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The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success

Updated: Aug 27

Taken From The Book By Deepak Chopra

The One Hour Of Wisdom Pocketbook Guide

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The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success

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Where I Read The Pocketbook Guide On The Book The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success

By Deepak Chopra

Follow @sveamillerr On Instagram & Watch The Episode Where She Spoke On The 7 Spiritual Laws To Hear More On This Book.

Episode #13 On Her Page

She Is A Very Well Spoken Soul Sister Of Mine That Read This Recently To Share

The Sacred Wisdom Attached With A More In Depth Take On The Information Below.

Including Object Referral & Self Referral.

Based On The Full Book.

More Sacred Wisdom Coming Soon. Now Lets Get Into It...

The 7 Spiritual Laws Of Success

  1. The Law Of Pure Potentiality

  2. The Law Of Giving & Receiving

  3. The Law Of Karma; Cause & Effect

  4. The Law Of Least Effort

  5. The Law Of Intention & Desire

  6. The Law Of Detachment

  7. The Law Of Dharma Or Purpose In Life

The Law Of Pure Potentiality

Pure Consciousness.

The Field Of All Possibilities.

Infinite Creativity. Intelligence. Organizing Ability.

The Field Of Silent, Unmoving Awareness Where Anything Is Possible.

Spiritual Essence - The Field Of The Self.

Self Power Is True Power.

Knowing Who We Really Are.

Knowledge Of The Self.

It Draws Things That We Want To Us.

It Magnetizes People, Situations & Things To Support Our Desires.

Our Essential Nature Is One Of Pure Potentiality;

Aligning With The Power That Manifest Everything.

To Experience The Law Of Pure Potentiality You Must:

Practice Silence & Meditate.

Be Still.

Stillness Is The First Requirement To Manifesting Your Desires Because In Stillness You Connect With The Field Of Pure Awareness & Infinite Organizing Power.

Practice Non Judgement

Knowing That Nothing Is Right Or Wrong; Good Or Bad

It Just Is.

Through The Practice Of Non Judgement You Silence The Mind And Access Inner Stillness.

Spend Time In Nature

By Observing Nature You Begin To Sense The Harmonious Interaction Of All The Elements.

The Forces Of Life. The Abundance In The Universe.

It Is An Expression Of The Creative Mind Of Nature.

YouWill Access The Law Of Pure Potentiality & Infinite Creativity.

You Will Spontaneously Receive Creative Thoughts Just By connecting With Source Energy Through Nature & Its Beautiful Resources.

It Will Help You To Get In Touch With Your Innermost Essence Of Your Being.

The Law Of Pure Potentiality Says That You Are Pure Consciousness Itself.

Take Time Each Day To Be Silent - To Just Be.

Deepak Chopra Reccomneds Meditation 2 x A Day For 30 Mins

When You Wake Up In The Morning & Before You Go To Sleep.

-Begin Each Day With The Statement Today I Shall Judge Nothing That Occurs -

-Remind Yourself Of This Statement Each Time You Catch Yourself Judging.-

Commune With Nature.

Silently Observe The Intelligence Within Everything.

Watch The Sunrise Or Sunset. Listen To The Sound Of The Ocean Or Lake.

Simply Smell A Flower. Take A Closer Look At The Sacred Geometry Within The Plants,

Your Fruits & Vegetables. The Intelligence Of The Seeds Within Nature Shows Itself.

Experience The Law Of Pure Potentiality Every Day Through True Power.

Self Power.

The Law Of Giving & Receiving

Everything In The Universe Operates Through Dynamic Exchange.

Every Relationship Is One Of Give & Take.

Giving & Receiving Are Different Aspects Of The Flow Of Energy In The Universe.

If We Stop The Flow Of Energy, We Interfere With Natures Intelligence.

We Must Give & Receive In Order To Keep Money Or Anything We Want Circulating In Our Lives.

Currency, Our Word For Money Comes From The Latin Word Meaning:

"To Run Or Flow"

Money Is A Symbol Of The Life Energy We Give And The Life Energy We Receive As A Result Of The Service We Provide To Others.

Like A River, Money Must Keep Flowing, Otherwise It Will Become Stagnant.

Circulation Keeps It Alive & Vital.

The Intention Behind Our Giving And Receiving Is The Most Important Part Of This Law.

When The Act Of Giving Is Joyful, Unconditional & From The Heart, Then The Energy Behind The Giving Increases Many Times Over.

If We Grudgingly Give, There Is No Energy Behind That Giving.

If We Feel We Have Lost Something Through The Act Of Giving,

Then the Gift Is Not Truly Given & Will Not Cause Increase.

The Law Of Giving & Receiving Is Simple:

If You Want Love, Give Love.

If You Want Attention & Appreciation, Learn To Give Attention & Appreciation.

If You Want Material Abundance, Help Others To Become Materially Abundant.

If You Want To Be Blessed With All Of The Good Things In Life,

Learn To Silently Bless Everyone With All Of The Good Things In Life.

The More You Give, The More You Will Receive.

In Your Willingness To Give, You Will Keep The Abundance Flowing; Circulating Into Your Life.

Remember That Giving A Compliment, Giving Kindness, Love, Inspiration, Comfort.

Sharing Wisdom.

The Law Of Karma; Cause & Effect

Action & The Consequence Of That Action

What Goes Around Comes Around

Everything Going On In Our Life In The Present Moment Is A Result;

Of The Choices That We Made In The Past.

That Are Two Types Of Choices:

Conscious & Unconscious

Aware & Unaware

They Both Apply To Cause & Effect; The Law Of Karma

Whether We Realize It Or Not.

We Have Access To An Infinite Amount Of Choices Through Consciousness.

As A Result Of Conditioning, The Unconscious Choices That Are Made Are Triggered By People Or Circumstances Which Lead To Predictable Outcomes.

You Have To Remember That We Are Creators.

We Have The Freedom To Choose Everyday.

The Choices That We Make Determine The Results That We Experience.

It's Important To Make Good Choices.

How To Make Good Choices

Ask Yourself 2 Questions

Listen 22:15

What Are The Consequences Of The Choice That I'm About To Make?

Allow Your Heart To Tell You.

Allow Yourself To Feel What Your Body Is Telling You

Intuition Never Lies.

The Heart Taps Into The Field Of Pure Potentiality & Infinite Organizing Power

It Takes Everything Into Account At A Vibrational Level.

It Knows What's Right.

Will The Choice Bring Happiness To Me & All Of Those Around Me?

Pay Attention To Sensations Of Comfort Or Discomfort.

You Will Feel What Is Right At A Vibrational Level

If You Feel Uneasy Than It's Not The Right Choice

If Its Not A F*** Yes, Its A No.

There Is Always A Choice That Will Create Maximum Happiness For You & For Those Around You.

This Choice Is The Spontaneous Right Action; Because It's The Action That Nourishes

You & Everyone Else Who Is Influenced By That Action.

Become Aware Of The Choices That You Are Making In Every Moment.

The More You Become Aware Of The Choices You Make, The More You Will Make Choice That Are Spontaneously Correct For You And Those Around You.

Applying The Law Of Karma To The Choices You've Already Made

It Is Said That No Debt In The Universe Ever Goes Unpaid.

Karmic Debt Will Always Be Paid.

We Will Continue To Go Through Karmic Lessons Until The Lesson Is Learned.

Its A Perfect Example When The Universe Brings New People Into Your Life, You Make The Same Choices & The Result Ends Up Being The Same.

You Must Change & Evolve.

You Must Grow To See New Results.

Karmic Debts Can Be Calculated In Numerology Based Upon Two Pieces Of

Personal Information; Your Date Of Birth & Your Birth Certificate Name.

Knowing Your Karmic Debts; That Your Soul Chose To Evolve From In This Lifetime,

Being Aware Of These Lessons; I've Noticed Have Helped Me Within My Journey.

The Karmic Debts From Past Lives Carry On If They Haven't Been Paid.

If You Haven't Learned The Lessons, They Will Repeat Until You Learn & Do Better.

This Is What Helps Our Souls To Evolve.

Its Just A Matter Of Growth & Continuity.

Becoming A Better Person. A Better Human.

Coming From A Place Of Care & Love.

Our Soul Is In Something I Like To Call Earth School; Which I Learned From Another Soul Sister Of Mine; Named Nicole. She Explained It Beautifully & It Makes Sense With All That I've Learned Through Study & Experience. We Are In Earth School.

We All All Learning Here On Earth From The Day We Incarnate Here Through Birth Until The Day We Pass On Through Death.

We Are Here To Learn & To Evolve Our Souls.

To Reach Our Highest Potential.

To Help Others To Learn. Grow. Evolve.

We Are All Here To Spread Love & Joy.

Numerology Teaches A lot About This Path & Journey.

I Highly Recommend Learning About Numerology

About Your Personal Numbers.


Getting A Reading Done & Than Diving Into Your Information.

Your Numerology Chart Which Will Help You On This Soul Journey & Physical Journey.

To Learn More About Numerology Read This Blog Post.

To Book A Reading Checkout My Services & Book Online Today.

I'd Be Happy To Calculate Your Numbers For You.

Back To The Law Of Karma; Cause & Effect

TransformYour Karma

Transmute Or Transcend It.

Looks For The Seed Of Opportunity Within Every Adversity.

Tie That Seed Of Opportunity To Your Dharma; Your Purpose In Life.

This Will Enable You To Convert The Adversity Into A Benefit & Transform The Karma

Into A New Expression.

Meditating On Your Karma; Bringing Value To People Through The Lessons.

Bringing Value To Help Others To Make Better Choices Based On Your Experience.

Helping Others With The Lesson That You Learned.

As Long As Karma Is Evolutionary For Everyone Affected By The Action, Than The Fruit Of Karma Will Be Happiness & Success.

When You Make Decisions Look At The Well Being Of Everyone.

Not Just Yourself.

That Is What The Law Of Karma Is Based Upon.

Also Read The Blog Post The 12 Laws Of Karma.

The Law Of Least Effort


Natures Intelligence Functions With Effortless Ease.

With Carefreeness. Harmony & Love

The Principle Of: Do Less & Accomplish More.

Learn This Lesson From Nature & Easily Fulfill Your Desires.

Grass Doesn't Try To Grow It Just Grows.

Fish Don't Try To Swim They Just Swim

This Is Their Intrinsic Nature.

It Is The Nature For The Sun To Shine,

It Is Human Nature To Make Our Dreams Manifest Into Physical Form; Easily & Effortlessly.

A Miracle Is An Expression Of The Law Of Least Effort.

Least Effort Is Expended When Our Actions Are Motivated By Love.

Nature Is Held Together By The Energy Of Love.

Energy Is Wasted When You Seek Power & Control.

Seeking Money For Personal Gain Only; Cuts Off The Flow Energy To Ourselves;

It Interferes With The Expression Of Natures Intelligence.

Don't Chase The Illusion Of Happiness Coming From The Ego.

Enjoy The Happiness That Is Right There In The Present Moment.

Our Energy Multiplies When Were In A State Of Love, The Abundance Of Energy; The Surplus Can Be Channelled To Create Anything That We Want Including Unlimited Wealth & Abundance.

When You Are On The Frequency Of Love & Abundance - You Radiate That Out Into The Field And Through The Law Of Attraction You Will Receive That Same Frequency Back Into Our Field Through The Law Of Vibration.

Universal Laws That Humankind Are Governed By Which I Will Touch On In Another Blog Post Called The Laws Of The Universe.

3 Things That You Can Do To Out The Law Of Least Effort Into Action

Accept People, Situations, Events As They Are In This Moment. Not As You Wish They Were.This Moment Is Exactly As It Should Be, As It Took The Entire Universe To Make This Moment. Make Sure To Live In The Present Moment & Enjoy Things As They Are.


Take Responsibility For Your Situation And For All Events You See As Problems. Don't Blame Anyone Or Anything For Your Situation; Including Yourself.

Detach From It.

Responsibility Means The Ability To Have A Creative Response To The Situation As It Is Now.

All Problems Contain the Seeds Of Opportunity.

This Awareness Allows You To Take That Moment & Transform It Into A Better Situation.

In Doing This; Every Upsetting Situation Becomes An Opportunity For The Creation Of Something New And Beautiful. Every Tormentor Or Tyrant Becomes Your Teacher.

All Relationships That You Have Attracted Into Your Life Are The Ones You Need Precisely In This Moment. There Is A Hidden Meaning Behind All Events; They Are Serving You And Your Souls Evolution. When You Look At Life's Journey In This Way, You Will Have Many Opportunities & Many Teachers To Evolve Your Soul.


Practice Defencelessness.

Relinquish Your Need To Convince Others Of Your Point Of View.

You Will Gain Access To Enormous Amounts Of Energy That Has Previously Been Wasted.

When You Have No Point To Defend, You Stop Fighting & Resisting.

You Can Fully Experience The Present; Which Is A Gift.

When You Embrace The Present You Begin To Experience The Spirit Within

Everything That Is Alive.

Joy & Freedom Are Experienced Through This.

The Law Of Least Effort Assures Us That There Is Always A Simple Natural Path To Fulfillment.

Natures Intelligence Unfolds Spontaneously Through The Path Of Least Effort & No Resistance.

When You Combine Acceptance. Responsibility & Defencelessness

Your Life Will Flow With Effortless Ease

Your Dreams & Desires Flow With Natures Desires.

Than You Can Release Your Intentions With No Attachment.

When The Season Is Right, Your Desires Will Blossom Into Reality.

The Law Of Intention & Desire


Our Intentions & Our Desires When Released Into The Field Of Pure Potentiality

Have Infinite Organizing Power.

Just By Introducing An Intention We Activate The Field.

Our Thoughts Carry Vibration.

This Vibration Becomes More Powerful When We Speak About These Thoughts;

As The Spoken Word Itself Emits A Vibration Into The Field.

With Believe & Knowing That Intention Will Manifest Through The Field & Depending On The Intention, The Frequency It Radiates On Will Determine The Outcome.

How Fast It Manifests Through The Field Of Infinite Organizing Power.

The Universe Will Get To Work As Everything We Cast Into The Field Becomes Manifest.

The Good & The Bad.

This Is Why It Is So Important To Be Conscious & Aware Of Our Thoughts, Words & Actions.

The Universe Hears It All & Gets To Work.

The Intention Will Determine The Outcome.

It Is Best To Be Pure In Your Intentions As It All Comes Back As Karma.

The Mirror.

Its Like The 3 Types Of Relationships That Come About In Ones Life.

The Mirror. The Window. The Door.

The Mirror Shows Us Who We Are. What We Are Doing. These Relationships Will Help Us To Grow. To See What We Like & Don't Like Within Ourselves.

Triggers To Show Us What Needs To Change; For Transformation.

The Window Shows Us The Opportunity Of What Is Out There For Us.

Relationships That Show Us What Is Possible.

The Door Shows Us The People That Are Here To Stay, The Opportunities That Are Available

For Us Now; In This Present Moment. Walk Through The Door.

Accept & Receive.

With Pure Intentions, Our Desires Are Available To Us.

2 Qualities Are Inherent In Consciousness.

Attention & Intention.

Attention Energizes. Intention Transforms.

Whatever We Put Our Attention On, Grows Stronger In Our Life.

Whatever We Take Our Attention Away From, Withers & Disappears.

Intention Triggers The Transformation Of Energy & Information.

It Organizes Its Own Fulfillment.

The Quality Of Intention On The Object Of Attention

Orchestrates An Infinity Of Details To Bring About The Intended Outcome.

We Can See The Expression Of This Organizing Power Within Nature.

The Geometric Patterns - The Sacred Geometry Seen On An Acorn Or Pinecone, A Fruit Or Vegetable Produced From A Tree. The Information Within This Living Plant To Know To Bear These Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts Etc.

A Crystal Formulated Through Molecules That Have Come Together Overtime Through The Elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air & Ether To Produce These Geometric Patterns, Creating A Lattice Structure Which Determines The Shape, Colour, Texture, Vibration, Aura, Energy, Frequency

Of A Beautiful Crystal, Gemstone, Mineral.


This Is Infinite Intelligence From Nature.

Nature Is A Symphony That Is Silently Orchestrated At The Ultimate Ground Of Creation.

As Long As We Do Not Violate The Other Laws Of Nature We Can Use Conscious

Intent To Command The Powers Of Nature To Fulfill Our Dreams & Desires.

Intention Is The Real Power Behind Desire Because,

It Is Desire Without Attachment To The Outcome.

Desire In Most People Is Attention With Attachment To The Outcome.

Release & Surrender To The Outcome For It To Manifest.

When We Combine Intention With Detachment Our Intent Is For The Future.

While Attention Is In The Present.

Present Moment Awareness Is Powerful As Our Future Is Created By Actions In The Present.

We Cannot Take Action In The Past Or Future.

Past & Future Are Born In The Imagination.

Only The Present; Which Is Awareness Is Real & Eternal.

Hold Your Attention To The Intended Outcome, With Such Unbending Purpose That You Refuse To Allow Obstacles To Consume Your Attention Or To Dissipate The Focused Quality Of Your Attention

This Is The Power Of Focused Intention & Detachment Simultaneously.

How Can You Harness The Power Of Intention To Fulfill Your Dreams & Desires?

Follow These 5 Steps.


Centre Yourself In The Silent Space Between Thoughts - The Essential State Of Being


Release Your Intentions & Desires With Expectation That They Will Bloom

When The Season Is Right.


Keep Your Desires To Yourself.

Do Not Share Them With Anyone Else Unless They Are Closely Bonded.


Relinquish Your Attachment To The Outcome


Let The Universe Handle The Details

Make A List Of Your Intentions & Your Desires.

Look At This List Before You Go To Sleep & When You Wake Up.

Release These Desires To The Universe; To The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

Trusting That It Will Handle All Of The Details.

Know That When Things Don't Go Your Way There Is A Reason.

Practice Present Moment Awareness In All YourActions.

Refuse To Allow Obstacles To Consume Your Attention In The Present Moment.

The Law Of Detachment

The Way To Aquire Anything In The Universe Is To Relinquish Our Attachment To It.

This Does Not Mean We Give Up Our Intention To Create Our Desire. We Do Not Give Up The Intention. We Do Not Give Up The Desire. We Give Up Our Attachment To The Outcome.

The Moment We Combine One Pointed Intention With Detachment To The Outcome,

We Will Have That Which We Desire.

Anything We Want Can Be Acquired Through Detachment.

Detachment Is Based On The Unquestioning Belief In The Power Of The Self.

Nurture Your Deepest Intentions In Your Heart And Go With The Flow.

Detachment Comes From Inner Knowing That We Are A Pattern of Behaviour Of

Higher Intelligence.

Attachment Implies Doubt & Distrust In Natures Intelligence And Its Infinite Organizing Power.

It Is Based On Fear & Security. It Is Based On The Ego Not Realizing The Power Of The Self.

Attachment To Money & Security Creates Insecurity.

Attachment To Monetary Wealth Creates Anxiety As This Is Transitory.

Release Yourself From Attachment.

The Search For Security Is An Attachment To Certainty & The Known.

The Known Is Based On Our Past Conditioning.

Freedom From Our Past Lies In The Wisdom Of Uncertainty.

In Ancient Wisdom Traditions, The Solution Lies In Our Willingness To Detach From The Known, Step into The Unknown & Surrender Our Desires To The Creative Mind

That Orchestrates The Dance Of The Universe.

The Unknown Is The Field Of All Possibilities,

Ever Fresh, Ever New, Always Open To The Creation of New Manifestations.

Step Into Wealth Consciousness; The Ability To Have Anything You Want, Anytime You Want,

With The Least Effort.

Detachment Is Synonymous With Wealth Consciousness.

With Detachment There Is Freedom To Create.

The Law Of Detachment Does Not Interfere With Goal Setting.

We Still Have The Intention Of Going In A Certain Direction.

Remember There Are Infinite Possibilities Within That Intention & Direction.

How Can You Apply The Law Of Detachment

Practice Detached Involvement.

Whenever You Encounter A Problem, Stay Grounded In The Wisdom Of Uncertainty.

Expectantly Wait For A Solution To Emerge.

Remain Detached; You Won't Feel Compelled To Find Solutions On Problems.

Stay Alert To Opportunities;

What Emerges Is Exciting & Powerful.

Alert Preparedness In The Present Meets With Your Goals & Intentions & Allows You To Seize The Opportunity Within Every Problem You Have In Your Life.

Every Problem Is The Seed Of Opportunity For Some Greater Benefit.

A Whole Range Of Possibilities & Opportunities Opens Up With This Mindset.

Wealth Is Created Spontaneously & Effortlessly.

Good Luck Is Preparedness & Opportunity Coming Together.

A Recipe For Success.

The Law Of Dharma Or Purpose In Life

We Are Spiritual Beings Who Have Taken Physical Form To Fulfill A Purpose.

Everyone Has A Purpose In Life.

A Unique Gift Or Special Talent To Give To Others.

For Every Unique Talent & Expression Of That Talent, There Are Also Unique Needs.

When We Blend This Unique Talent With Service To Others, We Experience The Ecstasy & Exultation Of Our Spirit.

There Are 3 Components Of Dharma.

The First Component Says That Each Of Us Are Here To Discover Our True Self,

To Find Out We Are Spiritual Beings, Or Divinity In Disguise.

The Second Component Says Thats Each Of Us Has A Unique Talent Or Talents

That Were Here To Express. Our Talents Are So Unique That No One Else Alive Has The Same Talents Or Expression Of Our Talent(s).

When We Are Expressing Our Unique Talents We Are Happy & We Lose Track Of Time.

The Third Component Says That We Are Here To Serve Our Fellow Human Beings With Our Talent. This Is How We Make Full Use Of Our Dharma.

The Experience Of Our Spirituality, Coupled With Expression Of Our Talent In Service To Humanity Gives Us Access To Unlimited Abundance; This Is The Spark That Generates

Permanent Unlimited Abundance.

The Law Of Dharma Implies More Than Seeking Work We Love;

It Implies Our Unique Destiny.

You Can Find Our Your Destiny Number In Numerology Through Your Birth Certificate Name.

This Destiny Number Will Give You Information That Will Tell You How You Are Going To Be The Most Successful In This Lifetime. Who You Are Destined To Become.

What You Are Destined To Do In This Lifetime.

The Law Of Dharma Determines Our Place In The Cosmic Plan.

It Implies A Shift Of Consciousness That Begins When We Align Ourselves With Our Highest Vision, And Than Become The Manifestation Of That Vision.

Dharma Is Also Known As The Bridge To Transformation.

Life Can Not Succeed Without A Vision.

Dharma In Sanskrit Means To Uphold.

The Universe Upholds & Supports Us.

When We Master The Law Of Dharma The Whole Universe Is On Our Side.

To Experience The Law Of Dharma

1.Seek Your Higher Self Through Spiritual Practice & Discover Your Divinity.

2. Find Your Unique Talents

3. Serve Humanity With The Expression Of Your Talents.

I Highly Recommend The App

My Human Design

It Tells You Your Unique Gifts.

Make A List Of Your Unique Talents.

Take Note Of The Things You Love To Do While Expressing These Talents.

Know How You Can Help & Serve With These Talents.

Your Birth Day Number Also Tells You Your Extra Unique Talents & Characteristics In Your Numerology Chart. You Core Numbers Will Give You This Information.

If Money Was No Concern And You Had All The Time In The World What Would You Do?

If You Would Still Do What You Are Doing Currently Than You Are In Dharma.

Something That I Am Extremely Blessed To Say That Is True For Me.

How Are You Best Suited To Best Serve Humanity?

Answer That Question & Put It Into Practice.

You Can Generate All The Wealth That You Want.

When Your Creative Expressions Match the Needs Of Your Fellow Humans Wealth Spontaneously Flows From The Realm Of The Spirit To The World Of Form.

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