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The Power Of The Sun & Moon

Updated: Aug 20

Listen To The Podcast Episode Although There Is More Detailed Information Below

Learn More About Each Crystal By Searching In The Search Bar Or By Reading A Description Card In The Blog Post Below

The Sun - Solaris - The Sun God

The Sun Also Known As Solaris. Is A Powerful Ball Of Fire. The Element That Our Planets Revolve Around. An Intense Masculine Solar Energy That Makes It Possible For Life To Exist On Earth. Without The Heat & Pressure Of The Element Of Fire, We Wouldn't Exist & Many Crystals That Involve Heat To Crystallize For Example; Diamonds. Rubys, Sapphires To Name A Few Would Not Exist Either.

The Sun Is One Of The Most Ancient Symbols In Human Evolution. The Sun Represents Supreme Cosmic Power. Its Feminine Qualities Are The Mother Goddess & Its Masculine Qualities Are The Universal Father. The Sun Represents Positivity, Life Force Energy, Birth & Death, Clarity, Divinity, Power, Abundance, Warmth, Healing, Peace & Confidence.

The Sun Is Connected To The Solar Plexus Chakra; Our Confidence Centre.

The Sun Helps To Awaken The Chakras Within The Body.

It Works In Direct Connection With The Third Eye Chakra, When Sun Gazing;

Decalcifying & Activating The Pineal Gland Within The Physical Body.

Activating Our Confidence Centre Within The Subtle; Emotional Body.

Learn More About The Different Layers Of The Body In The Blog Post Titled; The Auric Field

The Sun In Astrology Plays An Important Role In Telling Us About Ourselves. Our Sun Sign Represents Our Ego. Our Character. Our Personal Identity. Our Will To Live. Our Life Purpose. Kind Of Like Our Life Path In Numerology Stating The Path We Walk In This Life. Numerology, Astrology & Astronomy Are Connected. Along With Sacred Geometry, Gemology & Other Topics Within Metaphysics. They All Work In Synergy With Our Unique Blueprint To Who We Are.

In The Tarot, The Sun Card Represents Vitality. Radiating Optimism. Positivity. Fulfillment. Very Similar To The Crystal Citrine. Radiating The Colour Bright Yellow, Like The Solar Plexus Chakra. Our Confidence Centre, Vibrating At 528 Hz. Connecting To Prana Life Force Energy. Learn More About The Chakras In An Upcoming Blog Post Titled The Chakras - Prana Life Force Energy.

The Sun Is A Great Healer. It Provides An Electric Frequency. On The Other Hand The Earth Is Magnetic, Making All Human Beings Electromagnetic. We Are Conductors. There Is A Connection Between The Two & They Both Are Needed For Our Optimal Health. Than We Have The Water Element, It Is Also Highly Important As We Are Made Up Of Water. Our Brain. Blood. Bones. Muscles Are All Made Up Of A Percentage Of Water & We Need Water To Survive.

The Sun Is Related To Masculine Energy.

The Sympathetic Nervous System.

Daytime, Action, Getting Things Done

The Inhale Of Prana - Our Life Force

The Moon - Luna - Lunar Goddess

The Moon Is Related To Feminine Energy.

Our Parasympathetic Nervous System

Nigh Time, Rest, Digest, Process, Renew.

The Exhale Of Apana - Our Elimination Force

The Moon Is The Polar Opposite Of The Sun.

It Is Known As Luna; Another Ball Of Energy; That Controls The Oceans, Lakes, Rivers, Springs, All Bodies Of Water Including Our Own.The Moons Energy Is Just As Powerful As The Sun But In A Different Way. It Is The Feminine.

The Moon Radiates & Emits Energies Onto The Planet Based On Its Phases. These Phases Affect All Water Elements; Bringing Powerful Shifts. The Moon Controls The Tides & Within Us That Is Our Emotions.

In Astrology The Moon Represents Our Feelings. Desires. Our Inner World. In The Tarot The Moon Represents Releasing Fear. Clearing & Cleansing. The Subconscious. Illusion. Your Moon Sign; The Constellation That Occupies The Moon During Your Date & Time Of Birth Will Determine How You Express This Representation.

The Moon Phase That Is Specific To Your Date Of Birth Will Also Have A More Substantial Impact On Your Life. The Energy That It Emits Will Be Felt More Heavily.

Learn How To Find The Moon Phase You Were Born On Within The Blog Post Below;


We Are All Made Up Of Energy. Vibration. We All Vibrate On Different Frequencies; Depending On Our Thoughts & Our Words.Our Beliefs. Our Surroundings.

The Moon Vibrates At A High Frequency.Knowing The Difference In Energy That Is Being Cast Onto The Planet Through Each Phase Of The Moon Can Be Beneficial; The These Phases Affect All Living Beings & Their Vibration.

Harnessing The Moon Energy Is A Way To Connect To Your Divine Feminine Energy. Flowing With The Natural Rhythms & Cycles Will Have You Living In Alignment. Harmonizing With These Energies Bring Us Into A State Of Balance. Peace. Bliss.

Here Are The Different Moon Phases & The Energy They Emit. Track The Moon Cycles & Allow The Energy Lingering To Guide & Benefit Your Highest Potential As An Energetic Being.

Use The New Moon Energy To Harness The New Beginning. Use The Last Quarter Moon - The Third Quarter Moon To Release What No Longer Serves You. Understand That Its Okay To Rest And Recharge Under A Waning Crescent Moon.

Use The Moon & Her Cycles As An Energy Guide. Here Is Some Information On The Energy Of The Moon During The Different Phases; Use This Energy To Benefit Your Daily Life.

We Are All Energetic Beings & Its Very Easy To Harmonize With The Cycles Of The Moon.

Having The Knowledge Is The First Step; Applying This Knowledge Is Where The Results Come.

If You're A Woman; During The Time Of Your Mensuration Cycle Your Connection To The Moon Will Be Even Stronger. Learn More About The Moon & Your Mensural Cycle Below.

Follow Your Intuition When Working With The Moon.

Writing In A Journal & Using The Element Of Fire Or Water To Release The Intentions.

To Amplify The Power Of Your Banishing's Or Manifestations

The Journaling & Release With The Elements Is Key.

Contact Directly To Sign Up For A Guided Moon Manifestation Practice.

A Brief Overview Of The Moon Phases Are:

New Moon- New Beginnings - Fresh Start

Waxing Crescent Moon -Set Pure Intentions

First Quarter Moon -Take Action

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Refine & Hone

Full Moon - Harvest Intentions

Waning Gibbous Moon - Introspection

Third Quarter Moon- Release & Let Go

Waning Crescent Moon - Surrender - Accept The Present Moment

Supermoon - A Powerful Time For Manifesting Your Intentions.

Through My Experience

Solar Eclipse - Removes People From Your Life That No Longer Serve You In This Timeline.

Lunar Eclipse - Rewind - Relive A Past Situation Differently.

Every New Moon & Full Moon We Have A 10 % Off Sitewide Sale That Lasts

24 Hours With The Moon & Its Energy. Calculated Automatically At Checkout.

During The New & Full Moon Phases It’s Important To Clear & Cleanse Your Energy Field

Learn With Higher Education Kxo

Eclipse Season - The Power Of The Eclipses

The Solar Eclipse Is Connected To The New Moon.

The Lunar Eclipse Is Connected To The Full Moon.

The Eclipse Energy Is Released When The Moon Passes Between The Earth & The Sun.

With The Eclipse It Is A Time Where Energy Is Extremely Intense;

The Energy Becomes Heightened.

The New Moon As The Dark Phases Of The Moon Bringing Darker Energies In;

It Is Important With The Power Of Your Will & Choice To Choose

The Energy You Want To Embody & Project Out.

Use The Map Of Consciousness To Recognize The States Of Our Energy In Connection To Our Consciousness. Know That You Have The Power Within You To Choose Where You Place Your Energy. As Human Beings We Have The Power Within Us To Shift Our Frequency Based On What We Choose To Indulge In. Every Word We Speak Is A Choice. Every Action We Take Is A CHoice.

This Is Why We Must Think Before We Speak & Act.

Intentionally & Consciously.

Do Not Allow The Energy Of The Eclipse To Take Over Your Energy As These Energetic Cycles Are Powerful With Their Shifts Out In The Universe.


The Reason A Person Blacks Out When They Are Consumed By Dark Energy Is Because Their State Of Consciousness Is Low. This Happens To People When They Ingest Alcohol; Spirits.

It Is Important To Keep Your Energy & Consciousness In The Vibrations Of 500 & Above.

Low Vibrational Energies Cant Match The Frequency In The Higher States Therefore It Cannot Take Over The Human Vessel.

It Is Important To Live In A State Of Love, Joy, Peace & Harmony.

To Do The Things That Make You Feel These Higher Vibrational States Of Consciousness.

We Attract The Energy We Are; So Make Sure To Keep Your Consciousness In The Higher States Always, But Especially During This Time As The Eclipses Heighten All Energy.


The Higher Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really High.

The Lower Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really Low.

The Lower Frequencies Can Not Infiltrate Your Being When Your Frequency

Isn't Matching That Vibration.

Its Important To Be Aware Of This As We Choose Our Frequency.


The Triggers; Let Them Pass.

They Come As Lessons & Periods Of Transformation & Growth.

Keeping Your Solar Plexus (Your Will Power & Confidence Centre)

Activated; & Balanced Is Crucial During This Time.

During An Eclipse Our Power Centre Is Going To Be Releasing All Of The Old Patterns Within Us. Any Distortions & Blockages Holding Us Back.

All Chakras Will Be Affected As When One Goes Out Of Alignment They All Do.

Its Important To Stay Grounded. Resting. Meditating. Doing Things That Make You Feel &

Bring You Into A State Of Balance.

To Learn More About The Chakras & Balancing Techniques

I Created A Program To Educate & Help Others Through My Experience.

For A Full Chakra Balancing Education | Techniques Program

Also Take A Peak At The Chakra Collection

For Symbols & Crystals That Radiate & Match The Frequency Of The Chakras Within The Body.

With An Eclipse Its A Good Time To Recognize Your Power.

Making Our Own Choices; Through Your Will Power.

Recognizing How You Are Acting, Responding,

Co Creating Your Reality.

Are We Holding Our True Authentic Energy- Frequency Or Are We Acting From The Ego?

It's Important To Recognize This.

With Free Will We Have The Choice To Act Out Of Our Mind - Using Our Logic Or Our Heart - Acting Out Of Feeling Or In Mind & Heart Coherence.

I Talk About Brain & Heart Coherence In The Blog Post On The Auric Field

To Learn More About This Click The Link Below;

We Have The Power To Shift Timelines By Making Choices That Are Aligned With

Our Highest Timeline. Our Highest Selves. This Is A Time For Transformation.

The Eclipse Will Bring Feelings To The Surface.

It Will Help You To Release What No Longer Serves You;

As It Will Force Relationships To Either Break Or Mend.

The Eclipse Will Shed Light On This.

All Of The Cycles Of The Moon Will Be A Little Bit Different Energetically;

Depending On The Constellations That Are Surrounding The Moon At The Time.

Each Constellation Emits Different Energies Just As Each Moon Phase Emits Different Energies.

Learn More About The Energies That Are Surrounding The Main Constellations

Stay Tuned For

The Blog Post Titled: 88 Constellations For More Information On Each

Join As A Member For Email Notifications On New Blog Posts;

The Crystals I Recommend During This Time Are:

Black Tourmaline; It Is A Grounding Crystal. Black Tourmaline Helps One To Hold

Their Confidence & Blocks The Energies That Try To Dissipate It.

Clear Quartz; To Heal, As The Master Healer. It Also Brings Clarity Within The Auric Field. Clarity Of The Mind. Body. Soul.

Rose Quartz; To Bring In The Energy Of Self Love. Pure Unconditional Love Vibrations Into The Auric Field.

Citrine; The Stone Of Positivity. A Crystal That Negative Energy Can Not Penetrate.

All Low Vibrations Are Transmuted Into High Vibrational Energies Through The Geometric Patterns Within Citrine Crystals. This Specimen Emits A Frequency To Keep Your Vibrations In A State Of Pure Joy & Happiness; When Brought Into Your Field. Citrine Is Also The Abundance Stone. A Stone For Manifesting Wealth & Prosperity. It Is A Great Crystal To Have Close By During A Time Of Reflection & Intention Setting.

Moonstone; The Stone Of New Beginnings.

Divine Feminine. Magic. Fertility. Transformation.

Learn About The Different Types Of Moonstone

Learn About What Moonstone Types To Work With In Connection To The Moon Phases

The Moon & A Womans Menstrual Cycle

For All Of The Women That Want To Harmonize With The Moon During Their Menstrual Cycle;

A Time When Our Psychic Abilities Are Heightened. A Time Where Our Dreams Are Vivid & Prophetic. A Time Where Our Intuition & Connection To All That Is; Is Divine.

As The Moon Cycles Are Synchronized With The Divine Feminine

Take A Look At These Next Slides.

I've Realized That The First Quarter Moon & Third Quarter Moon Blood Shed Must

Also Have Messages For Us.

I Am Still Working On Providing This Information;

Something I Will Come Up With As I Am In The Midst Of Experiencing These Moon Messages.

To Learn More About Working With Your Menstrual Cycle & The Moon Phases,

Do The Work; Feel & Experience It For Yourself.

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More Sacred Wisdom On The Sun

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