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New Moon Manifestation

Updated: Sep 16

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The New Moon | The Black Moon | Supermoon Phases |

These Moon Phases Are The Perfect Time For New Beginnings, Regardless Of Where The New Moon Resides In The Sky | The Constellation Alignment ~ Pairup.

The Constellation Pairup Is What Will Determine The Energy That Is Being Projected Out | It Determines The Way Humanity Feels The Moon Phase Frequency.

To See Where The Moon Is Residing Currently In The Sky, Use NASAs Satellites, Connected To App Technology. You Can Use Astrology But Most Astrology Uses Western | Providing Information In History Which Is Noticed To Be Behind One Sign.

To Keep Track Of What Phase The Moon Is In, You Can Look At The Moon, Except When The Moon Is Sun New Moon Phase As It Won’t Be Found In The Sky During This Time. I Highly Recommend Keeping Track With A Moon Phase App. The One I Use Is Called Moon. I Paid A Few Dollars For The Full Year To Get An Accurate Reading.

New Moon | Black Moon | Supermoon


I Start With A Pencil To Paper

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