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The Chakra's - Prana - Life Force Energy

Updated: Mar 27

Prana Means Life Force Energy.

The Chakras Are A Form Of Prana.

They Are Our Energy Centres Within, Beneath & Above The Body.

Chakra Is A Sanskrit Word For Wheel.

The Chakras Are Depicted As Spinning Vortices,Wheels, Flowers, Balls Of Energy.

Spinning & Rotating Clockwise & Counterclockwise Up The Sushumna - Our Energy Body;

Our Light Body, Vibrating The Different Colours Of The Rainbow Based On Their Frequencies Within Our Emotional Body - The Second Layer Within Our Auric Field; Our Energy Field.

Also Known As Our Biomagnetic Field Or The Etheric Double.

Learn More About The Auric Field :

Chakras Are Conduits That Conduct & Transform Prana Into Material Form.

A Proper & Unrestricted Flow Of Energy Through Your Chakras Is Necessary For Optimal Physical, Emotional & Mental Health. If The Chakras Are Not Flowing In Tandem, You Will Notice Through Ailments As Each Chakra Is Associated With The Physical Body & Its Organs.

Each Chakra Represents A Particular Energy & Frequency.

Each Chakra Is Associated With Masculine & Feminine Energy.

Female; Yin. Essence Representing Dark, Passive, Receptive Energy.

Recieving & Acceptance.

Male; Yang. Essence Represents Light, Pentrative & Active Energy.

Giving & TakingAction.

The Chakras Within Male & Female Spin In Opposite Directions.

When A Man & Woman Come Together In Spiritual & Energetic Harmony

The Chakras Align & Create An Energetic Portal Activation Bringing In New Life.

When The Chakras Are Fully Functional & Flowing In Tandem, They Provide An Incredible Creative Control Over Physical Matter. Energetic Flow Through Your Chakras Is Largely Determined By The Mental State. Holding Fears And Misconceptions In Your Consciousness Impedes & Can Reverse The Flow Of Energy.

Work With The Chakras To Introduce & Recalibrate A Healthy Flow Within The Energy Body.

Open The Chakras That Are Closed & Balance Their Energy In Many Different WaysWhich Will Be Touched On In This Course Load Of Information.

There Are Thousands Of Energy Centres Within The Auric Field.

72, 000 Meridians & Nadis Within The Etheric Body; The Physical Body.

Within The First Layer Of The Auric Field.

Prana Flows Through The Physical Body In Subtle Channels Known As Nadis.

Here Is A Acupuncture Chart Representing The Nadis - Meridians Which In Sanskrit Means

The River Bed That Contains The Water Or Channel Through Which The River Flows.

This Is Considered The Subtle Wiring Of The Pranic Sheath Within All Human Beings.

There Are 7 Main Chakras That Are Known & Talked About In Society Associated With

The Physical Body.

These Personal Chakra's Reside Within The Emotional Body;

The Second Layer Of The Auric Field.

A Chakra Is Any Location Where Two Or More Nadis Or Meridians Cross.

The 7 Major Chakras Are Energetic Centres Located Along The Central Nadi,

Which Approximates To The Spine.

The Chakras Have 3 Responsibilities. Receiving. Digesting & Expressing Energy.

Knowledge On The Chakras Has Been Around Since The Beginning Of Time.

Spoken About In Ancient Texts. The Vedas. Upanishads. Yoga Sutras. Tantra.

We Work With The Chakras To Keep Our Energy Balanced & Flowing In Synchronicity.

So That Our Energy Flows Freely & Will Energize & Revitalize Our Being.

The Chakras Work Together, Spinning & Flowing Up The Sushumna Like Gears. When One Chakra Is Off Balance, They Are All Out Of Balance.

There Are Many Ways To Balance & Bring Our Chakras Into Good Health.

Through Conscious Consumption.

Being Aware Of The Chakras Within Us.

Knowing What A Healthy Root - Crown Chakra Looks Like.

Knowing When You Are Out Of Balance.

Taking The Necessary Steps & Actions To Bring Yourself Back Into Balance.

My Favourite Ways To Balance My Chakras Is Through Sound Frequency & Crystal Healing.

When Using Sound Frequency Keep This In Mind;

Working On Your Chakra's;

From The Bottom Up Creates Whats Known As: Mukti - A Liberation Current.

Root. Sacral. Solar Plexus. Heart. Throat. Third Eye. Crown.

From The Top Down This Creates Whats Called Buhkti - A Manifestation Current.

Crown. Third Eye. Throat. Heart. Solar Plexus. Sacral. Root.

I Created A Playlist On Spotify For The 7 Main Chakras.

These Are Chakra Balancing Solfeggio Frequencies That Create These Currents

Within Our Energy Field; The Auric Field.

They Are Each 10 minutes Long.

I Recommend Listening To Them In Order From Start To Finish;

When You Rise While Your Brain Is In Theta Or

When You're About To Sleep When Your Brain Is In Delta.

Regardless Listen To Those Frequencies To Feel The Liberation Current Or

Bring About A Powerful Manifestation Current.

Mukti - Liberation Current Playlist

Bhukti - Manifestation Current Playlist

Working With The Chakras Will Facilitate New Insights.Healthier Behavioural Patterns. A More Rewarding Lifestyle. The Chakras Help You To Connect More Fully, To Experience Inner Peace, Psychic & Spiritual Knowledge.

Including Balancing Techniques For Each Chakra; Sound Frequency. Colour Therapy.

Yoga Poses. Chants. Toning. Crystal Healing.

Chakra Quizzes To Determine Which Chakras Need Balancing.

Once You Balance The 7 Main Chakras Within The Body. The Transpersonal Chakras Open Up & Become Active. This Will Open You Up To Higher Consciousness & Awakenings.

Something That I Personally Have Been Experiencing Since Working With My Chakras.

Most People Stay Connected To The Lower Chakras Within The Body Their Whole Lives & Don't Experience Their Full Potential & The Enlightenment That You Can Tap Into Within The Higher Chakras. Some People Never Reach Enlightenment With An Open Third Eye Activation & Crown Chakra Activation, But Those Who Do The Internal Work Will Open & Activate These Chakras And Experience A Life Much More Than hey Could Have Ever Imagined. Experiencing The Love, Joy, Abundance & High Vibrational Feelings That Open Up When You Open The Astral Bridge From The Heart Chakra To The Higher Chakras Within Your Energy Body.

When The Energy Is Flowing Smoothly Through Each Chakra You Will Possess Self Confidence. You Will Communicate Your Thoughts, Hopes & Dreams In A Healthy Manner. You Will Be More Relaxed, Yet Focused. Natural Immunity Is Increased. You Will Be Able To Deal With Stress. Your Intuition Is Enhanced. You Will Have Clear Vision, Insight & Purpose. Develop Inner Poise Which Than Radiates Outward. Your Life Will Feel Balanced When The Chakras Are In Balance.

If You Feel Dull, Spaced Out, Disconnected From The World Around You, If You Feel You Need Stability, You're Lacking Self Esteem & Self Confidence. Having Creative Blocks?

Work With The Lower Chakras.

If You Feel You Are Lacking Inspiration. You Feel Disconnected From Your Spirituality. Mentally Checked Out, Brain Fog, Unclear? Feeling Like You Don't Have A Vision Or Purpose?

Work With The Higher Chakras.

The Personal Chakras Start At The Base Of The Spine Spinning Horizontally.

For Men The Root Starts Spinning Clockwise & Women Counterclockwise.

As The Chakras Go Up The Sushumna; The Energy Body, The Light Body

The Chakra's Are Vertically Going Up The Body Spinning Opposite To The Direction Of The Previous Chakra. All The Way Up To The Crown Chakra Where The Crown Chakra Spins Horizontally. Before ReachingThe Transpersonal Chakras Which Are Outside Of The Body.

Each Chakra Vibrates & Spins & Vibrates At A Specific Frequency Creating A Specific Colour. When A Chakra Is Out Of Balance The Colour, Shape, & Vibration Will Be Off Balance; Throwing The Rest Of The Chakras Out Of Alignment Within The Emotional Body, Which In Turn Throws The Physical Body Out Of Alignment Causing Physical, Emotional & Mental Problems. Crystals Can Bring Chakras Back Into Balance. Colours Can Bring The Chakras Back Into Alignment. Sound Frequencies, Yoga Poses, Foods, Scents, The Elements, Visualization.

I'd Like To Briefly Go Over The Chakras That I've Been Studying As They Are Beneficial To Know. We All Have These Chakras Within Us And They Affect Us All. Its Best To Be Aware So That You Can Take Care Of Your Chakras. Focus On Their Health & Alignment. Doing Our Best To Keep Our Chakras In Balance Because When The Chakras Are In Balance, We Feel Balanced. We Feel Optimal & This Makes Living Life Better Physically, Mentally & Emotionally.

The Workshops I Am Hosting Involving The Chakras Will Help People To Work With Their Energy Centres; To Bring Balance. Calming. Amplification. To The Energy Body.

With The Chakra Collection Launching This Fall, I Will Continue To Inform & Enlighten Those In Alignment With Chakra Balancing & Healing As It Is Beneficial To Those That Want To Be At Optimal Health; Physically, Mentally, Emotionally & Spiritually.


To Check The State Of The Chakras

-For Analytics Of The Chakras-

Focus On This Chakra Imbalance First Than Proceed To All Of Them.

NOTE: The State Of The Chakras Will Change Based On Your Mind. Body. Soul Connection.

Based On Your Consumption In all Aspects Day To Day.

Once You Go Through All Of The Information In This Blog Post; Be Sure To Go Through Each Blog Post Breaking Down The Individual Chakras Within The Body; Follow The Guided Techniques To Bring Balance Or Activation For Opening.

Here Is A Brief Overview Of The Chakras That Ive Been Working With.

Read To See What Resonates With You & Take Note Of Which

Chakras Need Your Attention.

The In Person Chakra Balancing Workshops

Will Help With Re-Balancing, Opening & Activating Your Energy Centres

Through Sound Frequency. Crystal Healing. Chakra Yoga Poses.

Contact For Details.

The Subpersonal Chakra - Beneath The Physical Body.

0 - The Earth Star Chakra

Vasundhara - Vibrates at 68.05 Hz. The Colour Muddy Earthy Brown - Magenta

This Chakra Is Its Name. The Earth Star. The Planet Earth & Its Energy Which Is Connected To The Akashic Records. What Are The Akashic Records? Information Stored Within The Earth Plane; From The Past, Present & Future Timelines. The Information From Our Ancestors. Inner Earth. The Mineral Kingdom, Which Is Healing At A Molecular Level For All Human Beings. The Earth Is Magnetic. The Sun Is Electric. We Are Electromagnetic Beings In Between These Two Planets. The Sun Is A Luminary Planet, Like The Moon.

You Can Learn More About This In The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Sun & Moon.

To Connect With This Chakra, Get Outside. Stick Your Bare Feet In The Grass & Breathe In The Life Force Energy Of Mother Gaia. Ground Yourself & Allow The Mineral Kingdom To Provide Healing From Your Soles All The Way Up Into Your Entire Vessel. Ground Yourself Into The Earth Plane & Meditate. Mudras; Yoga Of The Fingers & Full Body Yoga Helps One To Connect When Out In Nature. Allow Yourself To Access The Akashic Records By Sitting In Silence. Disconnecting From The Noise & Opening Yourself Up To The Information Within The Earth Star Chakra While Connecting To The Chakras Within & Above You.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Connecting With The Earth Star Chakra :

Bronzite. Dalmation Jasper. Picture Jasper. Black Tourmaline. Pink Tourmaline.

Tree Agate. Hematite. Smoky Quartz.

The Shoe Line I Intent To Create Within Katelynn Samuels Designs Will Bring A Direct Connection Back To Humanity With Sustainable Materials That Bring A Life Force & Energy

Connection To The Earth Star Chakra Directly Through The Soles Of Our Feet.

With The Help Of Wood - Trees, Bamboo & Crystal Frequencies.

Both Fashionable Unique Designer Label Styles & Your Everyday Wear.


The Personal Chakra's - The Energy Centres Within The Body

1- The Root Chakra

Muladhara - Vibrates at 396Hz, 432Hz. - The Colour Red & Black.

In Sanskrit : Mula - Root. Base. Foundation Adhara - Support. Basis.

This Chakra Is All About Stability. Security. Survival. Our Primal Needs.

The Earth Element; The Densest Of All Of The Elements

A Four Petal Lotus Flower.

The Root Chakra Is Associated With Your Auto Immune.

Skeletal Systems. The Bowels & Teeth.

The Legs, Feet, Knees, Base Of The Spine, Buttocks & Sciatica.

Out Of Balance - Fear. Panic. Greed. Intolerance. Prejudice. Mental & Physical Rigidity. Blind Faith.

OverActive - Feeling Stuck. Sluggish. Overbearing. Overweight. Hoarding. Black & White Thinking. Constipation. Feeling Depressed. Obsessed With Physical Security. Fearing Change. Obsessive Compulsive.

UnderActive - Fearful. Lack Of Discipline. Restlessness. Craving Constant Change. Underweight. Spaced Out. Ungrounded. Difficulty Holding A Job. Unable To Settle Down, Make Commitments, Sustain healthy Relationships. Feeling Disconnected From The Body. Living In A Fantasy World &Resorting To Escapism Activities.

In Balance - Healthy Relationships. Heightened Sense Of Security. Loyalty. Connecting With Your Body. Insights Into Your Relationships. Freeing Yourself From Prejudices & Intolerances. Releasing Yourself From Inherited Negative Views. Valuing All Life. Grounding Yourself. Feeling Secure In Life. Making Commitments & Keeping Them. Release Fear.

Balancing Muladhara Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Root Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Root Chakra :

Black Tourmaline. Snowflake Obsidian. Mahogany Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Hematite. Smoky Quartz. Red Jasper. Garnet.

2 - The Sacral Chakra

Swadhisthana - Vibrates at 417Hz. The Colour Orange.

In Sanskrit : Swa - Your Own Essential Nature. Swad - Sweet. Sthana - Place. Residence. Translated To "Your Own Home" "Sweet Place" This Chakra Is Your Pleasure Centre.

It Is All About Pleasure. Desire. Creation.

The Sacral Chakra Is Associated With The Element Of Water

A Six Petal Lotus Flower.

The Sacral Chakra Is Associated With Your Lower Back.

It Governs The Liquid Elements Of The Body.

Blood. Lymph, Tears, Urine, Saliva.

Kidneys. Urinary Tract. Reproductive System.

Out Of Balance

Trouble Expressing Emotions. Guilt. Jealousy. Restlessness. Chronic Lower Back Pain. Sciatica. Gynaecological Problems. Pelvic Pain. Kidney Or Bladder Problems. Infertility. Overly Possessive. Clinging In Relationships.


Nothing Seems Good Enough. Sexuality Confused. Engaging In Frequent Emotional & Sexual Manipulations. Tendency To Be Overly Emotional & Sensitive. Addicted To Sex, Pornography, Sexual Perversions, Pleasure, Excitement In General.


Extremely Introverted. Depressed. Excessive Stiffness In The Body. Rigid In Attitude. Unyielding Self Imposed Boundaries. Denying Minimal Pleasure. Fearing Sex. ( Different From Practicing Celibacy As A Spiritual Practice) Frigid. Impotent. Dreading Change. Unable To See How Life Could Improve. Lack Initiative. Needing To Be Told What To Do. Suffering From Emotional Numbness. Feeling That You Dont Desrve To Be Happy. Unable To Enjoy Yourself.

In Balance

Accept Change Without Resistance. "Go With The Flow" Letting Go Of Guilt & Frustration. Able To Enjoy The Uncertainties Of Life. Increasing Vitality. Sensitivity. Creative Abilities. Expressing Emotions In Healthy Ways. Feeling More Confident & Able To Express Yourself. Feeling At Ease In Your Life. Gives Fluidity To Your Movements. Strength To Your Mind. Enables You To Adapt To Your Environment.

Balancing Swadhisthana Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Sacral Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Sacral Chakra :

Bronzite. Carnelian. Orange Calcite. Sunstone. Peach Moonstone.

The Hara Line

In Between The Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras There Is A Chakra Point Called

The Hara Line, The Amber Hara Point, The Dantian, The Field Of Elixir Or The Sea Of Chi.

This Chakra Point Connects Within The Astral Field To The Subtle Body.

This Chakra Connects The Souls Purpose To Our Personal Will.

Learn More About The Hara Line Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura - Vibrates at 528Hz. The Colour Yellow.

In Sanskrit : Mani - Shining Jewel. Pura -City.

This Chakra Is All About Our Confidence.

Transformational Power. Sense Of Self.

It Is The Seat Of Your Personality & Your Charisma.

The Solar Plexus Chakra Is Associated With The Element Of Fire

A Ten Petal Lotus Flower.

The Solar Plexus Chakra Is Associated With

Ayurveda -"Digestive Fire"

It Governs The Digestive System & Muscles.

Out Of Balance

Apologizing Too Frequently. You Tend To Be Meek. Overly Modest. Forcing Ideas Onto Others. Passive Aggressive. Controlling. Frequent Procrastination. Feeling Like A Victim Of Your Circumstances. Relying On Caffeine Or Stimulants To "Get Going". Finding It Difficult To Look After Your Life. Suffering From Nervous Exhaustion. Anger. Rage. Excessive Vanity. Resentment.


Overly Individualistic. Eccentric. Judgemental. Intolerant. Lacking In Sensitivity. Frequently Irritable & Angry. Difficulty With Authority Figures. Self-centred. Aggressive. Constantly Active. Prone To Temper Tantrums. Violent Outbursts. The Need To Control Others. Likely To Have The Last Word. Inability To Understand The Nature Of Your Own Power - Leading To Misuse Of Power. Sadistic. Over Competitive. Don't Know When To Quit. Suffering From Digestive Problems. Heartburn. Ulcers.


No "Fire" Or Enthusiasm. No Ambition. Lacking Drive. Lacking Energy To Put Your Ideas Into Practice. Weak Willed. Passive. Lacking In Self Confidence. Suffering From Low Self Esteem. Poor Self Image. Difficulty Setting Reasonable Personal Boundaries. Feeling Powerless. Needy. Having A Victim Mentality. Difficulty Taking Responsibility For Your Own Health. Surrendering Your Personal Power To Others. Procrastinating Frequently. Lacking Stamina. Needing Stimulants; Caffeine On A Regular Basis. Needing Approval Of Others. Worrying About What "They" Will Think.

In Balance

Spontaneous & Energetic Energy. Experiencing The Joy Of Connecting With The Universe While Knowing Your Unique Place In It. Establishing Healthy Boundaries. Strengthening Will Power & Assertiveness. Connecting With & Understanding Your Personal Power. It Gives You The Strength To Command With Authority. To Organize & Manage Your Life More Successfully. On A Physical Level Having A Balanced Solar Plexus Chakra Improves Digestion & Metabolism. Boosts Stamina. While Helping You Know When To Quit. Giving You Strength To TransformYour Life. Enabling You To "Turn A New Leaf". Enhancing Your Self Esteem. Self Discipline. Self Reliance. Feeling Self Confidence. The Mind & Body Tend To Become More Radiant. With A Healthy Shine To Your Skin & Eyes. Increasing Natural Immunity. Better Health. Productive Life. Maintaining Honour & Integrity. Having Reasonable Personal Boundaries.

Balancing Manipura Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Solar Plexus Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Solar Plexus Chakra :

Citrine. Yellow Jade. Yellow Aventurine. Yellow Tourmaline. Tigers Eye. Pyrite. Bronzite.

The Heart Chakra

Anahata - Vibrates at 639Hz. The Colour Green

In Sanskrit : Anahata - Unstruck - Subtle Non Physical Sound.

This Chakra Enables Us To Express Unselfish Love & Compassion.

This Is Our Heart Centre.

The Anahata Chakra Is Associated With The Element Of Air

A Twelve Petal Lotus Flower.

The Heart Chakra Is Associated With Creating Harmony & Balance

The Most Powerful Link To The Physical & Spiritual Realm As It Is The Astral Bridge In The Auric Field.

The Heart Chakra Governs Our Respiratory & Circulatory Systems.

Asthma. Bronchitis. Lung Problems Are Linked To The Heart Chakra.

Pain In The Ribs. Upper Back. Shoulders. Chest. Thoracic Spine. Breasts.

Out Of Balance

Overly Judgemental Towards Yourself. Painful To Accept Anything Gracefully, Even Compliments. Feeling Imbalance In Your Life. Always Giving & Serving Others. Craving A Loving Partnership, But Unable To Commit Or Maintain One. Suffering From Chronic Respiratory Problems; Asthma. Recent Bereavement. Grief. Sorrow. Jealousy. Passiveness. Heartache. Difficulty Giving Or Receiving Love. Loneliness. Depression. Physical Ailments; Shallow Breathing. Respiratory Congestion. Asthma. Lung Diseases. Breast Cancer. Recurring Bouts Of Pneumonia. Chronic Upper Back Pain. High Blood Pressure. Physical Heart Problems.


You May Involved In A Codependent Relationship. Taking On The Problems Of Others. The Woes Of The World, Affecting You Too Deeply. Tendency To Smother Children With Affection. Giving Too Much & Too Frequently. Neglecting Your Own Needs. Falling In Love Too Quickly; Easily Getting Hurt. Feeling Air Headed. Forgetful.


Feeling Lonely & Isolated; Even When You Are Physically With Others. Trouble Sustaining A Healthy Loving Relationship. May Find It Impossible To Commit To One. Lacking Sympathy. Bitter & Overly Critical. Passive Aggressive. Selfish & Unable To Give. Especially Difficult For You To Give To Yourself. Miserly With Your Energy. Feeling Heavy Hearted.

In Balance

Finding Emotional Balance. Enhancing Abilities In "Heart Centred" Activities. Creating Harmony & Balance In Every Aspect Of Your Life. Learning To Forgive Yourself & Others. Forgiving People Who Have Harmed Or Slighted You In Some Way, Observing, Processing, & Not Reacting To It. Understanding That Its Outside Of You. It Is A "Projection" Or A "Mirror" Of Them. Forgiveness Will Free You From Emotional Suffering. (Its Up To You To Remove Yourself From People With That Behaviour & Energy). Emotional Balance. Letting Go Of Stress & Negativity. Enhancing Your Ability To Form & Maintain A Loving Partnership. On A Physical Level, Letting Go Of Stress Can Help Improve Your Breathing Patterns & Circulation. Free From Blockages & Rarely Feel Lonely. Not Lacking The Ability To Forgive. Nor Are You Short Of Sympathy.

Balancing Anahata Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Heart Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Heart Chakra :

Rose Quartz. Rhodonite. Rhodochrosite. Pink Peruvian Opal. Pink Tourmaline. Unakite. Prehnite. Green Aventurine. Olive Jade. Tree Agate. Malachite. Verdelite.

The Thymus Chakra

The Higher Heart - The Etheric Heart-

Atma - 352Hz - Aquamarine

Unconditional Love. Karmic Awareness. Understanding. Immunity. Where Intention Originates.

It Helps To Connect Language With Emotions Like Compassion. Creating Profound Heart Coherence - Profound Heart Healing. Bridging Emotion & Intellect To Connect More Fully To Divine Love. Use EFT To Reprogram & Rewrite Old Patterns & Programming In This Chakra

The Higher Heart Chakra & The Heart Torus

A Toroidal Magnetic Energy Field Exists Around Everything In Nature.The Toroidal Field Spirals Upward, around & Than Downward, Forming An Infinite Loops Of Energy That Propels Itself Energetically In An Unending Emanation, Circulating Feminine & Masculine Energies.

Learn More About This Field In The Blog Post Titled: The Auric Field

Within This Post You Can Learn About The Energy Field That Is Connected To Each Chakra.

The Layers Of Our Fields Which Work In Harmony With Each Chakra & Connect To The Quantum Field Outside Of Us.

The Hearts Electromagnetic Field Arcs Out From The Heart And Then Returns To The Hearts Zero Point Centre. This Centre Aligns With The Centre Of The Physical Body & The Light Body.

It Helps Us Visualize The Geometry Of Pure Aligned Consciousness And Our Souls Higher Intention Of Unconditional Love.

When Your Heart Chakra Is Activated It Sends Out A Signal Into The Quantum Field

Which Can Be Measured With Technology According To Dr. Joe Dispenza's Studies & Research.

He Teaches About Heart & Brain Coherence WhichActivates The Nervous System & Allows The Human Body To Heal Through The Mind . As The Mind Controls The Body.

Pranayama & Meditation Can Also Activate This Chakra.

The Thymus Chakra Or The Higher Heart Chakra Is Where Intention Originates From.

Its Helps One To Connect Language With Emotions.

It Creates Heart Coherence Which Emits A Profound Healing Effect On Your Body.

This Sacred Bridge Connected To The Heart Chakra & The Throat Chakra Is A Space That Bridges Your Emotion & Intellect To Connect You More Fully With Divine Love.

You Can Locate This Point On Yourself By Finding The Divots

A Few Inches Beneath & At The Centre Of Your Collarbone.

Using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Or Tapping You Can Tap On This Point To Begin Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind & Rewriting Old Patterns.

Visualize Diamond Light Energy & State " I Am Grateful For This Love That I Am, & So It Is".

These Techniques Allows You To Receive Source Energy, Whenever You Need It .

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Rhodochrosite. Pink Tourmaline. Green Tourmaline - Verdelite. Aquamarine.

The Thymus Chakra Is Not One That Is Spoken About Often.

Many Teachers Do Not Know Of This Chakra Or Teach About It, But It Is Very Important

As It Connects The Heart & Throat Chakras; Emanating This Toroidal Field.

Read About The Toroidal Field

Listen To This Video About The Toroidal Field & The Power Of The Spoken Word.

Something I Touch On Within The Blog Post Titled:

The Power Of The SpokenWord.

A Way To Activate & Balance The Next Chakra You Will Learn About.

The Throat Chakra

Vishuddha - Vibrates at 741Hz. The Colour Blue.

In Sanskrit : Vishuddha Means Purity

This Chakra Gives You The Energy To Hear & Speak.

Is All About Speaking Our Authentic Truth.

The Goal Of The Throat Chakra Is Deep Communication, Artistic Development & Self Expression.

The Vishuddha Chakra Is Associated With The Element Ether.

A Sixteen Petal Lotus Flower.

The Geometric Form Representing The Ether Is The Crescent Moon.

The Throat Chakra In Consciousness; Is All About Communicating With Others. Not Just Talking Or Just Listening. Calm, Clear Communication.

The Throat Chakra Is The Communication Centre Of The Subtle Body.

It Enables You To Listen Deeply, As Well As To Speak With Conviction.

The Throat Chakra Governs The Region In Your Throat And Laryngeal Plexus. It Governs Your Neck, Oesophagus, Thyroid & Parathyroid Glands, Vocal Cords, Trachea, Cervical Spine, The Seven Vertebrae In Your Neck, Mouth, Teeth & Gums. Hypothalamus, Tonsils, Ears & Auditory System.

Out Of Balance

Impedes Communication Between The Heart & Mind. It May Block The Feelings That Arise In Your Heart, You May Not Think Things Through & Speak Too Impulsively Or Irrationally When You're Out Of Balance In This Chakra. Speaking Too Fast. Speaking Without Thinking. Just Talking To Talk.

Open Throat Chakra

When The Throat Chakra Is Open; Ideas, Hopes & Dreams That Come From Your Ajna Chakra - The Third Eye Chakra Can Be "Taken To Heart" & Articulated. The Energy Within This Chakra Is All Language,

Not Emotions. The Vishuddha Can Express Blessings & Sweet Words. It Can Also Enable You To Articulate Negativity If You Are Feeling Blocked, So Its Important To Keep Its Energy Pure And Open.

Blocked Throat Chakra

When The Energy Of The Throat Chakra Is Blocked, You May Be Prone To Frequent Sore Throats, Speech Impediments, Eating Disorders, Deafness, Tightness Of The Jaw, Teeth Clenching, Thyroid Imbalance. Your Communication May Become Distorted. You Might Lie Without Realizing It.


Improving Your Communication And Creativity. Strengthening Skills Such As Public Speaking, Singing, Dancing. Developing Your Inner Voice. Making Your Voice, Face & Body More Expressive. Working With The Throat Chakra Develops Your


You Are Timid & Scared To Express Yourself. You Are Afraid To Speak, To Sing In Public. You Over React To Loud Sounds. Your Voice May Be Too Soft, Whiney, Crack Frequently, Or You May Speak Monotone. You Seem Unsure Of What You Are Saying. You Stutter Or Have A Speech Impediment. You Are Hearing Impaired Or Tone Deaf. Your Vocabulary Is Limited. You May Have Difficulty In Learning Foreign Languages Or Playing A Musical Instrument.

In Balance

You Are Able To Communicate With Others In An Honest And Open Manner. You Are Able To Recognize & Freely Express Your Truths, Creativity, And Emotional Needs Without Fear Of What Others Might Think. You Are Fully Able To Communicate With Others, As Deep Listening Is Also Linked To The Energy Of The Throat Chakra.

Balancing Vishuddha Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Throat Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Throat Chakra :

Aquamarine. Amazonite. Turquoise. Blue Peruvian Opal. Labradorite. Indicolite. Blue Tigers Eye. Sodalite.

The Zeal Point Chakra

Vibrates at the Note G#. The Colour

Activate This Chakra By Playing The Note G Sharp On The Keyboard. Piano Or Listening To This Tone.

This Chakra Is A Gateway To Consciousness. Known As The Well Of Dreams For Astral Projection.

Lucid Dreaming. Connection To The Divine. New Evolution. Ascension. Visual Processing. Spiritual Abilities. Astral Travel. Clair Senses. Gateway To Consciousness. Higher Understanding. Inner Guidance.Healing Abilities. Telepathy. Divine Harmony. Speaking Your Truth.

Connected To The Pineal & Pituitary Glands. - The Medulla Oblongata.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra

Pink Tourmaline. Rainbow Fluorite. Clear Quartz.

The Causal Chakra

Vibrates at the Note A#. The Colour Moon White

Activate This Chakra By Playing The Note A Sharp On The Keyboard. Piano Or Listening To This Tone.

This Chakra Reconnects Us With The Divine Feminine Energy. Known As The Past Life Chakra

Connected To The 4th Dimension - Archangel Christiel - Female Embodiment Of Jesus Christ.

Divine Feminine Consciousness. Illumination. Compassion. Love. Intuition. Purity. Messages From Spiritual Realm. Higher Wisdom From Spirit Guides.

The Third Eye Chakra

Ajna- Vibrates at 852Hz. The Colour Indigo

This Chakra Is All About Insight. Awakening. Perception. Clear Seeing.

In Sanskrit : Ajna

A Means Not.

Jna Means - Knowledge.

When The Third Eye Chakra Is Closed You Will Not Be Able To See The Knowledge In Plain Sight For What It Is. The Symbols & The Messages Surrounding You Will Be Difficult To Understand. Your Perception Is Clouded. Numbers. Symbols. Messages Are Very Base Level In Your Minds Eye. You Don't Have The Knowledge To Perceive The Symbols & Messages For What They Truly Are Which Is Connected ToThe Divine.

This Chakra Is The Command Centre Of Your Subtle Body. The Source Of Intellectual Understanding.

It Is The Seat Of Our Judgement, Emotional Intelligence, Rationality & Wisdom.

It Allows Us To Understand And Develop Symbolic Concepts, AbstractThinking And Organizational Skills.

The Ajna Chakra Is Our Sixth Sense.

Controlling Our Thoughts, Directing Our Attention, Our Concentration, Meditation,

Enlightenment & Super Conscious State.

The Ajna Chakra Governs The Brain In The Physical Body.

It Governs The Mind More Specifically.

The Goal Of The Third Eye Chakra Is Enhancing Intuition. Cultivating Creativity & Imagination. Breaking Through To Higher Consciousness. To See The Bigger Picture, Purpose In Life.

The Ajna Chakra Is Where Perception Meets Logic.

The Ajna Chakra Is Associated With The Mind.

Two Pure White Lotus Petals.


Out Of Balance

Physical Symptoms May Include Headaches & Poor Eye Sight. Learning Disabilities. Lack Of Concentration. Frequent Nightmares. Forgetfulness. In Extreme Cases Of Imbalance: Brain Haemorrhage, Stroke, Tumour, Alzheimer's, Epileptic Seizures. Mental Illness; Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Dizziness. Endocrine Imbalances. Mental Confusion. Insomnia. Acute Sinusitis.

Open Third Eye Chakra

Cultivate Being Creative & Imaginative. Ability To Think Symbolically & Literally. You Welcome New Ways Of Looking At The World & You Are Not Afraid Of Changing Your Opinions & Viewpoints. Achieving Cosmic Awareness Occurs When This Chakra Is Opened. Intuitive Knowing. Psychic Abilities Awaken. Clair Senses Activate. The Patterns Become More Visible In Everyday Life. Connecting To The Divine Through Inner Knowing. Inner Wisdom. Seeing Things For More Than Surface Level.

Blocked Third Eye Chakra

Feeling The Need For More Inspiration. Indecisive. Jump To Conclusions. Plagued With Nightmares, Migraines, Headaches, poor Eyesight, Lack Of Concentration, Extensive Forgetfulness. Illusion.


See Well Both Physically & Intuitively. Open To Psychic Perception. Connecting The Dots. Deciphering The Messages. Connected To The Ethers Through Inner Knowing.


Poor Vision Or Other Eye Problems. You Suffer From Poor Memory. Foggy About Details. Difficulty Visualizing The Outcome Of Your Actions. Difficulty Learning From Your Past Experiences. Fear New Ideas & New Experiences. Lack Self Discipline. Cant See Things That Are In Plain Sight. Lack Of Inner Vision & Imagination Inclining You To Set Your Standards Low.


Headaches. Hallucinations. Nightmares. Vision Is Narrow. Lack Flexibility In Thinking. Rigid Obsessive Personality. Constantly Evaluating Yourself. Obsessively Analyzing Every Action & Project Negative Outcomes. Holier Than Thou Attitude. Overly Conscientious. Suffer From Delusion. Too Intellectual Or Detached From The World. Lack Capacity To Tune Into Your Intuitive Abilities. You Don't Trust Your Intuitive Abilities.Over Abundance Of Intellectual Capacity. Lacking Compassion.

In Balance

Remembering Things. Connecting You To Sources Of Intuitive Guidance & Enhances Intellectual Capabilities. Stimulating The Communication Between Your Right And Left Hemispheres Of The Brain Generating Better Cooperation. Clear Perception. Seeing The Divine Numbers & Knowing What They Mean. Knowing What Is About To Unfold From The Patterns Presenting Themselves. Manifesting Through The Power Of Knowing.

Balancing Ajna Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Third Eye Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Third Eye Chakra :

Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite. Labradorite. Blue Tigers Eye. Tourmalinated Quartz

The Crown Chakra

Sahasrara - Vibrates at 963Hz.

Connected To The Colour Violet

This Chakra Is All About Higher Consciousness. Intuition. Connecting With Divine Source Energy.

It Is The Gateway To Infinite Consciousness.

Through This Chakra You Are Able To Connect With And Experience The Blissful State Of Absolute Knowledge That Yogis Call "Satchidananda".

This Is Beyond The Realm Of Individual Awareness, Which Is Known As "Chitta"

This Chakra Provides The Energetic Connection To Transcend The Mundane Sense Of Duality.

The Self - Others

Subject - Object

Divine Masculine - Divine Feminine

The Crown Chakra - The Sahasrara Chakra Is Located At The Top Of The Head At The End Of The Central Meridian; The Sushumna Nadi, Where The Other Two Major Meridians;

Ida & Pingala - Ordinary Consciousness Do Not Reach.

Extending Up Toward Heaven; In Direct Connection With The Transpersonal Chakras.

"By Focusing On The Light Emanating From The Crown Of Your Head,

You Become Able To See Enlightened Masters"

Patanjali, Yoga Sutra, 3.33

In Sanskrit : Sahasra

Means One Thousand

Sahasrara Means - The Lotus Of The Thousand Petals

The Sahasrara Is A Flower Of Infinite Energy Rays In Indian Tradition.

The Sahasrara Chakra Governs The State Of Consciousness Within All Living Beings.

Connected To The Pituitary Gland.

The Goal Of The Crown Chakra Is To Lead A Life Filled With Joy.

To Connect With The Ever Changing Everlasting Infinite.

To Reach Enlightenment.

Satchidananda Meaning : Absolute Truth

Absolute Consciousness. Absolute Bliss

The Crown Chakra - Sahasrara Brings Intuitive Knowledge & Deeper Understanding.

It Enables One To Connect With Other Planes Of Existence Outside Of The Self;

To Discover The Information Connected To The Ethers & The Divine. The Crown Chakra Is An Energetic Passageway; From The Mundane Consciousness To Experience Your Higher Self.

It Is Your Connection To The Collective Unconscious And A Connection To Absolute Freedom.

It Is The Gateway To Immortality As The Soul Lives On Forever As Energy Never Dies.

People That Access The Energy Of The Crown Chakra At Will Are Often Perceived As Miracle Workers. They Are Divinely Guided And Able To Transcend The Laws Of Nature.

Universal & Spiritual Awareness Will Develop As You Work With The Crown Chakra.

Intuitive Guidance. Mystical Awareness.

The Dark Night Of The Soul

Are Factors Of Working With This Chakra.

This Is Beyond The Mind & Beyond The Physical Senses.

Connection With The Clair Senses.

Learn More About The Clair Senses In The Blog Post Titled: The Clair Senses.


When To Work With The Crown Chakra

If You Need To Quiet The Chatter In The Mind.

If You Suffer From Insomnia Or Other Sleep Disturbances.

Feeling Lack Of Direction In Life.

You Would Like To Receive Guidance From The Higher Realms.

You Have Gifts That Need Developing.

Its Time To Bring In More Joy And Wonder Into Your Life

You'd Like To Have Greater Access To & Have A Deeper Understanding Of The Workings Of

Your Unconscious Mind & The Subconscious Mind.

You Become Aware Of The Need To Make Changes To Your Basic Belief System.

Out Of Balance

If The Energy Of The Sahasrara Is Blocked It Is Likely ThatYou Will Find Your Mind Going In One Direction, Your Heart In Another And Your Body InAnother Direction.

A Misaligned Crown Chakra May Cause You To Be Self-centred & Unable To See The Interconnectedness Of life. You May Be A Low-Energy Person Or Your Energy May Circulate Only In The Lower Chakras, Directed Toward Totally Materialistic And Sensual Pursuits. Your Life May Seem To Be Lacking In Spiritual Richness. You May Not Believe That Anything Exists Beyond What Can Be Perceived With Your Senses Or Understood With Your Mind. You May Suffer From A Poor Perception Of Reality Or Find It Difficult To "Connect" In General.

In Your Physical Body, Extreme Blockages Can Show Up As Paralysis or Multi-System Diseases That Affect Both Muscles And Nerves, Such As Multiple Sclerosis or Lou Gehrig disease (ALS).

Many Genetic Disorders Seem To Be Karmically Linked To Sahasrara Blockages.

Without Balancing The Energy Of The Sahasrara Chakra You Will Be Unable To Reach The Superconscious State That The Yogis Refer To As "Samadhi"

Blocked Crown Chakra

Blockages In The Crown Chakra Will Leave You Feeling Scattered. Lacking Inspiration,

Feeling Joyless, Seeing The World As Purely Rational, & Materialistic.

Experiencing A DisconnectionFrom All Spiritual Sources.

Scepticism. Over Indulgence In Sensual Pleasures.


The Aura Is A Dark Muddy Colour .

Benefits - Open Crown Chakra

Intuitive Knowledge. Deeper Understanding. Strong Spiritual Links & Connection To The Divine. An Enhanced Sense Of Wonder. Discovery Of Divine Mysteries. Experience Your Higher Self. Connection To The Divine. Experiencing The Feeling Of Completeness.

#9 Energy.


A Total Absence Of Faith. You Think That People That Do Have Faith Are Fools Or Hypocrites. You May Feel Isolated. Alienated or Disconnected From The World. You May Be Bored Or Apathetic. Without The Pull Towards The Higher Realms Your Life May be Stuck In The Experience Of The Lower Chakras That Deal Primarily With Survival And Pleasure.


Too Open To Anyone Who Professes To Be A Religious Or Spiritual Teacher. You May Demand Teachings That You Are Not Ready To Understand. You Tend To Practice Excessively, Without Any Real Understanding Of The Meaning Of Your Practice. You May Mortify Your Physical Body With Extreme Practices, Such As Excessive Fasting. You May Have Frightening Visions And Feel That God/Angels/Saints Are Talking Only To You. You May Feel Light Headed And Dizzy. Suffering From Frequent Headaches.

In Balance

Clarity. Clear Connection With The Divine. Receiving Information From the Ethers

Through The Gift Of Inner Knowing Downloaded Or Uploaded Into The Mind.

Balancing Sahasrara Energy

Learn Techniques In The Blog Post Titled: The Crown Chakra

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals To Use For Balancing The Crown Chakra :

Amethyst. Opalite. Moonstone. White Howlite. Blue Goldstone. Clear Quartz. Rutilated Quartz. Rainbow Fluorite. Tourmalinated Quartz.

The Transpersonal Chakra's - Above The Body

The Soul Star Chakra

Vyapini - Vibrates at 272, 20 Hz.

The Colour Spectrum is All Of The Colours Of The Rainbow & Iridescence.

This Chakra Is All About Soul Purpose & The Reason For Incarnation.

The Bridge To Higher Energies In The Universe. Where The Ascension Journey Officially Begins. Connected To Our Souls Purpose. Our Souls Eternal Blueprint. Connected To Higher Self. The Akashic Records. Our Physical Incarnation In Connection To Our Soul Contracts. Needs. Wants. Lessons Wished To Accomplish In This Lifetime. Our Deeper Spiritual Awareness.

Access To Higher Dimensions. Past Life Regressions. This Is The Seat Of The Subconscious Mind.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Amethyst. Selenite. Clear Quartz.

The Oversoul Chakra - Paramatman - Supreme Soul

The Main Umbrella Of The Soul.

Containing All Past. Present . Future. Self - Timelines.

A Composite Consciousness Managing All Of Our Incarnations At Once.

This Is Multidimensional. Presence In Many Realities Simultaneously Offering Guidance,

Support & Direction In Each.

The Oversoul Includes Your Soul Contracts. Spiritual Wisdom.

A Collection Of Past Experiences From Multiple Lives; This Information May Be Accessed Across Lifetimes - Where You Can Begin To Rewrite It To Your Current Needs,

Bringing Healing ToAll Timelines.

Ask The Universe For This Information.

Tap Into Your Akashic Records In Meditation And Allow Yourself To Receive This Information.

Learn More

The Stellar Gateway - Vyomanga - 448 Hz

A Cosmic Portal To The Rest Of The Galaxy.Stargate To Your Galactic Heritage-Lineage Of Light. The Stellar Gateway Bridges Humanity To Your Star Family Through The Oversoul.

It Is Connected To The 88 Named, Plus The Unnamed Constellations In The Sky.

All Of The Planets Including The Luminaries - The Sun & The Moon.

Our Celestial Connections; Pleidians. Lemurians. Arcturians. Andromedans.

Cassiopeians. Lyrans. Hathors. Etc.

Divine Love & Light.

Learn More About The Stellar Gateway


The Luminaries

The Planets - Your Personal Astrology Profile

The Universal Gateway - Ananta - 4096 Hz

Collective Consciousness. Unity Consciousness.

The Universal Gateway Is also Known As The Galactic Gateway

It Refers To The Universe As A Whole.

All Of The Galaxies Within It, Beyond he Milky Way Which Is The Galaxy That We Are Within.

The Universal Gateway Is Associated With The Matrix That Holds Every Reality Together.

Closely Corresponding To The 8th Dimension.

The Akashic Is Connected Which Is A Library Of Records Of Everything The Universe Contains.Found In The Vasundhara - The Earth Star. Paramatman- The Oversoul

& Ananta - The Universal Gateway.

All That Is, Was & Ever Will Be. Configurations Of Pure Light Essence Flows Down From This Elevated Plane Creating Sounds, Sacred Geometry & Eventually Physical Form. A Collective Chakra Providing A Portal To Accessing Knowledge Of The Universe In This Dimension & Many Worlds Beyond Our Imagination.

This Is Referring To The Greater Universe. All Galaxies - 100 Billion Planets.

The Divine Source Gateway - Samana - 432 Hz - The Cosmic Heart

An Auric Umbrella. Spiritual Ascension. A Direct Connection To God Source Energy.

Universal Consciousness. The Divine Mind. The Energy Of All That Is. Pure Consciousness. A Unified Field That Is All Knowing. All Powerful. Ever Present. Encompasses All Realities Including those Yet To Be Created. This Chakra Opens One Up To Exploring & Knowing The Deepest Parts Of Ourself. Untapped Creativity That Embeds Itself Into The Very Structure Of All That Is. Our Unique Special Codes, Gifts, To Share As Our Divine Spark Of Source Energy.

Opening This Chakra Removes All Illusions Of Separation, Replacing This With Interconnectedness. Love Is The Element That Binds It Together. Remembering The Limitless Power & Potential Available Through Intention To Merge With This State Of Being. Acknowledging That You Are A Person, A Soul, A Galactic Being With Galactic Consciousness, A Collective Contributor Your Spirit Begins To Integrate With All Facets Of Your Life Across All Multiverses, Timelines & Dimensions.

Learn More About Some Of These Chakras From The Great Teal Swan.

Here Is My Playlist An Informational Piece That Has Taught Me How To Stimulate & Experience

Balance Within My Chakras.

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