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The Power Of The Spoken Word

Updated: Mar 21

The Toroidal Field That Comes From Our Spoken Word

This Is Where Chaldean Numerology Comes Into Play.

Learn More About Numerology On The Blog Post Titled: Numerology

In The Beginning Was The Word, And GOD Said " Let there Be Light".

The Word Creates.

The Spoken Word Emits Frequency That Gets Sent Out Into The Ether.

Sound Is A Vibration. It Is The Expression Of Thought From The Universal Mind.

Divine Source - The Thoughts Being Expressed OutThrough The Sound Which Manifests Material.

Everything Created In This World Begins With A Thought.

If You Can See It In Your Mind, You Can Hold It In Your Hands.

There Is A Reason They Call It "Spelling"

Words Cast. Whether We Believe It Or Not. Whether We Like It Or Not.

What We Think About, What We Focus Our Energy On, It Manifests.

Both Good & Bad, Like A Double Edged Sword.

Explained Beautifully In Toltec Wisdom

Passed Down Through Don Miguel Ruiz

In The Book The Four Agreements

The First Agreement

To Be Impeccable With Your Word.

Another Wise Man Sharing Divine Wisdom

Intention Is Very Important When It Comes To The Spoken Word. It Is Like The Secret Ingredient.

For Example: The Word

Morning - Mourning

The Spelling & Meaning May Be Different In English Literature

But The Tone, The Vibration Is The Same.

When Greeting Someone; We Have All Been Conditioned & Programmed To Use The Phrase

"Good Morning"

The Tone & The Vibration Of This Statement Is Not High Vibrational

Once Cast & Agreed Upon, You Will Recognize That This Statement May Manifest Into Misery.

(Read The Book The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz

To Innerstand This Statement Above)

Here Is A Book Report I Wrote On This Book,

It Changed My Life For Better &Has Protected Me From Spells That Have Been Cast,

Knowingly & Unknowingly By People That Were Once Close To Me.

Instead Of Saying This Conditioned Programmed Statement Which Casts Misery,

Greet Someone By Saying;


Good Day.

Rich Rising.

Grand Rising.

Another Example;

The Word"Amen"

Used By Many All Over The World.

If You Use This Word To Seal Your Prayers, Or You Just Shout Out This Word As Many Do

When They Hear Something That Resonates With Them.

This Is A Reminder To Actually Look Into The Origins Of The Words That You Use Religiously.

That You Speak On A Regular Basis.


It Comes From The Egyptian Name Amun, Amon, Ammon,

Amen Ra.

An Egyptian God. God Of The Underworld.

In Fact It Would Be Considered The Polarity Of A God.

This God Was Known As The Invisible One.

When We Say The Word "Amen"

In Latin This Is Said To Mean "And So It Is"

As The Word Amen Carries The Vibration Of Both Of These Powerful "Spells"

You Must Have The Intention Of The Meaning Behind It When Spoken.

Otherwise Its Spoken Mindlessly & The Word Casts Out The Vibration,

Where The Outcome Is Calling In All That It Is.

All Energies That Resonate With These Words Are Called Upon To Manifest.

We Were Programmed To Seal Our Prayer With The Word "Amen"

The Latin Meaning Is What Most Intend But Without The Pure True Intention When This Word Is Spoken You Are Calling Out To The Egyptian God.

Its Important To Know The Meanings Of The Words You Speak.

It Determines The Frequency Brought Back Into Your Field.

The Vibrations Of Our Thoughts, That Get Expressed As The Spoken Word Casts Out A Vibration Into The Ether. When There Is A Strong Feeling Associated With The Thought & Spoken Word Thats Where Manifestation Starts Conspiring As It Is Sent Out Into The Ether - Through The Frequency - The Firmament & Radiated Back Into Our Lives.

So Be Extremely Mindful Of The Words That Come Off Of Your Tongue.

It Takes Some Time To Reprogram From The Years Of Mindlessly Speaking Upon The Thoughts & Feelings That Pass Through You. Its Best To Pause & Think Before We Speak, React, Respond.

Ive Noticed That Its Best To Think About, Speak About & Feel Amazing About What We Want;

As Thats What Will Be Casted Out & Back Into Our Field Through Vibration, As We Live In A Vibrational World.

When We Focus On Worry.When We Think About & Speak About Things That We Don't Want, We Send That Vibration Out & It Gets Cast Back Into Our Lives.

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