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Eclipse Season

Updated: 4 days ago

Read The Exclusive Email Below ⬇️

This Email Was Supposed To Include These Informational Slides, It Didn’t Send The Original Email That I Created So Here Is The Information That I Meant To Provide Within That Email.

To Assist You All With Your Moon Phase Energy Charge Up Accessible With These Lunar Phases & Eclipses That Are Presenting Themselves


These Slides Will Be In My Moonology Book That I’m Creating. A Journal. To Provide Both Women & Men With The Information Connected To Each Moon Phase.

A Guide To Teach You About These Energies While Also Being Able To Harmonize With This Energy In Your Daily Life & Reflect Upon It In Your Journey Through This Human Experience.

Moonology Collections Will Be Coming Soon

Until Than, Enjoy The Journey & Exploration


All My Love,


What To Do For The Full Moon | Lunar Eclipse

What To Do For The New Moon | Solar Eclipse

Also Read The Slides Below,

They Contain The Information Connected To The Energy Of These Eclipse Energies Which We All Have Access To When We Focus Our Attention Inward.

For Full Guidance With Moonology Containing All Of The Moon Phases & The Energies Surrounding Each I Recommend The Guidebook Now Available In The Form Of An Ebook & Hardcopy With The Option Of A Matching Moonology 101 Journal For Reflection

I Reccomend Scripting; In Your Journal

Follow Natasha Grazianos Podcast

And Methods For This Technique.

I Also Reccomend The 36/9 Method

3x - Affirmations When You Rise

6x - Affirmations Mid Day

9x - Affirmations Before You Rest

Best Results In Theta Brain Wave State ✨

You Can Read More Information About The Eclipse Energies Based On My Experience In The Blog Posts Associated With The Moonology Section On The Courses Page Or Use This Link For All Blog Posts Associated With The Word Eclipse In My Blog

I Highly Recommend Utilizing The Map Of Consciousness Before The Solar Eclipse To Keep Your Energy In A State Above 500 ✨🌀

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Ends September 17th With The Eclipse Shift

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Automatic 10% Off Sitewide

Every Full & New Moon

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50% Off The Crystal Frequency Guides

Discounts End As The Solar Eclipse Energy

October 2nd-3rd

The Solar Eclipse Energy Shifts & The Discount Will End As The Eclipse Energy Comes To A Close | 3 Days After The Eclipse

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Eclipse Szn | Crystal Frequency Guide

EclipseSzn | Crystal Frequency Bonus Guide

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Ends October 6th

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