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Numerology - The Power In Your Unique Numbers

Updated: Aug 22

I Started Studying Numerology In 2016

Using The Book |

The Numerology Guidebook

By Michelle Buchanan.

Over The Years I Have Learned So Much

From Numerologists & My Own Pattern Utilization Through Mathematics Within Numerology.

I Have Expanded My Numerology Practice Over The Years As I’ve Studied The Energetics Of The Numbers & The Meanings Behind The Synchronicities With The Help Of Other Intuitive's Alongside My Own Inner Knowing And Connection To The Divine.

My Numerology Technique Comes From Years Of Study & My Unique Ability

Within The 7 Energy I Embody.

In Connection To Source.

To Utilize My Techniques Join The Numerology 101 Courses I’ve Created.

Book A 1:1 Session With Me

All 1:1 Packages Are Available Below

As You Continue To Read.

You Can also Access Them Directly Through The Services Page & On The Numerology Page.

Note | The Packages Below & Their Roman Numerals When Booking Your Session.

To Learn My Techniques In My Numerology Practice You Must Take A 1:1 Class.

The Mathematician Within Me Can Discover

A Vast Amount Of Energy Through Divine Calculation In Connection To Your Unique Encoded Soul Contract Information.

I Decode Very Different From Most Numerologists

Providing You With Access To All Of Your Energy Awaiting Embodiment.

Through The Power Of The Patterning Within Your Soul Contracts.

With This Divine Sacred Wisdom You Can Access Much More Than Just Your Base Numbers.


The Saying Goes The Two Most Important Days In Your Life Are The Day You Were Born &

The Day You Find Out Why"

The Day Your Soul Chose To Incarnate Here &

The Day You Awaken To Your Divine Soul Path & Purpose.

Numerology Is The Tool That You've Been Looking For When It Comes To Your Soul Path.

If You've Been Feeling Lost, Or Unsure About What You Came Here To Accomplish, If You're Confused On What Your Next Steps Are Or Should Be In Your Life;

Numerology Is A Tool To Calculate This Information Based On What Your Soul Contracts Are Within The Oversoul - Your Akashic Records Of Your Past Lives, Present & Future Timelines.

Learn About Each Number Within A Numerology Breakdown |

Learn About Each Number Energy In Depth

Explained In This Blog Post Below

Also Explained On The

Higher Education Kxo Podcast

Learn More About The Oversoul & The Soul Star Chakra In The Blog Posts;

The 15 Chakras- Brief Overview

As The Chakras - Our Energy Centres & Energy Field Is Connected

With Numerology & Astrology.

The Soul Star Chakra - The Over Soul (Blog Post Coming Soon)

These Chakras Are Directly Connected With Numerology As They Both Connect To Our Soul Contracts; Soul Path & Soul Purpose.

With Numerology You Will Realize That Your Numbers Calculated Within Your Unique Information Are Divinely Connected To You; Your Characteristics & Your Path In This Lifetime.

These Numbers Are Calculated Using Your Unique Birth Certificate Name &

Your Date Of Incarnation; You Birth Date.

Your Birth Certificate Name Provides Information On Who You Are

Who You Came Here To Become.

It Provides Information On What Feeds Your Soul.

It Tells You Your Unique Characteristics;

Your Personality Traits

The Good & The Bad.

Your Strengths & Your Weaknesses.

(This Information Can Also Be Found Within Your Astrological Chart)

Your Birth Date; The Day You Decided To Incarnate Here,

Gives You Information About Your Life's Path.

The Path That You Will Walk While On The Earth In This Lifetime-Timeline.

It Also Provides Information About Your Life's Cycles.

The Time Frames That You Will Go Through Certain Experiences &

What You Will Be Focused On During These Timeframes.

When They Say "It Is Written"

Numerology Explains The Path That Your Soul Wrote Out For You Before You

Incarnated Here.

Numerology Provides A Blueprint Of Information.

It Brings Awareness.

These Numbers Tell Us The Energy Surrounding Us.

The Energy We Have Access To Embody Within Us.

When Calculating The Energy Surrounding Your Year. Months. Days.

Certain Timeframes In Your Life.

You Can Benefit From This Information.

When You Focus Your Energy On The Energy That Is Already There Within &

Surrounding You It Amplifies.

Creating Beautiful Circumstances & Shifts.

Numerology Provides Information On The Lessons You're Here To Learn.

Through Your Karmic Lessons & Debts.

Some Of These Lessons & Debts Are To Be Paid In This Lifetime As They Weren't Paid In Previous Lifetimes. This Is Information That Is Carried Through The Oversoul.

I Provide Services To Calculate Numbers For You.

I Teach People About Numerology & How To Calculate Numbers When I Have The Time To.

I Will Be Preparing Classes To Guide Those That Want To Learn.

I Share Information Within This Blog Post To Help You To Tap Into Your Souls Path;

Through Numerology.

With The Numerology Services That I Provide, All Numerology Is Calculated By Hand Using

One Of Two Systems Or Both; As They Are Both Highly Accurate When Reading A Persons Chart.

Western Numerology

Also Known As Pythagorean Numerology; Created By Pythagoras. A Greek Philosopher & Mathematician.

I Find This Form Of Numerology To Be Connected To The 3D Matrix & The Mainstream Way Of Living; That Version Of Yourself When Integrating With Society.Its Extremely Accurate. In My Opinion.

Pythagorean System

K = 11

V = 22

Chaldean Numerology

4,000 Years Ago This Numerology Came Into Existence. Created By The Ancient Babylonians. The Civilization That Created The Clock & The Time Zones That We All Navigate On Today.

This Numerology Is Based Upon Vibration.

Each Letter & Its Correlating Number Carries A Vibration.

Your Name When Spoken Carries A Frequency; A Vibration, A Tone.

I Find This To Be Even More Accurate Than Western Numerology. Connected To The Soul.

I Personally Use Both Systems In My Personal Chart As I Resonate With Both Numbers In Western & Chaldean Numerology. The Western Numbers In My Chart Are More Independence Driven & Truth Seeking. I Am Considered The Philosopher & The Pioneer In Western Numerology.

In Chaldean Numerology My Numbers Are More My Inner Core. A Freedom Loving Adventurer That Loves To Create & Self Express. Loves Inspiring & Caring For Others, Helping People In Anyway I Can. I Truly Resonate With All Of It. So Both Systems Play Their Part In My Chart;

In Connection To My Reality. I Recommend Analyzing Both For An Overall Breakdown.

As I Spoke Upon Briefly Above;

Numerology Works Closely With The Soul Star Chakra- The Oversoul & Our Astrological Profile.

These Tools Used In Harmony; Will Help You To See A Clearer Picture

Of Your Inner Realm. Who You Are. Why You Are The Way You Are.

The Energy Surrounding You In Your Daily Life In This Timeline.

The Energy Accessible For You To Embody During This Lifetime.

When You Know Your Zodiac Placements & Your Numerology & You Analyze Them Both

You Will See That They Provide Information That Correlates With Each Other &

Works Hand In Hand To Help You To Embody Your Higher Self.

Although Numerology & Astrology Are Very Different They Are Both Tools

To Provide Universal Knowledge.

Both Astrology & Numerology Map Out Information About The Blueprint To Who You Are.

At A Soul Level.

The Information Encoded Within Our Name, Birth Date & Time

Is Extremely Unique To Us.

This Information Is Encoded With Our Souls Contracts & Information At A Soul Level.

Its Up To Us To Decode This Information To Understand It It & Use It To Our Benefit.

Numerology Helps You To Discover Your True Qualities.

Characteristics That You Know & May Not Know About Yourself That You Can Tap Into.

To Develop Your Weaknesses.

To Embody Your Strengths & Your True Essence

To Break Free From Your Karmic Debts & Lessons.

To Walk Your Soul Path.

To Go With The Flow Of Your Soul Path With Awareness

Instead Of Walking In This Life Blindly Hoping For The Best.

Numerology Maps Out Your Divine Path & Purpose.

It Allows You To Calculate The Energy Surrounding You & Your Path.

So That You Have Determine Your Next Steps In The Right Direction.

You Can Do This Through Meditation Aswell.

Its Easier When Your Higher Chakras Are Open & Activated.

Numerology Just Maps It Out Through Numbers & Meanings Within Those Numbers.

Numerology Leads To Self Understanding. Self Acceptance. Self Love.

It Leads To Empowerment Of The Self.

When You Know Who You Are, Why You're Here, Who You Came To Become, Where You're Going, Why You Think, Feel & Behave The Way You Do, You Stand In Your Power.

You Raise Your Vibration. You Can Change Your Circumstances.

Its Universal Law To Create The Life You Came Here To Live.

Numerology Will Help You To Uncover Your Life's Blueprint and The Pre Determined Destiny

That Will Help You To Actualize Your Dreams.

It Will Help YouTo Determine The Energies Surrounding You & Your Life.

Your Personal Year. Months. Days. Your Major Life Cycles & Pinnacles. Your Challenges.

These Numbers Will Determine The Energy That Can Be Amplified Through Your Awareness.

But Also With Your Attention You Can Make Decisions Based On The Energy.

For Example: If You Have The Option Of Attending An Event On A Personal Day 7 Or A Personal Day 3. You Would Be More Likely To Choose The Personal Day 3; As The Energy Surrounding That Day For You Will Be Expressive. A Time To Catch Up With Friends & Have Fun. A Day 7 On The Other Hand; The Energy Within And Around You Will Be Spending Time Alone, Reading, Studying, Meditating, Praying, Connecting With The Divine, Resting.

The Information Surrounding The Energy Felt Within & Around You Is Calculated Using

Your Date Of Birth. Much Like Astrology, In Connection To The Energies Cast From The Stars;

The Constellations & The Planets.These Alignments Cast Out Energies.

Calculation Information Is Accessible Within The Course Numerology 101

You Can Book A Service Or Package With Me Below.

When You Book A Numerology Service With Me,

I Will Set A Timeframe For You To Receive Your Numerology Package Via Email.

Note: Numerology Packages Take More Time Than A Numerology Service.

Packages : Your Numbers Calculated By Hand Than Put Into A Pdf File Of Organized Information Including All Of Your Numbers In The File.

(My Last Package Took 12 Hours To Put Together)

Service: Your Numbers Calculated By Hand Than Put Into A Document

Where You Can Come To The Blog To Read More About These Numbers.

(30 Mins- A Few Hours)

(Dependant On Your Name Length & The Numbers Needed To Be Calculated)

During The 15 Minute Call I Will Ask The Following To Be Provided:

Your Full Birth Certificate Name

Any Names You Answer To As Each Name Carries A Vibration.

Your Date Of Birth

For Calculation Purposes.

Here Is A Breakdown Of All Of The Numerology Breakdown Packages

Keep In Mind The Roman Numerals Of The Package Desired As This Is How You Will Book Your Package. Example ; Select Package IV

The Breakdown Packages Include A PDF File - A Document Sent To You Via Email.

Breaking Down Each Number & Its Description Based On Its Unique Placement In Your Chart.

Book Your Numerology Breakdown Package I. I+. II. II+.III. III+. IV

Book Your Numerology Breakdown Package IV+. VI. VI+.VII.VII+.VIII.IX.

Contact Directly For A Custom Package.

Package X

Below Are Services Where I Calculate Your Numbers Of Choice

By Hand On Paper.

Once I Have Calculated Your Numbers In A Given Timeframe;

You Will Need To Come Back To The Blog To Dive Into These Numbers Deeper.

To Learn More About Each Number In Your Numerology Chart

This Service Will Give Calculations To One Number Of Your Choice Between The Following:

Birth Day Number

Cornerstone Number

First Vowel Number

Life Path Number

Personal Year Number

Destiny Number

(Short Or Long Name - More Than One Middle Name)

This Service Will Give Calculations To Your Destiny Number

In Both Western & Chaldean Numerology

(Short Or Long Name - More Than One Middle Name)

This Service Will Give Calculations To Two Options:

Your Life Path. Destiny. Soul Urge.


Your Life Path. Destiny. Maturity.

This Service Will Give Calculations To All Of Your Core Numbers

Life Path. Destiny. Soul Urge. Personality. Birthday. Current Name. Maturity. Karmic Lessons. Karmic Debts. Cornerstone. First Vowel. Last Name.


Learn How To Calculate Your Own Numerology Profile In My Course



You Can Listen To The

Meanings Of The Numbers Below

With The Higher Education Kxo Podcast

Here Is More In Depth Information On The Different Numbers That Will Be Calculated Within A Numerology Breakdown

A Breakdown Of All Of The Numbers From 1-9

Master Numbers 11/2. 22/4. 33/6 & Their Characteristics

All Of These Number Details From 1-33\6 Within This Blog Post

Have Been Discovered Through My Studies Within The Book |

The Numerology Guidebook By Michelle Buchanan.

Learn About The Power Numbers 44-8. 55-1. 66-3. 77-14-5. 88-7. 99-9.

Learn About The Angel Numbers In Numerology

111 - 3. 222 - 6. 333-9. 444-3. 555-6. 666-9. 777-3. 888-6. 999-9.

Learn About The Numbers In Between That Make Up Your Main - Final Numbers.

For Example : Say You're Born On August (8) 3rd (3) 1994 (23)

8+3+23 = 34 - 7

You Are A 7 Life Path

But The 34 Also Emits An Energy & Has Meaning.

The 8, 3, 1,9,4, 2 - All Of These Numbers Play A Role In Your Life Path #

All Of These Energies Are Present In Your Life Path Number 7.

Read The Energies Using The Link Above For More Information.

Read The Numbers & Analyze Your Chart So You Can Determine The Energy That You Embody Within. If You're Not Embodying These Energies Know That You Have Access To Embody This Energy As Its In Your Field By Your Divine Birth Right.

Just Remember The Things That You Don't Like About Your Character,

You Can Work On.

Numerology Is All About Recognizing Where The Self Needs To Develop To Reach Full Potential.

Soul Evolution Is Why Were All Here.

I Truly Believe That Regardless Everyone Should Know

Their Life Path Number So I Always Give It As A Free Be.

Its Very Easy To Calculate So Here It Is.

To Calculate Your Life Path Number Take Your Date Of Birth.

Add Up Each Digit Individually.

When You Get To A Final Digit Break It Down Into One Number Through Addition.

If It's A Master Number 11, 22, 33, It Does Not Get Broken Down.

Ex. December 7th 1994

1271994 - 1 + 2 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 33

Because 33 Is A Master Number It Doesn't Get Broken Down To The Lower Octave 6

Unless You're Choosing Not To Walk In Your Master Number.

Ex. January 11 2002

1 + 11 + 2 + 2 = 16 - 7

The Number 111 Is Shown - Read The Angel Numbers Link Above

22 Is Shown So It Will Play A Role, You Can Embody These Energies As They're Available To You.

11 Doesn't Get Broken Down. Learn About Each Number That Makes Up The Final Number.

The Number 16 - 7 Is A Karmic Debt Number.

There Are 4 Karmic Debt Numbers.

The Karmic Debts & Lessons Will Continue To Repeat Themselves In Your Chart

Until You Learn The Lessons By Overcoming Them; Doing What Is Right.

To Get A Full Picture Of Your Lifepath With The Example Above You Would;

Read The Life Path 7 - Your Final Number.

Read The Karmic Debt Number 16-7 As This Is A Major Lesson In Your Lifepath.

Read The Link That Explains More About The 16.

Read The Information On The Numbers 1. 2. 6. 7. As They All Make Up The Path That You Walk In This Life. Your Life Path Number.

Once You Have The Calculations For Your Core Numbers

Read Them Below.

Scroll Over To Your Corresponding Number Meaning Within Each Number Calculated.

The Life Path Number Descriptions For Numbers 1 - 33/6

The Destiny Number Descriptions

Your Destiny Number Is Calculated Through Your Full Birth Certificate Name.

The Soul Urge Number Descriptions

Personality Number Descriptions

Birth Day Number Descriptions

Current Name Number Descriptions

Maturity Number Descriptions

Karmic Lesson Number Descriptions

Karmic Debt Number Descriptions


Universal Year

2023 = 7

2+2+3 = 7

A Year Of Introspection & Personal Growth For The Collective Consciousness.

Major Life Cycles

Personal Year Numbers - The Main Theme Of Your Year.

Calculate Your Personal Year Number By Adding

Your Date Of Incarnation - Date Of Birth

Month + The Day + The Universal Year.


December 7th

1 + 2 + 7 + 7

= 17


Personal Year 8

Carrying The Energy Of The 1. 7. 8.

Read Your Personal Year Number Below

Egyptian Numerology Meanings

44-8. 55-1. 66-12-3. 77-14-5. 88-16-7. 99-18-9. 111

MASTER # 44/8

The superpower of the master number forty-four is in enterprise and business toward the path of sacred order. You have the ability of attracting resources in perfect harmony with nature and our environment. I envision you as a pure electrical current of energy balancing commodities in the perfect flow of giving and receiving.

Your primary gift is in stability and correcting establishments that are corrupt by exposing truth, repairing injustice, and rebuilding sacred structure. You can bring natural order through communication, communities, and institutions. With your ability of attracting accumulation, flow, and balance, your path will be to assist the world of business by bringing it back to right and high order. You have extraordinary talent for organization and envisioning complex and unreachable ideas but are fully capable of following through with your ideas. Forty-fours combine the strengths of the master numbers eleven, twenty-two, and thirty-three. Not only can they foresee and implement what is needed to create something monumental; they also want that bigger picture to help humankind in a big way. They are insightful like the eleven, creative like the twenty-two, nurturing like the thirty-three, plus they refuse to be intimidated by any challenges along their path.

Forty-fours are hard-working, disciplined, systematic, professional, trustworthy, and composed both physically and mentally. They are deeply spiritual, wise, and inspirational to many people. It is believed that this number is working through the process of reincarnation and ending its cycle. They are here to help others and themselves advance to the next level of incarnation. They have the power of dream materialization and can break the chains of the material world by lifting the veils to see reality.

This number is the vibration of self-discipline, abundance, and success through balance. Balancing between the two worlds— family/work, spirit/Earth, emotions/logic—forty-fours need to build a strong foundation in each of these areas. Balancing issues come up around the number eight, and the number forty-four is about business building and how it can be related to benefit the present and the future generations.

The master number forty-four/eight is known for magnificence and manifestation. It is a master architect and alchemist whose leadership skills can transform an idea and structure into a powerful and life-altering accomplishment. The lesson of the forty-four is to go beyond the hard work of the mundane and to see each moment as a creative challenge. The obstacle to push through might be perfectionism in order to gain humility.

The Major Lesson For The 44/8 Is Healing

Learn More About Power Number 44/8


Independence. Exploration. Freedom.

10-1 | The Wheel Of Fortune

This is the amazing number of world leadership through the process of purification, transportation, and transformation. You are highly motivated through your impeccable intuition, sensitivity, strength, and power of expression.

The double impact of the five promotes healing and transformation powers. When added together, we get the number one and all the abilities associated with leadership, independence, intelligence, intuition, and intense focus. Standing directly to the right of the number one is the zero and the qualities of sensitivity, strength, expression, and access to the realm of all possibilities.

When your master number matures (around forty years or older), your powers of clarity will surface, along with the offer of leadership and transformation. Through your motivation, your path will be to assist the world in healing with your skills and abilities of transmutation.

The number fifty-five will resonate with the seeds of innovation, the freedom of exploring new paths, and the rebirth of liberty through unveiling new perspectives. This number has an extraordinary high element of curiosity and will learn through experience, forward-thinking, intelligence, and inspiring important changes.

The pure burning fires of their individual wills desire to blend with the higher will, wisdom, and truth of divine source to invoke the innovation and originality in others. They are outward-looking and forward-thinking, and both tendencies inspire the anticipation of new experiences and new learning that the world is waiting for.

The Major Lesson For The 55/1 Is Communication

Learn More About 55/10/1

MASTER # 66/12/3

The Matriarch

We have the double emphasis on empathy with the number six. Here, the healer, magician, and spiritual physician are hard at work. After adding the sixes, we get the number twelve, which is not only a cycle number but also the number of a true master. Properties of the number twelve resonate with independence, creativity, intuition, balance, and a genuine connection to Higher Source for the purpose of service to humankind.

When you add the numbers of the twelve together, you get the number three, which illustrates your ability to target your means of expression through pure empathy toward others. You are able to read energy and actually feel another person’s emotional field within your own body. This is an excellent source of healing power after you’ve mastered your own ability to hold the frequency of love and light while channeling directly toward the person who needs healing.

The master number sixty-six will be working the number three until maturity (around the age of forty or older). Learning the abilities and challenges of communication, creativity, intuition, self-love, joy, laughter, and social graces is paramount to the development of the master number sixty-six. Evolving through all these qualities is essential for the sacred powers to be released and become activated. You are a dynamic healer, channel, and artist who will rely on the strong self-esteem and creative expression that the number three promises. Your soul life path is to use your empathic and channeling abilities to heal animals, people, and our environment through creative expression and manifestation here on Earth.

Learn More About 66/12/3

The Major Lesson For The 66-12- 3 Is Divine Love

MASTER # 77/14/5

The number seven is a spiritual number and holds the qualities of the genius when riding solo, but when it is doubled, it holds those qualities plus the emphasis on the relationship between humans, channeling higher wisdom, and the connection with sacred guidance. The sevens have access to the kingdom realm of many sources, and nature is but one of their strongest fountains of knowledge.

When we add the sevens, we get fourteen, and the properties of these numbers are self-sustenance, intuition, self-awareness, leadership, order, justice, boundaries, and perseverance. These qualities assist the powers of the seven and add momentum when adding these numbers together to get the number five. When the number five is working in its highest vibration, it collects knowledge from various sources and spreads spiritual tokens out into the community for the highest good of all. This number is about freedom, independence, and the right to follow where the heart will lead them in life.

Deep down, their basic essence is the full expression of personal freedom, sensuality, analysis, curiosity, and intuition. The number 77/5 is introspective but adventurous, sensual, and spiritual, so long as its expression of personal freedom isn’t restrained.

They are witty and spiritual and have astute intelligence. Imagine having the personal freedom to pursue any whim and experience whatever you are curious about. This is the ultimate dream for this number. Experiencing everything at least once is a natural part of their adventurous approach to life. They are interested in pretty much everything. They especially appreciate sensual experiences, including taste, touch, sound, physical movement, or excitement as examples. They also enjoy interacting with people of various backgrounds, ages, and points of view.

Master number 77/5’s are known as masters of spiritual energies; they are challenged to contact their inner soul through silence. Known for their wisdom, they work to understand and then live by the spiritual principles of the earth. They are here to use their higher wisdom, leadership qualities, and healing properties to raise the consciousness of humankind.

The Major Lesson For The 77-14/5 Is Faith

MASTER # – 88/16/7

This is an extremely powerful number when in alignment with Higher Source. You will have a dynamic personality that intuitively knows how to be at the right place at the right time when opportunity knocks. An electric and atomic type of energy surges through your body, heart, mind, and spirit when you are focused on a project. Your source of self-discipline, perseverance, and unusual high stamina can manifest an enterprise from imagination into reality out of thin air.

The number set of sixteen has the qualities of originality, intelligence, strength, empathy, healing, intuition, and creativity that serve as a momentum leading up to the addition of the number seven.

Eighty-eights are efficient at most things they do. You are frequently analytical and intuitive, looking inward for answers and direction. You consult your own inner knowing and are generally excellent with all business matters. You hold a deep desire to build something that lasts for a long time and that can serve the better good for all humankind. Your essence is especially adept at seeing things exactly as they are, without perception filters. You tend to approach things scientifically but not exclusively, looking inward for answers as your true North Star.

Seven is a very spiritual number and is the number of the genius. With the power of electrical current running through your veins, originality and creativity pumping from your heart chambers, and the channeling forces of higher wisdom, the master number 88/7 has the ability to manifest heaven on Earth with pure intention. You ride with the infinity portal that escorts you past all previous limitations and allows you to go beyond with universal blessings. Your divine Creator grants you with the generosity of the inheritance that you were promised when you practice the perfect balance of giving and receiving.

The Major Lesson For The 88-16/7 Is Karma

MASTER # 99/18/9

The first thing you want to know when you see the number nine in the core birth chart is that this is the number for completion. If you believe in reincarnation, you will see this as the person’s last lifetime here on Earth. If a person does not believe in reincarnation, he will be satisfied to know that in this lifetime he is completing important life lessons. If you have a 9 present in your core 7 numbers you will know this on a deep level and will resonate with the word completion.

Because the number nine is in a lifetime of completion, it is almost definite that these people are wounded healers or have gone through a period of time called the “dark night of the soul.” They were contracted before birth to do whatever was necessary in this lifetime to complete their cycle here on Earth, and that means having to meet some heavy-duty challenges. These challenges are necessary for them to learn forgiveness, compassion, integrity, and leadership. These qualities of the number nine must be accomplished before they can attain the completeness and closure they came here for.

The number nine is an old soul and often has channeling higher wisdom skills from a very young age. These people become humanitarian leaders, serve in selfless programs, or care for the underprivileged as part of their advanced spiritual nature. They are also known to spend much time alone and can lead to reclusion. They don’t have a strong desire toward drama or anything that might cause them to work out more karma than necessary. They are purely focused on the spiritual aspect of life; anything else is superficial or irrelevant.

When adding the two nines together, we get the number eighteen. The qualities of this number are initiative, intuition, strength, attainment, independence, resource, creativity, and flow.

Whatever you put your attention and intention toward will manifest for the greater good of all involved. Because you are known as the master of compassion and love, you have a mesmerizing ability to motivate others as a leader or teacher. You could find yourself faced with the challenge of self-sacrifice for universal love as well as the need to serve with compassion and tolerance. You have an active and real concern for the welfare of humanity, and wherever you go, the spreading of enlightened and positive energies around the world will follow you like a golden shadow.

The Major Lesson For The 99-18-9 Is Finality

111 or 11:11 – Wake-Up call or a code of Activation or Awakening Code

It is certainly a magical sign. When you see repeating 1’s, it is a wake-up call from the mystical realm. Look around and really pay attention to where you are and who you are with. This is a cosmic confirmation that you are moving in the right direction.

Eleven is a Master Number is is connected to a spiritual path. Many believe that Double 1’s are a confirmation that you are a light worker and here to uplift human consciousness.

The Number 1 reminds us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs, intentions and actions. When noticing the 1 sequence, take notice of the thoughts you had right at the moment, because it signifies that your thoughts and beliefs are aligned with your truth.

It is believed to be an energetic gateway that has opened for you in order to manifest your thoughts into reality. The message is to choose your thoughts wisely, ensuring that they match your true desires.

Do not put your energy towards focusing on your fears as you will only manifest them

into your reality, as what we focus on grows.

It could also signify that there is an opportunity opening up for you and your thoughts are manifesting them into form at lightening speed. It means that the Universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting your ideas, thoughts and beliefs into material form, creating your experiences and realities.


If You Have The Numbers 111/3 In Your Chart Than Read The Information On The 1, 11, 3.

This Is The Energy Of The Angel Number


Divine Intervention

Mastery Of Manifesting All That Is Connected To Your Highest Good & The Highest Good Of The Consciousness Of The Collective.

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