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Conscious Consumption

Updated: 3 days ago

I'm Going To Get Into This Chart Based On My Experience With Consumption

In Connection To Energy In The Blog Post Titled; Conscious Consumption Part 2


You Become What You Eat.

You Become What You Read.

You Become What You Listen To.

You Become What You Watch.

You Become What You Think.

You Become What You Speak.

Choose Wisely.

Word Of Advice;

Do Your Research

Before Taking Offence To Anything That Triggers You In This Post.

Note: If It Triggers You It Was Meant For You. A Trigger Is An Opportunity For Growth, For You To Expand Your Consciousness.

Conscious Consumption Is Consuming With Awareness. Intention & Purpose.

I Changed My Whole Life Through Conscious Consumption.

Through Higher Conscious Awareness Provided To Me Directly From God Source.

With The Activation Of My 3rd Eye & Crown Chakras;

Gift 61 - The Gift Of Inner Knowing,

The Uploads/Downloads Of Information Flooded In To Help Me, To Change My Health.

I Was Able To Determine & Heal Within Me, What The Doctors Couldn't.

I Was Suffering From Illness Until I Had My Awakening.

Where I Was Able To Awaken & Activate Information Which Provided Me All I Needed To Shift My Paradigm. Change My Circumstances From Constant Unknown Sickness To Full Health.

When You Realize That What You Put In,

You Get Back In Every Aspect Of Your Life

You Will Not Just Consume Anything.

This Is Where Conscious Consumption Comes Into Play.

Consumption Is Everything That We Consume.

What We Eat.

What We Drink.

A Must Read |

Tap Into The Frequency Of The Water Element

What We Watch.

What We Read.

What & Who We Listen To.

To Be Conscious, Is To Be Clear.

To Be Aware. To Know The Depths Of What You Are Dealing With.

To Understand.

To Innerstand.

When You Tap Into Higher Consciousness Through Your Higher Chakras - The Third Eye, The Crown, Your Soul Star & Oversoul,

Your Abilities For Higher Knowledge,

Your Inner Knowing Will Awaken Within You.

When Your Third Eye Is Open You Will Be Able To See Beyond The Veil Of The 3rd Dimensional "Matrix" That Is Set Out For Us To Follow.

Unconscious Incompetence : When You Are Unaware.

(Most People - Following The System Provided)

When You Don't Know Any Better.

Like A Child.

Unconscious Competence :

When You Are Subconsciously Aware & Preforming Practice.

(Ex. A Child That Subconsciously Knows That An Egg Is Not Food As It Is Apart Of

The Reproduction System Of An Animal Producing An Ovulation Creating New Life)

Unconsciously Recognizing That An Egg Is A Bunch Of Hormones.

Knowing That It Is Not Food & Should Not To Be Used For Human Consumption.

I Was One Of These Kids That Just Knew; 

For More Information On The Topic Of Egg Consumption.

If You Consume Eggs You May Want To Have A Look At What You're Actually Consuming.

When I Know Better, I Do Better.

Through Gift 61 ; The Gift Of Inner Knowing,

There Are Things That I Just Know, Without Even Knowing How I Know.

This Is One Of My "Superpowers".

My Gut Leads The Way.

Its A Part Of My Human Design Chart,

Which Has Decoded This Information For Me When It Comes Down To The Science.

The Explainable.

Since Working So Closely With The Universal Elements,

I Have Started To Tap Into My Clair Senses;

The Senses That Are Beyond The 5 Main Senses.

Based On My Human Design Chart It States That I Have A Heightened Sense Of Smell;

Known As The Clair Senses; Clairalience.

Which Makes A lot Of Sense For Me As I Have Walked Into Restaurants & Walked Right Out

Due To This Heightened Sense.

Eating | Consumption Is Something That Most Of Us Connect To Pleasure,

When It Is Actually A Form Of Fuel For Our Energy Centers,

Providing Us With A Higher Frequency Life Force.

This Is Why I Now Eat Based On Energy.

I Eat To Fuel My Chakras; The Energy Centers Connected To Our Physical Vessels

Which Reside In The Subtle Body; The Emotional Layer Of The Auric Field.

Learn More About This In The Blog Post The Auric Field.

I’ve Been Able To Tap Into All 6 Clair Senses Since Working So Closely With Sacred Wisdom, Developing My Knowledge & Applying This Knowledge In My Everyday Life.

As I Continue Personal Self Discovery & Development On The Path To Self Mastery.

Learn About The Clair Senses

I Choose What I Consume, Even Where I Consume

Based On These Heightened Senses.

Learn About The Gifts That You Have Within Your Human Design.

Use The App My Human Design & Human Design

There Is A Whole School On This Topic. Do Some Research And Find Out Your Human Design

So That You Can Really Tap Into Who You Are Beyond What You Have Learned Thus Far On

Your Journey In This Lifetime.

Conscious Incompetence: When You Are Aware, But You're Not Following Suit.

(Example; Knowing That Animals & Their Reproduction Causes Disease, Hormonal Imbalance, Not Only On A Physical Level But On An Energetic Level.

Mentally & Emotionally The Energy That You Put Into Your Field Is What You Will Get Back.

Through The Mental & Emotional Bodies.

Learn About Your Energy Body & The Different Layers Of Your Auric Field.

Conscious Competence: When You Are Consciously Aware & Are Practicing;

Following Suit To Your Knowledge.

When You Are Consuming Dead Frequency - Things That Have Been Killed. Tortured. Lonely. Etc.

That Energy Lingers On & When You Consume This; You Take On That Energy In Your Field.

Some People Will Notice It More Than Others.

It Depends On Your Level Of Consciousness And How Connected You Are To Your Energy.

I Have Become Extremely Sensitive To Energy So I Feel It All.

Its Important To Be Conscious Of This So That You Can Control Your Energy,

As We Choose Our Frequency By What We Put Into Our Fields Through Our Will Power.

Learn More About This Map In The Blog Post Titled; The Map Of Consciousness

We Are All Human So We Go Through The Motions & Its Okay To Feel Your Emotions

Even If They Are Low; It's Important To Know Why You Feel This Way So That You Can Break Free. To Recognize Your State Of Consciousness & Than Transcend It.

It Is Also Important To Understand That Your Emotions Do Not Define You.

The Emotional Body Is Just As Much Real As The Physical Body And There Is Reason For Feeling Specific Emotions, Its Just A Matter Of Recognizing Where The Emotions Stem From.

Its Important To Process Your Emotions, To Respond Instead Of React As This Is In Our Control.

Understanding That We Can Not Control The Things That Happen To Us,

But Knowing That Everything Happens For Us, For Our Growth & For Our Evolution

At A Soul Conscious Level.

Its Important To See The Duality.

To Than Release The Feelings In The Lower Vibrational States Of Consciousness,

And Move Forward Stronger & Wiser.

The Changes That Need To Be Made Can Only Be Made Through Being Conscious.

If You Are Feeling These Lower Vibrational States Of Conscious, You Need To Get To The Root.

Most Times It's The Energy That Is Being Consumed, So Keep That In Mind.

Whether This consumption is Through Our Mouth, Ears, Eyes.

The Consumption Is What Shifts Our State Of Consciousness

If You Don't Have The Strong Enough Sense Of Willpower To Control It.

Learn bout Your Chakras, In Specific;\The Solar Plexus Chakra.

This Energy Centre Is The Base Of Our Willpower.


Understand The Lesson.

Make The Changes

Break Free From The Cycle.

If It Is Because You're Watching Low Vibration News & You're Matching Frequency,

It Is Important To Turn Your Fear Into Faith. Transmuting Your Hatred Into Love.

If It Is Due To Listening To Low Vibration Music; As Some Artists Are Just Expressing Their Pain

& Their Lives Than You Need To Listen To Some Higher Vibrational Music.

The Music Industry Is Filled With Dark Entities & Low Vibration.

Not All, But Most.

If It's Because Of The Energy You're Taking On;

By What You Are Putting In & On Your Physical Vessel.

The Animals Carry So Much Energy In Their Flesh & Their Fluids.

Not Only Does It Carry Their Anger, Their Pain, The Health Of The Animal.

When Eaten Your Physical, Emotional, Mental, Astral Bodies Now Have To Digest This Energy.

It's Important To Recognize This.

This Is Consciousness.

Most People Tend To Match Frequency,

I've Experienced This Many Times & I Practice Conscious Consumption Daily.

Amazonite Crystals ; The Stone Of Authenticity

Wearing & Activating Amazonite In My Field Has Helped Me To Hold My Frequency,

So That I'm Not Matching The Frequency Of Those That Come Into My Presence.

Recognizing That Crystals Help As They Amplify The Energy That Is Already Within Us &

Attract The Energies That They Are An Energetic Match To.

Learn More About Crystals & Working With Their Energy In My Course

Crystal Frequency Energy Guide Available With Higher Education Kxo.

We Choose Our Energy Through

Our Higher Faculty;

The Will.

Our Will Power Is Again Held Within Our Solar Plexus Chakra

Learn More About This Energy Centre

It Is Important To Keep Your Energy In The Higher Vibrational States

For Your Own Well Being & The Wellbeing Of Others

Lower Vibrational Entities Can NOT Match The Frequency Of The Higher States.

Therefore They Cannot Penetrate A Higher Vibrational Being.

It Is Important To Keep Your Energy In The Higher States During This Spiritual Warfare That Most Don't Even Realize Is Happening.

Self Expression Through Our Heart, Higher Heart & Throat Chakras

Is How Others Digest What We Are Providing To The World.

Thus Energy Is Magnified Through The Quantum Field.

It's What We Say, How We Say it, What We Wear, How We Show Ourselves To The World.

Its Also How We Digest What Others Are Saying, What They Are Expressing.

It Is Important To Consciously Express In The Higher States Of Consciousness;

With Clarity. Clear Communication.

The Throat Chakra Is Where We Express From.

The Solar Plexus Chakra Will Bring Our Will & Confidence Into Our Expression.

Using Your Crown, Third Eye & Throat Chakras; Working In Synchronicity, Will Bring Higher Information Into The Field, Where You Are Speaking From Your Higher Self .

Through The Heart & Thymus Chakras You Will Express From The Heart.

The Information That You Read, Study, Learn & Apply Over The Years,

As You Grow & Develop Yourself;

The Personal Development That You Work On Within Will Translate Through Your Self Expression.

This Determines Your Level Of Communication Through Your Consciousness.

Your Wisdom Is Connected To The Higher Chakras Including The Oversoul Which Carries The Information From Your Past. Present & Future Timelines.

This Is How We Express.

Through Our Emotional, Mental & Physical Layers.

*The Singers Write & Sing And Share Their Expression Through The Music.

Recognize That Everyone Has Their Own Story, Their Own Experiences & Its Important To Only Digest The Information That You Want To Develop Within Your Life.

*When You Digest & The Information That Is Coming From A Source That Doesn't Resonate With You, You Are Putting That Vibrational Frequency Into Your Field & Casting In The Energy From That Source Just By Tuning Into That Frequency.

You Can Also Tap Into Different Frequencies & Information From Your Higher Self

Through Meditation. Sitting In Stillness.

This Information Comes From The Higher Dimensions.

This Is Where The Information From Source; The Divine Source Gateway, From The Galactic &Stellar Gateways; When Star Families Can Communicate With You.

Information From The Oversoul; Past Life Experiences & Knowledge. Your Present Information & Future Timelines Gets Uploaded Into Your Consciousness.

Inner Knowing Starts To Occurs.

Informational Upload/Downloads Directly From Source;

The Divine Source Gateway.

Learn More About The Chakras In The Courses Page

Read The Blog Post Titled;

15+ Chakras - Brief Overview

Than Dive Into Each Blog Post.

I Have Created A Chakra Education | Activation | Balancing Techniques Program

Which Is Now Available With Higher Education Kxo

Where You Will Learn About All Of The Chakras That I Work With Personally,

In My Daily Life & Continue To Develop And Experience.

You will Learn How To Activate | Balance These Energy Centers

In This Course When You Do The Work.

15 Chakras - Brief Overview.

Chakra Education & Techniques Program

Learn In Depth About The Main Chakras Within The Body

Determine Which Chakras Are Open, Overactive, Underactive, In Balance

Learn How To Calm, Activate, Open, Balance Your Chakras Through This Program

Based On My Experience With The Chakras

Chakra Blog Posts; Use The Link Below | Scroll To The Chakra Section

Conscious Consumption - Diet


Intermittent Fasting Not Only Helps The Body To Tap Into Ketosis,

It Helps One To Tap Further Into Higher Levels Of Consciousness.

Through My Experience Anyways.

After 12 Hours Of Fasting Your Body Can Go Into Ketosis;

When Your Body Runs Out Of Glucose & The Fat Stored Starts To Burn.

This Is How I Was Able To Lose 35lbs Without Going To The Gym Once.

Which I Will Go Further Into On The Conscious Consumption : Diet Blog Post

I Was Already Particular With My Diet, Due To Allergies.

To Many On The Outside Looking In, I Didn't Need To Lose Weight.

However; I Myself Was Uncomfortable In My Skin With The Fluff, With The Feeling Of The Weight That Came From Unconsciously Consuming.

I Was Uneducated Before "Awakening' To The Information I Now Know

In Regards To What Is Considered Food In Our Every Day Lives.

Fasting Is Something I Do Daily.

I Don't Break Fast Until I Feel That It Is Necessary To Fuel My Vessel.

Closer To The Afternoon.

How You Break Fast Is Also Key.

Consuming Life Force Energy From Plant Source from The Earth Star Chakra Is The Way To Fuel The Human Body; When You're Looking To Keep Your Youth.

When You Look In The Mirror, You Will See The Results Of What You Ingest By Mouth.

Changing What I Put Into My Vessel Is How I Started Feeling & Looking My Best.

I Started Aging Backwards.

This Is My Transformation.

All Natural No Work, No Help From Anyone But God Through Divine Knowing & Following That Knowing. When You Know What Is Good For Your Body & You Follow That, Apply That Knowledge You Will See The Results Follow.

Aging Backwards Was Not Something I Expected But When I Connect with people From My Past That Remember The Old Version Of Me, They Tell Me Every time That I Look Younger And More Vibrant Than Ever To This Day.

My Physical Body, The Way I Look & Feel Is Completely Different

 Than How I Use To Look And Feel.

The Heaviness Is Gone.

The Lower Vibrational States Of Consciousness Can No Longer Creep In

Through The Food | Beverages That I Used To Consume.

Everything On This Planet Carries & Emits Energy.

Knowing The Energy That Is Emitted,

This Is Where You Can Control What Enters Your Energy Field;

Your Being & Vessel Through Your Mouth, Eyes, Ears, Attention, Focus & Presence.

I Didn't Just Change My Consumption From The Unconscious To Conscious Through My Diet

But I Changed My Consumption In All Areas.

I Changed What I Consume With All Of My Senses.

The People I Listen To, Including The Music.

The Programs; Television. Movies. To Podcasts. Documentaries. Informational Videos.

It's Okay To Watch Your Favorite Show, To Enjoy Your Life.

It's Important To Understand That Everything Has A Purpose,

The things That You give Your Attention To Should Inspire Something For You.

It's Important To Be Mindful & Recognize What We Are Feeding The Mind With.

On A Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Basis.

Making Sure That We Are Feeding The Mind The Right Things;

To Elevate Your Life. Your Circumstances.

Your Consciousness.

The Things We Listen To Is Vibrationally Impeding Our Field.

The Lyrics We Sing Is Vibrationally Being Brought Into Our Life

Whether We Know it Or Not.

The Vibrations Hit Our Auric Field;

Emotionally, Mentally & Physically; Through Our Emotional, Mental & Physical Layers

Of The Human Body, Spoken About In The Blog Post Titled; The Auric Field.

It Is Very Important That We Are Consciously Aware Of What We Are Watching And Listening

To As Our Minds & Our Auric Field Is Digesting It & Matching Us To That Frequency.

When I Became Consciously Aware I Started To Listen To Things That Would

Actually Teach Me Something.

That Would Benefit My Life,

My Spiritual Practice & The Lives Of Others.

I Know Live A Life Filled With Purpose.

I Consume Consciously With Intention Always.

I Gear My Actions Towards The Things That Spark Joy & Passion Within Me.

The Things That I Love, That I Know Will Benefit Me & Others.

I Choose To Be A Co Creator In This World.

To Focus My Energy On Design & Education.

To Design High Vibrational Pieces Of Art Using Universal Energies;

Crystals, Gemstones, Minerals. Sound Frequencies, Sacred Postures, The Spectrum Of Light, Etc.

To Amplify The Beautiful Energy Within Us & Surrounding Us In All Of Creation.

I Choose To Teach People About My Designs And About The Many Tools That We Have Access To,

Helping Us To Self Discover, Develop & Attain Mastery

In The Higher States Of Consciousness.

Your Interests & Gifts Will Be Different From Mine.

It's Important That Everyone Taps Into Their Gifts & Their Abilities.

Their Strengths. Working On Their Weaknesses To Bring An Impact Into Your Life First So That You Can Help The Collective Through Your Experience.

I Suggest Going Through My Blog Post Spiritual Journeying For A Map To Self Discovery.

For Self Development I Suggest Going Deeper In Each Of The Subjects

I Speak Upon In The Blog Post Above.

To Start Your Discovery & Development Within The Self.

As You Continue To Develop You Will Eventually Reach Mastery.

If You Stay On The Path & Put In The Work For Yourself.

I'm Considered A Healer, By Divine Right As A Master #33|6 Lifepath

This Energy Within Has Helped Me To Bring Healing To Thyself & Others Through My Work.

You Can Read Some Of The Experiences With Gemjewellerykxo

Through Our Feedback Posts, Which Showcase The Crystal Frequency Healing

That I Have Amplified Through My Sacred Creative Practice.

Feedback Post

My Creative Process

The Type Of Healer That I Prefer To Be Is One That Brings Healing Through My Designs.

Putting My Energy Into My Crystal Frequency Artwork.

Which You Can Learn More In The Blog Post Above How I Create & Design Through

Sacred Practice, Providing Reiki Healing Through All Of My Art | Creative Designs.

I Also Choose To Helps Others With Their Healing Journey Through My Experience,

Where I Am Able To Provide A Path For Others

To Heal Themselves Through Their Own Journey & Self Healing Work,

This Comes From Sacred Knowledge & The Application Of This Sacred Knowledge.

It Is My Duty To Share My Experiences

Through The Energy Of Chiron, The Planet | Asteroid That Rules My True Sun Sign Ophiuchus.

To Bring Healing To The People That Align With My Presence,

Through The Power Of My Spoken Word, Which Has Now Been Written

In What I've Been Providing In These Blog Posts Through Higher Education Kxo

For All To Benefit From.

The Sacred Knowledge, Which Has Now Become Wisdom Through Experience

Is Where The Journey Begins.

Application Of This Knowledge, Consistency Is Where Your Journey Will Shift.

Start Now.

21 Days Is All You Need To Condition Yourself,

To Creating The Habitual Patterning To Shifting Your Paradigm.

The Habit Will Become Your Lifestyle, When You've Done It For 90 Days.

This Is Scientifically Proven In Study For Absolutely Every New Task You Implement.

Being Conscious Of All Of This Information Is Important

To Raise The Vibration Of The Collective Consciousness.

When You Look At Your Life You Will See The Results Of What You Put In Through Your Actions.

You Will Also See What Comes To You From A Higher Power Just By Where You Place Your Energy. Where Your Thoughts , Words & Actions Are. What You Manifest In.

The Law Of Attraction Is One Of The Many Laws

That We Are Governed By.

This Law States That The Energy That You Give Out Is What You Receive Back.

Just Like The Words You Speak, You Cast Out Into The Ether; Into The Quantum Field, The Field Of Pure Potentiality. You Receive Back Into Your Field What You Have Cast Out

Through The Ethereal Realm.

Read The Blog Post Below;

To Learn More About The Power Of Your Spoken Word.

I Also Suggest Reading The Four Agreements & Following This Toltec Wisdom.

By Don Miguel Ruiz - One Of The Last Toltecs On Earth.

Here Is A Book Report I Wrote On One Of The Books That Shifted My Consciousness

Read The Book The 4 Agreements More Than Once.

Listen To The Audios, Until You Can Recite It & Share This Information

As You Will See How Important It Is.

A Wise Man Once Said; Information Isn't Just Supposed To Go To You,

It Is Supposed To Go Through You.

This Toltec Wisdom Has Protected Me & My Energy Many Times

From Spells That Have Been Cast Upon Me From People Close To Me;

By Some That Don't Even Realize The Power Of Their Words.

When You Accept The Projections The Spell Is Cast,

When You Deflect The Projections It Get Cast Back.

More To Come On Conscious Consumption Soon.

Diet Edition.

Watch This Podcast Episode To Help You Understand | Innerstand Conscious Consumption With High Lvl Conversations With 18 Keys & Nuri M.

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