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Numerology - Condensed Information To Get A Basis

Updated: Sep 16

Below Is A List Of All Of The Soul Contracts That Can Be Calculated Within Numerology Through Higher Education Kxo | Services| Classes | Courses.

Learn More In Depth About Each Number On The Blog Post Titled : Numerology

You Can Now Access A Course That I Created Called Numerology 101 To Learn How To Calculate Your Full Numerology Breakdown & See All Of The Energy Accessible To You During This Lifetime Through Your Unique Numbers. Once You Become Aware Of This Energy You Have Access To Your Embodiment Of This Energy Through Your Soul Contracts. Knowing is The First Step.

To Calculate Your Numerology All You Need Is 2 Pieces Of Important Information.

1.Your Birth Certificate Name

2.Your Date Of Birth - Date On Incarnation.

When You Discover Your Numerology Blueprint You Can Understand The Energy Within You; Your Character Traits & The Energy Surrounding You On Your Divine Journey In This Timeline.

You Will See & Understand Your Soul Contracts In This Lifetime.

Numerology Is The Tool To Help You Develop Your Weaknesses.

Overcome Your Karmic Debts & Lessons By Providing The Information Necessary.

The Core Numbers


This Number Indicates The Energy Surrounding The Path That Your Soul Came Here

To Walk In This Lifetime. Calculated With Your Date Of Birth.

Add Up The Numbers Of Your Birth Date & Come To A Single Digit

Unless You Come To A Double Digit Number Ex.11 | 22| 33| 44- 111

( Master Number, Power Number, Angel Number)

Destiny #

This Number Indicates What You'll Be The Most Successful Doing During This Lifetime.

The Person You Are Destined To Become. The Life You're Destined To Live Out.

Calculated Using Your Full Name At Birth. Use Western Or Chaldean Systems.

Western & Chaldean Numerology Systems Are What I Use To Calculate

The Destiny Number Is Calculated Using Your Full Birth Certificate Name

Add Up All Of The Numbers Of Each Name Until You Get A Single Digit Number

The Full Name Calculation Is Your Destiny Number

Learn How To Calculate Each Number Step By Step Within The Course Numerology 101

Soul Urge # - What Your Soul Needs To Feel Content In This Lifetime.

Using Your Birth Certificate Name.

Maturity #- What You Need To Accomplish To Reach Your Full Potential.

The Ultimate Goal In Your Life. Where Your Destiny Is Leading You.

Using Your Life Path Number & Your Destiny Number.

Personality #- The Outer You. The Way You Are Perceived.

Using Your Birth Certificate Name.

A Soul Contract That Is Also Calculated In Depth With Astrology

Current Name # - Major Influence. Additional Traits, Strengths, Lessons, Experiences, Opportunities. Learn What Your Names Mean Vibrationally.

Calculate Using Western Or Chaldean Systems; Using The Name You Sign With.

Your Nick Names. The Names That You Answer To, Sign With.

Karmic Lessons # - Inherited Weaknesses From Past Lives. Areas Of Growth To Be Addressed.

Using Your Birth Certificate Name & Core Numbers.

Karmic Debt # - Lessons Failed To Be Learned From Past Lives. Must Be Mastered In This Life.

Using Your Core Numbers.

Cornerstone # - Reveals Your Attitude Towards Life & How You Perceive The World Around You.

First Vowel # - Reveals Your Deeper Hidden Self. Your Spiritual & Philosophical Approach To Life.

Last Name # - Reveals Inherited Ancestral Traits Of The Family. Energies Provided To You For Embodiment From Your Ancestors

Name #s - The Number Associated With The Names That You Answer To Carries A Vibration.

Our Throat Chakra Allows Us To Communicate & This Chakra Along With The Heart & Higher Heart Creates A Toroidal Field. Through The Power Of The Spoken Word; A Vibration Is Cast Out Into The Ether; The Quantum Field & Than Vibration Is Sent Back Into Our Auric Field From The Quantum.

Learn More About This By Reading The Blog Posts Within Higher Education Kxo

Search In Our Search Bar;

Numerology; Discover Your Unique Numbers

The Power Of The Spoken Word.

The Auric Field.

15 Chakras - Brief Overview

The Chakra's - Prana - Life Force Energy

The Major Life Cycles

The Time Frame In Which These Life Cycles Occur, Calculated Using Your Date Of Incarnation.

1st - Cycle Of Youth

Formative Years - Learning & Self Discovery.

2nd - Cycle Of Maturity

Productive Years - Period Of Stabilization.

3rd - Cycle Of Wisdom

Harvest Years - Self Empowerment & Specialization

Learn More In Depth In Our Numerology 101 Course | Numerology Tab

The Numerology Blog Post; Discover The Power In Your Unique Numbers

The Pinnacles & Challenges

The Time Frame In Which They Occur.

There Are 4 Pinnacles & With Each Of Them Carries A Challenge That You Must Overcome.

Do Not Dwell On Your Challenges As Your Soul Chose Them In Advance Knowing That You Have The Inner Strength To Make It Through. Never Underestimate The Power Within. Call On Your Spirit Guides, Angels, Loved Ones For Extra Assistance.

1st - Self Discovery & Self Realization

2nd - Responsibility & Relationships

3rd - Maturity & Preparation

4th - Reflection. Wisdom. Self Mastery.

Universal Year - The Energy Surrounding The Year As A Whole For The Collective

Personal Year- The Energy Surrounding The year For You Personally. Grand Theme Of Your Year.

Personal Month - Mini Themes Within The Year - Energy Surrounding Each Month

Personal Days - Subtle Energy Surrounding Your Days. Use This Knowledge When Making Important Decisions As The Energy Will Be Lingering Regardless.

Every Number Within Numerology Has Different Meanings.

Each Number Has A Specific Energy Surrounding It.

The Main Numbers In Numerology Are The Numbers 1-9.

The Master Numbers: 11/2. 22/4. 33/6. 44/8.

The Power Numbers: 55/10/1. 66/12/3. 77/14/5. 88/16/7. 99/18/9.

Angel Numbers | Divine Numbers

111/3. 222/6. 333/9.

444. 555. 666. 777. 888. 999.

Special Numbers: 36/9. 48/12/3. 10:10

Karmic Numbers 13/4. 14/5. 16/7. 19/1.

No Number Is Better Than The Other.

Each Number Has Significance. Each Number Has Its Purpose.

Each Number Is Important To Master In This Lifetime Or Another.

You Chose Your Unique Numbers Before You Incarnated Here; To Evolve Your Soul In This Lifetime.

Numerology Is A Tool That Provides Information;

All Of This Information Is Based Upon Soul Evolution.

The Numbers 1 - 9 Are As Follows.

To Learn More About The Characteristics. Strengths. Weaknesses. Life Lessons Of Each Number.


The Energy Is Amplified For The Number Preceding It


The Independent Individual

Originality. Pioneer. Leader.


The Cooperative Peacemaker

Healer Of People & Environments. Feminine Energy. Mediator. Cooperation.

Collaboration. Duality.


The Self Expressive Creative

Artist. Creative. Uplift & Inspire Through Communication & Creation.


The Dedicated Worker

Hard Worker. Stable. Practical. Reliable.

Foundational. Organized.


The Freedom Loving Adventurer

Always On The Move. Visiting New Places & People. Learning New Things.

Magnetism. Progression. Forward Movement.


The Responsible Caregiver

Nurture Others With Love. Counsellors.

Love Frequency. Care. Helping. Giving.


The Contemplative Truth Seeker

Quiet Time Alone. Specialist In Their Craft. Scholars. Philosophers. Analysts.

Introspection. Solitude. The Hermit Energy.


The Business Minded Leader

Problem Solvers. Determined To Succeed. Reach & Exceed Goals. Entrepreneurial.

Quick Karma. They Get What They Give Quickly Karmic Justice. Abundance. Financial Gains Based On Frequency.


The Compassionate Humanitarian

Carries The Energy Of All Of The Numbers Before It. Fights For The Underdog.

Makes The World A Better Place.


The Inspirational Teacher

Uplift & Inspire Others. Teach Others. Intuitive. Promotes Peace. Raises Spiritual Awareness. Spiritual Messengers. Idealistic Visionaries. Imaginative. Inventive.

Carries The Characteristics Of The 1& 2.

The Major Lesson Is Teamwork.


The Master Builder

Great Understanding. Insight. Turn Dreams Into A Reality. Driven To Build. Create. Benefits The Community & Humanity. Promotes Something Of Benefit. Serves The Greater Good. Visionary.

Intuitive Insight. Sensitivity. Compassion. Practicality. Determination. Easily Turns Ideas Into

Physical Form. Carries The Characteristics Of The Number 2 & 4.

The Major Lesson Is Building Your World From The Ground Up.


The Cosmic Parent

The Teacher. The Healer. The Artist.

Raises The Vibration Of Humanity Through Service Involving Creativity & Compassion.

An Enlightened 33/6 Is Rare; Has The Ability To Heal The Masses With Unconditional Love.

Brings Joy & Happiness To The World Through A Career In Service, Teaching, Healing

Or The Arts. 33/6 Is The Champions Of The Underdog.

The Masters Of Healing Energies.

Perfectionism. Sensitivity. Emotional High Achievers.

They Crave Approval From Others.

They Have High Idealistic Standards.

Carries The Energy Of The Number 3 & 6.

The Major Lesson Is Reaching The Pinnacle Of Success.


The Master Healer

Confident Master Of Enterprise

Mental Control. Strength Of Conviction. Sacred Order. Stability Is The Primary Gift.

Abundance. Material Success. Leadership Ready Individuals. Balance. Dedicated Worker. Karmic Justice. Responsible. Reliable. Disciplined. Organized. Has The Ability To Attract Resources In Perfect Harmony With Nature & Our Environment. Perfect Balance Between Giving & Receiving. Correcting Corruption With Exposing The Truth.

Repairing Injustice. Rebuilding Sacred Structure. Brings Natural Order Through Communication. Communities. Institutions. The Ability To Attract & Accumulate, Flow & Balance. Extraordinary Talent For Organization. Envisioning Complex & Unreachable Ideas But Are Fully Capable Of Following Through. Foresee & Implement What Is Needed To Create Something Monumental. Bigger Picture Ideas To Help Humankind In A Big Way. Insightful. Creative. Hard

Working. Disciplined. Systematic. Professional. Trustworthy. Composed Physically & Mentally. Deeply Spiritual. Wise. Inspirational. Here To Help Others & Themselves To Advance. The Power Of Dream Materialization. Lift The Veil To See Reality.

The Power Number 44/8 Carries The Energy Of The 4 & 8.

The Major Lesson Of Healing.


The Futurist

A Born Leader. Cares Greatly For Others. Radiance. The Gift Of Speech. Drive. 55/1 Oozes Charisma. Optimism. Self Determination. World LeadershipThrough The Process OF Purification. Transportation. & Transformation. Highly Motivated With Impeccable Intuition. Sensitivity. Strength. Power Of Expression. The Double Impact Of The 5 Promotes Healing & Transformation Power. With The Number One Being Associated With Leadership, Independence. Intelligence. Intuition. Intense Focus. The Zero In The 10 Brings The Energy Of Sensitivity. Strength. Expression & Access To The Realm Of Possibilities. An Amplification Of Energy To The 1s Leadership. When The Master Number Matures Around 40 Years Old, Your Powers Of Clarity Will Surface, Along With The Offer Of Leadership & Transformation. Through Your Motivation, Your Path Will Be To Assist The World In Healing With Your Skills And Abilities Of Transmutation. The Number 55 Brings Innovation. Freedom Of Exploring New Paths, The Rebirth Of Liberty Through Unveiling New Perspectives.

This Number Is An Extraordinary High Element Of Curiosity - Learning Through Experience. Forward Thinking, Intelligence, & Inspiring Important Changes. They Have A Pure Burning Fire Within. Their Individuality & Wills Desire With The Higher Will, Wisdom, And Truth of Divine Source; Will Invoke The Innovation And Originality In Others.They Are Outward Looking And Forward Thinking.

Both Tendencies Inspire The Anticipation of New Experiences And New Learning

That The World Is Waiting For.

Learn More About The 10 & The 1 Energies Associated In The Blog Post

Numerology | The Power In Your Unique Numbers

The Major Lesson Of 55|10|1 Is Communication.

Ruled By The Sun


The Matriarch

Feminine Energy. Growth Through Love. Support. Harmony & Balance. Nurturer.

The 66/12//3 Has A Green Thumb.

Connected To Caring For Life.

Humanity. Animals. Plants

All Carry A Strong Life Force Energy;

With Double 6 Energy This Number In Your Chart Will Amplify The Energy Of The 6 Within.

That Responsible Caregiver.

Inner Strength. Focused On Home. Family. A Healer Of People & Animals. A Channel. Creative. Artist. Intuitive. Connection To Source For The Purpose Of Service To Humankind. Empathetic. Independent.


Brings The Channel Energy.

Artistic. Creative. Intuitive Connection To Source. Bringing Service To Mankind. Empathetic. Independent. Motherly.

Nourishes. Supports. Encourages. Uplifts The People & Community Around Them Through Humour, Warmth, Love.

Double Venus Energy - Love. Beauty. Art. Power.

Look Into The Energy Of The 1.2.3 & 6.

The Major Lesson Of Divine Love.

Ruled By Jupiter


The Genius.

Channel For Higher Wisdom. Sacred Guidance. Access To The Kingdom Realm Of Many Sources. Nature Holds The Fountain Of Knowledge. Intuitive. Self Aware. Leader. Order. Justice. Boundaries. Perseverance. Self Sustenance. Highly Intelligent. 77/14/5's Collect Information From Various Sources & Spreads Spiritual Tokens To The Community For The Highest Good For All Of Humanity. Personal Freedom.Independence. Follows Their Heart. Introspective But Adventurous. Sensual & Spiritual. Here To Use Higher Wisdom, Leadership Qualities & Healing Properties To Raise The Consciousness Of Humanity - The Collective. Challenged To Contact Their Inner Soul Through Silence. They Work To Innerstand. They Live By The Spiritual Principles Of The Earth.

77/14/5 Carry The Qualities Of The 1. 4. 5. 7 & The Karmic Debt Number 14/5.

The Major Lesson With This Number Is Faith.


Master Of Abundance. Prosperity. Success.

Dynamic Personality. Intuitively Knows How To Be At The Right Place At The Right Time When Opportunity Knocks. Electric & Atomic Energy. Self Disciplined. Perseverance. High Stamina. Originality. Intelligent. Strength. Empathy. Healing. Intuition. Creativity. Efficient. Analytical. Intuitive. Looking Inward For Answers & Direction. The Gift Of Inner Knowing For All Business Matters. Desire To Build Something That Lasts To Serve The Greater Good. Seeing Things Exactly As It Is Without A Perception Filter. Spiritual. Higher Wisdom. Ability To Manifest Heaven On Earth With Pure Intention. Infinity Portal. Universal Blessings. A Number Of Karma & Fate. This Power Number Carries The Energy Of The 1. 6. 7. 8. +

The Karmic Debt Number 16/7.

The Major Lesson of Karma.


Known As The Master Of Compassion And Love.

Mesmerizing Ability To Motivate Others As A Leader Or Teacher. Self-Sacrifice For Universal Love. The Need To Serve With Compassion And Tolerance. An Active And Real Concern For The Welfare Of Humanity. Wherever You Go, The Spreading Of Enlightened And Positive Energies Around The World Will Follow You Like A Golden Shadow. You Are Completing Important Life Lessons In This Lifetime. A Lifetime Of Completion. Wounded Healers. Dark Night Of The Soul. Heavy Duty Challenges. These Challenges Are Necessary To Learn Forgiveness, Compassion, Integrity, And Leadership. These Qualities Must Be Accomplished Before They Can Attain The Completeness And Closure They Came Here For. An Old Soul; Often Channeling Higher Wisdom Skill From A Very Young Age.These People Become Humanitarian Leaders, Serve In Selfless Programs, Or Care For The Underprivileged As A Part Of Their Advanced Spiritual Nature. They Are Also Known To Spend Much Time Alone And Can Lead To Reclusion.They Desire Drama Or Anything That Might Cause Them To Work Out More Karma Than Necessary.They Are Purely Focused On The Spiritual Aspect Of Life; Anything Else Is Superficial Or Irrelevant. When Adding The Two Nines Together, We Get The Number Eighteen. The Qualities Of This Number Are Initiative, Intuition, Strength, Attainment, Independence, Resource, Creativity, and Flow. The Energy Surrounding The 1 & The 8 Which

Make Up The 9 Energy.

The Major Lesson Of Finality.


An Increased Need For Independence. Individuality & Self Empowerment.

Connected To Thoughts & Ideas. Manifesting Quickly. It Is Important To Keep Your Thoughts Positive As The 111 Is A High Manifestation Number.

The 3 Is All About Self Expression. Speaking Your Truth.

This Number Tells You That Your Approach Should Be Tactful And Diplomatic, Rather Than Forceful. Rely On Your Intuition. A Positive Influence For Taking Control, Getting A Handle On Your Life. This Is An Angel Number That Helps You Become More Grounded. The 3 As The Sum Represents A Need To Express Yourself, Verbally, To Let Those Around You Know Who You Are And What You Want. Work On Being Less Inhibited, Less Guarded, And More Direct In Expressing Your Thoughts And Feelings. The 3 Will Bring The Energy Of Speaking Your Truth.


Teslas Number. A Hidden 33. Carries The Energy Of The 3. The 6. The 9. 333333 Energy. This Number Reaches Beyond The Physical World, Beyond Family, Friends, Community,The Country. There Is An Opportunity For You, To Reach Out Far And Wide, To Positively Influence Many People. This Number Bursts At The Seams With Creativity. Not Per Se Art Or Music, It Can Also Be Within A Business Venture Or Starting An Organization. Whatever It Is, It Is Something New, Something Inventive. The Essence Of This Number Is Thinking Far Outside The Box. Find The Courage And Energy To Follow Your Inner Knowing Of What You Came Here To Accomplish. The Visions, Of The Ideas, You Have Been Given Were Shown To You By The Universe For A Reason. You Can Fulfill Your Prophecy.

Karmic Debt Numbers


Master Discipline. Integrity. Determination. Extra Effort Is Required To Accomplish Your Desired Goal. You Must Learn To Be Responsible & Face your Challenges Head On Rather Than Succumb To Quick Fix Solutions. Shortcuts Or Manipulation. This Is An Opportunity For Personal Growth & Transformation. When You Are Honest, Patient, & Persevere Through Adversity You Will Overcome This Lesson.


Rise Above Temptation. A Need To Display Temperance & Moderation In Every Area Of Your Life. To Be Mindful Of Overindulgence. Rise Above Earthly Desires & Temptation In Favour Of Your Responsibilities & Honouring Your Commitments. Balance Your Desire For Freedom & Adventure With Your Responsibilities To Overcome This Lesson.


Eliminate Superficial Foundations. Reevaluate Core Values. Eliminate Superficial Foundations That Don't Align With Your Higher Self. Rise Above Your Ego. Rise Above Pride. Treat Others With Respect. Trust & Surrender To The Unexpected Events In Your Life. Be Honest & Faithful In Love. Focus On Personal Development. Rise Above Superficial Tendencies To Overcome This Lesson.


A Sense Of Frustration Due To The Inability To Control Everything & Everyone In Your Life. Learn To Take Others Needs, Feelings & Opinions Into Consideration Rather Than Just Your Own. Have The Courage To Accept Assistance From Others. Admit Mistakes. See Different Points Of View. Regardless Of Whether They're Wrong Or Right To Overcome This Lesson. Otherwise It Will Continue To Repeat Itself.

Karmic Debts Will Continue To Show Up Until You Learn The Lesson.


When Calculating Your Numbers It Is Important To Know The Original Double Digit Compound Numbers Before Reducing Them Down To A Single Digit As It Provides Additional Insight To The Energy Of That Number. A 23/5 Is Going To Carry Different Energy Than A 14/5. The 23/5 Will Carry The Energy Of The 2 & The 3 Where The 14/5 Will Carry The Energy Of The 1 & The 4 Plus Its Karmic Debt Lesson That Will Repeat Itself Until You've Overcome The Lesson. Although The Main Energy Is Still A 5; The Compound Number Will Express Themselves In Slightly Different Ways As They Carry Different Energy Within Your Journey.

 Numbers & The Year - Month


 January-1 February-2 March-3 April-4 May-5 June-6 July-7

 August-8 September-9 October-11 November- December-12

(Gregorian. Julian)



                Vibrational; January-? February-? March-? April-? May-? June-? July- ?

                               August-? September-7 October-8 November-9 December-10

                                                  (Romulus - Roman-Lunar Cycles)

               To Be Continued ...As I Study This Topic; If You Are Knowledgeable In This Feel Free To Comment After Joining As A Member To The Higher Education Kxo Community.


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