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The Crown Chakra

Updated: Mar 23

Also Known As Sahasrara In Sanskrit

In Sankrit;

Sahasra Means One Thousand

Sahasrara Means The Lotus Of One Thousand Petals

The Crown Chakra -Sahasrara

Vibrates at 963Hz.

Activates In Silence.

Listening To The Sound Frequency 963 Hz Will Help You To Connect With Your Crown Chakra.

It Will Activate This Chakra & Help To Keep It Open & Moving Energetically In A Healthy Vibrational State.

Allowing You To Receive Information From The Ether Into The Crown & Third Eye Chakra.

Visualization Techniques; While Listening To The Resonance Of The Correlating

Sound Frequency Will Enhance The Activation & Balancing Of This Chakra.

The Crown Chakra Is Connected To The Colour Violet.

Visualizing In The Minds Eye An Energy Ball Of Violet Light; Circulating In Flow

Attuned To The Sound Frequency 963Hz Will Help To Open, Balance & Activate Your Crown Chakra.

If Your Third Eye Chakra Is Open, Healthy & Optimally Functioning You Will Easily Be Able To See

The State Of Any Chakra Through Visualization Techniques.

Something I Have Experienced.

When Working Closely With The Chakras Through The Minds Eye In Meditation;

This Is Where You Can Visualize The Current State Of It & Bring It Into Optimal Health.

Note: The Chakras Go In And Out Of Balance Based On Internal & External Influences.

Balancing Your Energy Centres Is Something That You Will Need To Maintain;

Daily To Keep Them Healthy & Functioning Optimally.

This Is Something That Will Come Naturally As A Lifestyle Once You Start To Recognize How

To Keep Yourself In Balance Through Your Intake.

Through Conscious Consumption In Mind & In Body.

Conscious Consumption Of The Colour Violet Will Help To Bring This Chakra Into Balance.

Wearing The Colour Violet.

Eating The Colour Violet; As Long As Its A Natural Resource Derived From The Earth Star That Are Associated With This Colour Will Help You To Activate This Chakra & Help Bring It Into Balance.

Organic & Unsprayed Non Toxic Foods.

Crown Chakra Balancing Foods; Blueberries. Purple Cabbage. Purple Yams. Purple Grapes

All Foods That Are Violet - Naturally Derived From The Earth.

Learn About Color Therapy On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of Colour

Using Crystals In Another Way To Activate & Bring The Chakras Into Balance.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Crown Chakra :

Amethyst. Opalite. Moonstone. White Howlite. Blue Goldstone. Clear Quartz. Rutilated Quartz. Rainbow Fluorite. Tourmalinated Quartz.

Meditate With These Crystals Above The Head Where The Crown Chakra Is Located To Receive Downloads From "The Field" "The Ether" Or Uploads From Within To Receive Information Of Pure Consciousness From The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

I Have Found Amethyst Meditations To Be Extremely Helpful With Downloads & Uploads.

In Silence & While Listening To The Sound Frequency 963Hz.

Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra

This Chakra Is All About Higher Consciousness. Intuition. Connecting With Divine Source Energy.

It Is The Gateway To Infinite Consciousness.

It Is Connected To The The Pituitary Gland.

Through This Chakra You Are Able To Connect With And Experience

The Blissful State Of Absolute Knowledge That Yogis Call "Satchidananda".

This Is Beyond The Realm Of Individual Awareness, Which Is Known As "Chitta"

This Chakra Provides The Energetic Connection To Transcend The Mundane Sense Of Duality.

The Self - Others

Subject - Object

Divine Masculine - Divine Feminine

The Crown Chakra - The Sahasrara Chakra Is Located At The Top Of The Head At The End Of The Central Meridian; The Sushumna Nadi, Where The Other Two Major Meridians;

Ida & Pingala - Ordinary Consciousness Do Not Reach.

Extending Up Toward Heaven; In Direct Connection With The Transpersonal Chakras.

"By Focusing On The Light Emanating From The Crown Of Your Head,

You Become Able To See Enlightened Masters"

Patanjali, Yoga Sutra, 3.33

The Sahasrara Is A Flower Of Infinite Energy Rays In Indian Tradition.

The Sahasrara Chakra Governs The State Of Consciousness Within All Living Beings.

Connected To The Pituitary Gland.

The Goal Of The Crown Chakra Is To Lead A Life Filled With Joy.

To Connect With The Ever Changing Everlasting Infinite.

To Reach Enlightenment.

Satchidananda Meaning : Absolute Truth

Absolute Consciousness. Absolute Bliss

Your crown chakra is the seat of transcendent pure consciousness

that is beyond the realm of your ordinary individual awareness.

Its energy makes it possible to experience a superconscious state that is beyond time and space.

You become fully aware of the identification of your individual personality with the Higher Self.

The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara

Brings Intuitive Knowledge & Deeper Understanding.

It Enables One To Connect With Other Planes Of Existence Outside Of The Self;

To Discover The Information Connected To The Ethers & The Divine. The Crown Chakra Is An Energetic Passageway; From The Mundane Consciousness To Experience Your Higher Self.

It Is Your Connection To The Collective Unconscious And A Connection To Absolute Freedom.

It Is The Gateway To Immortality As The Soul Lives On Forever As Energy Never Dies.

People That Access The Energy Of The Crown Chakra At Will Are Often Perceived As Miracle Workers. They Are Divinely Guided And Able To Transcend The Laws Of Nature.

Universal & Spiritual Awareness Will Develop As You Work With The Crown Chakra.

Intuitive Guidance. Mystical Awareness.

The Dark Night Of The Soul

Are Factors Of Working With This Chakra.

This Is Beyond The Mind & Beyond The Physical Senses.

Connection With The Clair Senses.

Learn More About The Clair Senses In The Blog Post Titled: The Clair Senses.


When To Work With The Crown Chakra

If You Need To Quiet The Chatter In The Mind.

If You Suffer From Insomnia Or Other Sleep Disturbances.

Feeling Lack Of Direction In Life.

You Would Like To Receive Guidance From The Higher Realms.

You Have Gifts That Need Developing.

Its Time To Bring In More Joy And Wonder Into Your Life

You'd Like To Have Greater Access To & Have A Deeper Understanding Of The Workings Of

Your Unconscious Mind & The Subconscious Mind.

You Become Aware Of The Need To Make Changes To Your Basic Belief System.

Out Of Balance

If The Energy Of The Sahasrara Is Blocked It Is Likely ThatYou Will Find Your Mind Going In One Direction, Your Heart In Another And Your Body InAnother Direction.

A Misaligned Crown Chakra May Cause You To Be Self-centred & Unable To See The Interconnectedness Of life. You May Be A Low-Energy Person Or Your Energy May Circulate Only In The Lower Chakras, Directed Toward Totally Materialistic And Sensual Pursuits. Your Life May Seem To Be Lacking In Spiritual Richness. You May Not Believe That Anything Exists Beyond What Can Be Perceived With Your Senses Or Understood With Your Mind. You May Suffer From A Poor Perception Of Reality Or Find It Difficult To "Connect" In General.

In Your Physical Body, Extreme Blockages Can Show Up As Paralysis or Multi-System Diseases That Affect Both Muscles And Nerves, Such As Multiple Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig disease (ALS).

Many Genetic Disorders Seem To Be Karmically Linked To Sahasrara Blockages.

Without Balancing The Energy Of The Sahasrara Chakra You Will Be Unable To Reach The Superconscious State That The Yogis Refer To As "Samadhi"

Blocked Crown Chakra

Blockages In The Crown Chakra Will Leave You Feeling Scattered. Lacking Inspiration,

Feeling Joyless, Seeing The World As Purely Rational, & Materialistic.

Experiencing A DisconnectionFrom All Spiritual Sources.

Scepticism. Over Indulgence In Sensual Pleasures.


The Aura Is A Dark Muddy Colour .

Benefits - Open Crown Chakra

Intuitive Knowledge. Deeper Understanding. Strong Spiritual Links & Connection To The Divine. An Enhanced Sense Of Wonder. Discovery Of Divine Mysteries. Experience Your Higher Self. Connection To The Divine. Experiencing The Feeling Of Completeness.

#9 Energy.


A Total Absence Of Faith. You Think That People That Do Have Faith Are Fools Or Hypocrites. You May Feel Isolated. Alienated or Disconnected From The World. You May Be Bored Or Apathetic. Without The Pull Towards The Higher Realms Your Life May be Stuck In The Experience Of The Lower Chakras That Deal Primarily With Survival And Pleasure.


Too Open To Anyone Who Professes To Be A Religious Or Spiritual Teacher. You May Demand Teachings That You Are Not Ready To Understand. You Tend To Practice Excessively, Without Any Real Understanding Of The Meaning Of Your Practice. You May Mortify Your Physical Body With Extreme Practices, Such As Excessive Fasting. You May Have Frightening Visions And Feel That God/Angels/Saints Are Talking Only To You. You May Feel Light Headed And Dizzy. Suffering From Frequent Headaches.

In Balance

Clarity. Clear Connection With The Divine. Receiving Information From the Ethers

Through The Gift Of Inner Knowing Downloaded Or Uploaded Into The Mind.

Shop The Chakra Collection

Unblocking/Balancing The Crown Chakra;

In yoga tradition, this universe is created by the original vibration of the sound of OM.

Sound has three aspects: the sound you hear, its meaning and how you process it mentally.

Nadanusandhana is an excellent exercise to bring all of these aspects into balance

To connect you with the mystical meaning of OM.

Nadanusandhana - Integrating the aspects of OM

Sit In any comfortable meditative position to perform this exercise.

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