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External Influences Reflection

Updated: Nov 27, 2023

Ask Yourself These Questions & Do A Reflection

Who Do You Listen To?

Everything We Indulge In Impacts Our Lives, Whether We Know It Or Not.

Who & What We Listen To Is Important.

It Can Determine Our Feelings, Our Direction, Our Actions.

Our Actions Over Time Become Habit.

Our Daily Habits Impact Our Lives Substantially.

This Affects Our Short Term & Longterm Accomplishments.

Our Goals.

I Personally Focus On My Purpose & The Path I Chose To Walk As An Enlightened Master #33/6 Through My Divine Birth Right. The Past 7 Years Ive Been Listening To My Inner Knowing; Through Tapping Into Divine Life Force Energy. Following The Signs & Symbols That Have Opened Me Up To My Awakenings. Divine Shifts. I Have Been Listening To Others That Have Tapped Into Their Enlightenment Over The Years. I Read & Study Universal Knowledge. I Study Everything Metaphysics. I Have Been Learning Through My Own Experiences & Growing Within My Own Practice. Evolving & Blossoming As I Continue Down This Path Of Enlightenment.

I Listen To & Surround Myself With All Walks Of Life To Educate & Enlighten Those That Want Guidance. Personal & Spiritual Growth.Those That Want To Awaken & Enlighten Themselves On This Beautiful Journey Of Life. Tap Into Their Higher Faculties.

What Are YOU Focused On?

How Do You Want To Leave An Imprint On This World ?

There Is Only One You, On This Planet. You Are Unique.

Your Name, Your Date & Time Of Birth Is Unique To You.

Your Characteristics Inside & Out Are Unique To You.

You Have A Purpose For Being Here & Incarnating During This Timeline. We All Do.

If You Left This World Today, Do You Feel Like You Made A Big Enough Impact?

Do You Feel Like You've Fulfilled Your Life's Purpose Or Are On The Right Path To Fulfilling Your Life's Purpose?

Do You Know Your Life's Purpose?

If You Don't You Need To Look Within.

I Always Knew What I Wanted From A Young Age But Only After Experiencing Dark Times, Coming Out Of Those Dark Times & Blossoming Like A Lotus Flower That Blooms From The Mud. To Find The Light. Thats When I Truly Found My Calling. I Followed My Intuition & Allowed It To Lead Me Down The Path To Enlightenment.

I Explored The Things That Were Calling To Me, Discovered My Inner Realm, Discovered A lot Through What People Call "Shadow Work" & Truth Seeking. Through Research & Experience.

A Great Way To Find Out If You're On Track Is Looking Into Your Numerology.

Something I Started Studying Back In 2016. When I Went Through My Rebirth.

Calculating Your Life Path Number To See If You're Walking The Path That You Came Here To Walk. KnowingYour Destiny Number, Your Soul Urge Number & Your Maturity Number. Tapping Into All Of Your Numerology Is Beneficial So That You Can Study Your Inner Realm. Learn More About You & Who You Came Here To Become.Your Highest Self. The Potential That You Can Fulfill In This Life.

Read The Blog Post Titled: Numerology For More Information On The Different Numbers & Information You Can Tap Into Through My Numerology Service.

Another Way To Dive Into Your Inner Realm & Learning More About Yourself Is Through Astrology & Astronomy. Through The Constellations & The Planets. Your Planetary Alignments Based On Your Date Of Birth, Your Time Of Birth & The Location. As We All Had To Go Through The Stellar Gateway To Incarnate Here, The Universe, The Planets, The Constellations; They Play A Part In Our Energy & They Work In Synergy With Everything Else In Our Lives Energetically & Universally. Stay Tuned For An In Depth Breakdown Of My Experience & In Depth Studies With Astronomy & Astrology. Blog Posts To Come. Join As A Member To Receive Notifications Every-time A New Blog Post Is Published.

What Do You Want To Share With The World Based On Your Experience In This Life?

We All Have A Story. We Can All Impact Someone In One Way Or Another.

How Can You Help Others With What You've Experienced?

The Soul Knows. Our Subconscious Leads Us. Our Spirit Guides Do Their Best To Guide Us Through Signs & Symbols; It's How They Communicate. It's Up To Us To See The Patterns. To Do The Inner Work. To Remember Who We Are. Who We Came Here To Become. When You Find Yourself & You Know Your Purpose & Your Divine Right As A Divine Being You Will Walk That Path & Impact People In A Positive Light Just By Being You. Your Authentic Self.

What Do You Feel Called To?

How Do You Want To Better Yourself?

We All Have Room To Grow & Improve.

Even If Its Just Living A Healthier Lifestyle Thats An Amazing Start.

Thats How I Started My Shift Into Enlightenment.

I Had A Rebirth From A Dark Place. You Can Read A Little Bit More About The Beginning Of My Story On The About Me Page. I Speak On My Rebirth & My First Awakening.

My Biggest Shift Occurred In 2019. During My Trip To Dominican. Where I Had A Near Death Experience; Where I Felt Both The Energy Of God & What Most People Would Feel As Gods Polar Opposite. It Was Their Energy That I Felt As My Body Was Failing Me. Thank God That I Had Angels Sent To Come & Save Me In The Physical.

My 2019 Spiritual Awakening Is A Story For Another Time. Another Post. A Podcast Perhaps.

My Gift Of Inner Knowing Was Activated Within Me During This Time.

I Had Access To Information That Was Confirmed By Doctors & Research.

I Received This Information Through The Ether; Through Divine Source Energy.

I Decided To Act On It & I Changed My Life Completely.

That Is How I Was Able To Cure Myself From An Autoimmune Disease That The Doctors Couldn't Figure Out. They Couldn't Heal Me So I Had To Heal Myself.

Thats When I Learned More About The System.

In 2019 With My Awakening, I Stepped Out of The Matrix & Became Enlightened On How This World Really Works. This Is Where The Next Chapter Of My Journey Began.

Cleaning Up My Health Was The First Step To Stepping Into My Divine Essence & Living A Life Filled With Purpose. Walking My Divine Path.

Reflect On The Changes You Feel Need To Be Made To Impact Your Life, So That You Can Step Into Your Divine Essence. Embody Your Highest Self & Shine Light On Those That Come Into Your Path Based On What You Want To Bring Into This World. What You Want To Shine Light Upon.

What People Do You Surround Yourself With?

This Is Very Important.

The Saying Goes " You're The Average Of The Five People You Spend The Most Time With"

If You Spend Most Of Your Time In An Environment With 5 Successful People, You're Most Likely Going To Be The 6th.

If You Spend Most Of Your Time In An Environment Where Topic Of Discussion Is About Goals & Growth, Solutions, A Wealth Mindset. Chances Are You're Going To Be Accomplishing Goals. You'll Be Focused On Your Personal Development. A Being Solutions Oriented.

The Same Goes For The Opposite.

Who Do You Surround Yourself With?

Are They Positive People? Focused On Growth? Building Something To Better Their Lives & The Lives Of Many? Are They Living A Life Of Purpose? Uplifting Others? Are They Accomplishing Their Goals. Are They Focused On Living A Life Of Their Dreams? Impacting People In A Positive Light? Are They Focused On Abundance? Prosperity? Expansion? Evolution? Health? Wellbeing?

Or Are They More Negative? Talking About Others Instead Of Talking About Their Visions? Gossiping? Focused On Others? Focused On Opinions? Judging?

You Know Right From Wrong Through Inner Knowing. You Know The Behaviours That Need To Shift. The Habits That Need To Be Broken. When You Truly Want To See Change In Your Life, You Will Make The Changes Needed To See That Change. Otherwise The Cycles Will Repeat Themselves Until The Cycle Is Broken.

The Definition Of Insanity Is Doing The Same Thing Over & Expecting A Different Result. Remember That You Are The Driver In Your Life & Only You Can Do The Work To Step Into Your Highest Self & Live A Fulfilled Life Of Passion & Purpose.

Taking All Of These Questions In.

Reflecting On Them.

Seeing What Your Next Moves Are.

This Will Open A Door To A New Perspective & Lead You Onto The Path Of Enlightenment & A Life Of Purpose.

Contact Me If You Need More Guidance & Direction. I Am Happy To Help Lead In Anyway That I Can. Making A Positive Impact On Humanity Is A Part Of My Purpose. Guiding. Leading. Educating & Healing Through My Work.

Kate xo

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