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Full Moon | Last Quarter Release Guidance

Updated: Sep 16

The Full Moon & The Last Quarter Moon | The Blue Moon Phases Are The Perfect Time For This Moonology Release Technique

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I Provide These 10 Percent Off Discount Days To Help Remind You Of The Moon Phases

To Remind You To Let Go Of Your Past | To Release & Harvest Your Intentions From The Previous New Moon With The Full Moon Phase.

To Help You To Step Into Your Present | To Think About Your Future | Manifest Your Beautiful Hopes And Dreams With Your Intentions For New Beginnings With The New Moons Energy.

To Remind You That In This Vibrational World | Universe That We Live Within, We Have The Power To Embody The Energy Accessible All Around Us | Within Us, Laying Dormant Until That DNA Is Activated Through Awareness. Through Waking State.

Once You Awaken To The Information You Can Use This Energy,

To Your Benefit Your Daily Life Through Your Focus & Attention, With Intention.


All Of The Moon Phases Play A Role In The Energy That We Can Benefit From.

The Celestial Bodies And Alignments All Play A Really Big Role In The Way That We Experience This Life Here On The Divine Earth Plane.

Learn More About Moonology & Working With The Energy Of The Moon Phases By Reading | Studying The Blog Posts Below Or Listening To The Podcast Audio Now Available On Spotify

Listening To The Podcast Audios Now Available On Spotify

HIGHER EDUCATION KXO | Podcast on Spotify

Full Moon Release

Start With A Blank Piece Of Paper & Pencil

(Wood- Wood | The Earth Element )

Write Out Gratitude

Thank The Universe For The Things That It Has Brought You,

Think About What It Has Previously Manifested Into Fruition.

The Full Moon Is A Time To Harvest Your Endeavours,

A Time To Reap Rewards From Your Last New Moon Manifestation.

Think About The Actions That You Took, The Thoughts & Mindset That You Had That Worked In Your Benefit Or Worked Against You To Bring You To The Point In Which YouAre Now During This Full Moon Cycle.

What Do You Need To Release ?

A Mindset ? A Habit ? A Thought Pattern?

Be Specific.

Remember Not To Blame Anyone Else For Your Decisions & Actions

You Are In Control Of Your Thoughts, Words, Actions, All Decisions That You Make Or Don’t.

In Order To Achieve What You’d Like To Accomplish For The Next Phase,

What Do You Need To Release | Let Go Of?

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