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The Heart Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Also Known As Anahata In Sanskrit

In Sanskrit : Anahata - Unstruck - Subtle Non Physical Sound.

Anahata - Vibrates at 639Hz.

Activates To The Tone YAM

Listening To The Sound Frequency 639 Hz Will Help You To Connect With You Heart Chakra. It Will Activate This Chakra & Help To Keep It Open & Moving Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

When You Add In Visualization Techniques; While Listening To The Resonance Of The Correlating Sound Frequency The Activation & Balancing Enhances.

The Heart Chakra Is Connected To The Colour Green.

Visualizing In The Minds Eye An Energy Ball Of Green Light Circulating In Flow Attuned To The Sound Frequency 639Hz Will Help To Open, Balance & Activate Your Heart Centre.

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Easily Be Able To See The State Of The Chakras Through Visualization Techniques.

Something I Have Experienced. When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize How

To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake. Through Conscious Consumption

In Mind & In Body.

Conscious Consumption Of The Colour Green Will Help To Bring This Chakra Into Balance.

Wearing The Colour Green.

Eating The Colour Green; As Long As Its A Natural Resource Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With This Colour Will Help You To Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance. Organic & Unsprayed Non Toxic Food Like:

Kale. Green Apples. Broccoli. Spinach. Avocado. Grapes. Fresh Herbs. Leafy Green Vegetables.

All Green Fruits & Foods That Are Derived From The Earth.

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Using Crystals In Another Way To Activate & Bring The Chakras Into Balance.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Heart Chakra :

Rose Quartz. Rhodonite. Rhodochrosite. Pink Peruvian Opal. Pink Tourmaline. Unakite. Prehnite. Green Aventurine. Olive Jade. Tree Agate. Malachite. Verdelite.

The Heart Chakra - Anahata

The Heart Chakra Enables Us To Express Unselfish Love & Compassion.

This Is Our Heart Centre.

The Anahata Chakra Is Associated With The Element Of Air

Depicted With A Twelve Petal Lotus Flower.

The Heart Chakra Is Associated With Creating Harmony & Balance

It Is The Most Powerful Link To The Physical & Spiritual Realm As It Is The Astral Bridge In The Auric Field.

The Heart Chakra Creates A Field Called The Toroidal Field When Activated; It Sends Out A Signal Out Into "The Field" Which Can be Measured With Technology Which Has Been Proven By Dr Joe Dispenza.

When We Activate Our Heart Centre It Becomes Electrically Charged & Magnetic.

The Toroidal Field Of The Is Activated & This Is Where You Start To Attract People Into Your Field Through This Magnetic Frequency From Your Heart.

Information On The Toroidal Field

Speaking On The Chakras; Heart & Brain Coherence - Dr Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe Dispenza & Jay Shetty

(Dr Joe Dispenza Speaks On The Heart & Brain Coherance; Brain Waves & Much More)

More Knowledge On The Heart | Anahata

The Heart Chakra Governs Our Respiratory & Circulatory Systems.

Asthma. Bronchitis. Lung Problems Are Linked To The Heart Chakra.

Pain In The Ribs. Upper Back. Shoulders. Chest. Thoracic Spine. Breasts.

When The Heart Chakra Is Out Of Balance. Over Active. Under Active. In Balance. You Will Experience Different Things Physically, Mentally & Emotionally As Follows.

Out Of Balance

Overly Judgemental Towards Yourself. Painful To Accept Anything Gracefully, Even Compliments. Feeling Imbalance In Your Life. Always Giving & Serving Others. Craving A Loving Partnership, But Unable To Commit Or Maintain One. Suffering From Chronic Respiratory Problems; Asthma. Recent Bereavement. Grief. Sorrow. Jealousy. Passiveness. Heartache. Difficulty Giving Or Receiving Love. Loneliness. Depression. Physical Ailments; Shallow Breathing. Respiratory Congestion. Asthma. Lung Diseases. Breast Cancer. Recurring Bouts Of Pneumonia. Chronic Upper Back Pain. High Blood Pressure. Physical Heart Problems.


You May Involved In A Codependent Relationship. Taking On The Problems Of Others. The Woes Of The World, Affecting You Too Deeply. Tendency To Smother Children With Affection. Giving Too Much & Too Frequently. Neglecting Your Own Needs. Falling In Love Too Quickly; Easily Getting Hurt. Feeling Air Headed. Forgetful.


Feeling Lonely & Isolated; Even When You Are Physically With Others. Trouble Sustaining A Healthy Loving Relationship. May Find It Impossible To Commit To One. Lacking Sympathy. Bitter & Overly Critical. Passive Aggressive. Selfish & Unable To Give. Especially Difficult For You To Give To Yourself. Miserly With Your Energy. Feeling Heavy Hearted.

In Balance

Finding Emotional Balance. Enhancing Abilities In "Heart Centred" Activities. Creating Harmony & Balance In Every Aspect Of Your Life. Learning To Forgive Yourself & Others. Forgiving People Who Have Harmed Or Slighted You In Some Way, Observing, Processing, & Not Reacting To It. Understanding That Its Outside Of You. It Is A "Projection" Or A "Mirror" Of Them. Forgiveness Will Free You From Emotional Suffering. (Its Up To You To Remove Yourself From People With That Behaviour & Energy). Emotional Balance. Letting Go Of Stress & Negativity. Enhancing Your Ability To Form & Maintain A Loving Partnership. On A Physical Level, Letting Go Of Stress Can Help Improve Your Breathing Patterns & Circulation. Free From Blockages & Rarely Feel Lonely. Not Lacking The Ability To Forgive. Nor Are You Short Of Sympathy.

Shop The Chakra Collection

Unblocking The Heart Chakra;

Requires You To Be Caring & Sympathetic.

Balancing The Anahata Energy

Using The Lotus Mudra

This mudra helps you to rebalance the energy of your heart chakra and stimulate its gradual emotional cleansing. Practise it whenever your feel drained, exploited or misunderstood. It is especially helpful during times of loneliness and despair The lotus mudra aids you in opening yourself up to the divine will and allowing yourself to receive whatever it is that you really need. If you practise it on a regular basis, it assists you in finding unconditional love, good will. genuine affection and loving communication.

The blossoming lotus represents your heart opening. The flower is firmly rooted in the "mud" of the lower chakras, but it is adamant in its resolve to grow upward toward the light - the knowledge of the higher centres. The lotus is a symbol of your inner beauty emerging from the darkness. You can use the lotus mudra in conjunction with the loving-kindness meditation

Lotus Mudra

Bring your palms together at your chest, with the fingers vertical and relaxed.

Keeping the fingertips and the bases of the hands together, bend your fingers slightly and bow your knuckles outward. Notice how they now resemble the bud of a lotus flower.

Keeping the tips of the little fingers and the outside edges of the thumbs together, slowly separate the other fingers and spread them out wide. This represents the opening of the heart chakra.

Take four to five deep breaths as you mentally repeat the affirmation,"I open my heart to receive whatever comes my way."

Then slowly bring your fingertips back into the "bud" position.

Repeat this several times.

Loving Kindness Meditation

If you practise this simple but powerful meditation on a regular basis, you may experience a healing of past traumas along with associated emotional releases. Memories of past grief may come to mind.

Be easy and nurturing with yourself. You may want to end your meditation by repeating the Sanskrit mantra "Lokah samasta sukhino bhavantu"

Meaning "May all beings everywhere be happy and free.

Sit in a comfortable meditative position. Close your eyes and bring your awareness to the centre of your chest. Take a few deep breaths and then let your breath find its natural rhythm.

Visualize your heart as an unopened rose. As you concentrate on it the bud slowly begins to open and you feel your heart opening with it. Notice the healing warmth that radiates out from your heart centre. Feel it instilling a sense of general well-being into every part of your body.

To assist the heart-opening progress, mentally repeat the phrases: "May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I live with ease. May I be free of dis-ease." It is important to begin with self-healing.

When you feel ready, picture the face of someone you care about. It may be a friend or a family member Feel their presence and then direct the phrases of loving kindness to them. "May [insert name] be happy. May [insert name] be healthy.'

Next, call to mind someone you know who is going through a difficult period. Imagine the warmth of your heart radiating out to this person. Mentally repeat, "May [insert name] be happy. May [insert name] be healthy. May [insert name] live with ease."

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