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H20 Vs H302 - Living Water

Updated: Jul 23

The Purpose Of This Blog Post Is To Help People To Be Mindful Of The Water Being Consumed.

Within This Post I Teach You Conscious Consumption In Regards To Water.

To Learn More About What Conscious Consumption Is Read The Blog Post ;

When Purchasing Water From The Stores & Gas Stations, I Warn People Of The Ingredients & Additives That Some Companies Are Adding Into The Food & Water, Provided For Everyone For Profit. I’ve Recently Noticed All Of The Chemicals Being Added Ontop Of The Microplastics.

Most People Don't Even Notice Because They Are Not Looking At The Ingredients As They Think Its Just Water, But Its There In Plain Sight. Through The Universal Law Of Disclosure.

Its Important That The People Take Back Their Power.

The Way To Take Back Your Power Is To Be Consciously Aware.

Through Clear Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit You Will Raise Your Conscious Awareness & Vibration.

The Only Way To Wake People Up To This Information Is To Share This Type Of Information.

As Not Everyone Can See Past The Veil.

Everything That I Share Within Higher Education Kxo Is To Awaken People To Information.

I Experienced Ill Health Before I Became Awake To The Truth, Which I Will Speak On More In The Blog Post Titled; Conscious Consumption.

Since Healing Myself Naturally, Through The Utilization Of The Divine Wisdom I Was Given Through Inner Knowing, My Life Has Completely Changed.

Doctors Couldn’t Figure Out What Was Going On With Me When My Body Was Reacting To The Chemicals, Hormones & Impure Foods & Waters Served To The Public As Food & Beverage.

My Body Was Reacting Based On My Energy Centres. My Chakras. Something That Is Not Understood By Western Medicine & Doctors.

Something That Could Only Be Explained Or Recognized By Those That Understand The World Beyond The Physical Body.

My Physical Reactions & Illness Was In The Spiritual Body & These Layers Of The Auric Field Lead To The Physical Ailments. The Healing In Turn Must Be Shifted In The Spiritual To Impact The Physical, And That’s Exactly What I Did, When This Knowledge Came Into My Consciousness.

Medication Was A Bandaid That Brought More Problems And Side Affects Until I Got To The Root, Something I Will Share In The Blog Post; Conscious Consumption Part 2. Wellness Edition Part 1 & 2.

To Learn About The Layers Of The Human Body | The Auric Field & Chakras, Utilize The Higher Education Kxo Blog & The Chakra Education | Techniques Program

Available Now On The Courses Page


The Human Body Is Made Up Of Water

The Element Of Water Is Ruled By The Luminary; The Moon.

The Moon & The Water Element Are Connected To The Sacral Chakra;

Our Creative Centre. Our Pleasure Centre;

Connected To The Portal Within The Woman.

This Portal Is Connected To The Astral Bridge; Both The Spirit & Physical Realm.

The Portal Within The Woman That Brings Souls| Life Into This World

Through Sacred Union Through Full Chakra Harmonization

Between Man & Woman.

This Is Also The Part Of Us That Brings Thoughts Into Things.

From Spiritual To Physical.

Known As Manifestation.


Water Holds Energy.

The Molecular Structure Of Water Will Shift Based On Vibration.

Liquids Hold The Vibration That Is Bestowed Upon It.

As You Can See Below The Molecular Structure Of The Water As It Forms & Freezes Through The Snowflake Each Flake Is Unique To Its Vibration At A Molecular Level & Structure.

Sound Frequencies Are The Main Way To Distort The Vibration Of Water.

With The Power Of The Spoken Word We Cast Into The Field Through Vibration.

When You Speak Near Water It Holds The Vibration Thats Been Surrounding It.

When You Speak Around Water & Than Drink, The Molecular Structure If This Water Changes & You Consume That Energy, You Can Embody That Energy Through Harmonization.

Learn More About This In The Blog Post Below;

Speak Affirmations Into Your Water Before You Drink It, As Water Molecules Have The Power To Transform At A Molecular Level | It Will Hold The Frequency Spoken So When You Consume It You’re Harmonizing With That Vibration.

I Love Creating Beautiful, Powerful Water Essence Before Consuming My Water.

Its The Same As When You Bless Your Food Before Eating It.

The Blessing Is Powerful Through Thought & Intention,

But More Powerful Through The Spoken Word,

As The Vibration Of Our Words Cast Out Into The Field Of Pure Potentiality;

The Ether; The Quantum Field From Within Our Auric Field.

After Blessing My Water With Affirmations; Raising The Vibration Of The Water,

 I Drink It And Allow My Vessel & Energy Field To Take In That Crystalline Energy.

I Fuel Off Of It. We All Do.

Some People Are Just More Aware Than Others.

Those That Use Knowledge, Implement The Knowledge & Embody The Beautiful Energy

Thats Accessible To All Of Us Will Benefit From It.

We Live In A World Where The Society Doesn't Want To Have The People Aware & Intelligent

This Is For Their Benefit, So That They Can Stay In Control, In Power Over The People.

They Want To Keep The Vibration Of The People Low So That They Can Benefit From Them Through Monetary Gain. As The People Are What Fuels Their System.

They Create The Problem; Making People Sick, Diseased, Inflamed, In Pain...

So They Can Provide Their Solution Which Brings Them Monetary Gain In A Cycle.

These Solutions Provided To The Mass Population Are Not A True Pure Solution;

Just A Bandaid That Brings A Short Term Fix, Which May Turn Into Long Term Problems.

They Blast Information, Low Vibrational Messages To The Public Through Their Controlled Media Platforms, Causing Problems.

Casting Problems Out In Commercials Through Loop Programming.

I’ve Heard My Loved Ones Listening To It On Repeat; Hence Loop Programming.

This Goes Into The Subconscious Mind And Affects Our Being.

If & When We Are Impacted By This Programming We Fall Into Their Loop.

When We Start To Take On The Information Consciously, The Problems Begin To Manifest.

The Problems That We've Been Hearing And Seeing Everywhere In The Media.

That Was Once Just A Vibration Being Cast Out, It’s Extremely Important To Be Mindful Of Who, What You’re Listening To As We Are Vibrational Beings And We Harmonize With The Energy In Our Field. This Is Also So Important To Be Mindful About Where You Place Yourself And Your Energy, As It Determines Your Circumstances.

All Of This Conditioning And Programming Is To Increase Their Profits.

The Multi Billion Dollar Industry; Big Pharma Is Connected To The Main Industries

That Physically Fuel Humanity. The Food Industry Which I Get Into In The Conscious Consumption Blog Post Coming Soon.

In Short; They Provide The Food In All Of The Big Box Companies-The Large Conglomerate Companies; Filled With Chemicals, GMO, Harmful Diseased Livestock, Inflammatory Products Etc. They’ll Add Their Strategic Marketing To Make It Seem Appealing For Consumption.

Through The Universal Law; The Law Of Disclosure; They Must Disclose The Ingredients,

Which Are In Plain Sight, So That You Can See The Toxic Ingredients You're Consuming However Most People Look Past It. Humans Are So Powerful We Are Hard To Kill, As The Body Fights And Heals Itself And Will Do Everything In It’s Power To Replenish The Cells That Are Harmed Through The Toxic Chemicals & Energy Blasted Out To Us Through These Nefarious Agendas Created By The Low Vibrational Beings Trying To Enslave The Human Race On Our Planet.

It Is Up To Us To Raise Our Consciousness & Awareness

To Not Consume These Harmful Products For Our Minds & Bodies.

The Minds & Bodies Of Our Offspring; The Future Generations.

These Highly Profitable Companies, Want To Stay In Control, Of The People.

Its Time To Take Our Power Back. When We Know Better We Can Do Better.

How Do They Control Us?

How Do They Control The Masses ?

I No Longer Fuel Their Agenda As I Once Did.

When I Awakened To The Information & Continued To Seek Knowledge,

To Bring Myself Into A State Of Knowing Better, I Was Able To Make Complete Changes, Paradigm Shifts, Quantum Leaps In My Life.

I Have Been Able To Heal Myself From An Autoimmune Inflammatory Disease,

That I Was “Diagnosed” With Which I Have Broken Free From.

By Cutting Off The Source That Was Causing The Sickness Within Me.

I Will Get Into This Further In The Blog Post Titled; Conscious Consumption.

A Post Where I Will Speak On Many Things;

The Food Industry.

What To Stay Away From. What To Look Out For.

My Experience & Much More.

Its A Long One,

That Will Trigger Those That Don’t Want To Make Changes In Their Habitual Ways

Involving Diet. It Will Also Help Many To Shift The Energy Within Them.

To Bring Natural Healing As The Source Of The Illness Will Know Longer

Be Fed Once The Changes Are Made.

When You Shift Your Consumption;

The Source Of Energy From The Other Living Beings You Will Find Your Energy Becomes More Authentic To You.

As The Physical Body & What We Put In Affects Us In All Of Our Layers;

The Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, Celestial, Causal.

Learn More About This In The Blog Post Titled; The Auric Field.

Note: It Is Said & Known By Some That There Are "People" “ Beings” That Are Wanting To Tamper With The Human Race. These Are Nefarious Beings That Are Not Human, That Want To Enslave Us.

TheyAre Doing Their Best To Tamper With Our Dna So That We Are Easily Controlled.

What Better Way Than Lowering The Vibration Of Humanity Through The Media.

Through The Food & The Water Supply.

Tampering With DNA Through Injections.

Through Their Fear Tactics. Making People Think They Need To Be Controlled.

Creating Mass Fear, An Extremely Low Vibration On The Map Of Consciousness.

The Water Pumped Out To The Masses, By Our Governments, Has Been Tampered With.

It Is A Known Fact That They Put The Chemical Fluoride In Our Water. In Most Of Our Toothpaste, In All Bottled Water That I’ve Seen In The Stores.

Fluoride Is A Chemical That Calcifies Our Pineal Gland.

The Pineal Gland Is Our Access To Our Insight.

 It Is In Direct Connection To The Third Eye Chakra.

This Chakra When Opened Gives Insight. A Shift In Perception.

Being Able To See The Bigger Picture. Being Able To See Past The Veil.

Learn More About The Third Eye Chakra & The Mind Through The Blog Posts Below;

Brainwave States

Third Eye Chakra

Pro Tip: When Purchasing Water;

Make Sure That Your Water Does Not Contain

Added Ingredients; Chemicals.

Check The Ingredients.

Clean Water To Drink;

Natural Spring Water

Reverse Osmosis Water

Alkaline Water (That Is Not Alkalized Through Chemicals)

Kangen Water | Medical Grade Water Through Ionization.

The Kangen Medical Grade Ionizer Was Created By A Company Called Enagic, A World Renowned Company.

Which Provides Pure High Vibrational Water That Hydrates The Body Optimally, It Is Medical Grade And Has Brought Healing To So Many All Over The World.

I Have Decided To Partner Up With The Company Enagic Because Of This Divine Technology.

To Bring Healing & Pure Water To People, Families, Companies That Are Looking For The Solution To Their Health Problems.

As Inpure Water Is A Factor In Many Skin, Gut, Hormonal Problems Within People. This Technology Shifts The Ph In The Water At A Molecular Structural Level To Hydrate The Cells Within The Human Body | Vessel.

The Kangen Machine Is Used For Much More Than Just Drinking, The PH Levels Transformed With This Technology Can Be Used For Beauty Cleansing The Face & Skin, Cleaning Your Produce And More.

Visit Their Website |

Use My Distributor Code

ID# 19000016667

When You Purchase.

Feel Free To Comment Your Questions On This Blog Post Or Message In The Chat Box

Join As A Higher Education Kxo Member To Comment.

And I Will Get Back To You In Divine Time.


Plastic Water Bottles

I've Recently Noticed That There Is Many Different Ingredients In The Plastic Water Bottle Companies.

Since Studying Water With A Water Company I Learned A lot About The Labels & How To Read The Ingredients That Is Added IntoThe Water Bottles To Create A Purified Look Or An Alkaline State In The Water Through Addition Instead Of Subtraction Or Ionization.

Ontop Of The Chemicals Within The Plastic.

It’s Mind Blowing What We Consume Based On Convenience.

The Water In The Gas Stations And Corner Stores Are The Worst For It.

As This Is How They Make Money, Purchasing The Cheapest Water To Sell To The Consumers.

When You Are Aware, You Will Think Twice As Health Is Number One.

I Personally Stay Away From Plastic Water Bottles, Because Of Micro Plastics

But Of Course When You're Thirsty And On The Road It's The Most Convenient Option.

This Knowledge Will Help You To Do Better By Your Vessel.


Read Your Labels With ALL That You Consume.

What Goes Inside & On The Body.

Our Skin Is Our Largest Organ When It Comes To The Physical Body.

If You Don't Know What The Ingredient Is, When Reading,

Use The World Wide Web To Find Out;

We Are In The Age Of Information

Where Everything Is Available To Us,

We Just Have To Look For It.

"They" Disclose Everything In Plain Sight.

Through The Universal Law Of Disclosure; They Must.

Its Up To You To Use Your Discernment.

When I Studied Water With A Water Company

They Showed Me How The Particles Within The Water Are Hidden Through The Chemicals

That Are Put Into The Water To Make It Seem Clear & Clean.

To Hide The Impurities. This Is All For Money Making Purposes; To Sell Us A Product.

The Water In These Bottles Are Taken From The Local Rivers, Or Lakes Unless The Water Is Derived From A Spring Which Actually Is Good Water. The Bottle Will Tell You Where It Comes From. It Will Tell You How Many Particles Are Within The Water. Check The P.P.M. (Particles Per Million) Some Particles Are Minerals But When There Are More Than 50 Particles In A Water Bottle, These Are Unknown Particles.

It's So Important To Be Aware Of The Water That We Are Consuming

As It Is A Huge Part Of Our Overall Health.

If You're Interested In Finding A Spring For Some Free Clean Water;

I Highly Suggest Checking This Out.

Purchase A Glass Mason Jar Or Any Glass, Blue Glass, Copper;

As There Are Health Benefits Associated

Drinking Out Of Plastic Is Not Healthy.

Note: Transfer Your Food Out Of Plastic & Into Glass As Soon As You Wash It,

The Food Will Last Longer & It Won't Absorb The Chemicals Within The Plastic Sitting Within It.

All Plastic Water Bottles, Plastic In General; I Would Say To Stay Away From When It Comes To Consumption; As The Plastic Leeches Into The Water/Food. The Plastic Particles Are Than Consumed When We Drink/Eat From Them.

They Say The Average Person Consumes A Credit Card Of Micro Plastics.

Don't Be Apart Of That Average Statistic.

When You Know Better You Can Do Better For Yourself & Your Offspring.

Water Brands To Stay Away From Based On My Knowledge & Studies;

Pure Life Being The Number 1 Brand To Stay Away From;

With Around 500 p.p.m.

(Particles Per Million) - The Particles Within This Water;

You Don't Even Know What You're Drinking At This Point.

This Company Takes Dirty Water, It Adds Chemical Compounds To Make The Water Clear

So The Particles Are Not Seen & Than Bottles This Water In Plastic.

Ask Any Water Company To Show You A Test On Purelife Water; The Filth WithinThis Water,

I Wouldn't Even Put This Water On My Skin, Thats How Dirty It Is.

I've Recently Noticed Smart Water States They Have Alkaline Water

But They Add In Calcium Chloride Which Is Used For De Icing Roads And Can Cause Serious Harm When Ingested. To Alkalize This Water...

They Also Add Magnesium Chloride & Potassium Bicarbonate.

These Are Chemicals Made In Lab.

Do Not Consume This Water For The Safety Of Your Vessel.

Instead Of Alkalizing The Water At A Molecular Structural Level, Shifting The Ph Levels Through Filtration & Ionization They Shift The Ph Level With The Addition Of Chemicals.

The System Is Broken.

Fun Fact: Key Limes Are Alkaline & They Alkalize Water & The Human Body.

When I Get Water At A Restaurant; I Always Get A Lime To Change The Ph Of My Water.

Lemons Are Acidic. They Have A Ph Level Of 2 & 3.

It Has An Alkalizing Affect To The Urine But An Acidic Affect On The Blood.

If The Water Says Natural Spring Water Or Reverse Osmosis

These Are The Better Water To Consume If You Must Buy Water In A Bottle.

Alot Of These Brands Put Fluoride In The Water. Do Your Best To Stay Away From It.

As Fluoride Is A Chemical That Calcifies The Pineal Gland Within The Brain;

When The Pineal Gland Is Calcified This Causes The Higher Faculty; Perception

To Become Clouded.

The Way To De Calcify The Pineal Gland Is;

Unfiltered Direct Sun Exposure.

Sun Gazing.

Alkalinity In The Body.

The Power Of The Mind Can Shift Everything In The Body.

Learn More About This Topic From Dr Joe Dispenza;

A World Renowned Doctor That Has Bridged The Gap Between Science & Spirituality

Through His Research & Human Trials.


When Purchasing Water

Find Reverse Osmosis. Natural Spring Water Or Clean Alkaline Water With No Chemicals Added.

Eska. Dasani.Aquafina. Naya.

These Bottles Of Water Are The Most Pure Water Sources I've Found In The Stores Based On The Information I’ve Read On The Labels.


They Are In Plastic So They're Still Not The Greatest.

Flow Water Is A Good Alternative Until You Can Invest In A Good Water Filtration System Or Even Better A Water Ionizer.

Tip: When Purchasing A Water Filter

Make Sure That Your Water Filter, Filters More Than Just The Main Particles In The Water; Calcium Carbonate & Magnesium Carbonate From Pipe Scaling.


Medical Grade Water Ionizer

The Kangen Machine

This Japanese Technology; Changes The Molecular Structure Of The Water,

Through An Ionization Process. Shifting The Ph Levels; Changing The Water From H20 To H302.

Doctor Hiromi Shinya; The Doctor That Helped Create The Colonoscopy; Recommends Kangen Water, For Better Nutrient Absorption, Opening The Pyloric Valve Going Straight Into The Intestines. Also Helping Remove Waste & Toxins Out Of Your Cells Better Than Any Other Solution.

Kangen Water Is Water That Actually Penetrates Your Cells For Hydration. As The Molecular Structures Created Through Their Japanese Technology Allows For Optimal Hydration According To The Ph Levels.

To Learn More About Kangen

If You Didn't Catch That In The Kangen Demo Video; Explaining This Anti-Oxidizing Water Created Through Changing The PH Level Through The Ionization Process.

The Good Thing About Kangen Is That It Is A Medical Grade Machine That Is Portable And Can Be Brought With You When You Travel Anywhere In The World.

Because It Is Medical Grade Water You Can Bring It Into The Airport With You In Your Glass Water Bottle.

Contact For More Information On Kangen Or Purchase Your Machine Directly Through My Link

Implement The Information I’ve Provided And See Your Health Shift For The Better.

All My Love,

Kate xo

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