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My Creative Process; Clear. Charge. Amplify. Gemjewellerykxo - Sacred Practice

Updated: Aug 10

As An Enlightened Master #33/6 Lifepath

By Divine Birth Right; Decoded Through Numerology I Have Decided To Walk In My Path & Purpose.

I Was Enlightened In 2019.

In Infuse All Of My Work With The Divine Essence & Knowledge That I Have Attained From The Divine.

Forever Developing As I Walk The Path Of Self Discovery, Development, Mastery & Enlightenment.

To Bring Divine Wisdom, Ancient Sacred Wisdom Into My Passion Projects Which I Will Forever Continue To Bring To Life For All Of Mankind. I Intend To Assist With Soul Evolution Healing & Development Through Katelynn Samuels Designs | Gemjewellerykxo | Higher Education Kxo -Parent Company.

Gemjewellerykxo Is The First Set Of Divine Designs Connected to The Wisdom Shared Within Higher Education Kxo | A Platform Connected To Information | Education On Each Collection, Crystal, Metal & The Energy Work That Goes Along With It. Etc.

Over The Last 8 Years I Have Been Working With Crystals, Learning Much More About Them Through Astral Travelling & Bringing My Knowledge From The Higher States Of Consciousness & Dimensions Into This 3D Plane Of Existence. I Bring The Knowledge & Visions To Life Through My Work. Gemjewellerykxo & Katelynn Samuels Designs Is Connected To Higher Knowledge, Divine Wisdom, Inspiration & Vision That I've Connected To In The Astral Plane . I've Been Told How To Work with The Crystals To Raise The Vibration For People To Feel Their Essence At A Higher Level, Due To The Amplification Practice That I've Created Within My Work.

As A Crystal Frequency Creative Designer; I Am A Designer That Brings Creativity,

Self Expression & Ancient Sacred Wisdom Into Each Design That I Create.

I Am A Designer That Not Only Works With Energy But; I Infuse & Amplify Every Design That I Personally Design & Create; With Universal Energies. I Bring My Healing Aura Into Each Design, Through Pure Love Intention For What I Do & What Each Individual Needs/Wants To Bring Into Their Field.

I Work With High Vibrational Love & Abundance Frequency;

This Is The Vibration I Radiate & Infused Into All My Work.

I Also Have A Specific Way Of Creating To Make Sure That Each Design & Creation Is;

Cleared. Charged. Amplified & Created With Passion, Love & Light To Raise The Vibration Of The Wearer. So That The Wearer Can Harmonize With The Crystal Frequency Provided From Each Authentic Crystal; Created Through The Elements. I Amplify The Crystals With Sound Frequencies So That Their Unique Divine Essence Within Their Sacred Geometry At A Molecular Level Radiates High Frequency To The Wearer, Providing Activations To The Highest Self & Highest Potential.

Depending On My Energy; I Will At Times Need To Clear Myself First, Using Sacred Herbs.

I Will Call In Creative, Love Frequency During This Clearing With Palo Santo.

I May Sage Depending On The Energy Required.

Clearing The Space & Clearing Myself Is Necessary Before Working On A Piece For A Customer If My Energy Is Off , So That I Can Embody The Energy Perfect For Creative Flow.

All Of The Crystals Used For Creation Are Cleared As Needed;

With Sacred Herbs, The Sun- The Fire Element Or The Moon - The Water Element.

I Love To Clear & Charge Gemjewellerykxo Crystals With Universal Energy Elements.

The Most Powerful Ways To Clear & Charge.

Checkout The Clearing & Charging Blog Post: Titled Clearing & Charging Your Crystals & Your Personal Energy To Learn More.

Each Crystal That I Use Within My Designs Are Authentic, High Quality & Intuitively Chosen For Each Piece. When Custom Designing For A Customer I Make Sure To Know Their Energy Needs, The Energy They'd Like To Bring In; Activate Within Themselves. Whether its to Amplify, Calm, Clear, Dispel, Transmute Energy. This Will Determine The Sound Frequency That I Use To Amplify The Crystals, Which Is Played During The Creation Process.

For Some Customers, Depending On Their Needs & Intentions With The Piece, Will Determine The Sound Frequency Played For Amplification & The Intentions That I Speak Into The Crystals.

The Power Of The Spoken Word Especially From A Master #33/6 Holds An Immense Amount Of Power For Manifestation.

The Power Of Our Spoken Word Amplifies & Activates The Crystals.

Learn About The Power Of The Spoken Word

Learn About The Power Of Sound Frequency

Utilize This Information When Working With Your Crystals, Especially Gemjewellerykxo Designs As The Power Of The Crystals Truly Works When You Do The Energetic Work Alongside The Universal Elements Provided To Us By The Creator Forces | Source Energy.

Crystal Frequency Creative Design Consultations Will Help Me To Determine The Energy Needed For Each Person That I Help To Impact.

Crystal Activation & Harmonization Will Need To Be Done By The Wearer.

Through Intention, Visualization, The Power Of The Word. Speaking Your Intentions To Your Crystals Will Activate Them. Kind Of Like When You Say A Prayer On The Rosary.

If You Need A Refresher On The Crystals & Their Properties.

Take a Look At The Informational Blog Posts For The Crystals That I Have Put Together. You Can Search The Crystal By Name In The Search Bar & It Will Come Up. Also Do Further Research As Each Crystal Has Many More Properties Than What Ive Listed Briefly On The Blog.

If You Have Any Questions Feel Free To Contact Through The Messenger Here On The Website & Id Be Happy To Answer Any Questions.

For Customer Feedback; Showcasing Some Testimonials From Some Of The People That I've Personally Impacted Through My Aura & Design Work Using These Beautiful Universal Elements Provided To Us In Perfect Sacred Geometry From The Creator Through The Elements Read;

Learn More About CrystalsThrough My Expertise & Experience With Higher Education Kxo

Read The Posts Explaining All You Need To Know About Crystal Frequency In The Section;

Learn About Crystal Frequency;

Just A Little Peak At What A Creation Day Looks Like Energetically

More Video Content To Come As I Intend To Film My Creative Process For Others To See

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