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Manifestation Techniques

Updated: Jul 3

What Is Manifestation?

Everything That We Think, Believe, Know, Speak, Put Action Towards, Indulge In,

Focus Our Energy On Manifests. All Of It In Synchronicity Is What Brings A Manifestation Into Fruition Through The Power Of This Vibrational Universe As Long s It Is Flowing In Accordance To The Universal Laws Within The 3D Plane Of Existence.

Manifestation Is What You Put Your Thoughts & Energy Into Completely.

Thinking Aspirational Thoughts With The Purpose Of Making Them Reality.

Taking Action Upon Your Thoughts & Focusing your Energy On Creating It In The Physical Etheric Realm | It Takes For Once You Match Your Frequency To The Vibrational Frequency & Essence Of That Which You Would Like To Manifest.

The Physical Counterpart Of Something Always Starts Within The Mind And Will Manifest When You Use Your Conviction & Pure Intention For The Outcome.

Be Conscious Of The Things You Speak Into Your Field

As EVERYTHING In The Universe Divinely Manifests.

Read The Blog Posts Below To Help You With Your Frequency So That You Start Manifesting The Good Things That You Wish To Magnetize Into Your Field.

Impeccability Of Your Word Is An Important Key.

Follow All 4 Agreements.

Read The Book Report Than The Book & Read To Understand.

Read This Book Or Listen To The Audi Recordings More Than Once.

Until You Can Share This Sacred Wisdom.

You Will Start To Recognize When The Agreements Are Necessary To Utilize In Your Life And You Will Start To See When You are In The Presence Of Low Vibrational People That Are Casting Spells | Through Their Words Intentionally & Unintentionally.

These Agreements Will Protect You From Harm.

They've Protected Me From Many Low Vibrational Beings, Energies Within The People That Fuel The Low Vibrational States Of Consciousness.

Read This Post & Utilize It To Determine Your Dominant Frequency.

To Assist You With Shifting Your Vibration Into The Higher States Of Consciousness.

To Break Free From, And Take Control Of Your State Of Consciousness

With Your Solar Plexus Chakra.

If You Are Having Trouble With Your Will Power | Higher Faculty

Work With Your Solar Plexus Chakra

This Map Of Consciousness Will Help You When You Utilize The Information

Within This Blog Post. The Book Was Written By David. Hawkins. MD. PH.D

Focus On The States Of Consciousness That You Feel, That Need To Transform.

We Attract & Magnetize Everything To Us, Effortlessly Based Upon Our Frequency.

Be Honest With Yourself

Do The Work & Focus On The Higher States Of Consciousness To Shift into The Vibration That You Wish To Radiate. Also Focus On The Frequency That You Want To Vibrate On & Be That. This Is How You Can Transform Your Frequency Faster.

Do The Energy Work.

Frequency, Energy, Vibration | It Can't Lie, The Results Show Up Based On What You Put Out.

Learn About How Powerful Your Words Are.

Be Impeccable With Your Word.

If Your Word Is Speaking Negatively About Yourself Or Another Than You Cast That Vibration Out Into The Field And The Universe | God | The Omnipresent Creator Hears You and Sends That Energy Right Back Into Your Field.

Learn More About The Power Of Your Spoken Word In The Blog Post Below

My Take On Manifestation

I Have Manifested Absolutely Everything In My Life.

We All Have.

The Good & The Bad.

Through The Law Of Attraction.

In The Spiritual Realm The Time That We Navigate On Does Not Exist.

The Universe Works With Us Based On Divine Timing & Divine Alignment.

Based On The Frequency That We Are A Match With.

Our Thoughts Become Our Words - Our Affirmations. Our Mantras. Which Determine Our Actions. Our Habits Which Become Our Lifestyle.

Mudras. Yoga. Meditation Are All Powerful Actions Which Impact Our Energy Fields As well.

They All Work With The Law Of Attraction.

The Law Of Attraction Is A Universal Law That Attracts Like Energy. What We Give Out We Attract Back Like A Mirror. What We Speak About, We Cast Into Our Field.

Manifestation Techniques

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