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Spiritual Journeying - A Path To Self Discovery

Updated: Mar 11

What To Tap Into Based On My Experience :

What I Will Go Over In This Blog Post Is All Of the Information That I Have Been Learning & Tapping Into For Spiritual Development. This Is A Path Based On My Experience.

My Enlightenment Journey Started When A Crystal Was Gifted To Me On My 22nd Birthday.

In 2016 When My Rebirth Experience Occured.

From Crystals, Learning About My Energy Field, The Chakras,

Consumption Based On Fueling The Chakras For Optimal Health.

To Breathe Work Techniques, Meditations,

Vibrational Sound Healing,

Colour Therapy,

Learning The Winds - Vayus, Doshas,

Learning Sacred Wisdom

How To Read Messages From The Divine Numbers,

Discovering Your Unique Numerology,

Your Unique Astrological Blueprint,

Your Human Design.

1.Healing The Self.

Start With Your Energy Field.

Learn About Your Auric Field.

Learn About Your Energy Centres - The Chakras.

The 7 Main Chakras In the Body That Most People Know About Or Have Heard Of.

The 16 Chakras I Work With Which Have Opened Up New Doors For Me; New Experiences. Learn A Brief Overview About The Chakras That I've Been Working With On My Journey.

Browse The Blog & Read About The Chakras That "Call To You". Whenever Something Sticks Out To You Based On Attraction, There Is Usually A Message That is Meant For You In There Universally. There Are More In Depth Blog Posts To Come On Each Chakra I Work With.

Read The Blog Post Above To See The Chakras In Order From Vasundhara - The Earth Star Chakra All The Way Up To The Divine Source Gateway Chakra - Where Source Energy Is.

Activating My Clair Senses. Activating Gamma Brainwaves. Spiritual Experiences In Meditation.

Astral Travelling & Projection. Full Body Energy Activation That I Can Feel The Shift; Embodying My Higher Self; The Essence Of My Highest Self. All Of This Has Come Since Working With My Energy. Learning About My Auric Field. Learning About My Chakras & Working With Them Since Having Them Open & Balanced, Has Completely Changed My Life Experience.

I Will Share Some Of My Experiences With How I've Achieved This Below.

I Highly Suggest Taking My Chakra Balancing Program To Work With Your Energy Centres Within The Body So That You Can Awaken The Zeal Point Chakra. The Soul Star Chakra & Your Oversoul Chakra. Plus The Transpersonal Chakra Connections As Everything Comes "Online" For You Once Your 7 Main Chakras Have Been Activated & Brought Into Balance.

The Chakra Balancing Techniques Program

Here I Have Put Together A Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Program That Will Help You To Learn About The 7 Main Chakras Within The Body & How To Balance Them Using Sounds Frequency. Colour Therapy. Diet. Meditation. Affirmations. Yoga Poses. Includes A Chakra Test.

There Is A 7 Day Free Trial

You Can Also Sneak Peak SomeOf The Course Material By Reading The Blog Posts Associated With The Chakra Education. Start By Reading The Blog Post Titled;

The Chakras - Prana Life Force Energy

This Will Teach You How To Determine What Chakras Need Your Attention

Read The Blog Posts Below To Learn More On What Ive Stated Above To Get A Better Sense.

Heal The Energy Centres Within Your Emotional Body At An Energetic Level.

This Is Vibrational Medicine.

Working With Your Chakras & Auric Field Will Help To Bring Healing To The

Mental & Emotional Bodies; Which Controls How The Physical Body Responds.

Conscious Consumption Is Also Crucial.

What We Consume By Mouth, By Sight, By Sound.

Its Important To Consciously Choose Your Consumption.

I Personally Eat Based On Frequency & Fueling My Chakras,

My Diet Is Made Up Of Plant Sources From The Earth.

I Don't Choose To Eat Lower Vibrational Frequencies.

I Stay Away From Consuming Blood - Hormonal Liquids From The Earth Beings.

The Blog Post On Conscious Consumption Will GO Deeper On All Of This. It Will Be A Must Read To All That Are Wanting To Heal The Mind & Body Through Conscious Consumption.

I Go Into My Past Health Scares & Experiences. No Longer Putting My Health Into The Hands Of Doctors & Pharmaceuticals That Were Not Curing Or Creating Solution.

This Was Something I Was Able To Heal & Cure Myself From

Through An Enlightened State Of Consciousness.

Connecting Deeper To The Soul & Spirit Within, Becomes Easy

To Connect When The Vessel Is Pure & Filled With Life Force.

Sign Up As A Member On The Website To Receive Email Notifications For New Blog Updates.

When I Share My Healing Journey On The Blog Post Titled:

Conscious Consumption

You Will Understand A Major Piece In How My Journey Unfolded.

Doctors. Specialists Couldn't Figure Out What Was Going On With My Physical Body.

I Was Having Strange Inflammation In Different Parts Of My Body & Fluid Building Up In

My Chakras. It Was So Abnormal Doctors Couldn't Understand What Was Happening.

Messages From The Universe Were Trying To Connect But I Couldn't Understand Them Yet.

. The Doctors Tried To Diagnose Me & Put Me On Medication.

It Was Only Making Things Worse.

Looking Back At All Of The Occurrences Since My Spiritual Awakening

It Was The Universe & My Body Speaking To Me;

Telling Me To Stop Consuming What I Was Consuming.

I Just Didn't Know How To Read The Messages At The Time

My Third Eye Was Still Closed Until 2019 When I Had My Awakening;

Triggered By A Chakra Balancing Session.

I Had To Tap Into This Wisdom To Heal My Physical Body Myself.

This Information Was Available To Me Once I Had My Awakening.

All Of The Information Flooded Into My Consciousness As If I Had Downloaded It.

It Started With A Tarot Reading, A Reiki Healing Session Preformed On Me.

(Be Careful With Who You Go To As Energy Work Is Sacred,

Not Just ANYONE Should Be Given Access To Your Energy Field.

I Do All Energy Work Myself Now. Or I Go To A Trusted Friend In My Circle.)

During This Session I Had My Chakras Balanced & Activated For Me.

At The Time I Was Un Enlightened & I Didn't Know Anything About Chakras.

My Third Eye & Crown Chakra Activated During This Session.

The Veil Was Now Lifted For Me.

I Had A Massive Awakening Experience Shortly After; A Couple Months Went By.

I Was Studying More, Learning More About The Goddess Energy, The Moon Cycles, The Universal Elements & I Was Called To Take A Trip To The Ocean By The Goddess Sulis.

While I Was In Dominican Republic During A Super Full Moon.

I Embodied My Higher Self & I Was Able To Access Information From The Higher Dimensions.

I've Been Connecting Closer With The Ether Since Than.

I Became Hyper Aware.

I Tapped Into My Gifts.

I Had Access To "Knowing"

Inner Knowing & Thats When A New Journey Started For Me.

A Complete Consumption Shift.

First It Started With The Mental Body. Than The Emotional Body.

Than My Physical Body Healed Itself Very Quickly.

Stay Tuned For The Blog Post Titled;

Conscious Consumption Coming 2024

I Will Also Speak On My Awakening On My Podcast

Higher Education Kxo; In The Near Future.

Stay Tuned For That & Follow The Podcast On Spotify To Stay Updated With Podcast Drops.

Crystal Healing Changed My Life.

I Have Provided Everything You Need To Know About Crystals & Their Frequency

Based On My Experience From 2016 -Up Until Now On The Blog.

Since 2021 When I Decided To Start My Own Business Working With Crystals More Closely I've Awakened To More Information With The Help Of My Chakras Being Balanced Awakening The Higher Knowledge & Access. Meditation & Astral Projection Providing Me With Information That Ive Been Able To Put Into Practice In My Own Life; I Learned How To Transmute Energy With Crystals & The Power Of The Spoken Word Through An Astral Projection In What I Like To Call The 6th Dimension.A Place Where You Can See Energy. My Soul Travels There With The Memory As I Need The Messages That It Provides Me.

To Learn More About The Power Of The Spoken Word Read The Blog Posts Below:

Read About The Different Crystals Available On The Blog;

Search Each Crystal Individually To Learn More About The Energy Associated

& To See A Visual Representation Of Each Crystal Available For Custom Creation.

Take A Peak At This Blog Post Below To See All Of The Crystals Available Visually;

See What Crystals Call To You. The Crystals Choose You Based On The Energy You Need To Bring Into Your Life. You Will Be Attracted To The Crystals That You Need Energetically.

Choose Your Crystals Based On Chakra Work

Everything You Need To Know When It Comes To Working With Crystals

Based On My Experience Thus Far;

Learn About Crystal Frequency - The Science Of Crystals

Quartz Crystals

A Quick Guide To What Crystals Cannot Go Into Water

Clearing & Charging Crystals & Personal Energy

Crystal Frequency Amplification

Crystal Frequency Activation

Using Crystal Frequency. Sacred Herbs. Sound & The Spoken Word To Transmute Energy

My Creative Process; Clear. Charge. Amplify.

Gemjewellerykxo - Sacred Practice;

This Is How My Customers Feel The Energy So Powerfully When They Purchase A Piece From Me.

Sound Frequency Healing

Listen To Binaural Beats; The Vibration Creates A Resonance Within Your Auric Field.

To Heal & Balance The Chakras; Listen To The Sound Frequencies As Follows;

Vasundhara - Earth Star Chakra - 68.05Hz

Muladhara - Root Chakra - 396Hz

Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra - 417Hz

Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra - 528Hz

Anahata - Heart Chakra -639Hz

Vishuddha - Throat Chakra - 741Hz

Ajna - Third Eye Chakra- 852Hz

Sahasrara- Crown Chakra - 963Hz

Vyapini - Soul Star Chakra - 272.20 Hz

Vyomanga - Stellar Gateway - 448 Hz

Ananta - Galactic Gateway - Universal Gateway - 4096Hz

Samana - Divine Gateway - 432Hz

To Match Your Frequency With The Frequency Of The Brainwave States;

Listen To The Sounds As Follows;

Epsilon: 0.01 - 0.5 Hz

Delta: 0.5 - 4 Hz

Theta: 4Hz -8Hz

Alpha: 8Hz-12Hz

Beta: 12-38 Hz

Lo - 12Hz-16Hz

Mid- 16.5Hz - 20Hz

Hi- 20.5Hz - 38Hz

Gamma: 25Hz - 140Hz

Lambda: 100Hz - 200Hz

Refer To The Blog Post To Recall The Information Associated With Each State;

Listen To Or Play Sound Bowls For Vibrational Healing & Shifting Through Vibratory Resonance.

Clearing & Cleansing Frequencies To Cleanse The Auric Field & A Space.

Its Important To Clear Your Energy Especially After A Day Of Interacting With Others.

I Cleanse My Energy Using Sound Frequency. Sacred Herbs. Crystals

Sound Frequency For Energy Clearing;

432Hz - Energy Clearing.

444Hz - Protection Frequency.

777Hz Abundance & Luck Frequency.

1111, 2222 Angel Frequencies.

Do Your Research & Allow Sound Frequency To Impact Your Life.

Heres My Clearing & Cleansing Playlist.

Energy Reset Is My Favourite, But It Depends On How Heavy I Feel The Energy That Needs To Be Cleared Out Of My Field.

I Cast Out Energy With The Spoken Word. I Use Selenite. Clear Quartz. Rose Quartz. & Black Tourmaline In My Auric Field To Clear & Ground My Energy After As I Am Sensitive To Energy & Feel It Very Strongly; I Always Cleanse With The Element Of Water After Cleansing With Smoke.

Learn About Clearing & Cleansing Your Energy In The Blog Post Below:

Learn More About Sound Frequency On The Blog Post Below;

Colour Therapy Healing

Each Chakra Is Connected To Colour At An Energetic Level.

As Each Colour Carries A Vibration, Each Sound Carries A Vibration.

Everything In This World Carries A Vibration.

The Law Of Vibration Is A Universal Law That Brings About The Law Of Attraction.

Learn More About This From Bob Proctor;

9 Minute Video

For The Full Lesson - 50 Minutes

Colour Impacts All Human Beings On An Energetic/Vibrational Level

Learn More About Colour Therapy On The Blog:

Breathe Work

The Control Of Prana - Life Force Energy.

One Of The Oldest Yoga Techniques

1 Foot In The Physical, 1 Foot In Meditation.

Pranayama Breathe work is great for calming the mind.

The focus and control of the breath work with the concept of pratyahara;

or withdrawal of the senses.

Pranayama exercises need to be done sitting upright on a cushion on a chair, with a long spine.

Intentional Breath

A simple pranayama for bringing the attention to our breathing and making it more conscious and deliberate. Keep the mouth and lips soft when you breathe out.

• Inhale nose.

•Exhale mouth.

• Inhale nose.

• Exhale nose.

• Repeat for 20 rounds.

Ratio Breathing

This improves our breath control so that we can manage prana. It is sometimes called Square Breathing and can involve breath retention, so if this makes you anxious or uncomfortable, skip the retention, focus on the slight pause and with the counted breathing instead.

A typical starting ratio breath would be:

• Inhale for a count of four.

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