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The Elements

Updated: Jul 4

There Are Two Different Types Of Elements You Think Of When It Comes To The Elements.

The Elements Table - In Science Class

The 5 Elements; Water. Earth. Air. Fire. Ether.

In This Post We'll Be Going Over Both.

Starting With;

The Table Of The Elements

All Crystals Are Made Up Of The Elements On This Table.

Living Matter; Particles That Have Come Together Over Time.

With The Help Of The Elements Fire. Water. Earth. Air. Ether.

Crystals Are Considered Living Which Is Why Their Energy Is Noticed When Bringing Them Into Your Field. With Gemjewellerykxo I Amplify Each Crystal Making Them More Powerful.

When Bringing Them Into Your Field, Activating Them With Intention & The Power Of Your Word You Will See & Feel The Energy That The Crystals Bring Into Your Auric Field.

Whether Its Right Away Or In Due Time.

Do Your Research To Find Out What The Crystals You Wear Are Compiled Of.

Unique Combinations Of Molecules That Create Stable Energies Within The Auric Field.

Crystals Will Attract. Amplify. Protect. Dispel & Transmute Energy Within Our Fields.

Example : Selenite Crystals - CaSO4 2H2O

Therefore Selenite Is Made Up Of Calcium. Sulfur. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Oxygen.

Showcasing The Table Of Elements In Connection To Sound | Colour | Frequency

8 Minutes In He Starts Talking About The Periodic Table Of Elements Redesigned By Walter Russell Showcasing The Correlation To Sound | Tone | Frequency

Which You Can Connect To Crystals | Chakras |

And Everything Else In This Vibrational Universe

When Searching Each Crystal Available You Will Notice That Each Crystal Is Made Up Of The Elements Within This Table | Each Crystals Formulation Is Connected To Sound | Frequency | Tone | Colour | The Chakras

Read Each Of The Blog Posts On The Crystals Available & The Blog Posts Below:

The Science Behind Crystals

Quartz Crystals

Crystal Frequency Amplification

Crystal Frequency Activation

The Power Of Sound Frequency

The Power Of Colour

The Power Of The Word

All Crystals Used By Gemjewellerykxo Are Naturally Occurring From

The Earth Element.

Besides Opalite | Blue Goldstone

Those Two Crystals Have Man Made

Enhancement Aspects To Them Based On My Knowledge

The Universal Elements

Also Known As Triplicities In Astrology

Fire. Air. Ether. Triple Goddess Moon. The Mother. The Maiden. The Crone. Earth. Water.
The Elements - Triple Moon Goddess - Angel Numbers

Learn More About Giving & Receiving Energy From Our Hands In A Blog Post Which Talks About The Chakras & The Energies That Are Emitted From Us.

Connecting To Each Element.

Thumb - Fire Element - Solar Plexus Chakra

Index Finger - Air Element - Heart Chakra

Middle Finger - Spirit -Ether Element - Throat Chakra

Ring Finger - Earth Element - Root Chakra

Pinky Finger - Water Element - Sacral Chakra

Learn More About The Chakras On The Blog.

Learn About Each Chakra Individually Or Learn About All Of The Chakra

Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Course Is Now Available.

For A Sneak Peak - 2 Day Trial Of The Program


All Of The Energy Centres & All 5 Elements

Reside Within Each & Every Single One Of Us.

Learn About The Human Energy Body


Everyones Chakras Are Aligned Differently Based On Their Energy Body;

Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions, Actions.

Some People Pull More Of One Element Than Another.

Some People Pull More Water Energy Than Fire Energy Or More Earth Than Air Energy.

Learn More About Each Element Below.

What Element Do You Feel Most Connected To?

Take Mental Note Of This.

Mastering The 5 Elements

In Order To Master The 5 Elements

You Have To Master Your Thoughts. Words. Feelings & Deeds; Actions.

Mastering The Earth Element

Brings More Peace ; Connected To Your Deeds; Actions.

Mastering The Water Element

Brings More Love; Connected To Feelings

Mastering The Fire Element

Brings More Power; Connected To Words

Mastering The Air Element

Brings More Freedom; Connected To Thoughts


Mastering The Spirit/Ether Element

Brings More Magic To Your Life.

Mastering Your 5th Element; The Element Of Spirit & Ether Is The Core Of Every Other Element.

Learn More About The Elements From


He Teaches About This Sacred Wisdom.

Learn More In The Explanations Written Below Depicted ⬇️

Aligning With The Element Of Fire

Passion. Transformation. Purification. Higher Energy. Sexuality. Courage. Protection. Desire. Power. Freedom. Creativity.

Time Of The Year: Summer

Time Of The Day: Noon

Direction: South

Tarot: Wands

Energy: Protective

Platonic Solid:

Tetrahedron - 4 Equailateral Triangles

Vibratory Resonance Is Manifestation & Awakening.

Always Pointed To The Sky With A Firm Base On The Ground .

The Energies Of Creative Emanation Are Brought To Be With A Solid Foundation.

The Terahedron Is The Perfect Vibrational Energy To Draw Upon If You Want To Bring About Changes To Your Life. Harmonizing With Personal Power, Support, Acceptance Of The Past, Inviting Oppenness & Fresh Opportunities.


Sagittarius. Aries. Leo.


Garnet. Red Jasper. Carnelian. Tigers Eye. Pyrite.

Quartz - Tetrahedron Formation


Solar Plexus - Manipura


Bright Red. Red-Orange. Yellow-Orange. Sun-Yellow. Gold. White. Electric Blue.

Plants & Herbs

Tomato. Beetroot. Red Pepper. Chilli Pepper. Coffee Beans. Dragon Fruit. Cherries. Sunflower. Cacti. Carnation. Marigold. Snapdragon. Cayenne. Cinnamon. Clove. Ginger. Stinging Nettle.


Running. Dancing. Singing. Laughing, Socializing. Exercising. Sunbathing.

Fulfilling Your Desires.Candle Magic; Staring At A Flame. Watching The Flame Dance;

As Your Thought Forms Connect With The Flame.

Aligning With The Element Of Water

Cleansing. Purification. Dreams. Emotions. Psychic Abilities. Movement. Divine Feminine Energy. Movability. Fluidity. Healing.

Time Of The Year: Autumn

Time Of The Day: Evening

Direction: West

Tarot: Cups

Energy: Receptive - Yin

Platonic Solid:

Icosahedron - 20 Equilateral Triangles

Journey Of Self Transformation.

Self Realization. Self Actualization. Individuation. Journey Of Becoming.

Unlocks Potential & Helps Remove Blocks To Spiritual Fulfillment.


Scorpius. Cancer. Pisces.


Aquamarine. Rainbow Fluorite. Lapis Lazuli. Moonstone.

Amethyst Geodes- Icosahedron Formation


Sacral - Swadhisthana


Blue. Aqua. Silver. Turquoise. Teal. Iridescent Colours.

Plants & Herbs

Lettuce. Spinach. Zucchini. Cucumber. Watercress. Watermelon. Cantaloupe. Strawberries. Seaweed. Aloe. Lily. Lotus. Chamomile. Rose. Gardenia. Comfrey. Thyme. Vanilla. Myrrh.


Swimming. Bathing. Meditating. Crying. Relaxing. Yin Yoga. Being Creative. Walks By The Lake, Oceans, River, Pond.Aligning With The Moon Phases.

Aligning With The Element Of Earth

Structure. Strength. Being Grounded. Money. Safety. Security. The Physical Body. Family. Possessions. Boundaries. Foundation.

Ashes - Represent Earth

Time Of The Year : Winter

Time Of The Day: Night

Direction: North

Tarot: Pentacles

Energy: Receptive Yin

Platonic Solid:

Hexahedron - 6 Squares

Grounding Energy. Always Resting Upon A Firm, Square Foundation.

Its Vibration Resonates With Safety, Security, Survival.

These Energies Invite Us To Connect With Earth, Nature, Spirit Of Gaia.

Foundational Energy, A Solid Place To Start.

Offers Confidence & Sparks Creativity.


Virgo. Taurus,Capricornus.


Rutilated Quartz. Tigers Eye. Leopardskin Jasper. Picture Jasper. Smoky Quartz. Black Obsidian. Pyrite - Hexahedron Formations


Root - Muladhara


Green. Brown. Dark Red. Dark Red Orange.

Plants & Herbs

Alfalfa Sprouts. Carrots. Cucumber. Potato. Green Beans. Squash. Sweet Potatoes. Asparagus. Dates. Figs. Sweet Fruits. Primrose. Ferns. Patchouli. Ginseng. Ginger Root.


Go Barefoot On The Grass. Dirt. Be Outdoors In Nature. Wear Earth Tone Colours.

Interact With Nature. Disconnect From Electronics. Surround Yourself With Plans.

Meditate Outdoors. Adopt & Love A Pet. Live Minimalistically.

Aligning With The Element Of Air

Intelligence. Speaking & Hearing. Breathing. Motivation. Mental Agility. Openness. Plannings. Knowledge.Thinking. Teaching & Learning. Memory. All Forms Of Communication.

Time Of The Year : Spring

Time Of The Day: Dawn

Direction: East

Tarot: Swords

Energy: Receptive - Yang

Platonic Solid:

Octahedron - 8 Equilateral Triangles


Binding, Preserving & Strengthening Two Seperate Identities.

The Vibratory Resonance Is Togetherness In Matters Of The Heart, Feelings, Emotions, Love.

These Energies Invite Us To Open The Heart, To Seek Togetherness, To Reach Out To Eachother.

Draw On This Energy When You Are Uncertain About A Relationship.

Forgiveness For Healing - Self Sacrifice

Care - Deepen Love

Integration Energy Applies To The Self, Finding Love & Respect For Yourself To Feel Whole.


Aquarius. Gemini. Libra.


Amethyst. Labradorite. Sodalite. Citrine. Clear Quartz. Rainbow Fluorite.

Black Tourmaline. Tigers Eye.

Fluorite Crystals - Octahedron Formation.


Heart - Anahata


White. Silver. Yellow. Light Gray. Light Blue.

Plants & Herbs

Alfalfa Sprouts. Edamame. Beans. Lentils, Eggplant. Cauliflower.Green T

ea. Celery Seed.Green Apples. Kiwi, Swiss Chard. Spinach. Broccoli. Dandelion. Fern. Lavender. Marjoram. Parsley.


Breathing Deeply. Flying A Kite. Enjoying Wind. Flying In A Plane. High Places Socializing. Communication. Network. Ding Puzzles & Brain Games. Meditating.

Aligning With The Element Of Ether

Also Known As Aether;

Meaning Sky, Space, Spirit.

The Ether Is Everything Outside Of Us.

Connected To The Quantum Field.

Learn More About This Within The Blog Post Titled; The Auric Field

Connected To The Higher Chakras:

The Throat - The 3rd Eye - The Crown Chakra

The Zeal Point Chakra - The Causal Chakra

The Transpersonal Chakras Outside Of The Body;

The Soul Star Chakra - The Oversoul, The Stellar Gateway, The Galactic Gateway

The Divine Source Gateway

Learn More About Each Chakra By Reading The Blog Post Titled:

15 Chakras - Brief Overview

The Planet: Jupiter

Constellation : The 13th Sign Of The Zodiac - Ophiuchus

Learn More About The Planets, The Constellations & The Energies They Emit

In The Blog Post Titled: Astronomy Vs Astrology

Colour: Violet. Indigo. Purple.

Platonic Solid:

Dodecahedron - 12 Pentagons

Universal Matter.


Vibratory Resonance - Quintessence - The Soul Of The Universe.

This Energy Invites Us To Ascend, To Transcend The Limitations Of Our Human Bodies & Connect With Our Higher Self. An Invitation To Meditation, To Detatch From Ego &Find Union With The Divine.

Crystals Within Gemjewellerykxo :

Amethyst - Connected To The Crown Chakra; Spirituality & Intuition Connecting To The Aether & Quantum Field.

Lapis Lazuli - Connected To The Third Eye Chakra; The Stone Of Knowledge, Bringing In Wisdom From The Quantum Field Into Our Auric Field.

Garnet - Grows Within Dodecahedron Formations

It Cleanses & Reenergizes The Body & Mind In Meditation.

Om Namashivaya - The Elements

Na Ma Shi Va Ya


All Constellations Play A Role In Our Full Birth Chart.

Most People Believe That They're One Zodiac Sign, In Reality The Sign Most People Know Is Just The Sign Connected To The Sun Element In Their Chart.

Also Known As Their Sun Sign.

The Constellation That Crosses The Ecliptic During Their Date & Time Of Birth.

A Birth Chart Consists Of All Planets & All Of The Constellations In The Sky

Providing Us With Our Energy - Characteristic Profile

Learn More About This On The Blog Post Below

Learn More About Crystals In Connection To The Zodiac | The Constellations | Stellar, Galactic, Universal, Divine Gateways |

2024 | The Year Of The Dragon 🐉

Elemental Discussion In Connection To These Divine Celestial Beings | The Elements Within.

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