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Learn About The Eye Of Providence Collection

Updated: Jul 31

An Energy Protection Collection With Gods Universal Omnipresent Watchful Eye Over Humanity.

Listen On The Podcast | Higher Education Kxo

The Eye Of Providence Is A Collection That Was Created With A High Vibrational Love Frequency Protection Prayer | Spell |Manifestation With The Power Of The Divine Source Gateway.

Through The God | Goddess Frequency.

Similar To The Ojo De Dios.

The Omnipresent Creator Force & Essence Brings A Protection Much More Powerful Than Any Low Vibrational Frequency In This Universe.

This Collection Involves Sacred Geometry, Crystals & The All Seeing Eye Of God.

Each One Provides A Different Energy Based On Its Vibratory Resonance.

This Collection Is A Symbol Of Gods Compassionate Watchfulness Over All Of Humanity.

As Most People Know God is Omnipresent. Within & Around Everything & Everyone.

All Seeing. Divine Source Energy. Light Source Energy. Pure Love Frequency.

When I Created This Collection I Cast An Intention On My Pieces - With The Power Of The Word.

Each Eye Of Providence Brings Divine Protection To The Wearer; Not Only Shielding Them From All Ill Intention, Harm, Jealousy But Raising Their Vibration With Gods Essence Of Pure Divine Love Frequency And Compassion.

All Low Vibrational Energies Cast Out By People Intentionally & Unintentionally.

Determined By Their Consumption | Their State Of Consciousness Determines The Frequency They Radiate Outward, From Their Auric Field.

That Is Why It's Important To Be Conscious Of Your Thoughts, Feelings, Words & Actions.

As This Is What Determines Your Frequency.

Look At The Map Of Consciousness To Determine Your Frequency.

The Eye Of Providence "Gods Universal Eye" Transmutes All Low Vibration Into The Highest Frequency; Pure Love. Projecting Love Frequency To All That Come Into Contact With It,

Through The Eye Of Providence Collection; Through God Consciousness. Christ Consciousness.

The God & Goddess Frequency Connected To The Divine Source Gateway.

There Are 11 Medallions In The Eye Of Providence Collection. Each Medallion Is A Geometric Shape Which Emits Frequency. Below I Have Included The Information From Each Geometric Shape & The Frequencies Associated In Which You Can Pull Energy From As An Energetic Being.

Within The Eye Of Providence Collection The Sacred Geometry Is Found Within The Geometric Shapes As Follows; The Triangle. The Oval. The Heart. The Hamsa Hand. The Rhombus. The Circle.The Sun & The Lucky Charm; Including A Variety Of Symbols Representing Divine Protection & All Of The Characteristics Shown In The Slides Below.

Each Medallions Geometric Pattern Involves Sacred Geometry Formations, Which Create An Energy. Learn More About Each Below.

To Listen To An Audio Of Me Speaking About Each Medallion Go To The Eye Of Providence Collection Page & Scroll Down Until You See The Videos, Audios To Come To The Higher Education Kxo Podcast - Available Now On Spotify.

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