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The Higher Heart Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Known As The Thymus Chakra.

Located In Between The Heart Chakra & The Throat Chakra

Also Known As The Etheric Heart

Atma In Sanskrit

The Seat Of The Soul

The Thymus- Higher Heart Chakra Radiates At The Sound Frequency 352Hz

It Is Connected To The Colour Aquamarine.

The Elements Of Air & Fire.

The Planet: Chiron

The Senses: Touch & Feel.

Connected To The Principle: Karmic Awareness.

The Physical Vessel

Connection To The; Nerves. Lungs. Breathe. Immune Function.

The Organs

The Heart. Blood. Vessels. Lungs. Diaphragm. Thoracic Spine. Ribs. Breasts.Hands.

This Chakra Is Connected To;

Unconditional Love. Karma. Understanding. Immunity.

Where Intention Originates.

It Helps To Connect Language With Emotions; Like Compassion.

It Helps To Bridge The Connection Between The Emotions That We Feel And The Words That We Associate To Those Emotions While Expressing Them In A Verbal Manner.

This Chakra Creates Profound Heart Coherence - Profound Heart Healing.

Bridging Emotion & Intellect To Connect More Fully To Divine Love.

Pro Tip: Use EFT To Reprogram & Rewrite Old Patterns & Programming In This Chakra.

Emotional Freedom Technique Or Tapping.

Skip To .38 Seconds To Go Into The EFT Technique

When This Chakra Is Positive & In Balance:

It Brings Abundance. Understanding. Compassion. Creative Expression. Joy. Inner Peace. Faith.

When This Chakra Is Negative & Out Of Balance:

Respiratory Disorders. Speech Disorders. Anxiety. Skin Allergies. Digestive Disorders. Anorexia. Immune System Dysfunction. Lack Of Self Confidence. Lack Of Happiness. Lack Of Feelings. Lack Of Imagination. Fear Of Others. Fear Of The Outside World.

The Purpose Of The Thymus Chakra

Is To Bring Transformation; From Dark To Light.

To Reveal The Soul.

The Objective With This Chakra Is To Build A Strong Immune System.

To Realize Unconditional Love.

To Work In Harmony With Spiritual Awareness.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Aquamarine. Amazonite. Rhodochrosite. Pink Tourmaline. Green Tourmaline - Verdelite.

This Chakra Creates A Toroidal Field Within The Auric Field.

In Connection To The Quantum Field As It Works With Both The Heart & Throat Chakras.

Learn About The Energy Field By Reading The Blog Post Titled;

Learn About The Toroidal Field Created Through The Higher Heart Chakra.

The Toroidal Field Is Activated By The Chakras In The Centre Of Our Being.

The Heart, Once Activated;

Sends Out A Signal Through The Field Which Can Be Measured

With Technology According To Dr Joe Dispenza's Studies & Research

Where The Toroidal Field Emits Frequencies From "Our Auric Field" Into"The Field".

The Quantum Field; The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

Learn How To Activate The Heart Chakra In The Blog Post Titled; The Heart Chakra

Once Activated It Creates A Magnetic Charge.

When The Heart Is In A State Of Coherence It Emits This Signal Out Into The Field

As It Creates This Toroidal Field In Your Auric Field;

Which Is Connected To The Field Of Pure Potentiality; The Quantum Field,

This Is Where The Law Of Attraction Comes Into Play.

When The Heart & Brain Are In Alignment;

This Is Called Heart - Brain Coherence;

This Is When They Work In Synergy.

This Is When Your Thoughts; Which Are Electrical In Nature, Emit An Electrical Charge Into The Quantum Field & Feelings; Which Come From The Heart Emitting A Magnetic Charge Into The Field, Work In Harmony Creating An Open Awareness.

This Activates The Autonomic Nervous System.

Which Can Create Profound Healing; When You Have That As Your Intention.

How You Think & How You Feel Broadcasts.

When Thought & Feelings Are In Alignment They Cast Out A Signal Into The Field

(The Field Of Pure Potentiality; The Quantum) & This Signal That Is Measurable Is Through

The Toroidal Field Created Through The Power Of The Spoken Word & Through Heart Chakra.

Read & Watch These Links For Valued Information On The Toroidal Field.

The Field That Emanates From The Heart. Throat. Brain.

Coming From The Chakras In The Centre Of Our Being.

The Heart Once Activated; Sends Out A Signal Through The Field

This Can Be Measured With Technology, According To Dr Joe Dispenza's Studies & Research Where The Toroidal Field Emits Frequencies From "Our Field" Into "The Field".

Learn More About Dr Joe Dispenza's Research.

His Story. His Studies.

He's A Doctor That Bridges The Gap Between Science & Spirituality.

Here Are Some Videos To Watch In Connection To His Teaching With " Our Field" & "The Field"

"The Quantum Field"

Dr Joe Dispenza Speaking On Chakras.

Brainwaves. Heart & Brain Coherence. Energy Within & Around You.

Some Other Videos I Recommend Watching; To Learn His Teachings.

This Is A Long One But His Teachings Will Change Your Life, Once You Learn.

He Is A Very Wise Man.

Really Pay Attention To These Teachings.

Believe In Your Self & See The Possibilities Unfold.

Dr. Joe Dispenza Is A Doctor That Healed Himself From A Spinal Injury

Once He Recognized The Power Of His Mind & The Human Healing Capabilities;

As We Are Self Healing Beings.

He's Taught Many People All Over The World How To Heal Themselves,

Through Heart & Brain Coherence.

Learn About The Power Of The Throat Chakra : The Power Of The Spoken Word

Learn More About The Toroidal Field That Comes From Our Spoken Word

In This Video Below.

This Is Also Where Chaldean Numerology Comes Into Play.

The Numerology System Where Each Letter & Number Is Connected Through Vibration & The Tone; The Sound That Is Makes When Spoken Which Casts Out A Vibration; Creating An Energy Through The Field; The Quantum Field. The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

Learn More About Numerology;

A Tool That You Can Use To Calculate The Information Within Your Souls Contracts

During This Lifetime Below.

You Can Book A Numerology Reading With Me Below.

Learn About BalancingThe Throat Chakra :

Learn. Apply. Evolve.

Kate xo.

More Information On The Thymus

Our physio-energetic body is supplied with life energy through a number of major and minor chakras. Each of them nourishes and regulates a specific area of our being. One chakra less often spoken of than the commonly referenced seven major ones is the thymus or higher heart chakra.

It is located halfway between the heart and the throat chakras, behind the breast bone.

In literature, you will find it depicted in soft pink, teal or white.

The Physical Thymus

On a physical level, the higher heart chakra, also called:

The Ascended Heart Chakra.

It is connected with an intriguing organ: the thymus gland. The latter forms part of our lymphatic system and sits wedged between the heart and the sternum. Its prominent job is to support our immune response by producing T-leukocytes. These white blood cells perform two major tasks. Firstly, they distinguish inoffensive body cells from intruding pathogens.

Secondly, they fend the pathogens off.

The thymus is most active during childhood and adolescence, which is when it supplies the young organism with the full repertoire of T-leukocytes it will need in life. The T-cells are then distributed throughout the lymphatic system, where they await their future use. Towards the end of puberty, the thymus reaches its maximum size and weight.

Activating The Higher Heart

The act of giving always originates in the heart.

Our language demonstrates we know this intuitively,

as phrases such as “I give this to you with all my heart” indicate.

Healing work and other means of giving love

are naturally pursued by those with an open ascended heart.

Materially, we give with our hands, which are energetically associated with the heart.

We use our hands to provide for our loved ones, craft presents for them, feed them,

comfort and caress them.

Across different times and cultures, numerous methods of laying on of hands have been devised for healing, and the hand has been considered a symbol of divine protection and blessing.

Our hands are our most used tool for spreading the many expressions of love

coming through our hearts from the Source.

Some say the thymus chakra responds especially well to sound therapy,

given its proximity to the sternum, which acts as a sound board and amplifier of acoustic vibrations. If we look back at the tens of thousands of years during which bone has been a preferred material for the manufacture of musical instruments thanks to its resonance characteristics,

we can see the idea has its raison d’être;

the most important reason or purpose for someone or something's existence.

Both listening to and making music are cathartic to our emotional state.

It awakens dormant feelings from hibernation, helping to process, to externalize and to clear them. Worldwide, medical facilities offer music therapy to make their patients get back in touch with themselves and open up to their surroundings through playful acoustic interaction.

For a thriving thymus chakra;

listen to music, sing like nobody is hearing, dance like nobody is watching or

play a musical instrument.

Other than musical activity or sound therapy, there is a vast range of energetically nourishing practices to choose from. Methods combining movement, breath and meditation, like yoga, qi gong or tai chi, stimulate the flow of energy in general, but can also be focused on specific chakras.

The same goes for energy healing work like reiki, where a practitioner directs life energy into the physical body – through their hands;

In order to dissolve blockages and recharge depleted energy resources.

For Energy Work, Preformed On You

I Highly Recommend

Reiki Certified Practitioner;


As I Personally Don't Preform Healings On Anyone Besides My Close Family.

The Energy Drainage That Goes Along With Tapping In Is Why I Stay Away From Touching Others Energy. I Put My Abundant Energy Into My Designs; This Is Where You Can Receive

My Healing Energies Which I Preform Reiki On.

All Gemjewellerykxo & Katelynn Samuels Designs

Involves Energy Work, Amplifying Crystals With Sound, Reiki, Pure Intention

Learn How To Open. Balance. Activate. & Heal Your Own Chakras

Through The Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Program.

I Highly Recommend Reading This Informational Posts Specific To This Chakra.

Learn More By Doing Your Own Research

As We Are In Th Age Of Information & You Can Find Information Everywhere.

Doctors. Teachers. Books. Through Trusted Resources On The Internet.

Open. Activate. Balance. Align

All Of Your Chakras In Your Energy Body

With The Chakra Education | Balancing Techniques Program

Shop The Chakra Collection

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