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Fuel The Vessel Based On Frequency & The Chakras

Updated: Aug 5

Here Is An Informative Video To Watch On Conscious Consumption To Improve Your Gut Microbiome

Read The Blog Post : Conscious Consumption To Get A Wider View | Outlook On What Conscious Consumption Consists Of

Everything In The Universe Vibrates |Radiates At Specific Frequencies & Emits Energy.

Water Molecules Shift Based On The Frequency They Are Vibrationally Impacted By.

Learn More About Water & The Structure Of H20 In The Blog Post Below

The Beings Of The Earth | Land Animals, Plants, The Water Beings | The Creatures Of The Sea,

The Air Beings | Insects, Birds, Etc. You Get It...They All Are Consciousness. They All Have Their Own Energy & Energy Field, They All Radiate At A Level Of Frequency. Which Gives Them The Ability To Live. They Also Harmonize With All Of The Elements | The Sun - Fire The Moon - Water.

Everything Is Connected. We Work With The Elements In Harmony. As Most People Are Aware Of.

Human Beings Are Connected To All Of The Elements. We Radiate On Frequency Based On Our Consumption. It Impacts Our Energy Levels, Our Moods, Our Feelings, Our Physical Vessel Etc.

All Layers Of The Auric Field Are Impacted Based On Our Consumption, I Learned This The Hard Way & I Share My Experience In The Blog Post Conscious Consumption Part 2 Diet Edition Part 1 | 2 .

Analyze How You Feel After Consuming By Mouth. If You Feel Sleepy, Sluggish, Sick, Etc. Your Body Is Speaking To You. When You Fuel With High Vibrational Life Fore Energy | Food That Comes From Natural Sources, The Earth Through Gods Perfect Creation You Will Feel Energized, Happy, Light, You Will Feel Amazing. Your Consumption Determines Your State Of Being.

The Choice Is Always Yours.

If You Want To Eat Things Connected To The Vibration Of Death | The Dis Ease Causing Foods, Know That You Can Choose Healthy | Healing Alternatives.

You Can Substitute With Foods That Bring Life Force Energy. That Come From The Earth Element.

Even The Hormones From The Animals

( Dairy | Eggs ) Are Dis Ease Causing In The Human Body As It’s Foreign To The Human Body. The Bacteria’s & Hormones Bring Us Off Balance.

You Can Substitute With The Earth Elements.

Learn About Vibrational Eating Below ⬇️

Keep Reading For The Foods You Should Consume Based On Living High Vibrational Chakra Activating & Balancing Through Life Force Energy.

Learn More About Conscious Consumption In The Blog Post Below

Learn About Your Auric Field & Your Chakras With Higher Education Kxo.

Utilize The Section On Your Energy Field Within The Blog Posts Provided.

To Bring Healing To All That Utilize This Information.

Once You Understand Your Energy Field You Can Work In Harmony With It.

As I Did & Continue To Do Every Day Through Conscious Consumption & Divine Wisdom.

You Must Take Action To See The Results.

I Healed Myself From Autoimmune Inflammatory Responses That Were Caused Based On My Consumption. What I Considered To Be Food & Beverage Based On The Media & What I Grew Up Consuming, It Was Not Doing Me Any Good.

My Body Started To Attack Itself Based On Not Only My Diet | Consumption, But My Environment Was Starting To Impact These | What The Doctors Would Call "Autoimmune Inflammatory Responses".

The Universe Would Stop Me From Attending Places I Was Not Meant To Be.

After Realizing That Everything Has Happened In My Favour, Although At The Time When I Couldn't Walk Because The Universe Decided TO Give Me An Inflammatory Response To Hold ME Back From Attending An Event Or A Photoshoot Was For My Own God.

When I Was "Sick" I Was Sent To Specialists All Over, Purchasing Pharmaceuticals That Were Doing Nothing For Me Besides Causing More Problems. Candida Was Starting To Grow Within Me. Affecting Multiple Parts Of My Body. The Pharmaceuticals Were Starting To Harm Me, My Scalp Was Starting To Have Issues. It Was Bad. I Was Becoming Really Ill.

Until I Had My Awakening, In 2019.

A Story For Another Time.

But I Will Tell You That My Trip To Dominican Although, I Almost Died...I Came Back More Alive.

I Came Back To Canada & Was Sent Straight To The Hospital For More IV.


That Whole Month, I Think It Was 3 Months |The Downloads | Or Uploads, The Divine Connection With Source & The Beautiful Spirits Of Dr Sebi, Bob Marley, & Whatever Other Guardians & Protectors That Provided Me With Information On How To Proceed Going Forward, They Helped Me To Shift My Life Through The Divine Messages | Nudges.

It Was Up To Me To Take Action.

This Not Only Kept Me Alive, But Now I Thrive, As I Use The Knowledge That I Was Given & Continue To Receive From The Divine As I Channel, My Higher Self To Help Guide Me & Provide Me With The Path.

I Embody The God|dess Frequency As I've Activated That DNA, Essence Within Me.

It Is Easier When You Become Pure From The Inside Out, And That Is Based Upon Your Consumption. Your Consciousness.

Take A Look At The Map Of Consciousness Blog Post

To Determine Your Dominant Frequency | Wavelength That You Radiate On.

All Human Beings | We Shift In Frequency Based On Our Consumption | External Influences Can Impact Us If We Are "Agreeing" TO The Frequency Through Indulgence.

Focusing On The Energy Presented & Adding To It, That Will Impact Our State Of Consciousness As It Becomes Our Frequency Once Accepted.

Its Up To You To Accept Or Reject.

You Can Walk Away From The Conversations, Environments, Relationships

That Shift Your Frequency Into The Lower States Of Consciousness.

I Too Am Still Learning As I Grow Through This Human Experience.

I Learn In Dream State & Waking State & I Utilize The Information Provided To Me.

Back To Fueling Based On Diet.

When You Look At The Cycle Of Life & You Determine What Each... Lets Say.." Being" Eats.

If You See What Each Is Consuming, This Will Also Determine The Level Of Quality That You Are Fueling With.

For Example | A Lobster Is A Bottom Feeder. A Shrimp Is A Bottom Feeder.

Do You Know What That Means?

Do You Love Your Vessel So Much That You Would Not Consume A Living Being That Eats "Shit".

I Don't Recommend Anyone Eat The Animals Or The Sea Creatures, Especially The Bottom Feeders. I Don't Agree With Killing To Consume. Its Bad Energy & It Brings Energy Blocks & Dis Ease In The Body. Raping & Stealing From Animals Is Also Disgusting Energy.

Stealing A Chickens Unborn Babies To Eat. Touching The Genitals Of The Cows & Goats To Consume What Is For Their Children. You Receive The Consequences When You Look In The Mirror, When You Cant Reproduce Or If Feel Off Due To The Consumption | It's Called KARMA.

Make Change & Your Life Will Change.

Release Your Karma Through A Shift In Your Actions.

You Must Break The Cycle.

If You're Going To Consume The Flesh, Meat Of The Aquatic Or Land Animals You Want To Make Sure They Are Radiating At A Frequency That You Want To Embody Otherwise You Will Consume That Frequency But Regardless, The Last Time I Consumed Meat, It Was A Jamaican Patty In Jamaica | One Side Of My Homeland. I Thought I Should Try An Authentic Jamaican Patty, Especially Because That's All The Guys Picked Up While They Were Out. Family Friends Of Mine Not Realizing That I Would Not Be Able To Consume What They Brought Back To The Villa.

I Had One And It Tasted Good, But Shortly After The Frequency Shift Occured.

I Felt Needy, Sad, Alone, And I Started Crying.

Exactly What That Poor Cow Must Have Felt, I Was Feeling It.

I Can't Eat Chicken Anymore, Not Even Organic, Pasture Raised, Its The Energy They Carry.

I Can Feel Intense Pain After Consumption, I've Also Noticed Itchy Swollen Hands, Is The Side Affect. Makes Sense. Especially From My Memories Of My Mom Purchasing Chicken Feet For Soup. Just The Energy Of The Animals Speaking To Me, Through Consumption.

When I Stopped Consuming Dead Frequency.

That's When I Saw Changes In My Physical Body.

No More Pain, No More Swelling, No More Inflammation.

Unless I Consume The Wrong Thing, Which I Am Now Extremely Mindful Of All That I Consume.

In Diet, In Media, In Environment.

Conversations, I Have To Watch What I Indulge In As Words Also Radiate A Frequency.

Learn More About This In The Blog Post Below

Note | A Plant Is Said By Some To Be Dead After You Pick It,

But That Is Far From The Truth.

A Plant Is Still Living & Thriving Until You See It Rotting.

I Have Flowers That Are Still Alive Just Dried Through The Air Sitting On My Dresser, Still Beautiful Radiating Its Beautiful Source Energy Into My Sacred Space.

Plants Are So High In Vibration That They Radiate An Aura Even When You Cook Them.

I See Their Aura | Essence In My Cooking All The Time.

The Natural Flavours, Essence Of The Plants Are So Divine, As The Creator Intended For Them To Be. They Fuel Our Chakras & The Frequency That They Emit, Through Their Vibratory Resonance Is Determined By Their Color Wavelength.

Learn More About The Colour Spectrum & The Power That Colour Holds.

Some Believe That Plants Lose Their Nutritional Value Once They Are Heated | Cooked,

I Truly Feel That It Depends On The Level Of Heat Which Will Determine The Frequency

|Burnt Being Dead Frequency.

I Also Know That Every Human Being Is Different. Our Vessels Speak To Us.

Its Up To You To Listen To Your Body. Once You Release All Of The Energy That Is Not Yours From The Other Beings You've Consumed | It Takes Time TO Rid The Body Of The Past, But From My Experience You Must, Fast, Cleanse Through Pure Organic Juicing And When You Reintroduce Food It Must Be Clean & Pure.

This Isn't A Diet, It's A Lifestyle.

It Becomes Easier To Connect With Your Body When You Are Purely

Your Own Authentic Frequency.

Once You've Rid Your Vessel Of The Animals Frequency Through Their Flesh & The Liquids | Hormones That Come From Them & Their Babies ( Cows, Chickens, Goats, Milk, Eggs Etc.)

When I Had My Awakening it Was Easy To Stop Because All Of My Senses Heightened & My Clair Senses Awakened So I Was Able To Smell The Death, Meat Started To Smell Different To Me, It Started To Taste Not As Good.

I'm Not Here To Judge Anyone Either.

Only Here To Bring Healing To Those That Want To Shift Their Frequency In Mind Body, Soul.

I Am Here As A Writer To Support Humanity With Consciousness Shifting,

Physical Wellness Transformation & Soul Evolution With Higher Education Kxo

I Am A 5|1 Challenge Solver, Here To Assist People With Their Challenges In Mind,

In Body | All Layers, In Soul | Decoding For Evolution With Numerology | Astrology | Moonology & Divine Sacred Knowledge | Wisdom Through My Experience & Those Before Me.

Note| Your Dosha & Your Human Design Play A Role With Your Consumption.

Use A Dosha Calculator

Calculate Your Human Design

I Just Recently Used One World Ayuveda But Use The World Wide Web To Help With Your Discovery or Buy A Book Or Connect With Someone That Specializes In This Practice.

Is Where You Will Self Discover Your Energy Type, Your Gifts, Your Digestion Type Etc.

I Highly Recommend Tapping Into This Information.

I Also Help With Self Discovery | Development | Mastery

Within Higher Education Kxo

Book A 1:1 Call With Me To Discuss How I Can Assist You With Your Journey

Now Lets Get Into Fueling Through Plant Source Energy

True Medicine | Plant Medicine In Connection To The Chakras.

Learn About The Chakras & Determine Your Chakras State

Through A Self Analysis Using The Blog Post Below

Go Deeper | EduKate Yourself

With The Chakra Education I've Provided Within Higher Education Kxo & Work With Your Energy Centres Through The Techniques That I've Put Together In

The Chakra Education | Balancing Techniques Program

Note | All Vegetable & Fruits, Nuts, Seeds, All Plants, All Pure Food Should Be Naturally Occuring & Free From Harmful Chemicals For True Healing.

Be Mindful Of Where You Buy Your Food.

Another Reminder To All Of Humanity|

The Earth Is Vast & The Plants Thrive

From The Sun, The Earth & The Water.

There Is Enough Land Mass To Feed Everyone On This Planet.

The Seeds That Are Within The Fruits & Vegetables Forever Provide Through Cyclical Divine Creation. God |The Universe Created Everything Perfectly For Us.

To Live A Life Of Abundance, Wealth In All Areas.

Make Sure You Are Purchasing Top Quality, Organic Food.

Or Growing Your Food Yourself , Purchasing From Local Farms, Whether Its In Your Home Land, Where You Reside Or From Somewhere Around The Globe Where You Can Purchase Clean Pure Food Overseas. I Don't Recommend Purchasing From The US As Glyphosate Is Legal To Be Sprayed On The Produce There.

Talk To A Trusted Resource | Friend Of Mine About Glyphosate & The Company She Works With.

A Company That I Recommend & Do Consume | Although I Don't Consume It As Heavily As They Suggest. My Vessel Cant Overload On Anything. I Am Someone That Must Fuel In Balance.

The Chakras | Fuel Based Upon The Colour Spectrum

Just Like Crystals But With Plants.

Chakra Fuel | Prana - Life Force Energy

Root Chakra | Muladhara - Earth Element

396hz Is The Sound Frequency |Vibrational Tone

Connecting To The Colour Red On The Spectrum Of Light

Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Root Chakra Within The Human Body

The Main 7 Chakras Reside Within The Subtle Layer Of The Auric Field | Our Emotional Body. Red Is Also Radiating Within The First Layer Of The Auric Field |

The Layer Connected To Protection Of Life Force Energies

To Fuel This Chakra Eat Red Fruits | Vegetables

Root Vegetables That Will Help To Activate Your Root Chakra

All Naturally Red Plant Source. Black Is Also Connected To The Root Chakra.

Lentils. Black Beans. Quinoa. Amaranth.

Red Foods - Great For Balancing/Activating The Root Chakra

Apples - Rich In Fibre.. - Pectin. Antioxidants.Vitamin C. Potassium.

Plums - 15 Different Vitamins & Minerals. Antioxidants.

Beets - Rich In Iron. Vitamin C. Vitamin A. Folate - Vitamin B9. Manganese. Potassium.

Strawberries - Locally Farmed . Organic. - Vitamins. Fibre. Antioxidants - Polyphenols.

Red Peppers - Potassium - Fibre - Vitamin C - Calcium - Iron - Vitamin B6 - Magnesium

The List Goes On..

Visit Your Local Farmers Market | Grocery Store & Buy Organic - Codes Starting With 9.

All Plants Emit High Vibrational Divine Source Energy.

Every Plant Emits Healing Properties Beneficial For Humanity.

Even The Weeds | Example Dandelions They Grow All Around Us, God | The Universe Did This Intentionally As Everything Grows With Purpose In Gods |The Universes Divine Creation.

The Dandelion Is Yellow Connected To Fueling The Solar Plexus Chakra.

It Is A Plant Or Weed That Detoxifies The Human Vessel.

Most Plants You Will Be Able To Tell What Part Of The Human Vessel They Are For Based Upon What You See. The Vibratory Resonance Of Each Plant Is showcased Through Their Shape & Color. When You Learn About Your Energy Body You Will See the Connection.

Learn About Your Auric Field & Chakras Through The Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Program For Chakra Healing & Balance

You Can Also Learn Within The Courses Page Under The Chakra Section.

Learn Within The Blog Posts.

Sacral Chakra | Swadhisthana - Water Element

417hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Orange On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Sacral Chakra

To Fuel This Chakra Eat Natural Occurring Orange Plants…

Orange Foods - Great For Balancing/ Activating The Sacral Chakra

Peaches - Vitamin C. Vitamin K. Vitamin E. Protein. Zinc.

Nectarines - Vitamin A. Vitamin C. Fibre. Antioxidants.

Oranges - Vitamin C

Mango - Vitamin C. Vitamin A. Folate- Vitamin B9. High In Fibre.

The List Goes On..

Visit Your Local Farmers Market | Grocery Store & Buy Organic - Codes Starting With 9.

Solar Plexus | Manipura - The Fire Element

528hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Yellow On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Solar Plexus Chakra

Yellow Foods - Great For Balancing/ Activating The Solar Plexus Chakra

Pineapple - Vitamin C. Manganese. Vitamin B6. Copper. Thiamin. Folate. Potassium. Magnesium. Niacin. Riboflavon. Iron.

Banana - Potassium - Electrical Charge - Electrolytes.

Yellow Squash - Potassium - Fibre - Protein - Vitamic C - Calcium - Iron - Vitamin B6 - Magnesium

The List Goes On..Do Your Own Research On Plant Foods.

Visit Your Local Farmers Market | Grocery Store & Buy Organic - Codes Starting With 9.

Stick To Plant Source For Optimal Energy Benefits & Healing.

Eggs Although Yellow |Orange, They Are Not Actually Food.

We Have Been Told From Our School System Growing Up That They Are, However

An Egg Is All Of The Female Hormones Produced In A Bird To Create A Life.

When You Consume An Egg You Are Consuming All OF The Bacteria & Hormones Within That Egg And Forcing Your Body To Digest It.

For Those Experiencing Hormonal Imbalancement And You Eat Eggs, Or Any Liquids From The Animals Genetalia, You Will Understand | Innerstand Why.

The Animals Are Living Beings That Have Their Own Frequency | Energetic Field.

When You Consume Them You Merge With Their Being.

The Dis Ease Caused In Humanity Comes From The Consumption.

When You Eliminate The Source, You Eliminate The Problem.

No Pharmaceutical Drugs Will Be Needed.

As That Industry Is A Whole Other Topic, Which Will Be Discussed In The Blog Post Conscious Consumption Part 2 | Di Et Edition Part 2

For Optimal Wellness Based On My Experience Which You Will Hear All About In The Blog Post Conscious Consumption Part 2 | Di Et Edition Part 1 & 2.

I Had To Learn On My Death Bed.

From God | The Universal Downloads | Uploads & My Spirit Guides.


If You Do Not Purchase Organic Make Sure You Clean All Of The Pesticides Off Of Your Produce With Pure Clean Water | Preferably Not Tap Water Unless You Have A Medical Grade Filtration System | Ionizer. I Recommend Kangen | A Japanese Technology That Changes The Molecular Structure Of The Water Through Its PH. As Water Is Adaptable Through Vibration, Ionization.

Enagic Is A World Renowned Company That Created Kangen & The Anespa.

I Have Decided To Partner Up With Them Because Of This Divine Technology Which Provides Pure High Vibrational Water That Hydrates The Body Optimally, It Is Medical Grade And Has Brought Healing To So Many All Over The World.

Visit Their Website

Use My Distributor Code

ID# 19000016667

When You Purchase.

Feel Free To Comment Your Questions On This Blog Post Or Message In The Chat Box

Join As A Higher Education Kxo Member To Comment.

And I Will Get Back To You In Divine Time.


Kangen & The Anespa Are Divine Investments For Healing & Wellness.

Read My Blog Post On Water To Learn More About |

How To Work With The Universal Element Of Water In Harmony With Your Everyday Life.

Wash All Of Your Fruits & Vegetables With This Pure Water, Baking Soda Or Vinegar Depending On The Vegetable. Cut Off The Skin Although Harmful Chemicals Like Glyphosate Used In The US Banned From Canada Can Seep Into The Fruit | Vegetable. This Is Another Reaso Why Prayer Is So Important As Alot Of These Companies That Sell Food Are Doing It For Profit And Not To Benefit The Consumer.


Through The Law Of Disclosure A Universal Law That Our Existence Is Run Upon, Companies Must Provide Details Of Their Products. Do Not Be Fooled By The Marketing | Ads For Profitable Purposes. Packaging Also Matters. BPA Free Is Best As BPA Lining Is A Chemical Sprayed On The Containers And It Seeps Into The Food. Cookware Is Also Important. Sealants Are No Good For Your Health | Wellness.

"Hellth" Do You See The Tone Of That Word. These Companies Are The Reason For People Feeling That Vibration In Their Field, Its Important You Keep Your Eyes Wide Open.

Take The Extra Time Before You Buy & Give These Companies Your Hard Earned Money.

For Your Wellness As It Should be Everyone's 1st Priority.

Your Vessel Is The Only Thing Keeping You Here On The Planet.

So Make Sure You Take Great Care Of It.

The World Is Vast And Expansive.

The Earth Plane |The Mineral Kingdom, The Earth Star Chakra Is Alive & Thriving

When We Plant Organic Seeds In The Earth We Can Feed Every Single Person In This World At No Cost. As Plants Are Gods Creation, Not Mans.

Heart Chakra | Anahata - The Astral Bridge | Air Element

639hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Green On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Heart Chakra

To Fuel This Chakra Eat Natural Occuring Organic Fruits | Vegetables …

Codes In The Grocery Store Starting With.

Green Foods - Great For Balancing. Activating The Heart Chakra

Avocado - A Dense Superfood. Healthy Fat - Great For Skin, Hair & Nails. Protein. Fibre. Sodium. 20 Vitamins & Minerals. A Nutrient Booster - Vitamins A, D, K, E.

Kale - A Nutrition Superstar. Vitamins A, B6, C, K. Folate. Fibre. Manganese. Carotenoids.

Spinach - Rich In Iron. Vitamin A. C. E. Potassium. Magnesium. Calcium. Plant Compounds. Antioxidants. Chlorophyll.

The List Goes On..

Visit Your Local Farmers Market | Grocery Store & Buy Organic - Codes Starting With 9.

Throat | Vishuddha | Ether Element

741hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Blue On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Throat Chakra

To Fuel This Chakra Eat…

Blue Foods - Great For Balancing/Activating The Throat/Third Eye Chakra

BlueBerries - Brain Health

Blue Algae



Blue Lotus

Look At The Chart Provided Below For More Insight

Third Eye | Ajna

852hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Indigo On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Third Eye Chakra.

To Fuel This Chakra Eat…

Indigo Coloured Foods.

Utilize Crystal Frequencies. Yoga. Colour & Sound Vibration & Tone To Work With This Chakra.

Utilize Higher Education Kxo

The Chakra Education | Activation & Balance Techniques Program To Learn More & Work Closely With The Chakras | Your Energy Body.

View The Chakra Program & Course Section

Learn Through Study & Energy Work | Experience. Blog Posts On The Chakras

Crown | Sahasrara

963hz Is The Vibration Connecting To The Colour Violet On The Spectrum Of Light Which Carries A Vibratory Resonance To The Crown Chakra

To Fuel This Chakra Eat…

Purple Foods - Great For Balancing/ Activating The Crown Chakra

Purple Cabbage - Helps with wrinkles . vitamin A - regrowth of skin cells Mixed With Pineapple - reduces inflammation. great for h

Brown Foods - Great For Connecting With The Earth Star Chakra

Mushrooms! They Are A fabulous Meat Substitute.

Vitamin A - Immune System, Reproduction, Growth & Development. Vision. Helps Heart & Lungs.

Vitamin B - Promotes Cell Health. Prevents Infection. Maintains Energy Levels & Brain Health

Vitamin C- Protects The Cells Against The Effects of Free Radicals - Radiation, Smoke, Exposure.

Vitamin D- Reduces Inflammation. Boosts Immune Function & More.

Vitamin E- Boosts The Immune System. Keeps The Eyes & Skin To Stay Healthy.

Vitamin K - Wound Healing

Zinc - Helps With Blood Clots & Thyroid Issues.

Its Important To Learn About This Stuff Especially If You Are Battling With Issues.

Educate Yourself By Digging For Information & Than Utizlizing The Information & Working With It In Your Daily Life. Learn Through Experience.

Listen To Your Body. It Speaks To You.

Your Consumption Through Your Senses, By Mouth, Eyes, Ears. You Will Start To Recognize What Is Good For You & What Is Not Simply Through Feeling & Bodily Response.

We Are In The Age Of Information; It Is Very Easy To Find Information Everywhere.

All Plants Work In Connection To Our Chakras As They Radiate Life Force Energy That Fuel Our Prana Within Our Auric Field.

Learn More About The Auric Field

Start Studying The Plants, They Have Healing Benefits.

They Are The Core Of All Western Medicine Which I Will Get Into In The Blog Post Conscious Consumption | Wellness Edition Part 1 & 2.

Until Than, Do Your Own Research & Learn About The Benefits Of What You Intake By Mouth As Food.

Everything Has Energy. Every Plant. Every Being. Every Stone. Every Crystal. Every Lake.

The Sun. The Moon. The Constellations. The Numbers. Everything Emits Frequency.

What You Put In, You Get Back.

Be Mindful & Conscious Of Your Consumption. Fuel With Optimal Life Force Energy & Your Immune System, Your Wellness Will Be In Optimal State.

Natural SPF Within These Foods Below

Check The Ingredients Of The Things You Drink & Eat So That You Stay Away From These “Fast” Money Making Companies That Do Not Care About Your Healing & Wellness. They Care About Their Profit. Be Mindful For You & Your Loved Ones. Do Not Feed The Foods That Contain These Chemicals To Your Children.

Steer Clear From Gatorade For Electrolytes As It Contains The Chemicals Above. Use Natural Electrolyte Sources Instead. Here Are Some 👇🏽

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