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Learn About Crystal Frequency -The Science Behind Crystals

Updated: Aug 28

Listen To The Information On The Higher Education Kxo Podcast

Crystals Are Created Through The Universal Elements.

Fire. Air. Ether. Earth. Water.

Learn More About How The Elements, The Periodic Table, Crystals, Gemstones & Minerals Are Connected.

They Are Created Overtime From Molecules & Living Organisms That Come Together With The Natural Elements, Forming A Lattice Structure.This Lattice Structure Is Formulations Of Sacred Geometry That Have Been Formed Through Universal Law Of Divine Creation. These Sacred Geometric Patterns That Have Come Together To Formulate These Crystals Carry & Emit Energies.The Lattice Structure Determines The Shape & Colour Of The Crystals Which Than Determines Their Frequency & Their Energy Emissions.

Crystals Emit Stable Energy Which Is Extremely Helpful & Beneficial To Our Energy Centres & Overall Energy Systems. As Humans Our Energy Is Constantly Shifting Through Our Influences, Externally & Internally Through Our Mind & Thoughts. This Can Cause Us To Go Out Of Balance Energetically Where We Than Need To Rebalance.

Certain Crystals Help With Certain Energies As They Each Provide Different Properties Based Upon Their Sacred Geometry & Lattice Structure. Their Shape & Colour Determines Their Energetic Properties Emitted. When We Bring Them Into Our Auric Fields They Cast Their Energies & If Those Crystals Are In Harmony With Our Field We Can Work In Synergy & Truly Benefit Our Lives Energetically.

\I Have Many Experiences With Crystals, As I Embody & Work With Their Energy On A Daily Basis. I Personally Have Very High Intense Energy At Times, So I Am Constantly Bringing In Calming Crystals To Keep My Energy In A State Of Calm & It Truly Has Made A Difference.

I've Had Many Individuals That I've Met Tell Me That My Energy & My Being Is Extremely Calming & Thats Based Upon Energy Balance Work With Crystals. I Personally Shift With The Moon Cycles As I'm Highly Connected To The Moon Element & All That Comes With It, So Learning To Calm & Balance Has Been Crucial For My Daily Life.

With That Being Said Crystals Can Also Bring High Frequency Energy To Those That Need That Extra Surge Of Energy. Certain Crystals Can Transmute Negative Energy Into Positive Vibrations. Some Crystals Absorb Negative Energies Where You Will Need To Clear Them. Read More About Clearing & Charging In That Blog Post

You Can Learn More About Each Crystal That I Work With Within Gemjewellerykxo.

More Information Available On The Blog.

You Can Learn More By Doing Your Own Research But Also By

Working With The Crystals That You Are Called To.

Heres Some More Information On The Science Behind Crystals.

Do Your Research To Find Out What The Crystals You Wear Are Compiled Of.

As Each Crystal Is Made Up Of Living Matter That Comes Together Over Time Through These Elements With The Help Of Fire. Water. Earth. Air. Ether.

Crystals Have Unique Combinations Of Molecules That Create

Stable Energies Within The Auric Field.

Crystals Will Attract. Amplify. Protect. Dispel & Transmute Energy Within Our Fields.

The Energy Is Something That Is Felt & Seen Through Experiences.

Example :

Selenite Crystals - CaSO4 2H2O

Therefore Selenite Is Made Up Of Calcium. Sulfur. Oxygen. Hydrogen. Oxygen.

All Crystals Used By Gemjewellerykxo Are Naturally Occurring From The Earth & The Elements

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