The Ether Is The Crescent Moon.

The Throat Chakra In Consciousness; Is All About Communicating With Others. Not Just Talking Or Just Listening. Calm, Clear Communication.

The Throat Chakra Is The Communication Centre Of The Subtle Body.

It Enables You To Listen Deeply, As Well As To Speak With Conviction.

The Throat Chakra Governs The Region In Your Throat And Laryngeal Plexus.

It Governs Your Neck, Oesophagus, Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Vocal Cords, Trachea, Cervical Spine,

The Seven Vertebrae In Your Neck, Mouth, Teeth & Gums. Hypothalamus, Tonsils, Ears & Auditory System.

When The Heart Chakra Is Out Of Balance. Over Active. Under Active. In Balance.

You Will Experience Different Things Physically, Mentally & Emotionally As Follows.

Out Of Balance

Impedes Communication Between The Heart & Mind. It May Block The Feelings That Arise In Your Heart, You May Not Think Things Through & Speak Too Impulsively Or Irrationally When You're Out Of Balance In This Chakra. Speaking Too Fast. Speaking Without Thinking. Just Talking To Talk.

Open Throat Chakra

When The Throat Chakra Is Open; Ideas, Hopes & Dreams That Come From Your Ajna Chakra - The Third Eye Chakra Can Be "Taken To Heart" & Articulated. The Energy Within This Chakra Is All Language,

Not Emotions. The Vishuddha Can Express Blessings & Sweet Words. It Can Also Enable You To Articulate Negativity If You Are Feeling Blocked, So Its Important To Keep Its Energy Pure And Open.

Blocked Throat Chakra

When The Energy Of The Throat Chakra Is Blocked, You May Be Prone To Frequent Sore Throats, Speech Impediments, Eating Disorders, Deafness, Tightness Of The Jaw, Teeth Clenching, Thyroid Imbalance. Your Communication May Become Distorted. You Might Lie Without Realizing It.


Improving Your Communication And Creativity. Strengthening Skills Such As Public Speaking, Singing, Dancing. Developing Your Inner Voice. Making Your Voice, Face & Body More Expressive. Working With The Throat Chakra Develops Your


You Are Timid & Scared To Express Yourself. You Are Afraid To Speak, To Sing In Public. You Over React To Loud Sounds. Your Voice May Be Too Soft, Whiney, Crack Frequently, Or You May Speak Monotone. You Seem Unsure Of What You Are Saying. You Stutter Or Have A Speech Impediment. You Are Hearing Impaired Or Tone Deaf. Your Vocabulary Is Limited. You May Have Difficulty In Learning Foreign Languages Or Playing A Musical Instrument.

In Balance

You Are Able To Communicate With Others In An Honest And Open Manner. You Are Able To Recognize & Freely Express Your Truths, Creativity, And Emotional Needs Without Fear Of What Others Might Think. You Are Fully Able To Communicate With Others, As Deep Listening Is Also Linked To The Energy Of The Throat Chakra.

Shop The Chakra Collection

Unblocking The Throat Chakra;

Requires You To Be Caring & Sympathetic.

Breathing Exercises Balance The Throat Chakra.

The Humming Breathe Exercise Improves Concentration, Memory & Confidence.

The Humming Breath

Sit in a comfortable meditation position.

Close your ears with your thumbs to make your inner silence more profound.

Keeping your mouth and lips gently sealed, tighten the glottis at the back of your throat.

Remember to keep your head erect and relay your neck muscles,

Inhale strongly through both of your nostrils, vibrating the soft palate and making a snoring sound. The snoring inhalation energizes your throat. Some people describe this as the sound you make when you are trying to clear your throat. Yoga scriptures liken it to the buzzing of a large black bumblebee.

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