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Crystal Placement; Giving & Receiving Energy

Updated: 4 days ago

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Your Dominant Hand Is Considered To Be Your Giving Hand & Your Non Dominant Hand Is Considered To Be Open To Receiving.

When You Want To Receive Optimal Energy From A Crystal Wear It On Your Non Dominant Hand For More Receptivity To This Receiving Energy.

Regardless Bringing The Celestial Formation Into Your Auric Field & Doing The Energy Work Provided To You Step By Step In The Guide Below Will Amplify Your Intentions & Connect You With The Universal Laws Connected To Receiving The Energies From Your Crystals & Gemstones.

Left Brain : Logical Side

Connected To The Right Side Of Our Body

Masculine Energy

Action Taking. Rationality. Linear Thinking. Understanding.

Right Handed Dominant

Right Brain : Artistic Side

Connected To The Left Side Of Our Body

Feminine Energy

Nurturing. Caring. Compassion. Love. Emotion.

Left Handed Dominant

A Wise Woman Once Told Me To Utilize Non Dominant Handwriting To Work The Other Side Of The Brain ✨ A Divine Piece Of Wisdom She Utilizes.

The Left Side Of Our Bodies Are Our Feminine Side;

Connected To The Right Side Of Our Brain.

Receiving Energy.

The Right Side Of Our Bodies Is Our Masculine Side;

Connected To The Left Side Of Our Brain.

Giving Energy.

Its Interconnected As You Can See In The Visual Below.

Your Dominant Hand Is The Hand That Is Considered As Your Giving Hand.

This Is What Is Felt In Most People.

If You Are Left Handed; That Is Your Dominant Hand It Would Be Likely To Give Energy Through This Hand. Wearing Crystals On This Side Of Your Body Will Be The Energy That You Are Like To Give Out.

If You Are Right Handed; That Is Your Dominant Hand It Would Be Likely To Give Energy Through This Hand. Wearing Crystals On This Side Of Your Body Will Be The Energy That You Are Like To Give Out.

The Opposite Hand Will Be The Energy That YouAre Receiving As You Bring Crystals & Their Stable Frequency Into Your Field.

Crystal Placement Is Best When Used In Harmony With The Chakras;

Learn More In Depth About Each Main Chakra In The Human Body With Higher Education Kxo Blog Posts On Each Energy Centre.

Chakra Education & Balancing | Activation Techniques Available

Scroll Down To The Chakra Section & Access All Of The Information About 16 Chakras That I Personally Work Within My Self On The Journey Of Self Mastery.

Colour Plays An Important Role When It Comes To Determining The Connection To Crystals & Our Energy Body

Learn More About The Power Of Colour With Higher Education Kxo |

Gemjewellerykxo Designs

Step Into Your Divine Essence With Our Anklets From The Ground Up.

With Bracelets & Rings You Can Move The Energy Around; Working In Harmony With Many Chakras.

Waist Chains Will Connect Closely With Your Root. Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras.

Drop Down Necklaces & Layered Necklaces Will Work In Synergy With Your Heart, Higher Heart-Thymus & Throat Chakras.

Earrings Will Connect To Your Causal. Zeal Point & Third Eye Chakras

Head Pieces Will Connect Closely With Your Crown Chakra.

Regardless Of Placement; All Stable Energy Brought Into Your Auric Field With Gemjewellerykxo Crystal Frequency Designs Will Radiate Bringing Energy To All Chakras. Proper Crystal Placement Will Only Help You To Harmonize More Efficiently With These Energies.

Ring Placement; Finger Energy

The Fingers Are Connected To The Chakras Based On The Meridian System.

Conscious & Constructive Thoughts. Feelings & Intentions Influence Our Energy Field

& In Turn This Has An Impact On Our Body Function.

What You "Set Your Heart On" And "Talk Yourself Into"

Will Manifest Itself Within A Foreseeable Amount Of Time.

Hindu Healing Practitioners Discovered Long Ago That Too Much Or Too Little Of Any Element;

Fire. Water. Earth. Air. Ether. Causes The Body To Become Imbalanced Which Than Leads To Illness.

Each Finger Is Associated With An Element, A Chakra, A Planet & An Overall Energy.

Our Fingers & Their Positioning Is Connected To Our Energy Field.

To Learn More About This I Highly Suggest The Book:


Yoga In Your Hands.

A Simple Technique To Achieve Lasting Health. Happiness. Inner Peace

By Gertrud Hirschi

Mudras For Modern Life

By Swami Saradananda

A Lesson About Each Finger & The Energy Associated.

Thumb Energy

The Fire Element. Solar Plexus Chakra. The Lung Meridian. Mars.

The Thumb Nourishes The Energy Of The Other Fingers & Absorbs Excess Energy.

It Restores Equilibrium & Natural Order.

Fire Is Dependant Upon Air Since It Dies Without Oxygen.

The Same Applies To Our Cell Respiration.

The Metabolism In Our Cells Can Only Properly Function With Adequate Oxygen.

We Can Strengthen Every Part Of The Body ; Every Organ By

Visualizing Or Breathing Light & Warmth Into It.

When Choosing A Crystal In Relation To The Thumb Finger

Choose A Crystal Associated With The Element Of Fire. Solar Plexus Chakra. Mars.

Carnelian. Citrine. Sunstone. Red Jasper. Garnet. Tigers Eye. Pyrite. Bronzite. Yellow Jade. Yellow Jasper. Yellow Tourmaline.

Index Finger Energy

Air Element. The Heart Chakra. The Large Intestine. Deep Meridian Of The Stomach. Jupiter.

Our "Sure" Instinct. Having "A Good Nose"

The Ability To Reflect & Have Inspiration.

This Energy Goes To Our Innermost Core & Back To The Cosmos.

As We Draw On Our Intuition From Within & Receive Inspiration From The Cosmos.

The Air Element Is Associated With The Mind.

The Power Of Thought.

Thoughts Are As Invisible As Air & Yet The Yogis Have Discovered They Are The Cause

Of All The Actions We Take Or Refrain From Taking.

Of Everything We Reject Or Attract

Learn More About This In The Blog Post Below:

Our Thoughts Are The Cause Of Our Health. Our Mood.

For The Entire Design Of Our Life.

The Planetary Power Of Jupiter Also Associated With This Finger Indicates The Eternal Change Of Things. Accepting Life With All Its Facets, Working Through Digesting & Letting Go.

There Is Also A Clear, Purposeful Look Into The Future With This Finger.

Since Our Thoughts Are So Important, We Should Consider Their Quality Frequently.

You Will Notice There Is A Certain Habit In Our Thoughts.

Habits Can Be Changed As Soon As We Become Aware Of Them.

Changes Always Require Time.

If We Continuously Replace Our Harmful Thoughts; Of Fear. Doubt. Worry. Etc.

With Useful Thoughts, We Can Change The Trajectory Of Our Lives.

When Choosing A Crystal For The Index Finger Choose Crystals Related To The Mind.

Connected To The Air Element. The Heart Chakra. Jupiter.

Rose Quartz.Malachite. Rhodochrosite. Rhodonite. Pink Peruvian Opal. Pink Tourmaline. Unakite. Prehnite. Green Aventurine. Tree Agate. Verdelite. Amethyst. Clear Quartz. Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite.

Yellow Jasper. Rainbow Fluorite.

Middle Finger Energy

The Heavenly Finger. Radiating Far Into Infinity. The Stair Case To Heaven.

"The Keeper Of The Threshold" "The Gateway Of Purity"

Ether. The Throat Chakra. The Circulation Meridian. The Deep Meridian; Gallbladder. Saturn.

Helps Us To Seize & Master The Challenges Of Life.

Our Drive. Activity. Risk. The Joy Of Taking Action.

The Spectrum Of The Middle finger Energy Ranges From An Active Life To Spheres Far Into The World Beyond. Briefly Summarized As The Following Saying:

"God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"

When Choosing A Crystal Ring For The Middle Finger Choose A Crystal Connected To

The Throat Chakra. The Ether. Saturn.

Aquamarine. Amazonite. Turquoise. Blue Peruvian Opal. Clear Quartz. Labradorite. Indicolite.

Smoky Quartz. Garnet. Obsidian. Black Tourmaline. Amethyst.

Clear Quartz - The Master Healer

Ring Finger Energy

Earth Element. The Root Chakra. Deep Meridian; Liver. Apollo. The Sun.

The Pelvic Floor.

This Force Gives Us Stamina. Staying Power & The Power To Be Assertive.

Giving A Person Patience. Serenity. Hope. Vision For The Future.

Responsible For Body Temperature; Regulates Cell Function.

When Optimally Functioning It Gives The Ability To Maintain Equilibrium In Stressful Situations.

This Is A Pre Condition For A Well Functioning Immune System.

This Finger Provides Stability, Penetrating & Striving Upwards Through The Sushumna.

When Choosing A Crystal Ring For This Finger To Help With Your Root Chakra & All Of The Things Associated; Stability. Fearlessness. Patience. Hope. Liver Function Healing. Etc.

Choose A Crystal Associated With The Root Chakra. Connected To The Sun. The Earth Element.

Snowflake Obsidian. Mahogany Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Black Tourmaline. Hematite. Smoky Quartz. Dalmatian Jasper. Picture Jasper. Red Jasper. Garnet. Tree Agate. Prehnite. Unakite.

Clear Quartz - The Master Healer.

Note: In Buddhism This Finger Is Associated With Sexuality & All Of The Material Below...

Pinky Finger Energy

Water Element. Sacral Chakra. Mercury.

The Energetic Centre For Sexuality. Interpersonal Relationships.

The Ability To Communicate. Connected To The Throat Chakra.

Chinese Healing Practitioners Found The Pinky Finger To Be Connected With The Heart Meridian.

The Realm Of Emotions.

Joyful. Fulfilling Relationships Which Warm. Nourish & Strengthen The Heart.

Strong Heart Energy Gives The Ability To Be Happy.

Sublime Feelings. Improving Mood.

When Choosing A Crystal For This Finger Choose Crystals Connected To

The Water Element. The Sacral Chakra.The Heart Meridian. Communication. Relationships.

If Your Looking To Pro Create. Wearing A Crystal On This Finger Will Help To Balance & Amplify The Sexual Energy Flow Of The Sacral.

Crystals Like:

Moonstone. Peach Moonstone. Sunstone. Bronzite. Carnelian. Orange Calcite. Rose Quartz. Rhodochrosite. Rhodonite. Malachite. Pink Peruvian Opal. Pink Tourmaline. Unakite. Prehnite. Green Aventurine. Tree Agate. Verdelite. Amazonite. Aquamarine.

Clear Quartz - The Master Healer

When Choosing A Crystal It Is Best To Know The Energetic Properties That The Crystal Emits So That You Know The Stable Energy That You Will Be Bringing Into Your Auric Field.

As You Will Be Harmonizing With This Energy.

Amplifying Your Crystals With Intention; Creating An Energetic Pulse Out Into The Field,

Which Will Bring That Energy Back Into Your Auric Field Like A Magnet Through

The Law Of Attraction.

Its Best To Read Up On The Crystal & Know Its Energy Before Bringing It Into Your Field.

Learn More About Each Crystal Below.


Thumb: Fire. Solar Plexus Chakra. Mars.

Index: Air. Heart Chakra. Jupiter.

Middle: Ether. Throat Chakra. Saturn.

Ring: Earth. Root Chakra. The Sun.

Pinky: Water. Sacral Chakra. Mercury.

Different People Believe Different Things About The Finger Energies.

For Example; In Buddhism The Ring Finger Is Known As The Creative, Pleasure Centre Connected To The Sacral Chakra While Other Systems Believe That Its The Pinky Finger

Thats Connected To The Sacral.

See What Resonates With You &Your Energy Field.

Read About The Auric Field To Learn About Your Personal Energy Field

Learn About The Chakras In Depth By Reading Our Chakra Blog Posts.

15 Chakras - Free Overview

Chakra - Prana - Life Force Energy

Teaching About Each Chakra In Depth.

How To Determine What Chakras Need Healing Based Upon The Information Provided.

Breaking Down Each Chakra Separately -Access To 8 Blog Posts

Chakra Education | Balancing | Activation Techniques Program

Including Balancing Techniques For Each Chakra; Sound Frequency. Colour Therapy.

Yoga Poses. Chants. Toning. Crystal Healing.

Chakra Quizzes To Determine Which Chakras Need Balancing.

Attending One Of Our Chakra Balancing Workshops | Summer Months Will Also Be Benficial For Bringing Your Chakras Into Healthy Alignment | Balance.

In The Pictures Above The Energy Correlation Above;

The Information Is A Little Different From What Is Written & What I've Studied.

The Information About Each Chakra & Blockages Is Accurate Information To Take Into Consideration In Your Own Life.

Correct Energy Visual Based On My Studies Below.

I Highly Recommend Reading The Book Mudras.

Yoga In Your Hands.

A Simple Technique To Achieve Lasting Health, Happiness, And Inner Peace

By Gertrud Hirschi To Learn More.

All In All, Follow Your Intuition.

I Also Recommend Looking Further Into The Energy Systems On The Human Body.

Learning More About The Auric Field, The Layers Of The Aura & Energy.

Each Chakra Within The Body.

If Youre Fascinated Than You Can Go Further As I Have And Learn About The Chakras That Aren't Spoken About Often.

Learn A Brief Overview Of The Chakras That I Study & Have Been Working With;

The Chakras And Our Energy Centres Is Studied By Acupuncturists &

Other Positions That Work With The Physical Body.

Its An Important Part Of Everything Within Us.

Physically & Beyond The Physical.

All Of The Crystals Available On The Gemjewellerykxo Website & In House Custom Creation Is Listed In The Picture Below Titled: Crystal Selection. Read About Each Crystal In Depth On The Crystal Selection Blog Post:

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