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Energy Retrieval - Cord Cut Practice

Updated: Jul 17

Our Spoken Word Is One Of The Most Powerful Things That We Have As Human Beings.

As We Speak,

The Vibration & Tone Gets Cast Out Into The Quantum Field - The Field Of Pure Potentiality.

When We Speak With Conviction,

Pure Intention With Faith & Belief

The Power Of The Word Becomes That Much Stronger.

Our Words Cast. They Call It Spelling For A Reason.

Read The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Spoken Word For More On This Topic.

I Use This Method Anytime I Feel That My Energy Is Being Siphoned From Me;

(Energy Vampires) Or If I'm Feeling That My Energy Is Being Placed In The Attention

Of Someone Else Instead Of Where It Needs To Be Which Is On Me & My Journey.

If I Feel That I've Left My Energy With Someone That Is Draining Me Of My Energy & I Feel That I Need To Call My Power Back To Me I Will Use This Method.

If Your Energy Is Feeling Drained, Low, Tired.

If You're Feeling Powerless.

If You Work Out In The Public Surrounded By Different Energies It’s Always A Good Idea To Clear Your Energy Field Of All Energies That Don't Belong To You.

I Call It Energetic Hygiene.

If Your Energy Is Feeling Like It Isn't Yours Than You Have Most Likely Had An Energy Transfer.

If You Can’t Stop Thinking About A Person,

Your Energy Is Probably Corded Into Them Or Theirs Into You, Especially If You’ve Had Physical Interaction & Exchange.

Note: Sex Is A Sacred Practice;

Energy Transfer Occurs During This Practice

So It Is Important To Clear Your Energy After This Sacred Practice,

Not Just With The Element Of Water.

But Through Calling Your Energy back To You & Sending Their Energy Back To Them

Cutting The Cords.

Cord Cutting Meditations Are Not Enough As The Energy Is Still Swapped.

To Get Your Energy Back And To Release Energy That Is Not Your Own By Your Divine Right From Source, Than You Would Benefit From An Energy Retrieval As Most Of Us Do.

I Do This Practice Quite Quickly Now As It’s Become Second Nature To Release All Energy That Doesn’t Belong To Me On A Regular Basis.

The Shower Is The Perfect “ Portal” For An Extra Divine Ebergy Cleanse. With Ckearing Tones. To Clear & Cleanse & Raise the Vibration Of The Environment, Water, Space & Time In Connection To You & Your Energetic Field.

My Energy Clear Playlist

What Im About To Take You Through In This Post Is A Full Energy Recovery.

An Energy Retrieval.

Where YouWill Release The Energy Back That Isn't Yours.

You Will Receive All Energy Back To You That Is Yours By Your Divine Right From Source.

You Can Do This Laying Down Or Sitting Up.

In A Meditative State Or In Waking State.


You May Receive An "I Miss You" Text.

Its Happened To Me After Doing This,

As They Will No Longer Be Able To Feel Your Energy.


With Pure Intention,

Start By Saying These Words;

All Mental, Physical, Emotional & Energetic Energy That Is Not Mine By My Divine Right From Source Comes Out Of Me Now.

All Energy That Does Not Belong, That Is In My Energy Field Is Being Pulled Out Of Me Now.

(Place It To The Left Side)

Your Energy Gets Brighter & Brighter!

Once All Of The Energy That Isn't Yours Gets Pulled Out You Will Set The Intention That

A Blue Explosion Of Light Blows Up The Energy Cord That Is Connecting That Energy To You.

All Of That Energy That Does Not Belong Gets Sent Back Up To Source | The Divine Source Gateway For Energy Cleansing, To Raise The Vibration Before It Goes Back To Whom It Rightfully Belongs.

Clean, Pure, Divinely & Vibrationally Matched To The Frequency That Serves The Highest Good For The New Earth Timeline. The Golden Age.

Now To Get Your Energy Back.

Set The Intention That,


That I Am Mentally, Emotionally, Energetically Or Physically Corded Into,

I Am Pulling My Energy Back From Now!"

"I Call My Power Back To Me,

All Mental, Physical, Energetic, & Emotional Energy That Is Mine By My Divine Right From Source"

"I Call It Back To Me Now.

From Every Person, Place, Entity,

From Every Space, Portal, Timeline, Dimension,

From Every Connection, Attachment & Vessel Where I Left It, It's On Its Way Back To Me Now".

"As It Is On Its Way Back To Me

It Is Being Cleaned & Cleared By Golden Light Coming Down From The Divine Source Gateway.

"A Pink Shimmering Light Is Coming Up From The Vasundhara - Earth Star Chakra; Grounding, Healing & Repairing All Of The Cells In My Energy"

"One More Light,

Pure White Blue Light Comes To Clear, Charge & Energize My Energy

Making It A Divine Frequency Match To Mine;

Connecting To My Highest Timeline & My Higher Self".

"One Last Time For Any Energy Lingering, I Send Back ALL Of The Energy That Doesn't Belong To Me

By My Divine Right From Source Back To Source For Clearing & Cleansing & Vibrational Healing Before It Returns To Whom It Belongs".

"I Accept All Of My Clean, Cleared, Grounded, Healed, Repaired Energy

That Is A Frequency Match To Mine, My Highest Self & My Highest Timeline

In Through My Heart & Higher Heart Centre"

"I Set The Intention That This Energy I've Now Brought Back Into My Aura Goes Into Every Single Cell In My Body.

"All The Way Down To My Feet,

All The Way Up My Head Through My Sushumna Up To My Crown Chakra,

Spilling Out Into My Arms, My Fingertips, Pumping Into My Heart;

Filling Out Every Single Cell In My Organ".

Watching & Feeling The Energy Come All The Way Back To You.

If You Cant See Visually This Energy Through Your Third Eye Thats Okay,

Energy Work Is All About Intention

Once Their Energy Is Back To Them & Your Energy Is Back To You,

If There Is Any Other Big Cords Still Connecting You To Them;

See Or Set The Intention That There Is A Blue Explosion Of Light Coming Down

To The Centre Of The Cord.

Blow It Up.

State Out Loud.

"All Connections Are Now Gone"

"All Energy That Does Not Belong To Me Has Left My Energy Field,

All Cords Have Been Blown Up &

All Of My Beautiful Golden Energy That Is Mine By My Divine Right From Source

Is Here Within Me Now"

& So It Is.


If Your Ex Or Past Partner Calls You Or Messages You It Is Because They No Longer Have Your Energy With Them.

Be Smart.

Think About What You Want.

As The Cycle Is Open For Repetition Or Have You Learned The Lesson?

Ready For The New Chapter.

Rewrite Your Story As We All Have The Power To Choose What’s Written For What We Can Control.


The More You Do This Energy Retreieval

The Easier & Faster You'll Be Able To Do This Energy Retrieval Practice.

Transmute Energy From Your Physical Vessel

With Crystals Through Vibrational Healing

Amplify With Sound. Times.

Using Golden Healers Quartz,

Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz.

Quartz Crystals Are Natural Healers And They Can Transmute The Energy Into Higher Vibrational Energies. You Can Transmute Energy With The Power Of The Spoken Word Through Conviction & Certainty In Your Tone, Knowing That You Have Transmuted The Energy Will Determine The Power Of The Transmutation Of Energy.

You Can Also Clear & Drive This Energy Out Of Your Space With Sacred Herbs.

Read The Blog Post;


To Learn More About Clearing Energy & The Transmutation Of Energy

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