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The Third Eye Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Also Known As Ajna In Sanskrit

In Sanskrit : Ajna The A Means Not.

Jna Means - Knowledge.

The Third Eye Chakra - Ajna

Vibrates at 852 Hz.

Activates To The Tone OM.

Listening To The Sound Frequency 852 Hz Will Help You To Connect With Your Third Eye Chakra.

It Will Activate This Chakra & Help To Keep It Open & Moving Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

When You Add In Visualization Techniques; While Listening To The Resonance Of The Correlating

Sound Frequency The Activation & Balancing Enhances.

The Third Eye Chakra Is Connected To The Colour Indigo.

Visualizing In The Minds Eye An Energy Ball Of Indigo Light; Circulating In Flow

Attuned To The Sound Frequency 852 Hz Will Help To Open, Balance & Activate Your Third Eye.

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Already Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Easily Be Able To See

The State Of Any Chakra Through Visualization Techniques.

Something I Have Experienced.

When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize

How To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake.

Through Conscious Consumption In Mind & In Body.

Conscious Consumption Of The Colour Indigo Will Help To Bring This Chakra Into Balance.

Wearing The Colour Indigo.

Eating The Colour Indigo; As Long As Its A Natural Resource Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With This Colour Will Help You To Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance.

Organic & Unsprayed Non Toxic Foods.

Third Eye Chakra Balancing Foods;

Blueberries. Black Berries.

Raw Cacao. Goji Berries. Garlic.

All Foods That Are Indigo - Naturally Derived From The Earth

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Using Crystals In Another Way To Activate & Bring The Chakras Into Balance.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Third Eye Chakra :

Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite. Labradorite. Blue Tigers Eye. Tourmalinated Quartz

Place A Crystal On Your Third Eye Chakra & Meditate With It.

Allow Yourself To Breathe In The Awakening Energy.

The Opening & Activation Of This Chakra.

Allow Yourself To Receive The Downloads That The Crystal Frequency Will Help You To Tap Into.

Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra

Is Connected To The Pineal Gland

Decalcifying The Pineal Gland Is An Important Factor With Third Eye Chakra Opening.

Fluoride Is Known To Block The Pineal Gland KeepingThe Third Eye Closed.

Sun Exposure - Sun Gazing Will Help To Decalcify The Pineal Gland.

Using Fluoride Free Toothpaste.

Drinking Fluoride Free Water.

These Are Some Tips To Help Unblock The Third Eye Chakra.

This Chakra Is All About Insight. Awakening. Perception. Clear Seeing.

When The Third Eye Chakra Is Closed;

You Will Not Be Able To See The Knowledge In Plain Sight For What It Is.

The Symbols & The Messages Surrounding You Will Be Difficult To Understand.

Your Perception Is Clouded. Numbers. Symbols. Messages Are Very Base Level In Your Minds Eye. You Don't Have The Knowledge To Perceive The Symbols & Messages For What They Truly Are Which Is Connected ToThe Divine.

Opening Your Mind Is Crucial To Activating This Chakra.

Looking Beyond The Physical World.

Doing Shadow Work.

Tapping Into Divine Wisdom, Doing The Work Within To Balance & Align Your Energy Centres Will Help To Open & Activate This Energy Centre.

Not Everyone WillAccess This Energy Centre, There Are Many People With A Closed Third Eye Chakra Who Cannot See Passed The Veil & The Matrix That We've Been Conditioned To Follow.

This Chakra Is The Command Centre Of Your Subtle Body.

The Source Of Intellectual Understanding.

It Is The Seat Of Our Judgement, Emotional Intelligence, Rationality & Wisdom.

It Allows Us To Understand And Develop Symbolic Concepts, AbstractThinking And Organizational Skills.

The Ajna Chakra Is Our Sixth Sense.

Controlling Our Thoughts, Directing Our Attention, Our Concentration, Meditation,

Enlightenment & Super Conscious State.

The Ajna Chakra Governs The Brain In The Physical Body.

It Governs The Mind More Specifically.

The Goal Of The Third Eye Chakra Is Enhancing Intuition. Cultivating Creativity & Imagination. Breaking Through To Higher Consciousness. To See The Bigger Picture, Purpose In Life.

The Ajna Chakra Is Where Perception Meets Logic.

The Ajna Chakra Is Associated With The Mind.

Depicted By Two Pure White Lotus Petals.


Out Of Balance

Physical Symptoms May Include Headaches & Poor Eye Sight. Learning Disabilities. Lack Of Concentration. Frequent Nightmares. Forgetfulness. In Extreme Cases Of Imbalance: Brain Haemorrhage, Stroke, Tumour, Alzheimer's, Epileptic Seizures. Mental Illness; Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Dizziness. Endocrine Imbalances. Mental Confusion. Insomnia. Acute Sinusitis.

Open Third Eye Chakra

Cultivate Being Creative & Imaginative. Ability To Think Symbolically & Literally. You Welcome New Ways Of Looking At The World & You Are Not Afraid Of Changing Your Opinions & Viewpoints. Achieving Cosmic Awareness Occurs When This Chakra Is Opened. Intuitive Knowing. Psychic Abilities Awaken. Clair Senses Activate. The Patterns Become More Visible In Everyday Life. Connecting To The Divine Through Inner Knowing. Inner Wisdom. Seeing Things For More Than Surface Level.

Blocked Third Eye Chakra

Feeling The Need For More Inspiration. Indecisive. Jump To Conclusions. Plagued With Nightmares, Migraines, Headaches, poor Eyesight, Lack Of Concentration, Extensive Forgetfulness. Illusion.

Benefits Of An Open Third Eye Chakra

See Well Both Physically & Intuitively. Open To Psychic Perception. Connecting The Dots. Deciphering The Messages. Connected To The Ethers Through Inner Knowing.


Poor Vision Or Other Eye Problems. You Suffer From Poor Memory. Foggy About Details. Difficulty Visualizing The Outcome Of Your Actions. Difficulty Learning From Your Past Experiences. Fear New Ideas & New Experiences. Lack Self Discipline. Cant See Things That Are In Plain Sight. Lack Of Inner Vision & Imagination Inclining You To Set Your Standards Low.


Headaches. Hallucinations. Nightmares. Vision Is Narrow. Lack Flexibility In Thinking. Rigid Obsessive Personality. Constantly Evaluating Yourself. Obsessively Analyzing Every Action & Project Negative Outcomes. Holier Than Thou Attitude. Overly Conscientious. Suffer From Delusion. Too Intellectual Or Detached From The World. Lack Capacity To Tune Into Your Intuitive Abilities. You Don't Trust Your Intuitive Abilities.Over Abundance Of Intellectual Capacity. Lacking Compassion.

In Balance

Remembering Things. Connecting You To Sources Of Intuitive Guidance & Enhances Intellectual Capabilities. Stimulating The Communication Between Your Right And Left Hemispheres Of The Brain Generating Better Cooperation. Clear Perception. Seeing The Divine Numbers & Knowing What They Mean. Knowing What Is About To Unfold From The Patterns Presenting Themselves. Manifesting Through The Power Of Knowing.

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Unblocking/Balancing The Third Eye Chakra;

Hakini Mudra

1. Sit in any comfortable upright position, but don't cross your legs or ankles. If possible, it is helpful to sit facing east. Bring the tip of each finger to the tip of the respective finger on your other hand.

The tips of your thumbs will be touching each other, as will the tips of the index fingers, and so on. You may have your eyes open or closed, but be sure to direct them upward toward your third eye.

2. Take 5-10 deep breaths. With each inhalation, bring the tip of your tongue onto your gums, just behind your upper front teeth. As you exhale, let your tongue relax. Your mind's eye will begin to see whatever it was that you wanted.

3. You can also use hakini mudra to concentrate on something for a longer period; practise it when you seek inspiration. After the initial

5 - 10 deep breaths, continue sit in deep contemplation with both hands in the mudra. Keep your eyes turned toward the centre of your forehead and the movement of your tongue synchronized with your breath - this will keep you from drifting off or falling asleep.

Bhuchari - Gaze Into The Void

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