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The Power Of Sound Frequency

Updated: Aug 3

Sound Frequencies Are All Around Us.

From The Very Beginning Of Our Lives Until The End We Are Impacted By Sound.

Through The Spoken Word; The Language Used Towards Us & Around Us Casts Our Sound Frequencies Through The Vibration Of Our Voice Box. The Music We Listen To Is Sound Frequency.

The Tones. Solfeggio Frequencies;

A Powerful Healing Tool.

The Television, The Radio & Everything Else That We Hear & Listen To.

Sound Frequencies Affect Everyone On The Planet Both Positively & Negatively Depending On Their Frequency.

Hearing Is The First Sense To Develop When We're Born & The Last Sense To Go When We Pass.. From The Time We Are In The Womb To The Time Of Our Death, Sound Impacts Our Lives.

A Developing Fetus Will Hear Everything Within The Mothers Womb Through Its Ears; As Its Wiring Its Nervous System. There Are 3x As Many Connections From The Ears To The Brain As There Are The Eyes To The Brain. The Sounds Coming Into The Ears Feed The Neurological System. The Auditory Nerve Directly Connects To Every Organ In The Body. In The Womb Its As If Were Baptized & Born In The Sound Of Vibration In Water. We All Have Our Own Mini Evolution; Our Own Big Bang As We Are Created. Than As We Develop Outside Of Our Mothers.

The Sounds We Continue To Hear; We Learn, We Become Programmed Through Everything We Hear & See As We Grow. We Develop Our Perceptions, Our Personality, The Way The Mind Thinks

Many Ancient Cultures Use The Power Of Sound As Practices For Both Birth & Death Using Sound, Music, Spoken Or Sung & Prayers.The Ancients Had A "Knowing" For The Importance Of These Critical Thresholds. Hearing & Sound Comes Directly From Source; Divine Source Energy. Its A Way That We Can Directly Connect With Source Energy. Through The Vibration. Through The Frequencies.

Sound Creates Sacred Geometry.

It Is Connected To Everything Within The Universe.

The Power Of Toning | Vibrations

Learn More About Sound, Tones & Frequencies By Watching The Video Sound Of Creation.

On Youtube You Can Find The Full Episode For Free On The Gaia Youtube Channel. The Title Is;

Full Episode : The Sacred Secrets Of Sound.

Learn More Ancient Wisdom About Sound Frequency - The Science

Gemjewellerykxo Uses Sound Frequency, Solfeggio Frequencies Or Sound Bowl Healing As An Amplification Tool. To Amplify The Power Within All Of The Crystals Within Each Collection.

Crystals Radiate Their Own Frequencies As Celestial Sentient Beings. They Emit Stable Energies.

Different Sound Frequencies Emit Different Vibrations Based On Their Tones; Which Amplify Energies & Bring Healing Through Sound Resonance.

This Unique Step Is Very Important In My Craft. Check Out The Blog Post: My Creative Process; Clear. Charge. Amplify To Learn More.

Not Only Can You Use Sound Frequencies To Boost The Energy Within Crystals,

But You Can Use Them To Rebalance Your Whole Auric Field.

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