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The Auric Field

Updated: May 9

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Every Human Being Has Their Own Aura & Auric Field.

The Auric Field Is Both A Receiver & Transmitter Of Universal Information.

It Is An Energy Field. A Forcefield; That Surrounds The Entire Physical Body.

It Is A Luminous Emanation That Surrounds The Human Body, Spanning Out 6 Feet;

For Most People, Although Some People Have An Energy Field That Can Span Out 20 Feet +

Depending On How Healthy The Individuals Chakras; Their Energy Centres Are,

Will Determine The Vibration They Radiate & How Bright Their Auric Field Is.

This Depends On The Health Of The Individual In The Mind, Body, Soul & Their Spirit.

This Determines The Frequency That The Individual Radiates On & Radiates Out To The World.

This Will Than Determine How Far Of A Span The Auric Field Goes Outward;

Where The Law Of Attraction Comes Into Play.

The Energy We Send Out Into The World; Is Received Through The Ether & It Is What Is Mirrored Back Into Our Field. The Energy We Give Out Is Attracted Back To Us To Teach Us.

Through Our Thoughts. Our Words & Our Actions

We Connect With The Ether Through Our Auric Field.

Each Layer Increases In Vibration, As It Moves Outwards.

A Healthy Auric Field Emits A Shine That Radiates For Miles, That Everyone Notices.

People Can Feel The Energy Of The Auric Field, It Is Magnetic. It Is Made Up Of The Chakras Within The Body Our Energy Centres & It Is What Connects Us To One Another As It Is What Attracts People To Us Through "The Field" Outside Of Us; The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

The Ether, The Firmament.

Every Person Has Their Own Energy Forcefield.

Within This Forcefield Known As; The Auric Field We Have Our Soul Family Connections.

Our Spirit Guides, Other Energies Attached To Our Soul & Spirit That Walk With Us.

When We Walk Into A Room We Bring This Energy With Us.It Surrounds Us & Our Being.

When Your Chakras Are Balanced, You Are Radiating-Vibrating At A High Frequency.

When We Are Balanced Energetically; Our Chakras Are All Healthy, Spinning In Perfect Harmony With Each Other, Vibrant In Colour. These Vortices Of Energy Will Shine Out Of Your Energetic Being. People Can See It & Feel It. Its What Attracts People To Us, Or Repels Them.

Your Aura Is What Pulls People To You Like A Magnetic Gravitational Pull.

Everyone Is Energy. This Is Our Life Force.

The Auric Field Is Made Up Of 3 Planes & 7 Bodies.

The Auric Field Has 12 Layers That Are Energetically Connected To The Chakras.

This Energy Field Carries Your Soul. Your Spirit. Your Spirit Guides And All Of The Energies Attached & Connected To You. It Is Where Your Soul Ties Are Connected. The Cords That Connect You With Others. This Field Is Where Your Merakaba Is Located.

The 3 Planes & 7 Bodies Within Each Plane.

The 7 Layers Are As Follows;

1.Etheric - Governing Physical Sensations

2. Emotional - Governing Personal Feelings

3. Mental - Governing Our Thought Patterns

4. Astral - Governing Unconditional Emotions

(The Bridge Between Physical & Spiritual Layers - Similar To The Heart Chakra)

5. Spiritual - Governs Our Etheric Template - Our Higher Will

6. Celestial - Governs Our Emotional Template - Higher Feelings

7. Causal - Connected To Our Spiritual Path & Universal Energy

Physical Plane - Tangible

This Is Connected To The Physical Body; The Body We See; Made Up Of The Organs, The Tissues, The Food You Eat,The Body You Were Born Into That You Have Seen Grow & Change.

The Physical Body Is How We Stay In Touch With Our Outer World Through The 5 Senses.

Taking In Information From The Outside World & Reacting Accordingly.

Limited By Time & Space.

Anamaya Kosha

It Manifests Itself As "The Waker" "The Waking Stage"

The Physical Plane Is Made Up Of 3 Layers

Etheric Body - The Physical Body. 72, 000 Nadis & Meridians

Studied In Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine

Responsible For Health & Wellbeing - Connected To The Root Chakra.

A Blueish Gray Hue.

Emotional Body - Subtle Body. 7 Main Chakras Reside.

Representing Emotions & Feelings.

Delivering Emotional Energy Connected To The Sacral Chakra.

Muddy Coloured During Emotional Stress.

This Layer Can Be All Colours Of The Rainbow, Associated With The 2nd Layer.

The State Of The Chakras Are Easily Determined In This Layer.

Mental Body - Concrete Intellect. Higher Mind. Genius

Represents Thoughts, Cognitive Processes & State Of Mind.

Bright Yellow In Connection To The Solar Plexus Chakra & The 3rd Layer Of The Auric Field.

Astral Plane - The Subtle Body - Feelings

This Includes All Of Your Qualities And AttributesThat Are Non Physical In Nature.

The Emotional & The Mental Energy.

There Are No Limitations Of Time & Space.

It Manifests As "The Dreamer" "The Dream State" - Ayureveda

Astral Body - The Bridge Between The Physical Plane & The Spiritual Plane.

The Astral Plane Is Made Up Of Your Characteristics. Your Gifts.

Learn More About Your Self In The Blog Post Titled; Spiritual Journeying..

The Astral Body Layer Represents Where We Form Our Astral Cords With Others.

Divine Information - Stored In The Oversoul - Our Personal Akashic Records.

The Astral Body Is Connected To The Heart Chakra.

The Fourth Auric Layer; Radiating At The Colour Green.

This Layer Becomes Strong In Loving Intimate Relationships & Weak During

Breakups Or Conflicts With Those That We Love.

Causal - Spiritual Plane - Pure Consciousness

Your True Essence

The Cosmic Intellect.

The Seed Potential Of All The Bodies.

A Subtle Medium Inside & Around The Body.

No Fear

It Manifests As A "Deep Sleep Stage" - NREM - Delta Brainwave State

Accessed In Deep Meditation & Deep Sleep Through Silence.

Learn More About The Brainwaves & The States Of Consciousness Accessible Through Matching Frequency - Sound Frequency Can Activate A Match In Frequency

Etheric Template

This Layer Represents The Entire Blueprint Of The Body That Exists On The Physical Plane.

This Includes Everything You Create On This Physical Plane.

Including Your Identity, Personality & Overall Energy.

This Layer Is Connected To The Throat Chakra, The 5th & 6th Layers Of The Aura.

This Layer Is Made Stronger Through Expressing Your Truth & Knowing Who You Truly Are.

Celestial Body

This Layer Carries A Very Strong & Powerful Vibration.

Representing The Connection To The Divine & All Other Beings.

This Is Where Unconditional Love & Feelings Of Oneness Flow.

This Is The Layer That Is Connected To The 3rd Eye Chakra.

When This Layer Is Strong & Developed The Person Will Have The Ability To Communicate With The Spirit Realm & Receive Angelic Messages.

You Can Heal & Develop This Layer Through Unconditional Love.

Pearly White In Colour Connected To The 7th Auric Layer.

Ketheric Template

Represents Divine Oneness. The Feeling Of Being One With The Universe.

This Layer Holds All Of The Information About Your Soul & Previous Lifetimes.

Connected To The Crown Chakra. Your Consciousness. The Oversoul.

The Soul Star Chakra & The Akashic Records.

Vibrates At The Highest Frequency.

Gold In Colour.

When Strong, This Gives You The Ability To Surrender To The Path Of The Divine.

Helping One To Develop & Increase Psychic Abilities.

The 12 Layers Of The Auric Field & Their Purpose

1st Auric Layer - Red

Protection Of Life Force Energies

2nd Auric Layer - Orange

Screens Feelings & Emotions

3rd Auric Layer - Yellow

Filters Ideas & Beliefs

4th Auric Layer - Green

Attracts & Repels Relationships

5th Auric Layer- Blue

Attracts, Repels, Sends Guidance

6th Auric Layer - Purple

Opens Up Choices, Enacts Decisions

7th Auric Layer - Pearly White

Connects With Spirits & Spirit; Broadcasts Spiritual Decisions

8th Auric Layer - Grey

Broadcasts Karma & Absorbs Super Natural Powers

9th Auric Layer - Gold

Connects With Others Based On Soul Issues

10th Auric Layer - Iridescence.

Mirrors Beliefs, Serves As A Second Self

11th Auric Layer - Shimmering Pink

Commandeers Force

12th Auric Layer - Grey-White-Purple

Links With The Energy Of The Cosmic Egg

Connecting The Human Self With The Divine Self.

Each Layer Of The Auric Field Connected To The Colours Of The Rainbow

Is Also Connected With The Chakras. The Energy Centres Within Our Bodies Connected To The Layers Within The Auric Field Which You Will Learn More In Depth On The Blog Posts

Specific To The Chakras.

Learn About The Toroidal Field

Read & Watch These Links For Valued Information On This Field.

The Field That Emanates From The Heart. Throat. Brain.

The Chakras In The Centre Of Our Being.

The Heart Once Activated; Sends Out A Signal Through The Field Which Can Be Measured With Technology According To Dr Joe Dispenza's Studies & Research Where The Toroidal Field Emits Frequencies From "Our Field" Into "The Field".

Learn More About His Research. His Story. His Studies.

He's A Doctor That Bridges The Gap Between Science & Spirituality.

Here Are Some Videos To Watch In Connection To His Teaching With " Our Field" & "The Field"

"The Quantum Field"

Speaking On Chakras. Brainwaves. Heart & Brain Coherence. Energy Within & Around You.

Some Other Videos I Recommend Watching; To Learn His Teachings.

This Is A Long One But His Teachings Will Change Your Life, Once You Learn.

A Very Wise Man.

Really Pay Attention To These Teachings.

Believe In Your Self & See The Possibilities Unfold.

Dr. Joe Dispenza Healed Himself From A Spinal Injury Without Doctors.

He's Taught People How To Heal Themselves.

This Is A True Doctor.

A Healer.

Learn. Apply. Evolve.

Divine Wisdom Shared From Other “Enlightened Ones”

The 4 Stages In Ayurveda

Also Connected To Our Brainwave States

The Waking Stage

Connected To The Physical Body

Most People Are Most Of The Time

Beta Brainwaves

The Dreaming Stage

The Subtle Body - In Dreams - Strong Emotions- Inspiration

We Are Unconscious of This Stage

Theta Brainwaves

The Deep Sleep Stage

Causal Body - Deep Meditation - Deep Sleep - Quiet The Body & The Mind

Delta Brainwaves

The Stage Of Enlightenment

Utmost Consciousness

Gamma Brainwaves

To Learn More About The Brainwaves

The 5 Koshas - The Sheaths

The Journey To Self Realization - To Uncover Our True Selves- At A Soul Level

To Work On & Peal Back These Layers.

Understanding Our Unique Mind Body Type -Our Birth Constitution

Studying The Self.

Our Needs. Our Imbalances.

Learning How To Bring The Body & Mind Into Balance.

To Discover Who We Are At A Soul Level; As Much More Than

The Waker. The Dreamer. The Deep Sleeper.

The 5 Koshas; The 5 Layers That Uncover Our True Nature; Our Seed Potential

Our True Self.

Atman; Our Soul.

Annamaya Kosha

The Outer Most Layer- Physical Body - Our Anatomy

Connected To Our Bones. Muscles. Tissues. Organs. Etc.

Feeling. Touch. Hunger. Illness. Pain.

Connected To The Root Chakra

Also Known As The Food Layer

Emerges From Food; As We Are A Result Of The Food That We Eat & Digest .

When We Were In The Womb We Grew From The Food Our Mother Ate.

We Are What We Eat; We Are What We Digest; Ayurveda

What We Eat Determines The Health Of Our Body & Our Mind

Limited By Time & Space

Pranamaya Kosha

The Energetic Body. The Vital Body.

Our Physiology

Also Known As The Vital Air Or Breathe Layer

Connected To The Throat Chakra

The Etheric Template.

Connected To The Breathe But Also The Power Of The Spoken Word.

The Flow Of Prana - Life Force Energy In The Body

This Prana Flows Through The Nadis; The Energy Channels Of The Body.

The Chakras; The Energy Centres Or Spinning Vortices - Vortexes Within The Subtle Body.

Responsible For The Functional Governance Of Each Structure.

The Nervous System. The Digestive System. The Circulatory System. The Excretory System.

The Respiratory System.

You Can Bring These Systems Into Balance Using The Right Systems;

Connected To Sound. Yoga. Diet. Pranayama - Breathe Work.

Cleansing; Physically & Energetically. With Crystals.

Self Care & Mindfulness Practices.

This Layer Regulates The Previous Kosha

This System Regulates The Physical Body

Connected To The Subtle Body; The Emotional Body.

Connected To Feeling.

The Heart Chakra & The Sacral Chakra

The Astral Plane.

Its Also Connected To Feeling Energized Or Lifeless. Feeling Energy Within The Heart Or Head. Noticing The Energy Within Those Around Us. The Energy Within A Place.

Connecting To The Energy Within Food.

Note: You Can Raise The Vibration Of The People Around You, A Place. The Food & Water In Your Midst With The Power Of The Spoken Word.

I Know This First Hand As I Do This Daily & Have Experienced This Many Times Over.

Learn About The Power Of The Word In The Blog Post:

Learn About This Sacred Wisdom In The Book:

The Four Agreements; Toltec Wisdom

By Don Miguel Ruiz.

Manomaya Kosha

The Mental Layer

Our Psychology

The Mental-Emotional Sheath

The Junction Between The Two Layers Before & The Two Layers Afterwards

Like The Astral Body - The Heart Chakra - The Bridge.

Connected To The Solar Plexus Energy

The Power Of The Will; One Of Our Higher Faculties.

As We Have The Ability To Choose Our Path, Our Words, Our Actions.

Regardless Of The Thoughts That Come Into Our Minds Which Are Based Upon The Programs Of Our Paradigm, The People, Places & Things We Surround Ourselves With.

Its Up To Us TO Take Control Through The Power Of The Will.

Manomaya Kosha Is Connected To The Continuous Flow Of Emotions

It Regulates The Previous Kosha

As Our Emotions Affect Our Breathing. Our Nervous System. Our Digestive System. Etc.

This Layer Is Connected To Distant Realms

The Ether.

Connected Our Thoughts. Images. Fantasies. Day Dreams.

In Dreaming State

Working In The Realm Of The Known.

Powerful Mental Structures Formed By Beliefs. Opinions. Assumptions.

Absorbed From Our Families. Our Culture & Accumulated Mental Patterns

Paradigm Shifts Will Occur With The Control Through Our Power Of The Will.

It Is Inevitable.

New Beliefs. New Thoughts.

This Creates A New Path.

New Earth.

Connected To The Subtle Body - The Emotional Body

Through Meditation & Pranayama - Breathe Work;

Allowing Prana - Life Force Energy & Awareness; Pure Consciousness To Flow Into The Mind

Giving Us The Opportunity To Be Still.

To Transcend Our Thoughts. To Access & Uncover Emotions.

Uncovering Past Experiences Holding Us Back From Moving Forward On Our Divine Path.

Releasing Old Belief Systems.Once We Transcend These Obstacles,

We Can Move Onto The Next Kosha.

Vijnanamaya Kosha

The Intellectual Wisdom Layer

Our Sense Of Inner Knowing. Intuition. Insight.

Connected To Our Third Eye Chakra.

The Ajna Chakra.

The Celestial Body.

Our Discernment

Our Intuitive Layer. Our Gut Feelings.

This Kosha Stabilizes The Oscillations Of The Mind & Directs The Mind.

Knowing When The Mind Is Out Of Balance Is Important.

Awareness Is The First Step.

Knowing How To Clear The Mind Is A Key To Working With This Kosha.

There Are Many Ways To Bring Mental Clarity.

Clear Quartz & Selenite Are Crystals To Help With This.

Diet Choices Are A Big Part Of Bringing Clarity To The Mind.

Sound Frequencies Can Bring Clarity To The Mind & Body.

Certain Sounds Can Also Bring Imbalance & Fog.

Its Important To Know What Triggers The Fog.

Certain People; Relationships Can Bring The Energy Of " The Fog"

I've Noticed Through My Own Experience.

Karmic Relationships That Are There To Teach You A Lesson;

I've Found In My Own Personal Experience.

Working With This Kosha Will Help To Still The Mind & Bring It Into Focus.

To Direct The Mind.

It Will Also Benefit The Previous Kosha.

Often Used In Writing. Painting. Composing. Creative Works.

Which Is Connected To Our Self Expression

The Throat Chakra & The Sacral Chakra

The Etheric Template & The Emotional Body

The Colours Blue & Orange

Connected To The Number 3 - In Numerology.

Vijnanamaya Kosha Reaches The Realm Of The Unknown.

The Intelligence Of Nature.

Pre Programmed Cells; Like The Seeds That Grow & Bear Fruit Or Vegetables.

We Also Have This Pre Programming; Our Waking Or Sleeping Cycle.A Females Mensural Cycle.

The Animals That Know When To Hibernate.

This Is A Knowing - In Built Intelligence.

Working With This Kosha It's Important To Have Knowledge Of The Gunas.

The Metal Constitution.

Sattva. Rajas. Tamas.

Knowing & Being Aware Of When You're In A State Of Being

Rajasic; Overly Competitive. Greed. Anger. Jealousy.

Tamasic: Sluggish. Feeling Inetria. Heaviness. Withdrawal.

Understanding The Gunas;

Becoming Aware Of The State Of Our Mind Will Help Us To Bring It Back Into Balance.

With Our Lifestyle Choices.

This Is How We Affect The Nature Of The Mind

Meditation & Pranayama Practices Will Help Us To Maintain Balance;

Allowing Us To Access This Kosha.

Diet; Good Eating Habits Connected To Our Dosha;

Consuming Seasonal. Organic. Unprocessed. Local.

Keeping Up With Our Yoga Practice.

Meditation. Pranayama- Breathe-work.

Living A Good Lifestyle. Having A Good Routine.

To Help Keep Us In Balance.

To Continue On This Journey

To Our Soul Potential; Our True Self.

Anandamaya Kosha

The Bliss Layer

Our Body Of Consciousness

Connected To The Crown Chakra - The Sahasrara Chakra

The Ketheric Template.

The Soul Star Chakra & The Over Soul.


Our True Self

Our Seed Potential.

At The Heart Or Centre Of The 5 Koshas

The Most Pervasive

It Controls The 5 Sheaths

Experienced In Deep Sleep Where There Is No Ego

No Attachment. No Control.

Letting Go.

Our Desire Is To Get To This Place Where Were Not Affected By Our Emotions.

Not Affected By The Outside World.

Not Controlling.

This Is Connected To The Hidden Part Of Us.

Similar To Our Moon Sign In Astrology.

The Anandamaya Kosha Carries A Subtle Presence.

Instinctive Sense

Underneath These Layers Is Atman

The True Self; Beyond The Mind.

Beyond The Physical Body.

Beyond Knowledge.

To Listen To Some Of This Information Listen To The Podcast Episode On Spotify;

Or Read The Book;

Yoga The Guide To Poses, Practices & More By Lucy Lucas.

Learn More About The Human Energy Field By Reading This Blog Post.

Energetic Anatomy: A Complete Guide to the Human Energy Fields and Etheric Bodies

Introduction To The Chakras

Learn More About Your Energy Body By Reading These Blog Posts:

Brief Overview

Subscription Includes:

An In Depth Overview Of Each Chakra

Quizzes For Determining What Chakras Are Out Of Balance Within,

Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance Each Chakra

(Sound Frequency. Toning. Meditations. Visualizations. Affirmations. Yoga Poses.Etc.)

Learn About The Difference Between The Soul & The Spirit

Muladhara - Root Chakra -396hz

Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra - 417hz

Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra -528hz

Anahata - Heart Chakra - 639hz

Vishuddha - Throat Chakra - 741hz Ajna - Third Eye Chakra - 852hz

Sahasrara - Crown Chakra - 936hz

Learn More About What This Means Within Higher Education Kxo

The Chakra Collection

The Chakra Balancing Education | Techniques Program

The Chakra Blog Posts

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