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Harness The Energy Of The Moon Phases

Updated: Sep 14

Read Or Listen To The

Higher Education Kxo Podcast Audio

To Learn About The Moon Phase Energies & Working With Them.

The Power Of The Sun & Moon

For More Information

On This Beautiful Luminary

Learn About The Different Cycles & Phases More In Depth, Learn About Your Cycles

In Correlation To The Phases.

The Red, White, Purple & Pink Moon Phases.

Learn About The Moon Phase That You Were Born On;

Fill In Your Unique Information;

The Date That Your Soul Decided To Incarnate Here On The 3D Plane. The Time. The Place.

With This Information You Can Learn So Much More About Who You Are At A Soul Level.

Learn More About Your Energy

Through The Energy Within The Galactic Gateway & The Stellar Gateway

With Higher Education Kxo Through The Blog Posts;

Astrology Breakdown

Astronomy Vs Astrology


The Moon As We Know Controls The Tides.

The Bodies Of Water On Planet Earth & Within All Of Us As Our Physical Bodies Are Known To Be Made Up Of 60 -70% Water.

The Moon Casts An Energy Out Onto The Planet That Effects Our Cycles; Especially The Divine Feminine. As Women; That Flow With The Moon Every Month Naturally.

It Affects Our Emotions In Both Men & Women As This Luminary Is A Powerful Energy Source Of Light That Brings Shifts, As It Cycles Through Its Different Phases.

Learn About These Phases In The Link Above To Read More In Depth About The Energy Associated With Each Phase.

A Brief Overview Of The Moon Phases Are:

New Moon- New Beginnings - Fresh Start

Waxing Crescent Moon -Set Pure Intentions

First Quarter Moon -Take Action

Waxing Gibbous Moon - Refine & Hone

Full Moon - Harvest Intentions

Waning Gibbous Moon - Introspection

Third Quarter Moon- Release & Let Go

Waning Crescent Moon - Surrender - Accept The Present Moment

Supermoon - A Powerful Time For Manifesting Your Intentions.

Through My Experience

Solar Eclipse - Removes People From Your Life That No Longer Serve You In This Timeline

Lunar Eclipse - Rewind - Relive A Past Situation Differently.

I Have Realized That The First Quarter Moon & Third Quarter Moon

Blood Shed Must Also Have Messages For Us.

I Am Still Working On Providing This Information;

Something I Will Come Up With As I Am In The Midst Of Experiencing These Moon Messages.

To Learn More About Working With Your Menstrual Cycle & The Moon Phases,

Do The Work; Feel & Experience It For Yourself.

You Can Also Read These Posts Below;

The Crystals That Are Most Associated With The Moon Phases;

Which You Can Use To Your Benefit Are:

Moonstone & All Of The Different Variations Of Moonstone;

Emitting The Energy Of The Divine Feminine & New Beginnings.

All Moon Stones Connect With All Phases Of The Moon But Some Moon Stone Variations Are Better For Specific Moon Phases As They Are Closely Connected Energetically.

Labradorite; As A Very Similar Crystal To Moonstone. It Emits The Energy Of Transformation, Perfect For The New Moon Phase.

Blue Goldstone. Clear Quartz. Rose Quartz. Rutilated Quartz.Citrine. Amethyst. GreenAventurine. Malachite. Unakite. Tree Agate. Lapis Lazuli. Amazonite. Turquoise. Opalite. Sunstone.

Each Of These Crystals Is Involved With New Beginnings. Transformation. Evolution.

Similar To The Rebirth Collection Which Carries The Energy Of The New Moon.

Learn More About These Crystals On The Blog.

Learn About The Rebirth Collection.

Best Moon Phases For The Crystals Below

Clear Quartz - Full Moon

Selenite - Full & New Moon

Citrine - New Moon. Waxing Moon. Full Moon.

Tigers Eye- First Quarter Moon. Waxing Gibbous

Rose Quartz - Waxing & Waning Gibbous

Himalayan Salt - New Moon

Learn More About Each Crystal With Higher Education Kxo On The Blog

Quick Search | In The Search Bar


All Moonstone Carries These Energies Below.

A Stone Of The Goddess.

Associated With The Moon, The Tides, Femininity & The Subconscious.

A Stone of Reflection. New Beginnings. Divine Feminine. Mystery. Fertility. Supports A Woman During Child Birth. Helps One To Recognize Self Care. Nurturing. Moonstone Calms Emotions. Soothes Stress. Dissipates Intense Emotion. Helps One To Recover From Trauma.

Tap Into Inner Wisdom. Intuition. Divine Feminine Energy. Psychic Abilities. Self Discovery. Hidden Truths. Goddess Connection. Deepens Meditation. Life Lessons.

Identify Opportunities. Balances High Masculine Energy.

High Priestess Energy. Helps With Manifestations.

Great For All Cycles Of The Moon.

Third Eye Chakra. Crown Chakra.

Rainbow Moonstone

Adualescence. Rainbow BodyOf Light. Activation Of All Chakras.

Vitality. Optimism. Inner Peace. Life force. Exuberant Joy. Psychic Protection. Grounding. Centring. Emotional Healing. Harmony. Strength. Purification. Transformation. Light Energy. Overcoming Depression & Fatigue. Connect With Goddess Energy.

Divine Feminine Energy. Full Moon Activation. Inspiration.

Great For All Cycles Of The Moon.

Peach Moonstone

It Looks Like White Moonstone & Sunstone Combined.

Emitting All Of The Same Energies As Moonstone Does But;

It Works Closely With The Sacral Chakra.

It Emits The Same Vibration As This Energy Centre;

Use This Crystal To Balance, Open, Activate The Sacral Chakra.

Especially During A Full & New Moon Based On The Energies Lingering.

This Crystal Is Great For Boosting Fertility.

Note: Keep In Mind That You Do Need To Make Sure That Your Vessel Is In A Healthy State To Carry A Baby, Although This Crystal Will Boost Your Fertility With Its Stable Energy It Is Important That You Are Also Opening & Balancing Your Sacral Chakra With The Proper Diet.

Whole Foods That Come From The Earth - The Vasundhara Chakra.

The Giving Of All Life Force Energy.

Black Moonstone

Known As Larvikite. The Stone Of Magic.

Awakens Intuitive, Psychic Abilities. Supports Spiritual Practice.

New Beginnings. Grounding. Protection. Protective Shield Around Your Auric Field. Anchor. Change. Removes Negative Attachments. Fresh Start. Psychic. Telepathy. Emotional Stability. Soothes Low Vibration Emotions. Manifestation. Visualization. Journeying. Divination.

Dream Work. Strengthen & Develop Spiritual Skills. Absorb Spiritual Knowledge & Learning. Helps One To Learn Complicated Spiritual Practices.

Helps One To Determine Intentions From Others. Connection To Earth Elements.

Great For Working With The New Moon Phase.

Earth Star Chakra. Root Chakra. Third Eye Chakra.

White Moonstone

The Stone Of Love & Fertility. Intuition Magic. Protection. Hope. Spiritual Purity.

Moonstone Calms & Encourages Us As It Teaches Us The Natural Cycles & Rhythms Of Life.

It Opens The Heart To Empathy. It Assists With Acceptance Of Love.

Connected To The Divine Feminine. Heightening Our Intuition. Opening Us Up To Our Psychic Gifts. Encouraging Hope & Inspiration. Allowing Us To Wish, Aspire, Flow, Manifest & Work In Harmony With Our Dreams. It Induces A Restful Sleep.

It Opens Us Up To Serendipity & Synchronicity.

Aids In Lucid Dreaming.

A Stone For Protection of Women & Children.

Eases Menstruation. Soothes Fluctuating Hormones. Assists Women In Childbirth.

A Crown Chakra Crystal

Harness The Power Of The Moon Phases

With Pure Intention.

Inner Knowing.


Writing Your Intentions.

Speaking Them Through The Power Of The Word.

Opening Yourself Up To Receiving.

Allowing The Universe To Manifest It For You

In Divine Time

Use The Elements To Your Advantage When Working With The Moon.

Fire. Water. Air. Earth. Ether.

After Writing Out What You'd Like To Release With Wood On Wood; Pencil To Paper

On A Last Quarter For Potent Release Energies Or The Full Moon If You Feel Called To It

Use The Element Of Fire Or Water With The Earths Crystals To Amplify

The Release Through The Air & Ether

To Banish What No Longer Serves You.

Always Finish A Letting Go - Release - Banishing With A Calling In - Manifestation To Cast In The Energy That You're Bringing In.

Manifestation High Time Is A Supermoon - Waxing Crescent - New Moon.

Use The Elements To Amplify These Manifestations.

Learn More In The Slides Below.

These Are The Keys.

Learn & Evolve.

All My Love

- Kate xo

Follow The Four Agreements

Last Quarter Moon

Learn More About The Solar System & The Other Energies That Shift Everyone Energetically That Make Up The Energies Of Whats Around Us, What We Embody &

Can Work With Through Knowledge, Studying & Learning, Experience, Practice & Intention.

Read The Blog Posts Below For More Knowledge On Our Solar System

Based On What I've Been Learning, Studying.

Astrology Breakdown

Astronomy Vs Astrology

88 Constellations

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