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The Four Agreements

Updated: Jul 23

Listen To Learn | Higher Education Kxo Podcast

This Is A Book That Has Protected Me From Projections Of Spells Being Cast Upon Me.

This Book Changed The Trajectory Of My Life As I Became Aware.

I Highly Recommend That People Know & Follow This Toltec Wisdom That Was Shared By

Don Miguel Ruiz.

Purchase Below On Amazon:

Its A Book To Read More Than Once. As The Lightbulb Affect Occurred My Second Time Reading It Through. As I Studied This Book To Share This Wisdom, I Found Power Within It And My Clair Senses Started Activating Shortly After Using This Wisdom To Protect Me From The Projections I Was Now Aware Of.

Read The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Spoken Word For More Information On This Topic.

Buy The Book The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz.

I Highly Suggest Reading All Of His Books.

Sacred Toltec Wisdom That Has Been Passed Down From Generations Of Toltecs.

The 1st Agreement

Be Impeccable With Your Word.

Know How Powerful Your Word Is.

The Power Of The Spoken Word Will Cast & Break Spells Upon You.

Like A Double Edged Sword The Word Can Bring Heaven Or Hell On Earth.

Be Mindful Of The Words You Choose.

As Your Words Cast Into Your Life Through The Firmament.

Through The Ether.

With The Vibration Of The Words Spoken.

Each Word Emits Vibration & Frequencies.

Thats Why Its Important To Know The Words You Speak.

Educate Yourself & Use Your Knowledge.

Think Before Speaking.

Balance Your Throat Chakra.

Work In Synchronicity With Your Throat, Third Eye & Crown Chakras.

The 2nd Agreement

Don't Take Anything Personally.

As People Are A Mirror.

They Are Projecting Out What They Feel About Themselves.

Once You Agree With Someones Projections A Spell Is Cast.

If You Don't Agree With These Projections It Gets Cast Back.

The 3rd Agreement

Do Not Make Assumptions.


You Never Know What Someone Truly Means Unless You Ask Them.

The 4th Agreement

Always Do Your Best.

Be Kind.

Be A Good Person.

Follow Your Inner Knowing.

Your Heart Centre.

Follow The Path You Came Here To Walk.

Do What Sparks Joy Within You & Others.

Don't Just Try.

Do Your Best.

Buy The Book

The Four Agreements | Don Miguel Ruiz

To Learn From This Wisdom From A Toltec.

I Highly Reccomend His Other Books Aswell.

I Purchased The Trilogy From Indigo 8 Years Ago & These Books Will Change Your Life.

Impeccability Of Your Word Is An Important Key For Radiating In The Vibrational Frequency Connected To The Higher States Of Consciousness.

Follow All 4 Agreements.

Read This Book Or Listen To The Audio Recordings Of This Book More Than Once

Until You Can Share This Sacred Wisdom With Others Confidently.

You Will Start To Recognize When The Agreements Are Necessary To Utilize In Your Life And You Will Start To See When You are In The Presence Of Low Vibrational People That Are Casting Spells | Through Their Words Intentionally & Unintentionally.

These Agreements Will Protect You From Harm.

They've Protected Me From Many Low Vibrational Beings, Energies Within The People That Fuel The Low Vibrational States Of Consciousness.

Thank Me Later As I Thank God & Don Miguel Ruiz For Providing Me With This Information.


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