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The Root Chakra

Updated: Aug 20

Known As Muladhara In Sanskrit

In Sanskrit : Mula - Root. Base. Foundation Adhara - Support. Basis.

This Chakra Is All About Stability. Security. Survival. Our Primal Needs.

Muladhara - Vibrates at 396Hz

It Activates To The Tone LAM

Listening To The Sound Frequencies 396Hz & 432Hz

Will Help You To Connect With Your Root Chakra.

It Will Activate This Chakra & Help It To Move Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

When You Add In Visualization Techniques;

While Listening To These Sound Frequencies

You Will Bring Optimization To The State Of This Chakra.

Visualizing In The Minds Eye A Red Ball Of Energy,

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Be Able To See

The State Of The Chakras Through Visualization Techniques. Something I Have Experienced.

When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centre's Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize How

To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake. Through Conscious Consumption In Mind & In Body.

The Root Chakra Is Connected To The Colours Red & Black.

Wearing These Colours Will Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance.

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Eating Foods Naturally Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With These Colours Will Help You To Open This Chakra & Bring This Chakra Into Balance. A Healthy Root Chakra; Functioning Optimally Will Provide You With The Energy Needed To Stay Grounded. Secure. Stable.

Organic Unsprayed Non Toxic Foods Naturally Derived From The Earth.

Examples Of Root Chakra Balancing Foods;

Red Peppers. Chili Peppers. Apples. Strawberries. Tomatoes. Beets. Pomegranates. Watermelon.

All Red Foods - Naturally Occurring.

Using Crystals Is Another Way To Activate & Bring Balance To The Energy Of The Root Chakra.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Root Chakra :

Black Tourmaline. Snowflake Obsidian. Mahogany Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Hematite. Smoky Quartz. Red Jasper. Garnet.

The Root Chakra Is Connected To The Earth Element;

The Densest Of All Of The Elements

The Symbol That Represents The Root Chakra Is A Four Petal Lotus Flower

The Root Chakra Is Associated With Your Auto Immune.

Skeletal Systems. The Bowels & Teeth.

The Legs, Feet, Knees, Base Of The Spine, Buttocks & Sciatica.

When The Root Chakra Is Out Of Balance. Over Active. Under Active. In Balance.

You Will Experience Different Things Physically. Mentally & EmotionallyAs Follows.

Out Of Balance

Fear. Panic. Greed. Intolerance. Prejudice. Mental & Physical Rigidity. Blind Faith.


Feeling Stuck. Sluggish. Overbearing. Overweight. Hoarding. Black & White Thinking. Constipation. Feeling Depressed. Obsessed With Physical Security. Fearing Change. Obsessive Compulsive.


Fearful. Lack Of Discipline. Restlessness. Craving Constant Change. Underweight. Spaced Out. Ungrounded. Difficulty Holding A Job. Unable To Settle Down, Make Commitments, Sustain healthy Relationships. Feeling Disconnected From The Body. Living In A Fantasy World &Resorting To Escapism Activities.

In Balance

Healthy Relationships. Heightened Sense Of Security. Loyalty. Connecting With Your Body. Insights Into Your Relationships. Freeing Yourself From Prejudices & Intolerances. Releasing Yourself From Inherited Negative Views. Valuing All Life. Grounding Yourself. Feeling Secure In Life. Making Commitments & Keeping Them. Release Fear.

Balancing Muladhara Energy

Being grounded and balanced are both important in life.

Whatever you do, try to do it with the utmost grace and poise.

Balance requires inner strength and equanimity.

Being balanced may bring up other questions, such as:

"How do I ground myself without getting stuck?"

"How can I build a firm foundation without my life being set in stone?"

Most people find that they are stronger and tighter in some parts of their bodies,

and more relaxed and weaker in others.

Balance is based on equality and requires that you strengthen

your weaknesses while releasing tensions.

Standing Barefoot On The Earth With Full Awareness - Pure Consciousness

Connecting To The Earth Star Chakra - The Mineral Kingdom Will Do Wonders For Your Health & The State Of The Root Chakra. Grounding Is Extremely Vital For Many People

With Healthy Root Chakras.

Grounding Exercise

You Can Practice This Grounding Exercise Daily.

It enables your mind and body to reconnect with the energy of the Muladhara Chakra

Through The Earth Star Chakra Beneath The Soles Of Our Feet.

Stand up tall with your feet parallel to each other and hip-width apart.

Your heels will be directly beneath your hips.

Close your eyes and slowly shift your weight between your two feet, until you are satisfied

that you have an equal amount of weight on each foot.

Notice whether your tendency is to stand back on your heels or more on your toes.

Gently rock forward and back until you can feel that your centre of balance is directly over

the mid-point of your arches.

Next, shift your weight onto the inner edges of each foot, then the outer.

Make sure that all parts of your feet are supporting equal amounts of weight.

Feel the ball of each toe and make sure that all 10 of them are firmly pushing into the ground.

Experience your shin bones pushing down into the ground. Keep your knees straight, but not locked, Feel your thigh bones pushing back, as your tailbone moves forward.

Keep the lower ribs tucked under.

Bring your shoulder blades together slightly, so that your breastbone floats upward slightly,

Keep your head erect with your chin parallel to the ground, and allow your breath to be rhythmic.

Stand as tall as possible, as though an invisible string is pulling your body skyward,

Experience how, when your body is firmly rooted, your mind feels freer.

Now that your physical posture is grounded, begin to draw parallels between this and any

issues in your life.

Ask yourself the question:"Where do I stand in life?"

Meditation on your muladhara chakra frees you from the idea

that you can obtain lasting happiness from anything in a solid state.

It enables you to master the cravings of your sense of smell.

You will gain the ability to eliminate what you no longer need in your body

and what you no longer want in your life.

You become able to let go of negative thoughts and emotions.

Your body and mind lose all sluggishness, yet you are not ungrounded

To Work With Your Energy Field, To Balance Activate & Align All Chakras

The Chakra Education | Techniques Program

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