The word meditation stems from the Latin term meditatum which means “to ponder.”
Most approaches agree that by practicing meditation, we become more aware of how our minds work and how thoughts are connected to feelings and behaviour.
People Use Meditation For Many Reasons.
To Bring Calm & Peace
To Escape The 3D World
To Tap Into Higher Dimensions & The Ethereal Realms
To Learn New Information
To Tap Into Their Inner Knowing
To Connect With The Divine & Spirit
To Clear The Mind
To Analyze Their Thoughts
Meditation has become increasingly popular over the years;
with a proliferation of apps and courses that you can use for practice.
The choice of which type of meditation to practice will depend on the individual
and what they need at that moment.
Traditionally, starting with the Sramana movement; classical yoga,
meditation is seen as control of the mind.
Attention is brought inward, away from daily distractions and stimuli; this is known as pratyahara, and involves more concentrative meditation techniques.
Control of the mind involves improved focus and attention,
increased concentration and calming the fluctuations of the mind.
Focus and attention are two of the main aspects of meditation, which the corporate world has now latched onto, although this is really only the beginning.
Concentration is needed to allow the mind to focus on whatever the meditation technique or practice is: following the breath, watching a candle or visualizing.
Once the mind has quieted, our brain switches to alpha waves
Read The Blog Post Titled Brain Wave States To Learn More About The Brain Waves.
Meditation & The Brainwaves Go Hand In Hand.
Playing The Sound Frequency Of The Brainwave State That You Want To Go Into Is Another Key For Meditation - Tap Ins