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Divine Feminine | Goddess Energy

Updated: Sep 13

Triple Moon Goddess Symbolism

The Elements. The Triple Moon Goddess. Angel Numbers

If You Feel Extremely Connected To The Moon This Is In Alignment With The Moon Archetype.

We Are Considered The Moon Goddesses.

The Tattoo Above Is Very Symbolic To My Life.

Here Is An Explanation Of The Symbols.

The Triple Goddess; Maiden. Mother. Crone.

The Crescent Moons & The Symbol Of The Ether Also Symbolized As The Moon In This Triple Moon Goddess Symbolism Represents

The Divine Feminine Energy Of The Moon Phases Connected To

TheMaiden. The Mother. The Crone.

The Moon Goddess Will Experience Heightened Intuition.

A Call To Nurture & Heal.

The Moon Goddess Will Be Gifted Opportunities To Surrender. Release.

Reinvent Herself Time & Time Again.

The Maiden

The Moon Maiden Is Passionate. Inspires. Free. A Phase Of Great Changes. A Journey Of Self Development. Life Shifts, Much Like The First Major Life Cycle In Numerology. These Phases Are Connected. The Moon Maiden Is Represented By The Waxing Moon Phase. The Moon Maiden Is Youthful. Self Aware. Focused On Developing Her Strengths. Curious. Optimistic. Seeking Spiritual Lessons To Develop & Evolve The Soul. - Numerology Is A Tool For Helping With Divine Guidance On This Outlook. Number Calculations Based Upon Your Birth Certificate Name & Date Of Incarnation; Depicting A Blueprint For Your Souls Evolution & Destiny.

The Moon Maiden Feels Everything Deeply To The Core. With Every Experience, Turmoil, Lesson, Blessing & Challenge; Strength Is Gained. Instinctively & Intuitively.

As A Moon Maiden You Are In The Phase Of Learning How To Heal, Being Hopeful,

Growing Towards Becoming Whole.

Just Like The Moon & Her Many Phases.

Connected To The New Moon.

Learn More About The Moon Phases In The Blog Post Titled:

The Power Of The Sun & Moon

The Mother

The Theme Is Love. Self Love. Sexuality. What It Means To Be A Woman. A Mother. A Lover.

Entering The Moon Mother Phase; The Goddess Will Find Herself Showing Up For Service With A Sense Of Purpose & Action In Her Step. Offering Her Time, Love, Energy, & Support. Very Much A Giver She Often Forgets To Receive. Mothering Those Around Her. She Has Evolved To Understand Her Responsibilities, She Loves To Feel Needed, Called Upon, She Is At The Peak Of Her Power In Her Ability To Manifest Moon Energies With Those Around Her. Those Around Her See Her As Strong & Magical. Easily Releasing Old Habits, Beginning New Chapters, Seeing Evolutionary Lessons That Come To Fruition With Every Moon That Passes.

The Moon Mother Phase Is A Time Of Great Expansion. Development. A Time To Thrive.

Connected To The Full Moon

Learn More About The Moon Phases In The Blog Post Titled:

The Power Of The Sun & Moon

The Crone

Entering The Final Lessons In Life You Will Embrace Your Inner Goddess.

You Have Gained Great Wisdom. You Have Become Intuitive. Psychic. Tapped Into Higher Abilities.You Have The Ability To Feel Out Life & Those Around You. You Illuminate The Truth & The Lessons In front Of You.Teaching & Guiding Those Who Surround You From Your Stories Of Transformation. Your Experiences & Tales Of Growth.

When The Moon Is Waning Are At The Heights Of Your Prophecy. A Calming Influence To Those Around You, Teaching Modern Magic. Shapeshifting Through Evolutionary Experiences.

Extremely Balanced. You Are One With The Earth. The World. The Experiences That Greet You For Soul Evolution. Nothing Deters You As The Crone. You Are In a Phase Of Completion. Ready To Fulfill Your Mission. Understanding And Accepting All That You Have Been Through To Get You To This Point. Through Forgiving. Releasing. Rebirthing. From Many Moons Of Evolutionary Experience. This Is The Energy Of The Crone.

Connected To The Crescent Moon

Learn More About The Moon Phases In The Blog Post Titled:

The Power Of The Sun & Moon

For More Information On The Symbols Depicted In The Picture Above

Read The Blog Posts Titled:

Divine Numbers

Every Number Is Associated With Energies.

Each Number Is Encoded With Information. Learn How To Decode Divine Numbers

The Elements

Fire. Water. Air. Earth. Ether.

Learn About The Elements

The Power Of The Sun & Moon

This Post Will Help You To Understand The Energies Associated with Each Of The Moon Cycles

In Depth.

Harness The Moon Cycle Energies With Crystals

This Post Will Help You To Determine The Different Energies Associated With The Moon Phases & Which Crystals To Use In Harmony With Each Phase

Astronomy Vs Astrology

This Post Will Give You More Information On All Of The Energy Within The Sky

Connected To The Moon & Connected To You As An Energetic Being.


This Post Will Help You To Evolve At A Soul Level - Your Soul Path

Through Your Personal Unique Numbers

More Information To Come On Divine Goddess Energy

The Goddesses Throughout History

The Light & Dark Feminine

When You Call On The Divine Goddess Energies Within And You’re Connected To The Goddesses Before You, Their Energy Can Be Accessed To Help You With Embodying Your Divine Feminine Essence & Embodiment.

I’m Still Studying The Goddesses So More Info To Come.

My Favourite Goddesses To Work With Currently Are;

Athena - The Goddess Of Inner Wisdom

Abundantia - The Goddess Of Prosperity

Dana - The High Priestess

Diana - The Goddess Of Focused Intention

Sulis - The Goddess Of Bodies Of Water

Yemanya - The Goddess Of Golden Opportunity

Freyja - The Goddess Of Being Bold

There Are Many Goddesses Throughout History.

Study & Learn About Them To Work With Their Energy.

You Can Learn About Them Briefly On The Higher Education Kxo Podcast

The Goddesses & Their Divine Energies | Messages Are :

Aine ( Awn Ya ) - Leap Of Faith

Aphrodite - Inner Goddess

Athena - Inner Wisdom

Dana (Don Na) - The High Priestess

Freyja - Bold

Abundantia (Abun Don She Uh) - Prosperity

Yemanya (Yeh Mahn Jah)- Golden Opportunity

Diana - Focused Intention

Kuan Yin - Compassion

Aeracura- Blossoming

Artemis - Guardian

Butterfly Maiden - Transformation

Bridget - Don’t Back Down

Bast - Independence

Nemetona- Sacred Space

Sarasvati - The Arts.

Sulis - Bodies Of Water

Conventina- Purification

Eireen - Peace

Damara- Guiding Children

Cordelia - Go Outside

Oognagh - Easy Does It

Isis - Past Life

21 More Goddess Energies To Speak On

Divine Feminine Goddess Energy

Friday The 13th

Friday Is Connected To The Planet Venus; The Planet Of Beauty & Love.

A Time To Connect To The Part Of You That Feels Beautiful, To Do The Things That Make You Feel Beautiful. To Connect To What Makes You Feel & Embody The Consciousness Of Love. As Love Is Not Only A Feeling But A Consciousness.

The Number 13th Represents The Divine Feminine.

The Number 1 In Numerology Represents Independence. New Beginnings. The Pioneer.

The Number 3 In Numerology Represents Self Expression & Creativity.

Friday The 13th Is A Day That We Have All Been Conditioned To Fear.

But There Is Nothing To Fear. This Is The Day Of The Goddess.

A Day To Embody The Energy Of The 1, 3 & 13.

To Embody The Energy Of The Planet Venus.

Here Is A Message Written By Monica From Bright Souls;

"Before the patriarchy the divine feminine in us all was honored on every Friday the thirteenth. This is a day where we honour all of creation, birth, death and rebirth. Where we honour the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and our own menstrual cycles. There is 13 moon cycles and 13 woman's menstrual cycles in a year. It is said that we as woman travel through 13 Goddess Archetypes in our lives. These cycles show us the gift of shedding the old, creating new and honouring the cycles each month, each season and each year. This is a time to observe your own cycles. This is a time to nourish the feminine energies within, To honour the beauty that resides within you and all the bountiful beauty outside of you.

Long ago woman when they were bleeding, this was considered to be embodying the magic divine feminine powers. She was regarded by all; for her wisdom, intuition and messages from spirit.

When a woman was ovulating usually on the 13th day of the month if she was in sync with the moon, she was considered to be in the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.

When the patriarchy took power over society they shamed woman for bleeding and ovulating.

They dismissed their power and wisdom. It was shamed to have and hold new life.

This is where the myth of Friday 13th began to be told as bad luck or an unlucky day.

This day is not just for woman it is for us all, we all embody the divine feminine energy within us. Take some time today to connect to your emotions, and sensitivities and give thanks to the divine creation in all of us."

A Reminder To Embrace The Energy Of Friday The 13th The Next Time It Comes Around.

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