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The Zodiac | Astrology Meanings Breakdown

Updated: 1 day ago

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Astrology Breakdown

Astronomy Vs Astrology

In Depth Blog Post

Keep In Mind There Are Many Types Of Astrology & When You Bring All Of Your Charts Together It Paints A More Detailed Picture To Who You Are

The Types of Astrology I Use ;

1.Western | Tropical System

2.Vedic | Sidereal | Lahiri System

3. Chinese Astrology

4.Mayan | Mesoamerica

5. Galactic Astrology

If You Would Like Guidance On Your Astrology Charts, I'm Happy To Help.

The Planets Rule The Days Of The Week

Monday - The Moon

Tuesday - Mars

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn

Sunday - The Sun

How I Remember This Information As This Is The Energy Surrounding The Week.

Monday - Moon Day. Ruled By The Moon.

In French Tuesday Is Mardi. Italian Martedi - Mars.

Wednesday Is Mercredi Italian Mercolodi- Ruled by Mercury.

Thursday Is Jeudi In French Ruled By Jupiter.

Friday Is Vendredi -Italian Venerdi - Venus.

Saturday You Will Easily Remember That Saturn Rules This Day Of The Week

 Than The Sun Rules Sunday.

Keep The Planets In Mind On The Day Based On Their Energy To Work With The Energy Of The Day As The Energy Is Amplified Based On The Planet & The Cyclical Ideals That Has Been Created & Made Manifest Over The Generation Of Following Within The Matrix.


Planets describe a certain process of what is happening - Mercury- How We Communicate. Venus- How We Love. Saturn Limits, Jupiter Expands.

Constellation in which the planet is located determines how the planet is manifesting itself.

For example Mars may manifest itself in a way Aries would behave (vigorously and irritably) or in the manner of Taurus (more slowly, gradually and consistently)

Houses show special areas of everyday life, in which all this takes place. Location in a house shows whether, for example Mars manifests in relationships (7th house), employment (6th house), family (4th house) or elsewhere.


Planets show us what is happening;

Constellations show us how it is happening;

Houses show us where it is happening.

Make Note Of Where These Placements Are Located In Your Chart. Add Them To Your Member Portal. Each Placement Will Assist You With Your Human Experience Journey As You Self Discover, Develop & Master The Self.

Analyze Your Chart In Connection To The Houses, The Planets & Constellation Pair Ups, The Aspects & The Degrees Which Can Be Decoded With Numerology Energy Meanings.

The Sun Sign

A Luminary - Ruled By Leo - Fire - Masculine -

The Self - Personal Identity. Personality. Independence. Outer Awareness. Focus.

Life Force Energy. Interests. Action. External Sense. Passion. The Sun Helps Us To Shine Light On Fulfilling Our Potential. A Very Healing Element.

The Sun Is The Reason For All Of Creation. It Is The Most Powerful Placement In Our Chart. It Rules Our Inner Core. It Is Our Life Force. It Is The Basis Of Who We Are.

Learn More About The Sun On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Sun & Moon

What's Your Sun Sign?

What Constellations Cross The Ecliptic During Your Time Of Birth?

 I Grew Up Thinking My Sun Sign Was In Sagittarius But This Is Just Based On The Tropical Zodiac. Turns Out Scorpius Also Crosses The Ecliptic In My Chart Based On Vedic Astrology.

Since Diving In Deeper Into Astrology Ive Learned Much More.

According To My Dreams & Further Research The Constellation Ophiuchus Is Also Considered My Sun Sign. When I Decided To Finally Take My Dreams Into Account As Messages & Start Dream Interpretation I Found Out That My Main Sign In My Astrological Chart Is Ophiuchus.

My Identity Revolves Around The Characteristics Of All 3 Constellations.

Take A Look At The Dates That Line Up With Your Date Of Birth In Tropical. Sidereal & Galactic Astrology To See What Your Sun Sign Is. They Are Shown Above In Greater Detail.

The Moon

 A Luminary - Ruled By Cancer - Water- Feminine -

Governs Our Emotions. Our Instincts. Our Inner Feelings. Shows Who We Really Are.

The Moon Is Forever Changing With Her Phases.

The Moon Controls The Tides. Replenishes Our Cells Every 29 Days. Ebbs & Flows.

The Mother. The Root. Internal Instincts. Nurturing.

There Are 8 Moon Shifts Or Phases Of The Moon.

Learn More About Moonology In The Blog Posts Below;

The Power of The Sun & Moon

Harnessing The Energy Of The Moon Phases

What's Your Moon In?

How Do You Show Your Emotions?

My Moon Sign Is In Aquarius & Capricornus Based On Both Tropical & Sidereal Astrology.

Aquarius- Ingenious. Unconventional. Rebellious. Authentic. Detached.

Source Of Contentment- Invention. Community. Creative Work. Humanitarianism.

Capricornus - Conservative. Virtuous. Serious. Reserved. Dependable.

Source Of Contentment- Music. Family. Comedy. Networking.

What Phase Of The Moon Were You Born During?

I Was Born On A Waxing Crescent Moon

A Time Surrounded With The Energy Of Manifestation & Momentum

What Moon Phase Were You Born On?

Find Out Your Moon Placement

Learn More About The Moon Phases

Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Sun & Moon.

Harness The Energy Of The Moon Phases

Utilize The Moonology 101 Guidebook & Journal Now Available For Purchase

In An Ebook & Hardcopy

Ascendant Rising

Governs Our Inner Most Layer. First Impressions. Our Physical Appearance.

One of The Main 3 Signs. The Alignment That Tells You How The World Views You. Our Superficial Aspects. Showing Important Elements Of Our Personality. How We Show Up In Our Daily Lives. How We Relate To Others. It Reveals Our Shadow Selves. How We Find Balance.

Self Awareness. Self Sufficiency. Self Interest. Signifying Your Goals. Your Aims & Objectives.

 It Indicates Your Main Aspects Of Your Creative Powers.

What Constellation Is Your Ascendant In?

My Ascendant Rising Is Also Aquarius & Capricornus.

Making Me A Double Aquarius & Double Capricornus.

I Really Resonate With Both As I Carry A-lot Of The Energy From Both Constellations.

Capricornus - First Impression - Reserved. Serious. Determined. Refined.

Aquarius - First Impression - Creative. Independent. Funny. Quirky.

When People Ask What Are Your Main 3 They Mean Your Sun. Your Moon. Your Ascendant Rising As They Paint A Pretty Good Start To The Picture Of Who You Are. However All Of The Planetary Alignments Bring Key Information & Aspects To Painting A More Complete Picture. Adding Numerology In Is Like Adding The Little Details To The Painting.


 The Planet Of Love. Beauty. Creativity - Ruled By Libra & Taurus - Feminine -

Harmony. Abundance. Pleasure. Luxury. At traction.Values. Principles. The Artist. The Lover. The Goddess Of Peace. What We Consider Beautiful.What We Spend Money On. What We Enjoy. What We Desire From Our Partners ( Love Language). How We Connect With Partners & Friends. HowWe Express Ourselves Artistically. Venus Indicates How We Relate To Aesthetics. Our Personal Style. Relationships.Our Charm.Wealth. Sensuality. Love.

It Takes Venus 225 Days To Orbit The Sun

What Constellation Is Your Venus In?

This Placement Will Tell You How You Are In Intimate Relationships

Venus Travels In Both Libra & Scorpio In My Chart

Making Me Both Soft In Love But Also Seductive & Passionate As I Carry Both Traits

From Libra & Scorpio Constellations.

The Book Titled: The Stars Within You By Juliana McCarthy

You Can Purchase It Using My Link Above

It Has Pretty Accurate Descriptions For All Of The Planetary Alignments & Placements In Our Charts.

You Can Read Them In The Comments On My Post On Venus

If You Don’t Know Your Placements Fill In Your Information Using This Link

Generate Your Chart & Take Notes.

Than Go To Extended Settings & Change The Setting Where It Says:


From Tropical To Sidereal Than Generate & Take Notes.

This Is To Get A Full Reading Of The Alignments

For Your Personal Chart Readings.


The Planet Of The Mind. Intellect.Communication - Ruled By Gemini & Virgo - Neutral

Indicating How We Speak, Learn,Write & Reason. The Analytical Mind. How We Exchange Ideas & Assimilate Information. Ruling Curiosity & Intellectual Interests. Mercury Is The Messenger & The Mirror; Relaying Information With Clarity & Precision.

It Takes Mercury 88 Days To Orbit The Sun

What Constellation Is Your Mercury In?

Mine Travels Between Sagittarius & Scorpio

Making Me Truth Seeking - The Number 7 In Numerology.

Having A Big Mind. An Inspirational Speaker & Teacher Which Also Connects With My Lifepath Number. A Master 33. - The Master Spiritual Educator. The Scorpio Brings The Passion. The Intuition. The Shaman Energy.


 Physical Exertion. Initiative. Sexuality - Ruled By Aries - Masculine

Action Oriented Warrior. Go Getter. Style Of Aggression. Indicates Our Drive. Our Temperament. Our Passions. What Captures Our Attention At First Sight. Mars Brings Courage. Confidence. Determination, Ample Energy To Take Action & Complete A Task. It Is Our Bravery & Virility; Helping Us To Take Risks & Move Ahead. Where & How We Assert Ourselves Towards Goals. Deep. Instinctual. Our Will. Our Sex Drive. Our Desires. Overcoming Obstacles. The Need To Get What We Want. How Active We Are.

It Takes Mars 687 Days To Orbit The Sun.

What Constellation Is Your Mars In?

Mine Is In Leo. Bringing Fire. Visionary. Playful. Loyal.Affectionate.Impulsive.Direct. Magnetic. Dramatic. Needing Alot Of Attention. Drawn ToCreative Pursuits. The 33 In My Numerology Chart Also Shows This. As 3 Is The Self Expressive Creative. Fun. Dominant. Self Sufficient. Bringing Excellence To Leadership.


The Planet Of Good Fortune. Expansion. Abundance, - Ruled By Sagittarius - Masculine

Representing Growth.Development. Opportunities.Wealth. Wisdom. Faith. Jupiter Tells Us Where We Have Luck. What Comes Easily To Us. Where Doors Are Likely To Open For Us. Jupiter Shows Us How We Orient Towards Religion, Ideology, Prosperity & Higher Education. Our Beliefs. What We Tolerate. Jupiter Includes Our Philosophies. How We Find Expansion, Luck, & Success.

It Takes Jupiter 12 Years To Orbit The Sun.

What Constellation Is Your Jupiter In?

My Jupiter Is In Scorpius Bringing Tremendous Personal Power, Magnetizing Others With Fascination & Intrigue. Affecting People Deeply & Emotionally. Bringing The Ability To Shine Light On Whatever Is Hidden; Exposing Secrets, Diving Into Research, Solving Mysteries. Determination & Willpower Are Strong With Scorpius In Jupiter


The Planet Of Responsibility. Restraint. Ambition - Ruled By Capricorn - Masculine

Bringing Obstacles.Forcing Us To Mature By Presenting Adversity. Restriction. Order. Saturn Rules Time & Restraints. Focus. Development. Discipline. Long Term Gains. Creation. Hard Work. Structure. Bringing Awareness Of What ToAccept & What To Reject. Where We Are Making The Same Mistakes Over & Over Again. Where We Resist Growing. Saturn Shows Us That Where We Struggle Are Also Our Gifts. As We Overcome Our Weaknesses, They Become Our Strengths.

Saturn Bestows Us With Longevity Helping Us To Attain Our Long Term Goals. The Sign In Our Saturn Reveals Our Challenges, Where We Work Hard & How To Attain Mastery.

It Takes Saturn 29 Years To Orbit The Sun

What Constellation Is Your Saturn In?

My Saturn Goes In And Out Of Pisces & Aquarius

As We've Seen This Year During My Solar Return - This Happens Around Your 28th Birthday.

Saturn In Pisces Brings Serious Spiritual Pursuits. Powerful Imagination. Deep Compassion.Bringing Skill In Meditation. Spiritual Education. Film & Art.

Saturn In Aquarius Brings Great Ideas To Create An Enlightened Society. Solving Societal Problems. Funny. Stubborn. Clever Souls.


The Planet Of Intuition. Rebellion. Revolution - Ruled By Aquarius - Neutral

 The Most Intuitive Planet. Originality. Freedom. Awakening. Unexpected - Unpredictable Change. Eccentric. Unique Characteristics. Progressive, Innovative. Uranus Brings Creative Genius & Flashes Of Insight. Taking Our Ordinary Perceptions And Adding Crystalline Dimensions. Uranus Pushes Boundaries & Rebels Without Second Guessing Driving Us Forward. Authenticity. Deeply Humanitarian. Embodies The Potential For Creating An Enlightened Society. Upholding Values Of Open Mindedness & Acceptance. Rules Technology & The Future. Your Sign In Uranus Will Include How You Rebel. Your Contribution To Changing The World And Revolutionizing The Status Quo. Saturns Lessons Determine How Much Access We Have To The Power Of Uranus.

Uranus Takes 84 Years To Orbit The Sun. Roughly 7 Years To Move Through A Single Sign.

What Constellation Is Your Uranus In?

My Uranus Is In Capricornus The Same As Many Of You As It Is Generation Based;

 Due To The Length Of Time Uranus Takes To Move Around The Sun.

Bringing An Energy Of Innovation With Technology. The Era Of Technology. The Information Era. Capricornus In Uranus Makes Us Rebellious Against Authority. We Create New Systems That Revolutionize Society. Making Up Our Own Rules Around Commitment.

Becoming The Leaders In Reforming Our Society, Governments, & Morality From A Place Of Integrity & Authenticity,


The Planet Of Spirituality. Healing.Compassion. Imagination. Ruled By Pisces. Feminine.

Neptune Rules; Fantasy. Illusion. Dreams. Transformation. Peace. Faith. Trust In The Process. Just Being. All Is One. Presence. Uncertainty. Imperfection. Deep Aspects Of The Self. Ideals. Deep Emotional Understanding. Spiritual Connection. Compassion. Acceptance. Liberation. Freedom.Neptune Helps Us To Connect With Life's Invisible Layers. It Helps Us To Channel Creativity As It Is Associated With The Subtle Arts; Music, Poetry, Dance, Painting, Photography, & Film. Neptune Emits Universal Love For All Beings. Harmonious Aspects With Neptune Involving The Constellations Can Bring Tremendous Empathy, Immense Artistic , Psychic & Spiritual Gifts.

Requiring Saturns Lessons To Unlock Its Gifts.

Neptune Takes 164 Years To Orbit The Sun & About 13-14 Years To Move Through A Single Sign.

What Constellation Is Your Neptune In?

My Neptune Like Many Of Us Has Travelled In Between Capricornus & Sagittarius.

Neptune In Capricornus This Generation Helps To Eliminate Walls & Barriers By Applying Spiritual Insight, What I Like To Call Inner Knowing. Helping The Environment & Creating More Compassionate Businesses, Governments & Societies. Capricorn Rules Construction.

Neptune In Sagittarius Carries The Energy Of The Broadminded Idealist. This Generation Includes

Powerful Spiritual Teachers. Philosophers. Intuitive Healers & Truth Seekers. Dissolving Fundamentalism & Applying Deep Understanding. Surrounding Interests Around Sacred Wisdom & Practices Like Buddhism. Taoism. Yoga, Qigong. Etc.


The Planet Of Surrender. Transformation. Power. - Ruled By

Ruling Death & Rebirth. Healing. Regeneration. The Messenger. Moves The Old Into The New. Letting Go Of Attachments. Ways Of Thinking. Old Habitual Patterns. Emotional Attachments. Fears. Obsession. Power. Releasing Past Life Attachments. Bringing Change. Freedom. Liberation. Pluto Is Known As The Destroyer. It Ends A Movement Or Generation When It Moves From Sign To Sign. Marking The Beginning Of A NewEra. Pluto Reflects The Struggles, Passions & Metamorphosis Of Each Generation. Pluto Helps Us To Achieve The Pinnacle Of Spiritual Advancement. It Destroys Anything Out Of Alignment With The Truth. Pluto Is The Shaman Leading Us To Realization. Pluto Helps Us To Break Free & Step Into The Unknown.

Pluto Placements Include Challenges, Obsessions & Breakthroughs.

It Takes Pluto 248 Years To Orbit The Sun. It Moves Through The Zodiac Every 12 -30 Years.

What Constellation Is Your Pluto In?

Mine Is In Scorpius. We Are Considered The Revolutionaries.

Imaginative. Psychic. Willful. Breaking Us Free From Oppressive Powers Leading Us To Collective Rebirth. As We Enter A New Age As The Industrial Age Is Ending The Scorpius In Pluto Energy Helps Us To Step Up As Leaders With Inherent Bravery.Depth. Power To Bring Change.

The Lunar Nodes

Reveal Your Karmic Path In This Lifetime.

The South Node And North Node Are Always Opposite In Signs & Houses

South Node

Comfort Zone. Habits. Karmic Past. The Gifts You Have Brought In.

Reveals Past Lives & Natural Abilities. Sweet Spot. Comfort Zone.

What Constellation Is Your South Node In?

Mine Is In Taurus & Aries. 3rd House

North Node

Life Lessons. Potential. The New Direction You're Learning In This Lifetime.

Destinys Calling. Your Learning Curve. Activating Your Lifes Mission When You Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone.

What Constellation Is Your North Node In?

Mine Is In Scorpio & Libra. 9th House

Black Lilith

Known As Black Moon Lilith.

Connected To The Shadow Side Of The Self.

Showcasing Our Deepest Darkest Hidden Desires | Passions.

The Desires Hidden From Society. Hidden From Others. Even Ourselves.

Black Lilith Is Connected To Sexuality. Its Very Taboo Energy.

Connecting To Fascination Or Refusal. Dark Shadow As It Is The Dark Side Of The Moon.

In The Void. Connecting To The Story Of Adam & Eve But not Like Most Remember. It Is Said That Black Lilith Was The Other Half Of The Hermaphrodite Adam And When Lilith Left The Garden Due To Adam Trying To Take Control Over Her | His Divine Counterpart This Is Where Eve Was Created From His Rib. Look Into The Story For More On Black Lilith.

She Was A Strong Powerful Divine Goddess Essence | Just As Powerful As Adam As They Were Both Created In Gods Image, And Have God Source Within. Black Lilith Is A Magical Placement In Astrology Connected To Being Overlooked & Underestimated. Respect & Honor Black Lilith In Your Chart. She Is The Sovereign Energy Within You. She Is Connected To The Faeries.

The Story Malificent Is What Comes To Mind When I Think About Black Lilith & The Story Of Her & Adam. Look Into The Black Lilith On Your Own And Share In The Comments What You Find Fascinating About Black Lilith.

What Constellation Is Your Black Lilith In?

Mine Is In Taurus Right On The Line of Imum Coeli.


Point Of Healing. The Wounded Healer. Inner Teacher. Key To Wisdom.

What Constellation Is Your Chiron In?

Mine Is In Virgo.

Medium Coeli

Also Known As The Midheaven

Career. Prestige. Reputation. Social Status. Honours. Fame. Success. Authoritative Personality. Our Most Visible Achievements, In The Eyes Of Society. The Type Of Work You’re Drawn To. Higher Aspirations. Your Persona. Professional & Public Image, Our Public Face Like The Ascendent Rising Which Is More Of Our Personal Face.

The Midheaven Is How You Show Up On A Major Project. How You Assume New Responsibilities. Big Picture Goals. What You Aspire To Accomplish. How You Want To Be Perceived By Others In Your Career. The Material Accomplishments We Hold Most Dear.

Our Overall Sense Of Responsibility & Standing In The World | Society.

Connected To The Father.

Learn More Through Your Own Research, But Also Tap Into Your Midheaven Below ⬇️

What Constellation Is Your Medium Coeli In?

Mine Is In Scorpius

In Both Western & Vedic Astrology

This Will Give Me A Key To How I Will Be Successful In Career. My Social Status Will Come From Bringing Out My Scorpius Characteristics. Fame & Success Will Come From Using My Scorpius Abilities. My Passion. Intuition. Higher Education. Adventuring. Travelling. Philosophy. This Is Where I Will Find My Success. Depending On Where Your Jupiter Placement. Your MC & Your North Node Placements Are Will Determine The Energy

You Should Tap Into For Your

Success & Achievments.

Tap Into This Information To Help You With Your Journey, Your Path & Purpose.

The 12 Sign Zodiac System - Descriptions

If You Have A Night Chart - Born At Night You May Resonate More With Your Moon Sign Instead Of Your Sun Sign. Depending On How Many Planets You Have In A Specific Constellation You May Resonate With That Zodiac More Than Their Sun.



Symbol : The Goat

A Surefooted Animal, Able To Ascend To Heights By Taking Advantage Of Every Foothold. Butting Its Way Through Obstructions.

Glyph: A V Shaped Beard Of The Goat With The Curved Tail Of The Fish - The Sea Goat. The Human Knee& Circular Knee Cap - The Anatomy That Capricorns Rule.The Two Straight Lines That Meet One Another Connected To A Circle & A Crescent Moon Represents Melding Of Authority & Responsibility

Strengthened By Both Energy & Passion.

Capricorns Are Reserved. Prudent. Patient. Strategic. They Seek Security. Capricorns Are Acquisitive. Disciplined. Determined & Quick To Seize Opportunity.

Garnet Is Their Magical Birthstone - Attracting Popularity. High Esteem & True Love.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Use

Ruled By: Saturn

A Feminine.Cardinal. Earth Sign

Their Lucky Day Is Saturday

Lucky Numbers Are 2 & 8

Their Polarity Is Cancer.

Capricorn Is The Sign That Governs Reputation. Career. Standing In Community. Seeking Honour. Praise. Approval In The World At Large. Emotionally Reserved In Relationships.

Animals Ruled By Capricorn : Goats. Animals With Cloven Hooves.

Their Birth Flower Is The Carnation & Ivy.

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Pine. Elm. Poplar.

Precious Metal: Lead

Special Colours: Dark Green & Brown. Comforting Colours Of Nature & Earth.

Cities To Visit: Oxford. Boston. Brussels. Chicago. Montreal

Countries To Visit: Mexico. Afghanistan. Bulgaria. India.

Capricorns Most Likeable Trait: Steadiness


Symbol : The Water Bearer

Dispensing A Gift That Flows Freely And Equally To All. Representing Creation & The Giving Of Life. The Water That The Water Bearer Pours Out Symbolizes Truth Which They Give Out Freely To The World.

Glyph: The Water That Flows. A Picture Of The Ankle In Motion - The Anatomy That It Rules. The Ridged Unbroken Lines Represent Electric Energy. Universal Thought. The Wisdom Of The Future.

Aquarians Are Assertive. Independent. Progressive. Analytical. Original. Inventive. They Have Strong Dislikes & Opinions.

Amethyst Is Their Magical Birthstone - Attracting Faithfulness In Love & Bestowing The Gift Of Prescience

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Know

Ruled By: Uranus

A Masculine. Fixed. Air Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Wednesday

Lucky Numbers Are 1 & 7

Their Polarity Is Leo.

Aquarius Is The Sign That Governs Hopes & Dreams.Friends & Wishes. Aquarians Are Idealistic Humanitarians.Concerned With Larger Issues Of The World But Remain Detached In Their Personal Relationships.

Animals Ruled By Aquarius: Large Birds

Their Birth Flower Is The Orchid

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Fruit Trees

Precious Metal : Uranium

Special Colours: Electric Blue. The Clear Colour Of The Sky.

Cities To Visit: Stockholm. Moscow. Buenos Aires. Salzburg

Countries To Visit: Russia. Sweden. Ethiopia.

Aquarians Most Likeable Trait: Friendliness.


Symbol : Two Fish

Swimming In Opposite Directions; Signifying Hidden Depths Shifting Emotional Currents.Conflicting Desires. Extremes Of Temperament.

Glyph: Two Fish. Two Human Feet - Anatomy That Pisces Rules.

Two Crescent Moons Connected By A Straight Line; Representing Emotions &

Higher Consciousness Limited By The Material World.

Pisceans Are Receptive. Intuitive. Emotional. Imaginative. Romantic. Impressionable. Mystical. Adaptable. Changeable.

Aquamarine Is Their Magical Birthstone - Magnifying Occult Powers. Bringing Serenity Of The Mind. Protecting One While Out At Sea.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Believe

Ruled By: Neptune

A Feminine. Mutable. Water Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Friday

Lucky Numbers Are 2 & 6

Their Polarity Is Virgo.

Pisces Is The Sign Of Dreams & Mysticism. Pisceans Trust Their Intuition & Feelings. They Seek More Spiritual Values In Life.

Animals Ruled By Pisces: Fish

Their Birth Flower Is The Water Lily, White Poppy & Jonquil

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: The Fig & Willow

Precious Metal : Platinum

Special Colours: Pale Green & Turquoise. Dreamy Colours Of The Sea

Cities To Visit: Casablanca. Alexandria. Lisbon. Seville. Dublin.

Countries To Visit: Portugal. Sahara Desert.

A Pisceans Most Likeable Trait: Compassion


Symbol : The Ram

Associated With Assertiveness. Sexual. Able To Climb To Great Heights

Glyph: Horns & The Long Nose Of The Ram. Eyebrows & Nose Of The Human Face. The Head Is A Part Of The Anatomy Ruled By Aries. Two Half Moons Joined By A Straight Line Indicating Idealism Tied To Authority& Leadership.

Arians Are Active. Quick To React. Energetic. Excitable. Initiators. Fiery. Impulse. Optimistic. Passionate. Ambitious. Bold. Loyal. Competitive. Instant Energy. Athletic.

Open To Change & New Experiences.

Diamond Is Their Magical Birthstone - Attracting Love. Financial Success. Bringing Luck & New Ventures. Lucky When Worn On The Left Side Of The Body.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Am

Ruled By: Mars

A Masculine. Cardinal. Fire Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Tuesday

Lucky Numbers Are 1 & 9

Their Polarity Is Libra

Aries Is A Me First Sign. Aries Tend To Project Their Personalities.

They Are Very Self- Oriented.

Animals Ruled By Aries: Sheep. Rams.

Their Birth Flower Is The Geranium. Honeysuckle. Sweet Pea.

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: All Thorn Bearing Trees.

Precious Metal : Iron

Special Colours: Red. The Colour Of Fire & Excitement.

Cities To Visit: Florence. Naples.Verona. Marseilles.

Countries To Visit: England. Germany. Poland.

An Arians Most Likeable Trait: Courage.


Symbol : The Bull

Associated With Being Strong. Stubborn. Plodding. Can Be Fierce & Gentle.

Glyph: Horns & The Head Of The Bull.Or Chin & The Adams Apple Of The Throat; Anatomy Ruled By Taurus. A Half Moon Forming A CupResting On The Circle Of The Sun Representing Material Power & Wealth Derived Through Force Of Will.

Taureans Are Quiet. Affectionate. Patient. Stable. Determined. Practical. The Most Stubborn Sign. Grounded. They Have A Calming Presence. Sensual. Hardworking. Love Security. Materialism. Creativity. Beauty. Aesthetic. Well Spoken. They Are Resistant To Change.

Emerald Is Their Magical Birthstone - Protecting Them Against Infidelity & Deceit. Ensuring Loyalty & Improving Memory.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Have

Ruled By: Venus

A Feminine. Fixed. Earth Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Friday

Lucky Numbers Are 6 & 4

Their Polarity Is Scorpius.

Taurus Is The Sign Of Prosperity & Money. They Put A High Regard On Collecting Possessions And Are Known To Cling To What Is Theirs.

Animals Ruled By Taurus: Cattle

Their Birth Flower Is The Violet & Poppy.

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Cypress & Apple

Precious Metal : Copper

Special Colours: Pale Blue & Mauve. Soft Colours Of Refinement & Gentleness

Cities To Visit: Dublin. Lucerne. Leipzig. St Louis

Countries To Visit: Ireland. Switzerland. Cyprus. Greece.

Taureans Most Likeable Trait: Dependability.


Symbol : The Twins

Associated With Duality. Humanism. Communication.

Glyph: Two Upright LinesBounded By Top & Bottom Representing Wisdom. Learning. The Powers Of The Mind Synthesizing Information.

Geminis Are Lively.Energetic. Versatile. Intellectual. Logical. They Love To Talk. They Have A Multifaceted Personality. Geminis Are Interested In Many Things.

They Love To Learn. They Are Adaptable. They Do Well With Change.

They Are Expressive & Charming. Geminis Live Primarily In The Mind Rather Than In Emotions. They Are Extremely Adaptable To New Situations.

Agate Is Their Magical Birthstone - Protecting Them From Deception. Bestowing Eloquence, Especially In Declarations Of Love.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Think

Ruled By: Mercury

A Masculine. Mutable. Air Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Wednesday

Lucky Numbers Are 5 & 9

Their Polarity Is Sagittarius

Gemini Is The Sign Of Thought & Communication On A Personal Level. Gemini Strives For Self Expression & Try To Impose Their Point Of View On Others.

Animals Ruled By Gemini: Bright Coloured Birds & Butterflies

Their Birth Flower Is The Lily Of The Valley & Lavender

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Nut Bearing Trees

Precious Metal : Mercury

Special Colours: Yellow. Bright & Luminous. The Colour Of Novelty.

Cities To Visit: London. San Francisco. Versailles. Melbourne

Countries To Visit: United States. Whales. Belgium.

Geminis Most Likeable Trait: Responsiveness.


Symbol : The Crab

Associated With Possessing An Impenetrable Exterior Covering Soft Flesh.

Glyph: Claws Of The Crab. Human Breasts. The Anatomy The Sign Rules. Two Circles Of The Sun Connected To Two Crescent Moons. Representing Desire To Store Memories& Possessions; The Circles Tied To The Moon Represent The Force& Energy ExpressedThrough Emotions & Imagination.

Cancerians Are Receptive. Sensitive. Emotional. Psychic. Imaginative. Sympathetic. Kind. Emotional. They Possess An Active, Shrewd, Intuitive Mind. They Have Overwhelming Emotions. Cancerians Are Mysterious. Compassionate & Nurturing.

Pearls Are Their Magical Birthstone - Bringing Them Good Fortune & Harmony. Bringing In Support From Influential People.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Feel

Ruled By: The Moon

A Feminine. Cardinal. Water Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Monday

Lucky Numbers Are 3 & 7

Their Polarity Is Capricorn

Cancer Is The Sign Of Home & Family Life. They Seek Close Personal RelationshipsAnd Are Happiest When Surrounded By The Familiar & Who They Love.

Animals Ruled By Cancer: Those With Shell Coverings.

Their Birth Flower Is The Larkspur & Acanthus

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Trees Rich In Sap

Precious Metal : Silver

Special Colours: Sea Green & Silver. Shimmering Colours Of The Water & Moon

Cities To Visit: Venice. Amsterdam. New York. Algiers.

Countries To Visit: Scotland. Holland. New Zealand.

Cancers Most Likeable Trait: Loyalty.


Symbol : The Lion

Regal. Brave. Dominating. Possessing Nobility & Pride.

Glyph: Two Valves Of The Human Heart- A Part Of The Anatomy That Leo Rules. The Greek Symbol For The First Letter In Leo. It Is Two Incomplete Circles Of The Sun Joined By A Crescent Moon Symbolizing Power Derived From Both Intellect & Emotions.

Leos Are Enthusiastic. Powerful. Expansive. Creative. Generous. Extravagant. Dogmatic. Fixed In Opinion.

RubiesAre Their Magical Birthstone - Bringing Them Protection Against Physical Injury & Ensures Faithfulness. Serenity Of Mind.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Will

Ruled By: The Sun

A Masculine. Fixed. Fire Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Sunday

Lucky Numbers Are 8 & 9

Their Polarity Is Aquarius

Leo Is The Sign That Governs Pleasure & Creativity.They Look For What They Can Get Out Of Life & They Tend To Dominate Others.

Animals Ruled By Leo: All Felines

Their Birth Flower Is The Sunflower & Marigold

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Orange & All Citrus

Precious Metal : Gold

Special Colours: Gold & Orange. Magnetic Colours Of The Sun.

Cities To Visit: Rome. Prague. Damascus. Hollywood.

Countries To Visit: France. Italy. Romania.

Leos Most Likeable Trait: Exuberance


Symbol : The Virgin

Represents Purity Of Motive, Modesty, Industriousness, And Service Of Oneself & Ones Talents Towards Helping Others.Using Skills To Benefit & Nourish The World.

Glyph: A Straight Line Connected To Two Curved Lines, One Of Which Is Crossed Representing Wisdom Tied To Feelings & Emotions. Crossed By Practicality.

Virgos Are Effective Communicators. They Are Reserved. Modest. Practical. Discriminating & Industrious. Analytical. Seeking To Know & Understand.

SapphiresAre Their Magical Birthstone - Bringing Tranquility Of Mind. Protecting Against Illness & Injury While Travelling.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Analyze

Ruled By: Mercury

A Feminine. Mutable. Earth Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Wednesday

Lucky Numbers Are 5 & 3

Their Polarity Is Pisces

Virgo Is The Sign Of Work & Self Improvement. Virgos Are Perfectionists Who Dissect Facts In Order To Find The Truth And Obtain All Of The Information Available.

Animals Ruled By Virgo: Small Domestic Pets

Their Birth Flower Is The Morning Glory & Pansy

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Nut Bearing Trees

Precious Metal : Mercury

Special Colours: Navy Blue & Gray. Classic Colours Of Refinement & Taste.

Cities To Visit: Paris. Boston. Heidelberg. Strasbourg.

Countries To Visit: Turkey. Greece. Crete. West Indies.

Virgos Most Likeable Trait: Conscientiousness.


Symbol : The Scales

Represents Signifying Balance. Equilibrium. Order & Justice.

Glyph: A Scale In Perfect Equilibrium . A Doorway Between Two Worlds. A Crescent Moon Connected To Two Straight Lines Resting Above A Third Line; Representing Emotion Bounded On Either Side By Reason. The Line Below Symbolizes Partnership.

Libras Are Active. Artistic. Easygoing. Peaceable. They Prize Beauty & Harmony. Libras Are Diplomatic. Polished. Socially Inclined.

OpalsAre Their Magical Birthstone - Bringing Financial Success. Freeing The Wearer From Jealousy & Greed. Bringing Clear Insight.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Balance

Ruled By: Venus

A Masculine. Cardinal. Air Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Friday

Lucky Numbers Are 6 & 9

Their Polarity Is Aries

Libra Is The Sign Of Partnership & Marriage. Libras Are Happiest When They're In A Union. Often Losing Their Equilibrium & Positive Outlook When Forced To Be Alone.

Animals Ruled By Libra: Snakes & Lizards

Their Birth Flower Is The Rose. Cosmos. Hydrangea

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Almond. Cypress. Ash.

Precious Metal : Copper

Special Colours: Blue & Lavender. Colours Of Romance. Harmony & Refinement.

Cities To Visit: Vienna. Copenhagen. Charleston. Lisbon.

Countries To Visit: Burma. China. Tibet. Argentina. Japan.

Virgos Most Likeable Trait: Charm.


Symbol : The Scorpion

Represents A Secretive, Deadly Creature That Can Poison Its Enemies.

Its Sting Is Often Fatal.

Glyph: The Stinger Of The Scorpion Connected To A Representation Of The Human Reproductive Organs - The Anatomy That It Rules. A Symbol For The Phoenix, The Bird Of Immortality & Regeneration.The Curved Lines & Arrow Represent Strong EmotionsTied To Practicality & Aiming Toward Higher Consciousness.

Scorpios Are Imaginative. Passionate. Emotional. Subtle. Persistent.

Intense. Obstinate & Unyielding.

Topaz Is Their Magical Birthstone - Releasing Occult Powers, Bringing Serenity Of Mind. Protecting Them From Enemies & Illness.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I Desire

Ruled By: Pluto

A Feminine. Fixed. Water Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Tuesday

Lucky Numbers Are 2 & 4

Their Polarity Is Taurus

Scorpius Is The Sign Of Inheritance & Legacies. They Are Given A Sense Of Purpose & Destiny, And Find Truest Happiness In Dispensing Their Life Force To Others.

Animals Ruled By Scorpius: Insects & Crustaceans

Their Birth Flower Is Chrysanthemum & Rhododendron

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Blackthorn & Bushy Trees

Precious Metal : Plutonium

Special Colours: Crimson. Burgundy. Maroon. The Colours Of Passion.

Cities To Visit: Liverpool. New Orleans. Washington DC. Newcastle.

Countries To Visit: Norway. Algeria. Morocco. Tahiti.

Scorpios Most Likeable Trait: Idealism


Read About The 13th Zodiac Below


Symbol : The Archer

Represents Directness. High Aims. A Love For Outdoor Activity & The Chase.

Glyph: The Free Ranging Arrow. The Human LegFrom Thigh To Knee- The Anatomy It Rules. The Line Of Wisdom Angled Away From Trouble & Earthly Concerns, Pointing Toward The Higher Ideals.

Sagittarians Are Energetic. Ambitious. Generous. Freedom Loving. 555. A Seeker Of A Challenge. Open To New Ideas & Exploration

Turquoise Is Their Magical Birthstone - Attracting Love. Protecting From Harm. Giving The Wearer The Ability Of Precognition - Seeing Into The Future.

Their Dominant Keyword Is: I See

Ruled By: Jupiter

A Masculine. Mutable. Fire Sign.

Their Lucky Day Is Thursday

Lucky Numbers Are 5 & 7

Their Polarity Is Gemini

Sagittarius Is The Sign Of Philosophy. Higher Learning. Broad Concepts. Sagittarians Are Happiest When They're Discovering New Ideas. Exploring Distant Places.

Getting Tied Down With Personal Commitments.

Animals Ruled By Sagittarians: Horse

Their Birth Flower Is Narcissus. Holy. Dandelion.

The Trees They Are Connected To Are: Mulberry. Oak. Birch

Precious Metal : Tin

Special Colours: Purple. Colour Of Royalty.

Cities To Visit: Budapest. Cologne. Toledo. Acapulco.

Countries To Visit: Spain. Hungary. Australia. .

Sagittarians Most Likeable Trait: Optimism

Read The Dates & More Characteristics About Each Sign Here

Take A Look At The Blog Post Below For Crystal. Gemstones. Mineral Pairings In Connection To The Zodiac

The Houses Play An Important Role


Learn More About The Aspects In The Astrology Breakdown Post

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