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The 8:8:8 Lionsgate Portal

Updated: Jul 17

This Year As We Are In A Universal Year 8, We Will Access The Energy Of The Lionsgate Portal On August 8th Much More Powerfully This Year. The Annual 8:8 Portal Becomes The 8:8:8 Portal.

The Lions Gate Opens Every Year July 26th When The Star Sirius Activates & Starts To Shift Into A Specific Alignment. This Alignment Involves The Sun, The Moon & The Pyramids Of Giza.

This Portal Is Officially At Its Peak On August 8th and Is Powerfully Charged Until The 12th Creating High Vibrational Shifts For All Of Us Here On Earth.

This Portal Lowers The Veil For High Vibrational Energies To Stream Through, To Be Seen, Heard & Utilized To Showcase The True Beauty & Magic Of This Universe That We Are All Apart Of.

It Is The Most Powerful Day Of The Year To Manifest Your Dreams & Desires.

Make Sure To Keep Your Thoughts Positive.

Make Sure That Everything You Speak Is Something That You Want To Bring Into Your Human Existence. Do Not Speak The Things That You Don’t Want, As We Cast Energy In With Our Spoken Word. The Universe Hears Everything & Vibrationally Sends It Into Our Field Based Upon Our Vibration & Spoken Tones Which Magnetize & Attract Everything Back To Us Through The Field.

Learn More About This On The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Spoken Word

  • These Bracelets Were Created On August 8th 2022 During The 8:8 Portal; Infused With 8:8 Portal Energies & Will Be Recharged In Their Energies On The 8:8:8 Portal For Enhanced Energy Infusion With The Portal Energies Streaming In

Lionsgate Portal Exercise

Write Who You Want To Be!

Who Are You Becoming?

Get Clear & Be Specific.

What Beliefs Does That Version Of You Have?

Write It Down.

Say Everything Out Loud!

Whatever Feels UncomfortableTo Say, Your Subconscious Mind Doesn't Believe What Feels Uncomfortable. Say It 3 Times.

Thats What Needs To Shift!

Next Write Facts About Yourself That You Are Proud Of.

Say Them Out Loud.

So Your Mind Starts Believing In The New Version Of Yourself - Shifting Your Behaviour.

This Ties It All Together; As Your Subconscious Mind Will Start To Shift Your Paradigm,

With What You Want & What You Know To Already Be True.

Don't Limit Yourself. Think Big.

Imagine Everything Has Already Happened. Do A Visualization Meditation.


Use Affirmations That Are Connected To The Chakras

Root - Muladhara : I Am

Sacral - Swadhisthana : I Feel

Solar Plexus - Manipura : I Will

Heart - Anahata : I Love

Throat - Vishuddha : I Speak

Third Eye - Ajna : I See

Crown - Sahasrara : I Know

Listen To Sound Frequencies That You Feel Called To.

I Personally Start With Clearing Sounds

Sound Bowls For Clearing On Spotify

444hz & 333hz

Divine Guidance & Alignment Frequencies

111hz 1111hz 222hz 2222hz

Than I Switch To Abundance Frequency


Lucky Frequencies


Love Frequencies

528Hz 639Hz

Write The Number 66 - Love

Learn More About Divine Numbers By Reading The Blog Post Titled: Divine Numbers

Ill Also Listen To Music That Makes Me Feel Good & Uses Words That Is Manifesting The Good.

Music Is Powerful Sound Frequency That Moves Energy.

It’s Important To Be Conscious Of The Music You Are Listening To As It Vibrates At Specific Frequencies | The Words Cast Out Vibrations Into Your Field When You Listen, It’s Why You’ll Feel Emotion Powerfully Through Music When Your Connecting To The Vibration.

Learn About

The Power Of The Spoken Word

Some Of The Music I Like To Vibe To |

All Bob Marley

He Created His Music To The Tone

Sound Frequency 432hz

God Frequency

Healing Frequency

Lucky Girl - Carlina

Feeling Good - Victory Or Nina Simone

Just Like Magic -Ariana Grande

This Year (Blessings) - Victor Thompson, Ehis D Greatest

Music Is Extremely Powerful For Manifestation. Make Sure You’re Listening To Music That Helps You To Manifest The Human Experience That You Want.

Singing The Life You Want To Embody & Attract Is Also Extremely Powerful.

Singing Your Gratitude Is A Life Hack.

You Can Listen To The Chakra Playlists I Made To Build Up 2 Currents

Liberation Current

Manifestation Current

These Currents Help You To Shift Into Higher Vibrational States Of Consciousness With A Balanced Chakra System.

Affirmations For The 8:8 Portal Activation That I'll Be Using:

You Can Use These Or Make Up Some Of Your Own Geared To What You Want To Activate In Your Field & Your Future Life

I Live The Life Of My Dreams Because It Was Written In The Stars For Me.

I Live Life By My Design.

I Live A Life Of Passion & Purpose.

I Have Multiple Streams Of Income That Impact People All Over The World.

Money Flows To Me As I Impact & Help The Lives Of Those In Alignment With My Work;

With My Expertise.

Money Flows To Me Effortlessly, It Finds Me In Every Room & It Is Given To Me Based Upon

The Value That I Have To Give & Share.

There Is More Money In My Bank Account Than Physically Possible To Spend.

I Have An Abundance Of Money To Create The Impact Properties That I Intend To Share With Those That Are Aligned With Evolving

In The Mind. In The Body. At The Soul Level.

My Family Is Blessed With Generational Wealth.

My Wealth Compounds Exponentially.

My Mind Is Worth Billions & Everyone Knows It.

Everyone Around Me Is Successful.

Happy. Healed. Evolved.

My Energy Is Abundant & Lucky.

I Am Extremely Blessed.

Blessings Are All Around Me.

Everyday I Receive More Blessings.

My Energy Is Addicting. Magnetic & Healing.

Everything Is Always Working Out For Me.

The Universe Assists Me In Creating The Life That I Have Been Dreaming Of.

My Energy Is Extremely Valuable & Everyone Knows It.

I Attract All That Is In Alignment With My Highest Timeline.

The Soul Mate I Seek, Is Seeking Me.

What Belongs To Me Simply

Finds Its Way To Me.

That Is How Its Always Been & Will Always Be

So It Is. - Make It So.



Created In 2022

On The 8:8 Portal.

The Year After Experiencing The Fae

For The First Time.

One Of The Most Beautiful “Fairytale Creatures”

In Existence Showed Itself To Me Under The Moonlight. The Brightest White, What Looked Like A Little Human With Wings. Sparking Away.

Days Later While The Portal Was Still Activated & Open I Had Her Sparks Show Up In My Sacred Space Showing Me She Was Still Around Me.

A Sight I Hope To See Again This Portal.

When You Surround Yourself With Nature, Dancing Under The Moon, Enjoying This Beautiful Life, With No Expectation,

Open Minded, Eyes Wide Open,

Clair Senses Awakened & Activated,

You Will Experience Beyond The Norm.

The 8:8 Portal Is A Powerful Day

To See What’s Beyond The Veil.


Coming Soon

Comment Your 8:8 Portal Beyond The Veil Experiences. I’d Love To Hear Them.

Learn More About The Lionsgate Portal

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