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The Zeal Point Chakra

Updated: May 9

The Zeal Point Chakra

Activated Through The Chant OM

The Color Magenta

The Sound G#

Connected To The Number 44

The Zeal Point Chakra Is Located At An Upward-Facing Angle At The Back Of Your Head, Where Your Spinal Column Meets The Base Of Your Skull.

This Chakra Is Over The Occipital Lobe In The Brain

Refer To The Blog Post Titled Brainwave States For More Information.

This Is The Centre For Visual Processing Both In Your Waking & Dream States.

This Chakra Is Also Referred to as the Well of Dreams, The Jade Pillow.

Yu Chen- In Chinese, Or The Mouth of God.

The Zeal Point Chakra Is A Significant Point In Modern Ascension Models Because

It Is Now Opening Up For People, Coming On Line.

It Has Become Activated In Many People During This Great Awakening.

This Important Energy Point Is Used To Balance The Mind, Body & Emotions.

Its Gift Is To Allow You To Express Your Spirit's Powers

Consciously And Fully Through Your True Voice.

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