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Ophiuchus - The 13th Zodiac

Updated: Jul 17

The Master Healer Of The Zodiac ⛎

Ophiuchus Is A Constellation In The Sky, 

Just Like The Other Zodiacal Constellations Known In The Western Astrology System.

Ophiuchus Is Considered A Zodiacal Constellation As The Sun Enters This Constellation On November 29th|30th - December 16th|17th

But It Was Said To Be Taken Out Of The Mainstream Zodiacal System.

Zodiacal Constellations Are Considered To Be Any Constellation That Is On The Path That The Sun Crosses Through; Known As The Ecliptic.

Learn More About This Information Within The Blog Post Below;

Out Of These 88 Constellations

The Sun Crosses Through 13 Constellations Known As Zodiacal Constellations.

Zodiacal Constellations Explained.

Most People Follow The Astrology That Ptolemy Tetrabiblos Created 2000 Years Ago But There Is So Much More To Astrology Than Just One Man’s Theories.

Although He Was A Mathematician & Astrologer There Is Just So Much More, A Much Bigger Picture.

The Sun Might Even Cross 14 Constellations Now In Current Day. Ophiuchus ⛎ Opposite.

As Each Constellation Has An Opposite Sign.

I've Been Keeping An Eye On The Suns Alignments Using The Night Sky App,

Connected To The Satellites That Nasa Has Set Up For Us To See Current Day/Time Astrology.

Something I Like To Call Galactic Astrology;

As It Is Showing Us What Is Going On Partially, In The Stellar Gateway & Galactic Gateway.

You Can Learn More About This In The Blog Posts Below;

Astronomy Vs Astrology

For A Brief Overview Of Astrology Placements & Meaning

How To Calculate Your Personal Birth Chart Read The Blog Post :

Only Time Will Tell With A Watchful Eye On These Alignments In Regards To

The Luminaries & Star Constellations, To Determine What Sun Signs Are Current.

When You Use The Apps Connected To The Satellites That Nasa Has Up In The Sky,

You Can See The Alignments Occurring In Current Time.

The Suns Path Crosses Through Capricornus, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Leo, Libra, Scorpius, Ophiuchus & Sagittarius.

I Do Believe That It Also Crosses Through The Constellation Cetus,

As I Have Seen The Tail End Of Cetus & The Sun Meet A Couple Times Over The Last Year.

If You Have Been Watching The Planetary Alignments Closely Feel Free To Comment,

Please Add The Dates That You Have Seen Cetus & Ophiuchus Paired Up With The Sun.

In Western Astrology They Don't Take The Precession Of The Equinox Into Account; So It Is No Longer A Fully Accurate System , Even Though Majority Of The Population Still Follows The Western Astrology System. A System That I Also Take Into Account.

The Precession Of The Equinox Is The Earths Tilt,

This Shifting That Is Occurring Every Year, Has Also Shifted The Alignments Which Affects Everything Energetically As Each Luminary, Planet & Constellation Emits Energies Out Into The Universe, Affecting The Energy Of The Earth & All Of Earths Beings.

When Astrology Originated In Mesopotamia (c. 3rd Millennium BC) & Spread To India, Developing In The Hellenistic Period & In The Greek Civilization, They Didn't Have The Same Technology That We Do Today. So They Were Unable To Track What Constellations And The Path That The Sun Was On As Accurately As We Can Today Using Nasa's Satellites.

Using The App That I Use, Night Sky; Is Connected To The Satellites In Real Time.

Watching The Alignments In Real Time, Physically Going Outside And Looking Up At The Stars With This App Guiding Me, Is How I've Been Able To Determine & Confirm Chart Placements.

Matching Up What I’m Seeing In The Sky & On The App In Real Time,

When Looking At “Galactic Astrology”.

To Learn More About The Different Types Of Astrology With The Different Time Frames To See What Your Zodiacal Sign Is In All 3 I Work With;

Western- Tropical - Hellenistic Astrology.

Vedic; Sidereal Astrology.

Galactic Astrology -

You Can Determine This By Looking & Analyzing The Planets, The Luminaries & Constellations As They Come Together In Alignment To Cast Energy Out Onto Planet Earth;

Creating Energetic Shifts On Planet Earth & Within All Of Us As Earth Beings Made Up Of All Of The Elements.


Now To Really Talk About Ophiuchus.


The 13th Zodiac.

Ophiuchus Is A Constellation That Was Discovered In 1970 By A Man Named Steven Schmidt.

Ophiuchus Is Considered The 13th Zodiac In What People Like To Call "New Astrology"

This Isn't New, It Is Coming Back Into Our Consciousness With The New Age.

With The Truth Seekers That Want To Discover The Depths Of Astrology.

According To Steven Schmidt Ophiuchus Crosses The Ecliptic From December 6th - December 31st

Based On My Research It Crosses The Ecliptic November 30th To December 17th Through NASA.

If You Use The Night Sky App You Can Look To See Where The Sun Is And What Constellation It Is Crossing Through. This Is How You Can Analyze This Information.

 The Constellation Ophiuchus Does Cross The Ecliptic.

Making Everyone Born Within These Dates Or During That Cross An Ophiuchus Sun Sign.

I’m Writing This Post To Bring This Information To These Ophiuchus Sun Signs,

It Activates The Energy Of This Sign Within Us; The Ophiuchus Suns.

Giving Us The Ability To Embody The Characteristics Of Ophiuchus Within.

The Healers.

Born Divine Healers.

Element; Ether; Spirit (The Holy Spirit)

Ruling Planet; Chiron

Chiron; The Wounded Healer. Bold. Passionate. Strong Willed. Artsy. Flow. Straight Forward.

When You Embody The Ophiuchus Within;

Fully Realized Divine Feminine Power (Ophiuchus Women)

Fully Realized Masculine Power (Ophiuchus Men)

A Complete Spectrum Of The Female Archetype (Ophiuchus Women)

A Complete Spectrum Of The Male Archetype (Ophiuchus Men)

Ophiuchus Displays Strength & Persistence.

An Ancient Incarnation Of Woman/Man.

As You Can See The God | Goddess In The Sky Through This Constellation.

Ophiuchus Is The Symbol Of Birth & Death - Rebirth, Much Like The Planet Pluto, Closely Connected To The Constellation Scorpius.

Ophiuchus Brings A Mixture Of The Sagittarian & Scorpius Energy As It’s In Close Proximity But It Does Embody Its Own Power.

Ophiuchus Connects To Independence; An Embodiment Of 1 Energy.

Ophiuchus Brings The Energy Of The Woman/Man That Is Her/His Own Person, In Her/His Divine Right. Embodying Complete Authenticity. Transparency As To Who They Are, Not Following What Anyone Wants Her/Him To Be.

This Energy Does Not Aspire To Be What Others Want Her/Him To Be,

She/He Is Adamant In Her/His Own Resistance To Those That Violate Her/His Or Her Coven/Covenant; Soul Family, Community.

Ophiuchus Is An Original Woman/Man With All of Her/His Power & Powers.

Preserving The Self Against Domination;

She/He Has Had To Dominate And Hide Her/His True Power From Her/His Enemies In History.

Her/His Manifestations Are For The Betterment Of Humanity.

Ophiuchus Is Connected To The Constellation Serpens

Ophiuchus And Serpens Are Connected To The Symbols That Represent This Divine Healer;

The Asclepius. The Cadeusus. The Ouroboros.

Learn More About Ophiuchus


The God Of Medicine, Prophecy, Healing.

Father: Apollo

Mother: Koronis

Symbols: Snakes. Olive Trees

Egyptian - Imohtep


The Staff Carried By

Hermes in Greek Mythology

The caduceus is the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology and consequently by Hermes Trismegistus in Greco-Egyptian mythology. The same staff was borne by other heralds like Iris, the messenger of Hera. The short staff is entwined by two serpents, sometimes surmounted by wings. In Roman iconography, it was depicted being carried in the left hand of Mercury, the messenger of the gods.

 A Symbol For Rebirth, Cyclicality, Eternity, Immortality.

Similar To The Phrase Energy Never Dies | It Only Changes Form, 

Making Our Souls Immortal.

This Collection Is Here To Remind Us Of This Symbolism.

Learn More About The Ouroboros | Uroboros

As An Ophiuchus Sun Sign Born December 7th;

I Resonate Energetically & Vibrationally With This Sign & I Will Be Introducing This Sign Within My Design Work Through Gemjewellerykxo.

I Started Researching Ophiuchus When It Came To Me In A Dream.

Ophiuchus Is The Reason I Started Studying Astrology.

I've Had Many Dreams Throughout My Life Involving Snakes. Anacondas.

As A Matter Of Fact I Have Been Dreaming About Snakes And Slaying Them For As Long As I Can Remember, Ever Since I Was Young. I Just Wasn’t Aware Of What It All Meant Until After I Had My Transformational Awakening In 2019 When Everything I’ve Been Studying Since 2009 Started To Become Crystal Clear.

Once I Started Studying Astrology. I Had To Look Into More Than Just The Western System.

Looking Into Vedic Astrology, Chinese Astrology, Egyptian Astrology & Nasa As The Satellites Give An Accurate Reading As To What Is Currently Going On Energetically In Our Sky.

I’m Still Learning As I Continue My Studies In This Vast Universe Filled With Information.

Through My Recent Studies I've Realized There Isn't Much Information About The Constellation Ophiuchus & Its Polar Opposite Cetus But My Inner Knowing & Subconscious Brings Insight;

As My Search Continues, As I Find More Information I Will Be Sure To Share It.

Cetus Is Known By Very Few As The 14th Zodiac.

According To Steven Schmidt - (May 12th - June 6th)

Is When This Constellation Crosses The Ecliptic.

It Has Yet To Be Confirmed, The Research In Dates That I Have Done Differs.

Both Ophiuchus & Cetus Will Be Introduced In My Upcoming Zodiac Collections;

Where You Can Learn More About The Constellations & How They Impact You & Your Chart.

Book An Astrology Guidance Session Or Breakdown Session With Me For Assistance On Calculating Your Astrological Natal Chart

Or Follow The Steps In The Blog Post |

Ophiuchus - The 13th Sign

Ophiuchus; The Constellation That Is Tied To The Constellation Serpens.

Known As The Serpent Bearer. The Healer.

In The Zodiac Ophiuchus Represents Mystery. Fire. The Ether. The Phoenix.

The Zodiac That Heals Itself To Heal Others.

Displaying Strength, Persistence, Independence.

Ophiuchus Doesn't Aspire To Be What Others Want Her To Be, She is Her Own Person, In Her Own Right. An Original Wo(man) With All Her Power.

Ruled By Chiron. Divine Feminine Energy. The Symbol Of Death & Rebirth.

Her Manifestation Is For The Betterment Of Humanity.

Ophiuchus Was Born To Lead Us Through The Labyrinth Of Life And Death.

The Goddess Ophiuchus Is Both Our Midwife And Coroner:

She Obeys No god, Tyrant, Guru Nor Saint, She Does What Mother Nature Has Instructed Her To Do, Following Only The Laws Of The Universe & Gift 61 ; Inner Knowing.

The Symbol: Asclepius & The Caduceus Of Hermes.

Ophiuchus Is In Between Scorpius & Sagittarius In The Zodiac.

It Emits Similar Energies To The Two Constellations.

Here Is A Photo Of The Goddess Representing Ophiuchus.

Learn More About The Elements :

Snake Charmer Energy

As Soon As I Seen This Iridescent Beauty I Found Myself Rushing Right Over To See,

She Came Right Over To Me.

Although These Reptilians Are A Little Scary, They Are Extremely Beautiful Creations Of God Source Energy, Just Like Everything Else On This Planet. Remember To Look At The Beauty Of Everything By Connecting To Divine Love. Snakes Represent The Healer. Transformative Energy.

Do Your Own Research And Look Into The Symbolism Of The Serpent.

Do More Research On Ophiuchus.

If You Are An Ophiuchus, Please Share Your Experience.

Join Higher Education Kxo As A Member And Comment Your Divine Messages From Source Involving The Ophiuchus Energy Within You.

Feel Free To Share More About Ophiuchus.

As I Learn More And Continue To Discover The Ophiuchus Energy Within Me I Will Add To This Post, Until Than I Hope You Enjoyed A Little Introduction To Ophiuchus

All My Love,




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