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Soul Search | Soul Contracts Guide

Updated: Aug 15

What Is A Soul Contract ?

It’s A Universal Agreement That Your Soul Chose Before It Decided To Incarnate Here On The Planet Earth | The Human Experience.

If You Feel Lost.

Like You’re Out Of Alignment.

I Was There Too Until I Started My Self Discovery Journey.

If You’re Someone Looking To Go Inward,

To Find Out More About Your Purpose.

To Look Within & Really Fulfill Your Passions | To Fulfill Your Visions| Goals | Dreams On A Day To Day Basis.

To Feel Like You’re Doing What You Came Here To Do But You Dont Know If You’re On The Right Path, I Highly Suggest Numerology.

It Will Show You The Path. Numerology & Astrology Are Tools For Self Discovery.

Numerology Changed The Trajectory Of My Life. Once I Realized The True Path That I Came Here To Walk Through Discovering My Numerology Blueprint, I Started To Walk That Path & I Let Go Of Everything That Was No Longer In Alignment.

Numerology Helps You To Discover Your Souls Contracts Using Your Name & Date Of Birth.

Learn More About Numerology In The Numerology Blog Posts. There Is A Brief Overview & A Full In Depth Informational Post.

You Can Book A Numerology Breakdown With Me Through The Numerology Page


Sign Up For The Numerology 101 Course

Where You Can Learn How To Access This Divine Information For You & Your Loved Ones.

Once You Understand The Energy That You Have Access To With These Numbers You Will Have The Ability To Tap Into Their Frequency & Shift Your Paradigm.

Once You Know Your Numerology Blueprint, I Suggest Learning About Your Astrology Blueprint. Accessible Below ⬇️

Another Piece To The Puzzle Of Discovering Who You Are, & Your Divine Path Here.

In My Blog Post Spiritual Journeying I Take You Through All Of The Modalities That You Can Discover About Yourself That I Discovered About Myself When I First Started My Self Discovery Journey On My 22nd Birthday In 2016.

With Higher Education Kxo

You Have Access To Learning About;

✨Your Energy Field | The Auric Field

✨The Chakras| Your Energy Centres

Within & Outside Of The Human Body.

✨Harnessing The Energy Of The Celestial Bodies| The Universal Elements| Sacred Wisdom

Browse The Blog & Learn The Sacred Information That I’ve Been Studying & Learning To Self Develop As I Am On The Path To Self Mastery 🦋

A Path That Is Available For Every Person Here On Planet Earth | The Choice Is Yours, Always.

With The Higher Faculty Known As The Will 🕉️

What Soul Level Are You ?

Find Out By Watching This Video & Seeing What Resonates The Most.

Infant Soul

Lives In Survival Mode



Child Like

Connects With The Lower Levels Of Consciousness States Like Fear & Insecurity

Baby Souls

Loves Structure

Loves To Follow Rules

Stick To Traditions

Dislikes Change

Religious |

Follows Family Customs Without Questions

Young Souls

Driven By Success

Aims For The Top

Feels Like Somethings Missing

Mature Soul

Feelings Of Empathy Towards Others

Focuses On Personal Growth

Dedicated To Helping Others

Focused On Creating Meaningful Connections With Others

Old Souls



Spiritually Connected

Prioritizes Inner Peace Over Material Success

Spiritual Guidance Focused

Transcendental Souls

Embodies Enlightenment


Love Frequency

Guides & Helps Others To Awaken & Evolve

This Is The State Of My Soul Since Evolving From An Old Soul In 2022|2023

Once I Help Enough People To Evolve Their Souls With The Help Of Higher Education Kxo,

I Feel That I Will Evolve Into An Infinite Soul.

Infinite Souls

Live In A State Of Pure Consciousness

Free From Time & Space

(Which I Resonate With Already Due To My Human Design Dominant Gift 5 )

Help The Evolution Of The Universe

(Which I Intend To Do With Higher Education Kxo. Once Enough Souls Are Shifted Into The Higher States Of Consciousness & Soul Evolution. We Will Reach The Golden Age & Everyone Will Live In Peace & Harmony, With Eachother , The Earth, Their Divine Essence As One Love ✨🤍✨

3 Types Of Souls

Earth Based Souls

Incarnate & Evolve In Body On Earth

100s - 1000s Of Lives On Earth

Growing & Evolving

Tripping Falling Getting Back Up In Human Life

Interplanetary Soul

Starseed, Indigo, Alien, Atlantean, Arcturian, Lemurian, Hathor Etc.| Advanced Civilizations

Comes From A Star System | Ophiuchus ⛎, Aquarius ♒️ Pisces ♓️ Etc.

Evolved Somewhere Other Than Earth

They Incarnate On Earth From An Evolved Perspective. Higher Frequency To Help Raise The Vibrational Consciousness Of Humanity.

To Aid Humanity. Assist Them With Evolution.

Angelic Soul

Comes From The Angelic Realm

Supports The Divine

Carry The Energy Of The High Frequency

Of The Divine Source

The Energy Of Love & Compassion.

Acceptance. Peace.

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