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The 12 Laws Of Karma

Updated: May 24

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Higher Education Kxo

Karma Is Something That We Create For Ourselves At A Soul Level Based On Our Reactions To Experiences That We Have Across Lifetimes.

Sometimes We Experience Our Karma In The Same Lifetime, Sometimes It Is Carried Over Into Lifetimes Of Another Timeline.

This Is Where Karmic Debt Numbers Come From In Numerology.

When Your Soul Chooses To Fulfill Karma From Past Lifetimes & Wants To Overcome These Lessons In This Lifetime You Will See The Calculation 13/4. 14/5. 16/7. 19/1.

Learn More About These Karmic Debts

There Are 88 Laws Known By Man; That We Are Governed By As Human Beings In This Universe.

They Are Called Universal Laws.

Read The Blog Post Titled: The 88 Universal Laws To Learn More About These Laws

Karma In Sanskrit Means Action.

The 12 Laws Of Karma.

  1. The Law Of Cause & Effect.

  2. The Law Of Creation

  3. The Law Of Growth

  4. The Law Of Responsibility

  5. The Law Of Connection

  6. The Law Of Focus

  7. The Law Of Giving & Receiving

  8. The Law Of Here & Now

  9. The Law Of Humility

  10. The Law Of Patience & Reward

  11. The Law Of Change

  12. The Law Of Significance & Inspiration

The Law Of Cause & Effect

Also Known As The Great Law.

For Every Action We Take, There Is An Effect.

Whatever You Put Out, You Get Back Like A Mirror. Good Or Bad. In Order To Get What You Want You Have To Be Worthy Of Those Things, By Embody Those Things Within.

Look To The Law Of Attraction.

Your Actions & Your Words; They Are The Cause & There Is Always An Effect Based Upon Our Words & Actions. Know Their Power.

They Both Create.

Use This Law Wisely

Stop & Think Before You Speak & Act.

Our Words & Actions Impact Everything & Everyone Around Us.

Always Be Kind.

Learn More About The Power Of The Spoken Word By Reading This Blog Post:

I Also Highly Recommend Reading The Book :

The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz

This Is Sacred Toltec Wisdom

The Law Of Creation Life Doesn't Just Happen To Us.

To Make Things Happen In Your Life, You Need To Take Action.

Although Our Thoughts & Our Words Cast Out Vibration Into The Ether Which Creates;

Through The Law Of Attraction, It Is Important To Keep Things Flowing In The Right Direction Through The Power Of The Will. Our Choices. Decisions That We Choose To Make.

We Create Everything In Our Lives Through Our Thoughts. Words & Actions.

Our Actions, Overtime Become Habitual As We Are Beings Of Habit.

We Create These Patterns Through Our Conditioning.

What We Listen To. Who We Listen To. What We Watch. The People We Surround Ourselves With. What We Choose To Do With Our Time Within Our Lives Everyday.

These Actions Create Our Habitual Patterns.

We Create Our Lives As We Choose What Our Actions Are.

Learn More About Conscious Consumption

When The Heart & Mind Are Coherent & Working In Harmony With What You Are Creating

A ElectroMagnetic Charge & Profound Signal - A Frequency

Which Is Measurable Is Sent Out Into "The Field"

The Mind; The Brain; Our Thoughts Send Out An Electrical Charge Out Into "The Field"

The Heart Sends Out A Magnetic Charge "Drawing' Things To Us From "The Field"

This Is All Created Within Our Auric Field & Sent Out Into The Field Of Possibilities

Within The Universe. The Ether. The Firmament.

Learn More About The Auric Field By Reading This Blog Post Below:

As We Are All Creators It Is Important To Create With Your Heart Centre.

Do What Lights You Up.

Create Something Meaningful Of Benefit.

Step Into Your Essence & Create What You Were Born To Create & Bring Into This World.

Impact Those Around You, Once You Feel That You Have Been Impacted By Your Creation.

This Is What I Feel With Gemjewellerykxo & Katelynn Samuels Designs.

I Changed My Life Completely With Crystals & Their Energies.

Crystal Frequency.

I Still Continue To See, The Power Within Them As I Impact Myself & Those Around Me.

HelpingTo Bring Healing, Positive Energy, Wealth & Abundance, Love, Calm. Peace. Transformation. Psychic Abilities. Spiritual Connection.

Energy Amplification. Energy Protection. Energy Clearing Through My Designs.

A Powerful Calling That I Feel Passion & Purpose.

Numerology. Astrology. Sacred Geometry. Sacred Wisdom.

These Are Beautiful Tools That I Love To Share With Others & Intend To Share Through My Design Work; Beauty & Wisdom In Connection.


Browse The Collections.

Take A Peak At The New Styles Available For Custom Order.

Learn More About The Depths Of It All On The Blog.

Stay Tuned For Whats Coming With Katelynn Samuels Designs.

This Is My Form Of Creation.

Do What Inspires You & Helps You To Inspire Others Through This Law.

With Pure Intentions, Your Karma Will Be Beautiful .

Consider How You Use Your Skills, Talents, Strengths To Create

What Doesn't Only Benefit You But Benefits Others Too.

The Law Of Growth

Growth Starts Within Us.

To Positively Shape The World You Need To Start With Yourself & That Takes Growth.

Real Change Or Personal Growth Begins With What You Have Control Over, Which Is Yourself. Not Others. This Law Looks At Things That You Cant Control. How You Deal With Accepting This. Ultimately Your Focus Should Be On You. Not Trying To Control The People Or Things Around You.

This Is The Lesson Of The Numerology Karmic Debt 19/1.

These Are Some Questions To Ask Yourself.

Who Are You Impacting?

Are You Where You Want To Be?

What Do You Need To Change Within, To Attract That Energy Back In?

Day By Day Small Changes Will Lead To Results.

If You Choose To Grow 1% Everyday

Even That Small Change With Consistency Will Lead You To Massive Growth.

In A Year You Will Have Grown 365%

Creating A Shift.

Wherever You Focus Your Energy Is Where It Will Flow.

Something I Learned Through The Powerful Words Spoken By A Channel | Abraham Hicks

With Intention & Attention Will Determine What These Changes Or Shifts In Your Life Will Be.

We Choose Our Growth.

Just Remember To Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone As That Is The Only Way To Grow.

Get Uncomfortable.

Dreams Don't Flourish In The Comfort Zone.

You Have To Make Bold Moves To See Bold Results.

Do Something That Scares You Everyday.

Personally Develop Yourself By Doing The Things That You Need To Grow.

Your Environment Will Start To Change As You Change.

Choose Growth Everyday.

The Law Of Responsibility

Taking Responsibility Is Choosing Growth.

Take Responsibility For All Of The Decisions That You Make In Your Life As They Lead To The Lessons Or The Rewards.

Having TheAwareness To See Where You Are.

Making Changes, When Shifts Need To Be Made.

Owning That What Happens To You Is Because Of You.

Although For Some, It May Be Something Hard To Swallow.

It Could Be Because Of Karma Passed On From Previous Lifetimes.

From My Knowledge & Wisdom; Through My Inner Knowing

All Karma Can Be Cleared Through Our Actions Within This Timeline.

Through The Power Of The Mind; Pure Thought.

The Spoken Word; With Love Frequency.

Strong Belief & Knowing.

Free Yourself From The Past.

Forgive & Be Forgiven.

Release All Karmic Debts In This Lifetime By Learning & Growing

Taking Responsibility For Your Actions By Owning Up To Whats Wrong & Making The Necessary Changes To Do Better; To Be Better.

If You Speak It Into "The Field"

You Know It. You Feel It. You Believe It.

You Have A Strong Conviction Of This Chain Being Broken Because You Are Doing Better.

You Can Set Yourself Free From Repeating The Lesson.

If You Hold Onto It, You Will Have Reap What You've Sewn In This Lifetime & The Other Timelines.

The Karma Will Continue To Come Around Until You Have Learned & Switched Course.

Choose To Live In Love.

Be Kind To All.

Have Pure Intentions.

Do Good.

Let Go & Give It To The Most High.

The Law Of Responsibility Also States That We Establish The Limits & Boundaries Of Our Responsibility. Taking Full Charge Of What Is Our Duty & Letting Go Of What Is Not.

As We Find Enjoyment Supporting Others As We Create More Harmonious Cooperative Relationships By Understanding And Focusing Exclusively On That Which Falls Under Our Realm Of Responsibility.

Under This Law We Understand That We Must Not Over Take Responsibility To The Point Where It Becomes Co- Dependant.

Co- Dependancy - A Condition Characterized By An Obsessive Focus On Other Peoples Lives.

Its Important To Stay Focused On Your Own Life While Still Being Of Service.

This Is Exactly What I Am Doing With Higher Education Kxo

I Am Creating A System Where People Can Learn From My Past Experiences;

To Do What I Do | For Themselves. I Am Providing Guidance Through My Wisdom.

As Most People Become Dependant On Someone In My Field;

I Teach People How To Resourcefully Work With Their Energy Field Themselves.

I Share My Wisdom On Everything I Have Learned Over The Last 8 Years Of Intense Self | Spiritual Study. I Teach How To Clear Energy, Amplify, Transmute, Dispel, Protect Their Energy;

So That People Aren't Relying On Me To Do It For Them.

I Provide The Tools Necessary To Work With Your Energy Field Within

My Products & With Higher Education Kxo.

My Services Provide Information For Those That Don't Want To Learn Numerology Or Astrology To The Depths As It Is Time Consuming.

However It Is Easily Accessible & Can Be Fun & Exciting To Learn, Especially With Friends |

I Have Created A Course Called Numerology 101

Where You Can Learn How To Calculate Your Numbers The Way That I Calculate Numerology. In Depth Where You Will See All Of The Numbers & Patterns In Your Unique Chart. Broken Down & Simplified.

You Can Also Access You Astrological Blueprints Which Are Extremely Beneficial When It Comes To Self Discovery | Development

Scroll To The Astrology | Moonology Section

Read | Study | Learn How To Calculate Your Astrological Blueprint Using The Systems I Use Knows As Western | Vedic | Galactic Astrology

Chinese| Mayan

I Teach People How To Lead Their Own Journey Through My Guidance

Through My Spiritual Experiences & Journey Through The Last 8 Years & Counting Since My Rebirth & Awakening, As I Continue On My Journey In This Life Daily.

The Blog - Higher Education Kxo Provides Information On Everything I've Been Learning, As I Have Impacted My Own Life, I Choose To Share My Wisdom & The Wisdom Of Great Teachers Before Me To Help Impact The Lives Of Many Others.

Crystal Frequency When Used With Pure Intention, When Activated & Amplified Is An Extremely Powerful Resource From The Universal Elements.

Learn More About Crystals On The Blog.

Read The Blog Posts Below:

Use The Search Bar On The Website

The Elements

Read All Of The Blog Posts On Crystals To Learn How To Truly Use Crystals Based On My Inner Knowing & Experience As Ive Truly Seen, Felt & Shared Their Power In My Own Life & Impacting Others Since Working With Crystals, Their Frequency Within My Designs.

The Law Of Responsibility Reminds Us To

Respect Our Internal Values & To Find Our Own Point Of Balance.

The Law Of Connection

This Law Is Based On The Principle That Everything In Your Life Including

Your Past, Present & Future Are Connected.

Who You Are Today & Where You Are Today Is A Result Of Your Previous Actions.

Who You Will Be Tomorrow Is A Result Of Your Actions Today.

Reflect & Learn From Your Past

As The "Mistakes" Are Only Lessons.

Remember To Let Go Of All That Doesn't Serve Your Future Self.

So That You Can Step Into That Version Of Yourself Effortlessly As You Embody That Version Of You

Personal Growth & Development Is Key.

Everything In This Life Is Connected.

From Microcosm To Macrocosm

What Is Within Us Is Connected To All That Is Around Us |Outside Of Us.

From Our Organs Like Our Lungs, You Can See The Lungs Of The Earth | The Trees.

All Of Our Organs Are Connected To Nature Based On The Fibonacci Sequence.

From The Sun & The Moon, The Way It Affects Us, Our Emotions. To The Decisions We Make In Our Everyday Lives. The Moon Phases Connect To The Stock Market| Crypto Currency | The Trillion Dollar Financial Exchange Markets In The Matrix Connected To Our Emotions | Our Decisions. You Can Use The Fibonacci Sequence To Predict Highs & Lows In The Market Just As Nature Uses The Fibonacci Sequence To Generate Perfect Balance In Our Plant Life.

As Above, So Below.

As Within, So Without.

The Law Of Focus

Focusing On Too Many Things At Once Can Slow One Down.

It Can Lead To Frustration If You Choose To React & Allow Yourself To Be

Overwhelmed WithThat Feeling.

The Law Of Focus Encourages You To Concentrate On One Thing At A Time.

The Universe Is Governed By This Law.

For Example: You Can't Love & Hate Something At The Same Time.

Its The Same As Saying You Can't Be In Two Places At Once.

Its Like Saying I Can Or I Can't

You Cant Focus On Both At The Same Time.

So Choose What You Want To Do In The Present Moment & Do That, Until You Shift Your Focus.

Wherever Your Energy Goes, Energy Flows.

With Gemjewellerykxo, Katelynn Samuels Designs & Higher Education Kxo

There Is So Much To Be Done.

Because I Love What I Do, I Am Passionate, I Am Excited To Work On All Of The Different Aspects Of Building It, To Share It With The World; All That Align.

When Its Time To Focus On The Designs Thats What I Focus On.

When Its Time For Me To Write An Informational Post Thats What I Focus On.

When Its Time For Me To Read, Study & Learn Thats What I Focus On.

When Its Time For Me To Detach From Work & Just Be In My Spiritual Practice, Meditation, Breathe Work, Yoga, Thats What I Focus On.

You Have To Water The Seeds That You Plant.

Remember That What You Focus On Grows.

Live In A State Of Positivity. Love. Abundance.

The Lower Vibrational Feelings Don't Exist There.

If You Focus On Higher Values Of Love & Peace, You Are Less Likely To Be Distracted By Heavy Feelings Of Resentment, Greed, Fear, Anger; Lower Vibrational Energies.

Remember That Emotions Are Just Energy In Motion. These Emotions Vibrate At A Certain Frequency. The Law Of Vibration Activates The Law Of Attraction & Through The Law Of Giving & Receiving & Cause & Effect You Attract What You Send Out By The Emotions That You Hold Within The Emotional Body In Your Auric Field.

Use The Map Of Consciousness To Transcend Your State Of Consciousness

#1 Make Sure Your Mind Is Always Right.

Mental Health Is Number 1.

If You Need Help With Getting Your Mind Right;

A Key; Is To Make Sure To Surround Yourself With Good People, With Pure Intentions.

People Who Have Their Minds In The Right Place.

I Highly Suggest Joining A Community Of Likeminded Individuals.

Tune Into Morning Mindset Calls If You Need Them To Fuel Your Energy.

Every Monday A Beautiful Soul Sister Of Mine Runs Mindset Calls.

Connect With Svea Miller

@sveamillerr | @herwealthfrequency

You Can Watch Her Lives Afterwards If You Missed Them.

Svea Is A Beacon Of Light, SheSpreads A Bright Light When She Speaks. Her Mom Is Also A Lovely Soul Sister Here To Help Others With Her Knowledge & Wisdom. With Breathe Work Sessions & Just Being Of Service To Better The People That Want To Better Themselves.

Connect With Chantelle Miller


Book A Breathe Work Session With Her & Discuss All Of The Beautiful Benefits With Her.

The Law Of Giving & Hospitality

You Must Give EnergyTo The Things You Believe In.

This Law Helps You To Understand The Importance Of Your Actions,

Reflecting Your Deeper Beliefs.


If You Want To Live In A Peaceful World You Must Focus On Cultivating Peace For Others.

If You Want Love, You Must First Give Love.

Embody Pure Self Love | To Receive That Same Love From Another

It Starts With You.

Our Behaviour; Our Actions Must Match Our Thoughts & Words.

Our Thoughts, Words, Actions Must Align.

Always Be Loyal To Your Word To Build Trust Within Yourself & To Build Integrity Within Your Outer World & Those Around You.

Learn About The Law Of Giving & Receiving In The Book

Recommended By The Late Bob Proctor|

Working With The Law

11Truth Principles For Successful Living

David Holliwell

The Law Of Here & Now

To Experience Peace Of Mind, You Must Embrace The Present Moments.

This Can Only Happen When You Release The Negativity Of The Past.

One Cannot Be Present If They Are Looking Back.

If You Are Focused On The Past Events, You Will Continue To Relive Them.

The Past Is Only There To Teach You, What To Do & What Not To Do.

It Is There To Help You Grow.

The Past No Longer Exists, It Is Only A Figment Within The Mind, Once It Has Passed.

Move On & Move Forward.

Live In The Here & Now.

Get Rooted In Your Senses. Look Around You.

Focus Your Eyes On Something.

State I Am Present, In The Here & Now.

Think In The Present Moment.

Feel In The Present Moment.

Enjoy The Present Moments.


Seize The Moments.

All We Have Is The Present Moment, What We Do Today Is

What Shapes Our Future.

Live In Flow State.

Don't Rush.

Everything Is Divinely Timed.

Tips For Letting Go

Write Down All That You Want To Release.

Use The Element Of Fire Or Water To Release What You Wrote Down

Under The Last Quarter Moon

Or The Full Moon.

Create Positive Mantras

Speak Affirmations

Create Physical Distance Between You & The People That Trigger

Low Vibration Feelings Within You.

Focus On You.

Practice Mindfulness.

Surround Yourself With People That Fill Your Cup.

Give Yourself Permission To Talk About It, Than Release It.

Write About It, Than Burn It.

Forgive Even Without An Apology.

Breathe Work



Go For Walks

Get Out In Nature

Ground Yourself

Self Care


Seek Help From A Professional

Follow A Mentor

The Law Of Humility

You Must Be Humble Enough To Accept That Your Current Reality Is

The Result Of Your Past Actions.

Accept Things As They Are. Learn & Grow.

What You Refuse To Accept Will Continue To Play Out.

To Release Karma You Must Accept & Acknowledge The Journey.

The Law Of Patience & Reward

To Generate Change In The Future, We Must Be Consistent In Our Karmic Deeds Today.

Be Consistent In Your Goals & They Will Come To Fruition.

With Persistence. Consistency. Personal Development. Patience.

You Will See Results.

Trust In Your Journey.

Trust In The Process.

Good Things Take Time. Great Things Come With Patience & Persistence.

You Will Become What You Focus On.

Be Patient With Yourself.

Patience Requires Spiritual. Mental. Physical Thought & Action.

Through Patience We Learn Faith & Understanding.

Patience Allows Our Virtues To Manifest Profoundly In Proportion To The Patience

That We Exercise In The Process.

The Law Of Change

History Repeats Itself Until You Learn From The Experience & Take The Steps To Do something Different To Stop The Cycle.

Change Gives You A New Path So That You Can Create A New Future & A Better Version Of Yourself, Free From The Patterns Of The Past.

Knowing Your Karmic Debt Numbers In Numerology Will Help You To Recognize What Debts Your Soul Chose To Work On In This Lifetime For Soul Evolution.

If You Have A Karmic Debt In Your Core 7 Numbers, These Karmic Debts Are To Be Paid In This Lifetime & The Karmic Debt Will Continue To Show Up Until You Break The Cycle.

It Is Important To Break The Chain. Break Free From The Generational Opinions Passed Down.

The Law Of Change Also Teaches Us That We Can Break Free From Strong Opinions From The Generations Before Us Simply By Choosing Our Own Thoughts, Beliefs, Words & Actions.

We Don't Have To Follow The Beliefs Of What Is Set Out For Us As We Are Sovereign.

Free To Think For Ourselves. To Believe What We Choose.

For Me, I Believe What I See, What I Feel, What I Know Deep In My Soul.

What I Experience, Is What I Know To Be Authentically True.

As Long As You Are Living In Love & Doing What Is Morally Right,

This Law Will Teach You That Through Thinking For Yourself, Breaking Free

Great Change Will Occur.

Break Free From Fear. Doubt. Worry.

Low Vibrational Thoughts & Feelings.

When You Change Your Mind, You Change Your Life.

Shift Your State Of Consciousness Into The Higher States

Transcend The Low Vibrational Thoughts | Feelings Using The Map Of Consciousness

This Is How You Shift Your Paradigm

The Law Of Significance & Inspiration

We All Play A Part & Have Something to Contribute To This World.

What We Share May Sometimes Seems Small To Us, But It Can Make A Massive Impact & Difference In Someone Else's Life.

When You Need A Motivational Boost Focus On This Law.

If You Feel You Don't Have Purpose Focus On This Law.

To Find Your Purpose;

Tap Into Your Life Path Number.

Discover Your Destiny, Your Soul Urge, Your Maturity Number

These Numbers Will Help You To Find What Lights You Up.

Learn More About These Numbers On The Numerology Blog Post.

Numerology & Crystal Frequency & Oracle Really Helped Me When I Felt Lost Back In 2016 When I Went Through The Darkest Period In My Life.

I Truly Feel Like I Was A Lotus Flower Looking Back, Blooming From The Mud.

Growing From Darkness. Blooming Into Something Beautiful At The Surface.

This Law Tells Us To Put Our Energy & Our Efforts Into Pure Intention.

To Do What Inspires Us.

Like The 11/2s Of The World.

To Match Your Desire With Action.

Don't JustThink About What You Want To Do.

Do It!

Know That You Can!

Believe In Yourself.

Don't Just Think You Need To Do One Thing Either.

Don't Spread Yourself Too Thin.

But Remember Wherever Your Focus Goes, Energy Flows.

The Universe Has Our Back.

But You Have To Know That You Are Worthy.

Putting In The Work, You Will Get The Rewards.

I Hope That You Got Value From This Blog Post.

I Hope These Laws Of Karma Taught You Something That You Can Use To Benefit Your Life.

-Kate xo

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