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The Sacral Chakra

Updated: Aug 17

Known As Swadhisthana In Sanskrit

In Sanskrit : Swa - Your Own Essential Nature. Swad - Sweet. Sthana - Place.

Residence. Translated To "Your Own Home" "Sweet Place"

The Sacral - Swadhisthana Chakra Is:

Our Creative Centre.

Also Known As Our Pleasure Centre.

This Chakra Carries & Emits The Energy Involving Pleasure. Desire & Creation.

Through This Chakra We Manifest Things From The Spiritual Into The Physical With The Help Of The Other Chakras Within The Body Being In Balance.

The Sacral Chakra Is Associated With The Element Of Water

Depicted With A Six Petal Lotus Flower.

The Sacral Chakra Is Associated With Your Lower Back.

It Governs The Liquid Elements Of The Body.

Blood. Lymph, Tears, Urine, Saliva.

Kidneys. Urinary Tract. Reproductive System.

When The Sacral Chakra Is Out Of Balance. Over Active. Under Active. In Balance.

You Will Experience Different Things Physically. Mentally & Emotionally As Follows Below.

Out Of Balance

Trouble Expressing Emotions. Emotional Imbalance. Guilt. Jealousy. Restlessness. Chronic Lower Back Pain. Sciatica. Gynaecological Problems. Pelvic Pain. Hip Pain. Kidney Or Bladder Problems. Infertility. Overly Possessive. Clinging In Relationships. Creative Blocks.


Nothing Seems Good Enough. Sexuality Confused. Engaging In Frequent Emotional & Sexual Manipulations. Tendency To Be Overly Emotional & Sensitive. Addicted To Sex, Pornography, Sexual Perversions, Pleasure, Excitement In General.


Extremely Introverted. Depressed. Excessive Stiffness In The Body. Rigid In Attitude. Unyielding Self Imposed Boundaries. Denying Minimal Pleasure. Fearing Sex. ( Different From Practicing Celibacy As A Spiritual Practice) Frigid. Impotent. Dreading Change. Unable To See How Life Could Improve. Lack Initiative. Needing To Be Told What To Do. Suffering From Emotional Numbness. Feeling That You Don't Deserve To Be Happy. Unable To Enjoy Yourself.

In Balance

Accept Change Without Resistance. "Go With The Flow" Letting Go Of Guilt & Frustration. Able To Enjoy The Uncertainties Of Life. Increasing Vitality. Sensitivity. Creative Abilities. Expressing Emotions In Healthy Ways. Feeling More Confident & Able To Express Yourself. Feeling At Ease In Your Life. Gives Fluidity To Your Movements. Strength To Your Mind. Enables You To Adapt To Your Environment.

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Working With

The Sacral Chakra

Swadhisthana - Vibrates at 417Hz. 

Activates To The Tone VAM


Listening To The Sound Frequency 417Hz

Will Help You To Connect With Your Sacral Chakra. It Will Assist With Bringing This Chakra Into Balance, To Move This Chakra Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

When You Add In Visualization Techniques; While Listening To These Sound Frequencies

You Will Bring OptimizationTo The State Of This Chakra.

The Sacral Chakra Is Connected To The Colour Orange.

Wearing The Colour Orange.


Eating The Colour Orange As Long As Its A Natural Resource Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With This Colour Will Help You To Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance.

Natural Occurring Orange Foods That Are Organic; Un Sprayed, Non Toxic.

Foods Like; Orange Bell Peppers. Fresh Wild Salmon. Papaya. Oranges. Carrots. Pumpkin. Nuts & Seeds.

All Orange Foods That Come From The Earth Naturally.

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Using Crystals Is Another Way To Activate & Bring Balance To The Energy Of The Root Chakra.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Sacral Chakra :

Bronzite. Carnelian. Orange Calcite. Sunstone. Peach Moonstone.

Rainbow Fluorite - The Emotional Equalizer For Emotional Stability

To Bring Calming To This Chakra Use Calming Crystals Like;

 Aquamarine. Amazonite. White Howlite.

Balancing Techniques

Meditation on your Swadhisthana Chakra

Frees you from the idea that you can gain lasting happiness from anything that is in a liquid state. You expand your mastery over your sense of taste, and you conquer your six enemies:

lust, anger, greed, pride, envy and egotism.

Your body and mind become fluid, adaptable and pure.

Practise the following meditations sitting in a comfortable meditation position.

Do not lie down as you will tend to fall asleep.

Rest the backs of your hands on your thighs in the water mudra: join the tips of your little finger and thumb on each hand, and allow the remaining fingers to be relaxed.

Visualization Technique

When Doing The Visualization Technique;

You Are Visualizing In The Minds Eye; An Orange Ball Of Light Energy.

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Be Able To See

The State Of The Chakras Through Visualization Techniques. Something I Have Experienced.


 When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize How

To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake.Through Conscious Consumption In Mind & In Body.

Conscious Consumption Of The Colour Orange Will Help To Bring This Chakra Into Balance.

Visualizing Your Mind As A Lake

Sit in a comfortable meditation position of your choice.

Close your eyes. Breathe gently through both nostrils, with your lips sealed.

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