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The Map Of Consciousness

Updated: Jul 23

Learn How To Work With Your Consciousness |

Learn From David Hawkins | Focus On The States Of Consciousness That You Need ToTranscend.

For A Short Overview Breakdown Of This Map

I Highly Recommend The Book;

Transcending The Levels Of Consciousness

The Stairway To Enlightenment By David R Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D

Purchase On Amazon Below :

Use This Map To Determine Your Dominant Frequency | Wavelength That You Radiate On.

All Human Beings | We Shift In Frequency Based On Our Consumption |

External Influences Can Impact Us If We Are "Agreeing" To The Frequency Through Indulgence.

This Is Why It Is Important To Be Mindful Of The Company You Keep Around You.

Its Important To Surround Yourself With Likeminded Individuals That Vibrate On The Same Wavelength As You, So That You Can Mastermind And Discuss Topics Of Interest.

When You Are Around A Person That Is Vibrating In The Lower States Of Consciousness & You Indulge | Give It Attention, Focus On The Energy Presented By Adding "Your Two Cents To It", That Will Impact Our State Of Consciousness As It Becomes Our Frequency Once Accepted Into Our Energetic Field.

Its Up To You To Accept Or Reject.

To Walk Away From The Conversations, Environments, Relationships That Shift Your Frequency Into The Lower States That Do Not Serve You & Your Highest Good.

This Book Goes In Depth On Each State Of Consciousness Below.

I Highly Reccomend Every Human Being On Planet Earth To Read This Book,

To Connect With a the Levels Of Consciousness That You Are Experiencing,

To Transcend The Lower Vibrational States.

This Doctor Has Provided Educational Information On Each State.

He Teaches How To Get Past It With His Expertise As A Certified Practicioner.

Calibration Levels Below 200 | The Ego








Calibration Levels 200 - 500 | Linear Mind






Calibration Levels 500-599 | Spiritual Reality

Transcending Linear Duality



Calibration Levels 600 - 1000 | The Illuminated | Enlightened States


Peace. Bliss. Illumination.

Self Realization.


The Book Recommendation Goes Into Each Of These Levels In Detail Plus More Important Information In Regards To The Things That Should Be Known.

Purchase The Book On Amazon Below:

Something I’ve Noticed About The Levels Of Consciousness Is That Each State Of Consciousness Is Connected To Our Chakras & Although Love Radiates At The Color Spectrum In Vibratory Resonance To The Color Green, When You’ve Balanced All Of Your Chakras & You Are In Alignment Energetically From Root To Crown Only Than Will You See Everything From A Place Of Love.

When You Activate Your Soul Star Chakra Is When You Start Vibrating Higher Than The 3rd | 4th Dimensions Into The 5th Dimension, This Is Where You Will Connect To Love Frequency.

When Your Authentic & Consistent Frequency Radiates These Higher States Of Consciousness

You Will Start To See The World From A State Of Love; Through Pure Christ Consciousness.

Everything Around You Becomes Beautiful, You Will Start To See That There Is Depth To Everything And You Will Start To Recognize That Everything Is Connected.

Learn More About The Chakras Through Our Program ;

Chakra Education | Activation | Balancing Techniques Program

Learn About The Power Of Color

Eclipse Season

The Power Of The Eclipses

In Connection To Our Consciousness Vibrational States Of Thought | Feeling | Actions

The Solar Eclipse Is Connected To The New Moon| The Darker Energies

 The Lunar Eclipse Is Connected To The Full Moon | Illumination Energies

 The Eclipse Energy Is Released When The Moon Passes Between The Earth & The Sun.

With The Eclipse It Is A Time Where Energy Is Extremely Intense;

The Energy Becomes Heightened.

The New Moon As The Dark Phases Of The Moon Bringing Darker Energies In;

  It Is Important With The Power Of Your Will & Choice To Choose

The Energy You Want To Embody & Project Out.

Use The Map Of Consciousness To Recognize The States Of Our Energy In Connection To Our Consciousness. Know That You Have The Power Within You To Choose Where You Place Your Energy. As Human Beings We Have The Power Within Us To Shift Our Frequency Based On What We Choose To Indulge In. Every Word We Speak Is A Choice. Every Action We Take Is A Choice.

This Is Why We Must Think Before We Speak & Act. Intentionally & Consciously

Do Not Allow The Energy Of The Eclipse To Take Over Your Energy As These Energetic Cycles Are Powerful With Their Shifts Out In The Universe.


The Reason A Person Blacks Out When They Are Consumed By Dark Energy Is Because Their State Of Consciousness Is Low. This Happens To People When They Ingest Alcohol; Spirits.

It Is Important To Keep Your Energy & Consciousness In The Vibrations Of 500 & Above.

Low Vibrational Energies Cant Match The Frequency In The Higher States Therefore It Cannot Take Over The Human Vessel.

It Is Important To Live In A State Of Love, Joy, Peace & Harmony.

To Do The Things That Make You Feel These Higher Vibrational States Of Consciousness.

We Attract The Energy We Are; So Make Sure To Keep Your Consciousness In The Higher States Always, But Especially During This Time As The Eclipses Heighten All Energy.


The Higher Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really High.

The Lower Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really Low.

The Lower Frequencies Can Not Infiltrate Your Being When Your Frequency

Isn't Matching That Vibration.

Its Important To Be Aware Of This As We Choose Our Frequency.


The Triggers; Let Them Pass.

They Come As Lessons & Periods Of Transformation & Growth.

Keeping Your Solar Plexus (Your Will Power & Confidence Centre)

Activated; & Balanced Is Crucial During This Time.

Working With Your Root Chakra | The Foundation To Our Being.

This Is Where Low Vibrational States Live Through Past Experiences Which Must Be Released And Transcended.

Root Chakra Education | Balancing Techniques

During An Eclipse Our Power Centre

Is Going To Be Releasing All Of The Old Patterns Within Us.

Any Distortions & Blockages Holding Us Back.

All Chakras Will Be Affected As When One Goes Out Of Alignment They All Do.

Its Important To Stay Grounded. Resting. Meditating. Doing Things That Make You Feel &

 Bring You Into A State Of Balance.

To Learn More About The Chakras & Balancing Techniques

I Created A Program To Educate & Help Others Through My Experience.

For A Full Chakra Balancing Education | Techniques Program

Also Take A Peak At The Chakra Collection

For Symbols & Crystals That Radiate & Match The Frequency Of The Chakras Within The Body.

With An Eclipse Its A Good Time To Recognize Your Power.

 Making Our Own Choices; Through Your Will Power.

Recognizing How You Are Acting, Responding,

Co Creating Your Reality.

Are We Holding Our True Authentic Energy- Frequency Or Are We Acting From The Ego?

It's Important To Recognize This.

With Free Will We Have The Choice To Act Out Of Our Mind - Using Our Logic Or Our Heart - Acting Out Of Feeling Or In Mind & Heart Coherence.

I Talk About Brain & Heart Coherence In The Blog Post On The Auric Field

To Learn More About This Click The Link Below;

 We Have The Power To Shift Timelines By Making Choices That Are Aligned With

Our Highest Timeline. Our Highest Selves. This Is A Time For Transformation.

The Eclipse Will Bring Feelings To The Surface.

It Will Help You To Release What No Longer Serves You;

 As It Will Force Relationships To Either Break Or Mend.

The Eclipse Will Shed Light On This.

All Of The Cycles Of The Moon Will Be A Little Bit Different Energetically;

 Depending On The Constellations That Are Surrounding The Moon At The Time.

Each Constellation Emits Different Energies Just As Each Moon Phase Emits Different Energies.

Learn More About The Energies That Are Surrounding The Main Constellations

Stay Tuned For

The Blog Post Titled: 88 Constellations For More Information On Each

Join As A Member For Email Notifications On New Blog Posts;

The Crystals I Recommend During This Time Are:

Black Tourmaline; It Is A Grounding Crystal. Black Tourmaline Helps One To Hold

Their Confidence & Blocks The Energies That Try To Dissipate It.

Clear Quartz; To Heal, As The Master Healer. It Also Brings Clarity Within The Auric Field. Clarity Of The Mind. Body. Soul.

Rose Quartz; To Bring In The Energy Of Self Love. Pure Unconditional Love Vibrations Into The Auric Field.

Citrine; The Stone Of Positivity. A Crystal That Negative Energy Can Not Penetrate.

All Low Vibrations Are Transmuted Into High Vibrational Energies Through The Geometric Patterns Within Citrine Crystals. This Specimen Emits A Frequency To Keep Your Vibrations In A State Of Pure Joy & Happiness; When Brought Into Your Field. Citrine Is Also The Abundance Stone. A Stone For Manifesting Wealth & Prosperity. It Is A Great Crystal To Have Close By During A Time Of Reflection & Intention Setting.

Moonstone; The Stone Of New Beginnings.

Divine Feminine. Magic. Fertility. Transformation.

Learn About The Different Types Of Moonstone

Learn About What Moonstone Types To Work With In Connection To The Moon Phases

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