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The Universal Laws

Updated: Jun 5

The Universe Is Perfectly Balanced

By Natural & Moral Laws;

Each Law Consists Of Regulatory Vibrations

To Maintain Order.

When You Work Within The Laws You Can Be Assured Of A Positive Outcome.

When The Laws Are Transgressed You Will Be Assured Of The Repercussions.

There Are Many Laws That Govern Us Here On The Earth Plane,

The Law Of Gravity Being One That Most People Are Aware Of Or Cause & Effect.

It Is Important That You Know

The Laws Of The Universe;

So That You Can Abide By Them; Making Life Easier To Navigate & Working In Your Favor.

A Podcast Link To Listen To The Main Laws Above In Depth;

Podcast Audio In Progress

Another Very Important Piece Of Information To Know Is Our Higher Faculties;

The 6 Mental Faculties Are:


2. Imagination

3. Perception

4. Memory

5. Intuition

6. Reason

Taught To Me In The Book Think & Grow Rich Written By Napolean Hill

Featuring An Afterward By Bob Proctor

Use Your Higher Faculties Daily To Create The Life That You Seek.

Once You Raise Your Vibration To Match The Frequency Of The Life That You Desire,

It Will Only Unfold For You Through Divine Alignment & Divine Timing.

You Must Work On Your Path & Purpose Daily.

A Wise Man Told Me; When You Work On Your Garden, You Will Attract The Butterflies.

A Very Beautiful Message.

Reminding Me To Focus On My Path. My Purpose. My Vision.

To Focus On What I Want To Leave This World With. My Legacy.

As I Focus On My Garden. I Will Attract All That Is Aligned.

It Is Inevitable.

Working On Yourself Is The First Step.

Being The Version Of Yourself That Deserves The Life That You Desire,

That Is A Vibrational Match To It, Only Makes Space For You To Receive It.

Through The Law Of Attraction, The Law Of Giving & Receiving

& I'm Sure There Are Many More Laws That Play A Role.

As I Learn These Laws & Continue To Learn Them I Decided To Share These Laws With All Of Those Aligned & On The Path Of Self Mastery.

Listen To Some Of The Universal Laws Explained By The Late & Great; Bob Proctor

Below Are The Laws

That I've Been Looking Into, Studying & Learning.

Bare With Me As I Update This Blog Post With The Laws.

The Law Of Attraction

The Law of Attraction Unites Love & Soul Providing The Universal Harmony That Is The Foundation For All Manifestation.

The Law Of Attraction Is One Of The Three Major Laws; Broken Down Into Eleven Subsidiary Laws That Compel The Force Of Attraction Holding Our Universe & Our Lives Together.

It Is The Law Of Attraction That Holds Our Solar System To The Sirian Star

And Keeps Our Planets Revolving Around Our Central Unit, The Sun & Going In And Out Of The Constellations In Our Sky Providing Us With Energy; The Energy That Is Outside Of Us.

The Law of Attraction Is The Energy That Spins The Earth And Holds Molecular, Atomic, And Subatomic Matter Ever Circulating Around Their Centres.

It Is The Primary Law Of Man Achieved Through The Synthesis Of Love And Soul Elements.

Of All Of The Elements That Come Together To Create Stable Energy.

The Law Of Attraction States That What We Give Out We Get Back As We Attract Who & What We Are Vibrationally. We Cast Out Energy Through Our Thoughts, Words, Actions, In Turn We Receive A Mirror Of This Energy Through the Quantum Field That Is Cast Back Into Our Auric Field Through The Law Of Attraction.

Learn More About Your Energy Field Below

This Is Where The Law Of Attraction Can Be Visually Understood Through The Auric Field Layers

The Law Of Vibration

The Law Of Vibration States That Everything Move. Nothing Rests.

Everything Emits A Vibratory Resonance.

This Is The Law Of Progress, Of Movement & Of Rotation.

One Of The Seven Laws Of Our Solar System, Under The 3 Major Laws.

This Principle Explains The Differences In Manifestations Of Matter, Energy, Mind & Spirit.

Showing How Each Results From Varying Degrees & Rates Of Vibration.

All That Exists Is In Constant Vibration & Motion.

Atoms Vibrate So Rapidly That They Seem Motionless To The Physical Eye.

At The Other End Of The Scale Are The Things That Vibrate So Slowly That They Also Appear To Be Motionless Or Non Existent.

In Between Are The Various Vibrations Of Living Entities Which Range In Consciousness States.

If We Follow The Scale Of The Life All The Way Down To The Regions Of The Negative Pole Into Pure Undifferentiated Matter, We Again Find Ourselves In The Realm Of Spirit - The Alpha & The Omega. All That Is Begins & Ends In Spirit.

Read More About The Map Of Consciousness In A Blog Post Below

Where I Speak About Our Consciousness Levels During The Eclipses

The Law Of Reincarnation & Karma

Until You Have Resolved Your Karma & Fulfilled Your Dharma You Will Continue To Reincarnate Into Sequential Lifetimes Upon The Earth.

You Decide What You Need To Learn in Your Earthly Journeys.

For Each life Experience You Seek Out Other Souls; Often With Shared History, And Always With Karmic Configurations Matching your Needs.

Whenever You Act With Intention, You Create Karma.

Actions Are Considered To Be Thoughts, Emotions, Words & Deeds.

The Motive, Intent & Desire Behind Each.

Disharmonious Acts Must Be Balanced In The Future, This Life Or In A Future Lifetime.

They Are Rooted In Fear Based Emotions Which Must Be Resolved Before You Can Release Yourself From The Wheel Of Reincarnation.

We Return Lifetime After Lifetime To Test Ourself.

To See If You Have Learned Your Lessons.

Now Until You Can Go Through An Entire Lifetime With Total Involvement To No Disharmonious Attachment WhatsoeverYou Will Continue To Reincarnate.

Live A Life Of Perfect Harmony; Liberation Will Follow.

Read The Blog Post Titled; The 12 Laws Of Karma Based On The Book Written By Deepak Chopra

Learn What Your Particular Karmic Lessons & Karmic Debts Are Based On Your Unique Numerology. You Can Book A Breakdown Below Or Start Learning How To Calculate Your Numerology In The Numerology 101 Course

The Law Of Harmony

This Law Supersedes The Fundamental Law Of Karma.

Harmony Is A Supreme Potential of Balance

The Purpose Of Karma Is To Attain Harmony.

Ex. Throwing A Rock Into A Pond. You Disturb The Harmony Of The Pond.You Were The Cause. The Effect Is The Splash & The Ripples That Flow Out & Back Until The Harmony Is Restored.

Disharmonious Karmic Actions Flow Out Into The Universe And Back Upon You.

Lifetime After Lifetime.

Until Eventually your Harmony Is Restored.

Karmic Ripples Eventually Result In Harmony As Karma Is Paid.

Once You Have Lived An Entire Lifetime In Harmony You Are Free From The Wheel Of Reincarnation.

The Law Of Wisdom

Wisdom Erases Karma.

If You Have The Wisdom To Learn Your Lessons, You Can Mitigate Your Suffering.

We Learn Fastest Through Pain. When We Experience The Consequences Of Our Actions.

Example. We Always Get What We Give Like A Mirror, Whether In This Life Or Another Lifetime.

There Are Predestined Tests In Our Lives, If You Have The Wisdom To Proceed With Harmony, You Mitigate The Traumatic Impact Of The Event.

We Choose Our Circumstances Based On The Lessons; We Either Learn Or Need To Cycle Through Repeatedly To Learn The Lesson. Wisdom Erases The Karma. Making The Right Decision.

Learn More By Listening To The Audio Below.

The Law Of Grace

If You Give Love, Mercy & Grace To Others You Will Receive The Same In Return.

The Law Of Soul Evolution

Everyone On The Planet Shares The Goal Of Soul Evolution

Whether They Realize, Know It, Believe It Or Not.

We Have Reincarnated Because We Desire To Spiritually Evolve;

By Rising Above Our Fear Based Emotions & Learning To Express Unconditional Love.

We Raise Our Vibrational Rate By Doing This, Moving Closer To A State Of Harmony.

We Are All Making Progress In Our Evolution Even Though At Times It May Not Seem Like It.

The Disharmonious Acts We Make Can be Reviewed As Mistakes Or Failures.

Every Failure Will Teach Us Something That We Needed To Learn To Reach Our Success.

Every Failure Is A Small Success Bringing You Closer To Accomplishing Your Goal.

The Law Of The Bodhissattva

Sanskrit Term: One Who Has Transcended The Need For Earthly Incarnations,

But Who Has Chosen To Return To The Earth To Support Others & Achieving Enlightenment.

A Bodhissattva Knows They Are Not Free From Reincarnation Until All Souls Are Free.

The Bodhissattva Is A Development Stage Of Evolution.

The Law Of Vibrational Attainment

The Entire Universe Operates on The Same Principle Of Vibrational Energy.

When Albert Einstein Discovered That Matter Is Energy

He Opened The Door To Merging Science & Metaphysics.

The Scientists Have Proven That; Energy Cannot Die It Can Only Transform.

Read The Blog Posts Below For More On This Topic

All Of These Blog Posts Above & More Within The Higher Education Kxo Blog

Will Go Into Different Forms Of Sacred Wisdom Involving The Law Of Vibrational Attainment.

The Law Of Assumption

Your Desire Must Pass Away Before The Comforter Comes"

You Must Not Desire Anymore In Order For It To Come In

You Cant Both Have A State Of Desire & A State Of Receiving

They Are Conflicting Energies

When You Possess Your Desire In Consciousness, You No Longer Desire It

If You Believe That You Have Something , Because You've Been Visualizing It Enough And Really Feeling That You Have It, The Desire Starts To Dissipate Because You're Already In The Receiving Energy Of It.

If Your Desire Is Always Ahead Of You, In The Future, You Will Never Get It.

We Must Never Be Worried Hurried Or Anxious Or Looking For Results.

We Must Simply Know That It Is So.

-The Miracle Power Of Your Mind - Joseph D Murphey

The Law Of Success

Learn About The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success

The Law Of Increase

Bob Proctor Explains The Laws Very Well

He Recommends The Book; Working With The Law - Raymond Holliwell

Want More Love? More Health? More Money?

Learn Loving Energy & Praise To Your Source Of Supply.

Be Forever Grateful.

Praise What You're Doing & Praise The People Working With You

Praise The Plants, Animals, Praise Everything That Is Good In Your Life.

With Gratitude & Praise Brings More Of That Thing Into Your Life;

Through The Law Of Increase, The Law Of Receiving & The Law Of Attraction.

The Law Of Compensation

Learn It From Bob Proctor; He Learned It From Earl Nightingale, Emerson & Napolean Hill.

The Amount Of Money Or Good You Receive Is Based On

  1. The Need For What You Do.

  2. The Ability To Do It

  3. The Difficulty In Replacing You

Think How Can I Get Better At What I'm Doing.

Study The Greats At What You Do.

The Law Of Non- Resistance

A Very Important Law.

If You're Doing Anything Thats Out Of The Box,

Going Where You've Never Been Before

Will Bring Resistance

Resistance Is A Signal That You're Moving Into A New Area

Whatever You Resist; Persists

Fight Or Flight; Is An Animalistic Nature.

Reaction Is How We Are Programmed.

Learn To Respond Instead Of Reacting.

Reacting Is A Habit; To Respond You Have To Think

Don't Resist Resistance.

Rather Than Fight Back; Let It Go.

When There Is Resistance You're On The Right Track.

Look Into The Laws That Call To You Below;

I Will Update The Laws Below With Information When I Get The Chance.

The Law Of Abundance

The Law Of Action

The Law Of Akasha

The Law Of Analogy

The Law Of Ascension

The Law Of Association

The Law Of Balance

The Law Of Challenge

The Law Of Cohesion

The Law Of Colour

The Law Of Common Ground

The Law Of Consciousness

The Law Of Continuity Of Consciousness

The Law Of Creation

The Law Of Cycles

The Law Of Divine Invocation

The Law Of Discipline

The Law Of Divine Flow

The Law Of Divine Love & Oneness

The Law Of Divine Order

The Law Of Economy

The Law Of Economy Of Force

The Law Of Equality

The Law Of Expansion

The Law Of Expectation

The Law Of Faith

The Law Of Flexibility

The Law Of Forgiveness

The Law Of Free Will

The Law Of Gender

The Law Of Giving & Recieving

The Law Of Good Will

The Law Of Gratitude

The Law Of Group Endeavour

The Law Of Group Life

The Law Of Healing

The Law Of Higher Will

The Law Of Honesty

The Law Of Identity

The Law Of Increase

The Law Of Intention

The Law Of Intuition

The Law Of Justice

The Law Of Knowledge

The Law Of Love

The Law Of Magnetic Control

The Law Of Magnetic Impulse

The Law Of Magnetism

The Law Of Manifestation

The Law Of Mantras

The Law Of Meditation

The Law Of Process

The Law Of Mentalism

The Law Of Miracles

The Law Of No Judgements

The Law Of Non-Attachment

The Law Of Non - Intervention

The Law Of One

The Law Of Order Of Creation

The Law Of Patience

The Law Of Patterns

The Law Of Perfection

The Law Of Periodicity

The Law Of Polarity

The Law Of The Present Moment

The Law Of Progress

The Law Of Prophecy

The Law Of Radiation

The Law Of Rebirth

The Law Of Rebound

The Law Of Responsibility

The Law Of Rhythym

The Law Of Right Human Relations

The Law Of Schools (The Law Of Love & Light)

The Law Of Service

The Law Of Solar Evolution

The Law Of Sound

The Law Of Spiritual Approach

The Law Of Spiritual Awakening

The Law Of Summons

The Law Of Supply

The Law Of Surrender

The Law Of Synthesis

The Law Of Teaching

The Law Of Telepathy

The Law Of Thinking

The Law Of Three Requests

The Law Of Time

The Law Of Unconditional Love

The Law Of Unity

The Law Of The Will Of God

The Law Of Will Power

The Law Of Octaves - Harmonic Sequence

I'm Sure There Is More But That Is All I've Come Across In My Studies For No

Learn More About The Different Laws

A PodcastTo Reprogram The Mind With Sacred Wisdom & The Universal Law;

The Law Of Attraction

Read The Book |

Working With The Law By Raymond Holliwell

Read Any Books You Can About The Universal Laws To Learn More About Them.

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