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Quartz Crystals

Updated: Jun 11

Quartz Crystals Are Known For Their Healing Properties.

These Crystals Are The Only Crystals That Are Self Cleansing;

Meaning They Don't Need To Be Cleared & Cleansed After Being Handled

BecauseThey Don't Absorb Energy, They Transmute It.


It Doesn't Hurt When They Are Looking Dull To Give Them A Refresh Under The Universal Elements.

When Crystals Have Not Had Their Energies Cleared Or Cleansed After Use They Will Get An Energetic Overload Causing Them To React | Break Into Pieces, Crack, Burst.

Crystals Are Sentient. Celestial. They Emit Energy, They Absorb, Transmute, Amplify, Radiate Energetic Frequencies And They Must Be Handled With Care.

When You Learn How To Work With Energy You Will Understand The Need For A Cleanse & Clearing, A Recharge That Is Needed.

I Call This Energetic Hygiene & It Is Crucial For Yourself | Thyself & Your Crystals, Gemstones, Minerals.

Use The Natural Elements.

I Place My Quartz Crystals In Snow After I Use Them To Support Me In Crystal Healing Practices & The Shine & Sparkle, The Recharge From The Water Element Is Divine.

Note| Not All Crystals Should Be Cleansed With The Water Element. Learn More Below ⬇️

Putting Your Crystals Out In The Earth Element To Bathe Under The Sun & Moon Will Make Your Crystals Shine. You Will See A Noticeable Difference In Look & In Energy.

Learn More About Cleansing & Charging Your Crystals Below ⬇️

Quartz Crystals Are Extremely Powerful As Negative Energy Cannot Penetrate These Stones.

Different Types Of Quartz Crystals Available In Our Crystal Selection:

Quartz Crystals Are The Crystals Used To Power All Of Our Technology.

Clear Quartz In Particular As Its An Amplifier Of Energy.

Quartz Crystals Are The Key To Powering Our Laptops, Cell Phones, Clocks, Even Our Lighters.

Quartz Crystals Are Connected To Sacred Geomtry; Just As Everything Else In Creation.

They Are Formed Through The Elements; Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Ether.

Quartz Crystals In Particular Are Connected To The Platonic Solid; The Tetrahedron;

Connected To The Element Of Fire, The Colour Yellow; Connected To The Solar Plexus Chakra.

The Tetrahedron In Sacred Geomtry Is Connected To Manifestation & Spiritual Awakening.

The Energy Of The Tetrahedron Emits The Perfect Vibrational Frequency To Bring Changes & Shifts Into Ones Life. It Harmonizes With Personal Power (The Solar Plexus), It Supports Acceptance From The Past And Invites Openness To Fresh Opportunities.

Quartz Crystals Grow In Tetrahedron Structure, Always Pointing To The Sky With A Firm Base On The Ground.

Learn More About Crystals & Their Properties By Reading The Blog Posts Titled:

Learn About The Chakras - The Energy Centres Within Each And Every One Of Us & The Energy Field Surrounding Each One Of Us. Sacred Information That Once Discovered & Understood, Helps You To Control The Energy Within Your Energy Body Which Impacts The Physical Body.

  • The Auric Field

  • 15 Chakras - Brief Overview

  • The Chakras - Prana Life Force Energy

  • Root Chakra

  • Sacral Chakra

  • Hara Line Chakra

  • Solar Plexus Chakra

  • Heart Chakra

  • Higher Heart - Thymus Chakra

  • Throat Chakra

  • Zeal Point Chakra

  • Causal Chakra

  • Third Eye Chakra

  • Crown Chakra

  • Soul Star Chakra- Oversoul

  • Stellar Gateway

  • Universal - Galactic Gateway (Coming Soon)

  • Divine Gateway (Coming Soon)

Learn About The Other Crystals, Minerals & Gemstones Available Within Gemjewellerykxo

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