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Divine Numbers

Updated: Aug 8

Higher Education Kxo Podcast

More In Depth Information Below

Every Number Emits Its Own Frequency.

They Say That Numbers Carry Their Own Soul.

Every Number In Creation Is Part Of A Sacred Geometric Sequence;

In Which Another Aspect In Divine Power Becomes Expressed Into The World.

Every Number Emits A Vibratory Resonance.

Each Number Vibrates On A Frequency That We Can Feel Around Us & Embody Within Us.

When You See These Divine Numbers In Specific Sequences That Become Familiar To You,

Make Sure To Reflect On Them.

Make Note Of What Was Happening During That Time.

Make Note Of Your Thoughts During That Time.

They Are Showing You The Messages Connected To Your Divine Path.

Your Spirit Guides & Soul Family Are Sharing Messages With You Through Signs & Symbols.

Its Important To Reflect On What You Were Thinking About,

Talking About, The Environment, FeelingsWithin;

In The Moment Of Seeing These Numbers.

The Information Is Encoded Within Them, Its Up To Us To Decode The Message.

The Power Of 1

Follow Your Intuition.

Connected To Your Gut Feelings.

Your Inner Knowing.

The Power Of 2

Feminine & Masculine. Positive & Negative. Light & Dark.

Yin & Yang ;The Good That Comes With The Bad.

This Follows The Law Of Polarity.

The Power Of 3 - The Law Of 3

The Trifecta

Triple Goddess Energy

Forward. Reverse. Neutral.

Feminine. Masculine. Unity.

Mother. Maiden. Crone.

Father. Son. Holy Spirit.

Past Present Future

Formative Years. Productive Years. Harvest Years.

Self Discovery. Stabilization. Specialization.

Each Number Emits Its Own Energy, Meaning & Purpose.

Numbers Are Symbols.

One Of The Many Ways That The Divine Uses To Connect With Us.

Each Numbers Carries Its Own Divine Message.

Just Like An Itchy Hand Means Money Is Coming.

First You Have To Become Aware Of The Signs & Symbols.

Than You Can Determine Their Message & What Its Trying To Tell You.

Here Are Some Of The Meanings Of The Divine Numbers Based On My Experience With Numbers & Numerology; Calculating The Souls Path & Purpose Based On Unique Numbers.

Learn More About Numerology & The Number Meanings On The Blog;

You Can Book A Service Or Numerology Breakdown Package Or Learn How To Do It Yourself.

The Numerology 101 Course - I Created A Simplified Step By Step Breakdown Of Each Number Where You Can Learn How To Calculate Your Soul Contracts Yourself.


1 - Independence. Pioneering. New Beginnings.

2- Peace. Cooperation. Divine Feminine Energy.

3 - Creativity. Self Expression.

4 - Dedication. Hard Work. Organization, Stability.

5 - Freedom. Adventure.

6 - Domestic Responsibility. Love. Family.

7 - Truth Seeking. Intellect. Learning. Philosophy.

8 - Sacred Union. Yin & Yang. The Merge Of Duality Into Unity & Creation.

9 - Compassion. The Power Of All Of The Numbers Before It. Completion.

11 - Leadership. Manifestation.

22 - Harmony. Divine Alignment.

33 - Connection. Self Expression. Creation.

44 - Dedication - Stability. Hope.

55 - Adventure. Movement. Change.

66 - Divine Love Frequency. Soul Family.

77 - Purpose. Good Luck.

88 - Karmic Justice. Finance. Business. Career.

99 - Compassionate Service. Completion.

00 - Freedom Of Limitations

28 - Wealth. Money. FinancialGain. Collaboration.

111 - Manifestation. Abundance. Prosperity. Angels.

222 - Divine Alignment. Divine Balance & Harmony.

333 - Mother. Maiden. Crone. The Power Of 3 Is With You. Anything Is Possible.

444 - Divine Protection (Amplified)

555 - Transformation - Change. Travel. Adventure.

666 - The Balance Being Restored. Check Your Ego.

777 - Luck Is On Your Side. Understand That Everything Is A Lesson.

888 - Financial Abundance.

999- Endings & Beginnings.

1010 - Everything Is In Divine Order - Working For Your Highest Good.

1111 - Manifestation Is High. Give Gratitude For What You Have & What You Are Manifesting.

1234 - Perfect Alignment.

36/9 - A Hidden Master 33\6. Learn More Within The Numerology Blog Posts & Courses About The Master Numbers. 36|9 Was Also Connected To Nickola Teslas Theories. Learn More About This Number By Doing Your Research. Essentially It Is A Number That Is Connected To The Triangle Another Powerful Symbol In Our World. Which You Can Learn More About

Within The Eye Of Providence Collection.

Listen To The Video Where I Speak About The Triangle.

Read Or Listen On The Blog Post

Podcast | Higher Education Kxo Now Available On Spotify.

Look Further Into The Numbers You Are Seeing. Whether Its On The Clock. A Licence Plate Number Or The Signs On The Street. These Are All Messages When You Are Seeing Them, Especially Synchronistically. Spirit Is Communicating With Us. The Holy Spirit.

God; Divine Source Energy. It Is All Around Us. It Is Omnipresent. It Is On Our Side.

It Is Up To Us To See The Patterns. The Symbols. The Divine Messages & Decode Them.

Over Time You Will Start To Recognize What Spirit Is Trying To Tell You.

When I Leave My House & I See 444, I Automatically Know That I Am Divinely Protected. Or If I See 222 I Know That I Am Divinely Aligned And That My Journey Is Exactly On The Right Path.

There Are Many Different Number Combinations That Mean Different Things That I Have Not Listed Here. As I Too Am Still Learning & Growing Through My Own Journey.

If You Are Consistently Seeing The Same Numbers, Look Into It.

We Are In The Age Of Information.

Information Is Everywhere.

You Just Have To Look And You Shall Find.

Ask & You Shall Receive.

There Are Plenty Of Books You Could Tap Into As well.

You Can Research These Numbers For Free On The Internet.

Follow Accounts On Social Media That Talk About Divine Numbers Or Angel Numbers.


A Book Called :Angel Numbers 101 - Doreen Virtue

Read Oracle - Do A Card Pull;

Numerology - Michelle Buchanan

My Experience With Divine Numbers

111 - High Manifestation Energy.


A High Time For Manifestation As Your Angels Are Close By.

Speak What You Want To Claim. Say It Out Loud Into The Ether. So That The Vibratory Resonance Can Come Back To You Through The Law Of Attraction.

Speaking & Feeling The Emotions In The Present Tense Is Important.

This Is How You Match The Frequency.

Say Things Like;

I Am So Happy And Grateful Now That I ...

Use This Mantra To Manifest During High Vibrational Times.

Remember That Feeling Activates The Intention.

Through Heart & Brain Coherence The Signal Will Be Sent Out Stronger Into The Field.

222 - Divine Alignment

I See 222 When I Am In Perfect Harmony With My Path & My Purpose/ What Is Meant To Be, Is Meant For Me. 2 Represents Cooperation. Peace. Harmony. Alignment.

333 - Triple Goddess Energy

Whenever I See 333; Whatever I Want Is Manifesting & Is On The Way To Me.

The Power Of 3; The Triple Moon Goddess Energy Is Working In My Favour To Make It Happen. Whether It's Something That Is Going To Teach Me A Lesson Or Something That I Am Grateful For The 333 Energy Is Bringing It Into My Field. 333 Brings High Vibrational Energy.

333 Brings Manifestation Into The Field Of Opportunity. I've Noticed That Whatever I Am Thinking, Whatever Situation That I Want To Happen; When I See 333 The Universe Is Assisting Me, To Bring It Into Fruition..

444 - Divine Protection - Amplified

I Am Divinely Protected Through Divine Source Energy. Everything Is Happening In Divine Alignment & I Am High Protected By The Unknown Forces. Guardians.

555- Adventure & Change.

When I See The numbers 555 i Know That There Is An Adventure On The Horizon. Change Of Course Is In Motion. Don't Get Too Comfortable Because There Is A Shift Coming. Whether Its A Change In The Route You Are Taking, It Is All Happening In Divine Alignment For A Higher Purpose.

66 - Divine Love Frequency

Give Love. Spread Love. Live In Love. Surround Yourself With Love Frequency. Know That Love Energy Is Abundant & Radiant. You Can Never Give Too Much Love; The Highest Frequency Of Positivity. Divine Source Energy. A Powerful Force. The Most Powerful Force On The Planet.

666 - Divine Balance

Recognize Materialism & Your Attachment To The Physical Material Of This World.

Bring Yourself Into A Balance

777 - Luck

You Are In An Energy of Divine Luck. Luck Is On Your Side.

Although The Road Might Be Rough During This Time, You Are Where You Are Supposed To Be & You're Angels; Divine Guardians Are Close By.Everything In Life, All Of The Decisions We Make Are To Teach Us. Whether They Are A Lesson Or A Blessing. It Is All Evolution For The Soul.

That Is Why We Are Here. To Evolve Our Souls.


Financial Abundance. Karmic Justice.

The Universe Is Working In Your Favour. The Energy Of Abundance Is Here. Not Just Financial Abundance But Abundance In Every Area Of Your Life. Financial Gain Is Here. Karmic Justice; Whatever You Have Been Putting Out Into The Universe Is Coming Back Like A Mirror, Always! You Will Reap The Rewards Of All Of The Hard Work That You Have Put Out Into The Universe. When You See 888 This Is A Sign From The Angels; Your Guardians, Soul Family That The Abundance & Rewards Are Here To Be Harvested. Accept & Receive The Abundance With Open Arms.



Hold Your Focus

Make The Changes Necessary

You Are Supported.

Summon The Power Within & From Your Higher Self To Achieve & Accomplish Your Goal.


The Karmic Debt Number 19/1 Comes Into Play.

Where You Need To Release Control.

Take Others Opinions. Feelings. Points Of View Into Consideration.

You Can Still Share Your Opinion & Your Outlook But Work With Others

As The Leader That You Are Aiming To Be & Show Up As.


The Completion Of One Cycle & The Start Of Something New.

The Changes Are Inevitable & The Universe Is Pushing Out The Old To Bring In The New.

This Completion Is Necessary For Growth.

Keep Moving Forward In Confidence That Is Is All For Your Highest Good.

Friday The 13th & The Number 13

Friday Is Connected To The Planet Venus; The Planet Of Beauty & Love.

A Time To Connect To The Part Of You That Feels Beautiful, To Do The Things That Make You Feel Beautiful. To Connect To What Makes You Feel & Embody The Consciousness Of Love.

As Love Is Not Only A Feeling But A Consciousness.

The Number 13th Represents The Divine Feminine.

The Number 1 In Numerology Represents Independence. New Beginnings. The Pioneer.

The Number 3 In Numerology Represents Self Expression & Creativity.

Friday The 13th Is A Day That We Have All Been Conditioned To Fear.

But There Is Nothing To Fear. This Is The Day Of The Goddess.

A Day To Embody The Energy Of The 1, 3 & 13.

To Embody The Energy Of The Planet Venus.

Here Is A Message Written By Monica From Bright Souls;

"Before the patriarchy the divine feminine in us all was honoured on every Friday the thirteenth. This is a day where we honour all of creation, birth, death and rebirth. Where we honour the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and our own menstrual cycles. There is 13 moon cycles and 13 woman's menstrual cycles in a year. It is said that we as woman travel through 13 Goddess Archetypes in our lives. These cycles show us the gift of shedding the old, creating new and honouring the cycles each month, each season and each year. This is a time to observe your own cycles. This is a time to nourish the feminine energies within, To honour the beauty that resides within you and all the bountiful beauty outside of you.

Long ago woman when they were bleeding, this was considered to be embodying the magic divine feminine powers. She was regarded by all; for her wisdom, intuition and messages from spirit.

When a woman was ovulating usually on the 13th day of the month if she was in sync with the moon, she was considered to be in the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.

When the patriarchy took power over society they shamed woman for bleeding and ovulating.

They dismissed their power and wisdom. It was shamed to have and hold new life.

This is where the myth of Friday 13th began to be told as bad luck or an unlucky day.

This day is not just for woman it is for us all, we all embody the divine feminine energy within us. Take some time today to connect to your emotions, and sensitivities and give thanks to the divine creation in all of us."

A Reminder To Embrace The Energy Of Friday The 13th The Next Time It Comes Around.

The Number 13 Is Everywhere In The 3D Reality Matrix We Are All Apart Of.

It Is A Power Number.

Here Are Some 13 Synchronicities In Numerology That Is Used In The Mainstream



Numbers In My Life.

51. 151. 155. 551. 555. 55.

111. 11.11. 1.

222. 22.

33. 333.

44. 444.


77. 777.

88. 888.

999. 99.

2024 - 8 Universal Year.

Jamaica - 991. 999. 88. 55. 33. 77. 66. 44. 444.


On The Way To Shifting My Whole Day - 5 Energy

From Going To The Beach Party With A Friend I Met In Jamaica To Spending The Day Road Tripping Across Jamaica From Spanish Town, To Ochos Rios & Everything In Between

To See The Falls. The Ocean. The Views & The Land Of Jamaica.

Shortly After Heading Out,

I See The Numbers 44.444.77.

Mr Charles & I Were Driving And We Stopped At The Side Of The Road To Figure Things Out.

Which Caused Us To Be Ahead Of The Accident That Was About To Occur

Saving Us From Being In The Spot Where The Car Ended Up Landing.

Right Before This Experience Occurred I Saw The Numbers 44.

A Sign That I Am Protected By The Divine.

Than I See 444.

Meaning Amplified Divine Protection From The Ancestors. Spirit Guides. Angels.

I Was Not Expecting To See Life Flash Before My Eyes.

Were Driving. Charles On The Left. Me On The Right In The Passenger Seat.

I Am Taking In The Scenery. I See A Car, Driving Off The Road On The Right Side Of Me. As The Driving Is Opposite Here In Jamaica From Canada. This On Coming Traffic Car Drives Into The Ditch, Up Out Of The Ditch On coming To My Side Of The Car, Swerves Away From Us.The Car Takes Flight & Falls Down Crashes Into The Ground Upside Down Right Beside A House On The Right Of Us, Directly Behind Us. I Look Back & See This Man That Was Driving The Car Gets Out Of The Car Through The Window & Starts Walking Like Nothing Happened.

Scariest Thing To Witness.

My Chest Felt Tight & Uneasy In The Moments After.

Very Glad That My Ancestors, Spirit Guides & Angels Were Shielding Us During That Time

As The Proximity To What Looked Like I Was In The Scene Of A Movie

Was Too Close For Comfort.

Very Happy That I Have Been Practicing The Ability To Read The Signs.

The Numbers. The Messages From The Divine Showing Themselves.

They Show Themselves In Much More Than Just Numbers.

Join As A Member & Feel Free To Comment Your Number Experiences.


I Continued To See 77 After Which Is A Message From The Divine Saying That You Are Lucky.

Divinely Blessed.

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