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The Soul Star Chakra | The Oversoul

Updated: Sep 9

The Soul Star Chakra Is Connected To The Personal Akashic Records.

The Over Soul Is The Main Umbrella Of The Soul.

It Is A Composite Consciousness That Manages All Of Your Incarnations At Once.

Here On Earth. Other Galaxies & Dimensions.

The Oversoul Carries The Information Of The Past. The Present & The Future.

It Carries The Information Of All Of The Possibilities That Exist In The Quantum Field; The Field Of Pure Potentiality, Based On Your Free Will & Actions That You Choose.

Remember That Your Thoughts Determine Your Words & Your Words Determine Your Actions.

Your Actions Become Your Habits. Your Habits Become Your Lifestyle.

Your Lifestyle Determines Your Future.

The Oversoul & The Soul Star Chakras Are Connected To Your Souls Contracts.

Involving People, Places & Things That You Agreed Upon Before Incarnating Here.

Something That Is Partially Encoded Within Numerology.

The Souls Contracts Are Encoded Within Your Unique Information;

Your Birth Certificate Name, Your Date Of Birth

The Location, Time, Weight, All Of Your Unique Details Are Encoded With Information.

This Information Can Be Decoded- Read & Understood

Through Numerology & Astrology

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So That Everyone Could Learn Their Unique Codes

To Decode The Unique Information For Themselves & Their Loved Ones.

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The Oversoul Works With Different Pieces Of You Across Multiple Timelines.

The Distant Past. The Karma. Your Strengths & Weaknesses. The Lessons Learned & That Still Need To Be Learned. Your Gifts. Your Talents. The Evolution Of The Soul From Other Lifetimes.

This Is All Information That Is Within The Oversoul.

Each Time You Acquire New Levels Of Consciousness This Information Is Uploaded Into The Oversoul & Transmitted To All Of Your Incarnations, Allowing You To Access Multidimensionality During All Of Your Lifetimes In Any Reality Or Dimension.

This Is Something That You Have To Learn & Experience.

As You Do, You Will Start To Understand It More.

Once You Start Accessing Your Akashic Records & You Know Your Souls Path & Divine Mission You Can Begin Rewriting It To Your Current Needs, Bringing In Healing & Evolution To All Timelines.

Your Oversoul Manages All Of Your Lifetimes Beyond Your Current Awareness.

Your Consciousness That Is Taking Place Beyond The Earth Plane.

The Access To This Information Is Filtered Which Can Feel Limiting To The Ego.

Remember That You Chose To Be In This Incarnation & You Are Permitted To Access Any Information That Will Help You To Serve Your Higher Purpose.

Alot Of This Information Comes in Subtle Ways Through The Non Physical Realm

For Direct Integration. I Speak On This Below.

Just Know That Everything We Will Ever Need In This Life,

To Complete What We Came Here To Fulfill, Is Accessible To Us.

Tapping Into The Soul Star & The Oversoul Will Help This Information To Unfold.

The Soul Star Chakra

Known As Vyapini In Sanskrit

Vibrates at 272.20 Hz.

The Colour Spectrum is All Of The Colours Of The Rainbow & Iridescence.

This Chakra Is All About Soul Purpose & The Reason For Incarnation.

The Bridge To Higher Energies In The Universe. Where The Ascension Journey Officially Begins. Connected To Our Souls Purpose. Our Souls Eternal Blueprint. Connected To Higher Self. The Akashic Records. Our Physical Incarnation In Connection To Our Soul Contracts. Needs. Wants. Lessons Wished To Accomplish In This Lifetime. Our Deeper Spiritual Awareness.

Access To Higher Dimensions. Past Life Regressions. This Is The Seat Of The Subconscious Mind.

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